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Quantum of Phallus
Dec 27, 2010

apophenium posted:

I seen this come up a coupla times now. Are you genuinely mistrustful of Keith Lee aggravating a injury? Are other people doubtful as well? I have no reason to doubt the big fella. Just curious, thanks.

Word from the various insider discords is he caught a series case of wontjobitis


May 6, 2007


apophenium posted:

I seen this come up a coupla times now. Are you genuinely mistrustful of Keith Lee aggravating a injury? Are other people doubtful as well? I have no reason to doubt the big fella. Just curious, thanks.

Well there is the tweet where someone was like "So that's why Keith Lee's booking as been so inconsistent" and he replied "Nope" which just kinda muddies the whole thing

Nov 13, 2004

apophenium posted:

I seen this come up a coupla times now. Are you genuinely mistrustful of Keith Lee aggravating a injury? Are other people doubtful as well? I have no reason to doubt the big fella. Just curious, thanks.

It's funny to imagine Kieth Lee with 1999 Kevin Nash proclivities so I choose to believe it.

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'


also the c2 kicked incredible rear end, is 200% legitimate, and was basically perfectly done IMO

Suplex Liberace
Jan 18, 2012

apophenium posted:

I seen this come up a coupla times now. Are you genuinely mistrustful of Keith Lee aggravating a injury? Are other people doubtful as well? I have no reason to doubt the big fella. Just curious, thanks.

im Old School, to me you have to be missing a limb before you dont lace the boots up.

Prokhor Zakharov
Dec 31, 2008

This is me as I make another great post

Good luck with your depression!
Mad King of the Bums

Jul 26, 2007

is bussin

Captain Foo posted:


also the c2 kicked incredible rear end, is 200% legitimate, and was basically perfectly done IMO

For real.

I liked that the blue league and gold league were booked so differently, too.
Eddie story was told perfectly. It's really probably one of, if not the best, thing AEW has done.

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts
nigel tearing into King of the Clams was loving hilarious lol

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Captain Foo posted:

also the c2 kicked incredible rear end, is 200% legitimate, and was basically perfectly done IMO

Majinfoose posted:

For real.

I liked that the blue league and gold league were booked so differently, too.
Eddie story was told perfectly. It's really probably one of, if not the best, thing AEW has done.

the c2 was just loving awesome

'and we get to do it all again next year'

Jan 13, 2004

ChrisBTY posted:

I want Roddy to start screaming that Cole wore a mask but MJF is still the REAL Devil.

Anyway: Eddie belted up. Joe belted up. Life is mostly good.

Year of the big bois

Ziggy Tzardust
Apr 7, 2006

Jiro posted:

Year of the big bois

Hell yeah

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'


Mar 29, 2012

this glorious monument

I'm down. I love Jeff Cobb almost as much as I love Matanza Cuerto.

Aug 11, 2004


Jeff Cobb, Samoa Joe, Keith Lee all tossing Adam Cole around while MJF stands in the center and cries.

Quantum of Phallus
Dec 27, 2010

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

Swerve who

I only know MEAT now

El Gallinero Gros
Mar 17, 2010

rotinaj posted:

Swerve who

I only know MEAT now

Shawn Stasiak?

Feb 5, 2006

rotinaj posted:

Swerve who

I only know MEAT now

Hey, hey, there's plenty of time between now and Revolution. Joe will definitely need a solid challenger or two to beat to lead up to Swerve taking the title.

Erin M. Fiasco
Mar 21, 2013

Nothing's better than postin' in the morning!

It's wild that Jeff Cobb only makes sporadic appearances but I understand he's happy doing what he's doing. To me he's a guy who should be a staple. But if they can't have him around a lot, good god almighty PLEASE get a Cobb/Joe title match going if just for a one off! I WILL hoot and holler

super macho dude
Aug 9, 2014

I'm HOOTIN' I'm HOLLERIN' Hangman's mustache is ROOTIN TOