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Sep 13, 2002

Lol gdi


Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

our energies are synchronized this game mr beet :hmmyes:

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

wologar posted:

But not Hal??

come on now I am always down to kill Hal

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

wologar posted:

Sandwolf is probably a scum masonizer and Zoya a scum PGO or sth.


Jan 28, 2008

my shit posts don't die, they multiply

Zoya posted:

i don't feel like waiting for hal to check in, sorry hal, but i would like to thank you all for officially participating in my experiment!

claims can be masoned:
  • hum
  • punk
  • sandwolf
  • maerlyn
  • idle amalgam

claims cannot be masoned:
  • cube

does not claim a masonizable state:
  • keats
  • wolo
  • cckeane
  • fool of sound
  • hambeet

has not posted, might not know he's in this game:
  • hal

with the conditions i listed, i don't think scum would risk speaking up to claim they can be masoned by me, unless they simply planned to kill me tonight so i couldn't report back. therefore,

humalong, punkreas, sandwolf, maerlyn, and idle amalgam are town, or at least are not scum.

i am not a masonizer at all! thank you for playing

This is quite the overstate, imo.

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

##vote keanu reaves

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Imo until sandwolf tells me when I have ever started off as a masonry with anyone I'm gonna ##vote sandwolf

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

Tired Moritz posted:

Imo until sandwolf tells me when I have ever started off as a masonry with anyone I'm gonna ##vote sandwolf

huh??? You claim Miller every game, I think you’re referring to the post where I misspoke, but someone else even pointed out I meant Miller

This feels disingenuous imo

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

Zoya posted:

i put the list in my confessional in quote blocks and discord completely ate tmor somehow

formating was:


and it just... removed tmor and started the list at hum, somehow, despite *not* doing that in the other categories

very strange!

...wait goddamnit it removed shwinne too, shwinne's in the third category, fucks sake it's amateur hour over here!!!!

fixes edited into the quote below:

Discord's markdown command (```) looks for anything immediately following those symbols to identify if there's a designated programming language. Type ```csharp and behold, the csharp will change colors! If it doesn't recognize the phrase placed there it grays it out. This has no bearing on the game but I figured I would explain since it's something I know about.

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

I'm not interested in solving the TMor paradox for day 1. I think something more appealing will reveal itself before deadline.

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

Mr. Humalong posted:

Discord's markdown command (```) looks for anything immediately following those symbols to identify if there's a designated programming language. Type ```csharp and behold, the csharp will change colors! If it doesn't recognize the phrase placed there it grays it out. This has no bearing on the game but I figured I would explain since it's something I know about.


that's .... actually very useful to know, i wasn't aware it had language syntax built in, and explains neatly why it ate tmor and shwinne

Mr. Humalong posted:

I'm not interested in solving the TMor paradox for day 1. I think something more appealing will reveal itself before deadline.


today i will only be voting from amongst:
  • cube
  • shwinne
  • keats
  • wolo
  • cckeane
  • fool of sound
  • hambeet
  • hal

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

Zoya posted:


that's .... actually very useful to know, i wasn't aware it had language syntax built in, and explains neatly why it ate tmor and shwinne


today i will only be voting from amongst:
  • cube
  • shwinne
  • keats
  • wolo
  • cckeane
  • fool of sound
  • hambeet
  • hal

if u know anyone looking for a junior software developer tell them I desperately need a job, thanks in advance

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Zoya posted:


that's .... actually very useful to know, i wasn't aware it had language syntax built in, and explains neatly why it ate tmor and shwinne


today i will only be voting from amongst:
  • cube
  • shwinne
  • keats
  • wolo
  • cckeane
  • fool of sound
  • hambeet
  • hal

What do I have to do to get off this list

Jan 28, 2008

my shit posts don't die, they multiply

Hal Insandenza posted:

What do I have to do to get off this list

Why do you care?

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

hambeet posted:

what you thinking fos?

I'm thinking that TM is wildly outside of their normal day 1 character, and the ambiguous mason-or-not-mason claim feels calculated, a way to deal with zoya's gambit without overcommitting. I'm pretty happy with a mortiz vote atm but I don't want to rush things just yet.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Sandwolf posted:

huh??? You claim Miller every game, I think you’re referring to the post where I misspoke, but someone else even pointed out I meant Miller

This feels disingenuous imo

Wait are you sure? I've been in like, 4 games with moritz recently and I remember zero miller claims??

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

CCKeane posted:

Why do you care?

I’m not really sure but I guess I just don’t like being on lists

Feb 11, 2014

I'd vote any of Moritz, Sand and Hal.

Oh, and Keane, since I'm already voting him.

Jul 11, 2002

Sandwolf posted:

huh??? You claim Miller every game, I think you’re referring to the post where I misspoke, but someone else even pointed out I meant Miller

This feels disingenuous imo

This is a legitimate misunderstanding in my view. By scum Moritz

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

Hal Insandenza posted:

What do I have to do to get off this list

you can't, and it's my fault, cuz i was impatient to reveal my gambit before people spiraled out of control making setup spec assumptions based off of my role lie and didn't wait for you to check in


Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Tired Moritz posted:

please stop implying you guys have never been called a manlet before.... im being bullied by the tall goons again....

So you're a small masonry? I don't get it

May 13, 2013

*chews on head*
Lipstick Apathy
Maybe he's in a pied-à-terrery?

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
Lmao zoya got probed

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
For all I can remember, I claimed miller in pride mafia because I was one.

Sandwolf, if you're gonna keep lying about me lying about being a miller, find a game.

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)

shwinnebego posted:

This is a legitimate misunderstanding in my view. By scum Moritz

Wtf are you talking about

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Sandwolf is obviously lying. I literally played in nearly every mafia game this year and I don't lie claim as a miller. Are you talking about Cube???

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
Anyway ##Unvote because it was based on Zoya's ruse.

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Tired Moritz posted:

Sandwolf is obviously lying. I literally played in nearly every mafia game this year and I don't lie claim as a miller. Are you talking about Cube???

Yeah I lied about being a Miller in another game.

TMor "case" is really weird.

Going to opportunistically
##vote Zoya
while they can't defend themself.

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
Too scummy to be scum.

##Vote Cube

Jan 28, 2008

my shit posts don't die, they multiply

Hal Insandenza posted:

I’m not really sure but I guess I just don’t like being on lists


CCKeane's Friend List:
Joey Votto (in imagination land)
Mr. Singh who lets me hang out in the store and ask about when he's getting new candy
Hal Insandenza
Lucas the Kitty Cat

Sep 13, 2002

Hal Insandenza posted:

I’m not really sure but I guess I just don’t like being on lists

here's my list of people who don't like lists:
  • Hal Insandenza

Sep 13, 2002

quoting for new page

May 13, 2013

*chews on head*
Lipstick Apathy
Alfsolutely not

##vote hambeet

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

hambeet posted:

here's my list of people who don't like lists:
  • Hal Insandenza

I'd rather be unique so that is fine

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

Johnny Keats posted:

Lmao zoya got probed
...for a post made a full week ago, which feels incredibly unsporting

Punkreas posted:

Alfsolutely not

##vote hambeet

Idle Amalgam
Mar 7, 2008

said I'm never lackin'
always pistol packin'
with them automatics
we gon' send 'em to Heaven

Lol this is cursed

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Tired Moritz posted:

omg Zoya is the one smart and cool with the hip kids slang in this game.

I am an old, I learned about cap/no cap last year....this new slang terrifies and confuses me

shwinnebego posted:

i have covid and it is making me unusually grumpy and argumentative, probably a better headspace for forums mafia than i've been in for a while

##vote moritz u gotta get killd

I like weirdly aggressive shwinn (although not the sick part, hope you feel better soon)

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Idle Amalgam posted:

Lol this is cursed

No joke. ##vote hambeet

Jul 11, 2002

Tired Moritz posted:

Sandwolf is obviously lying. I literally played in nearly every mafia game this year and I don't lie claim as a miller. Are you talking about Cube???

multiple things true at once imo

1. You are earnestly reporting your memory of how often you have rolled miller and claimed miller (aka, not that often)

2. Your memory of your own past roles is likely correct

3. Sandwolf is earnestly reporting his memory of how often you have rolled miller and claimed miller (in his view, quite often)

4. Sandwolf's memroy of your past roles is likely wrong

5. You are scum


Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Maerlyn posted:

I am an old, I learned about cap/no cap last year....this new slang terrifies and confuses me

I have teenage children who keep me informed of the new slang and also make sure I know I am too old/uncool to use it

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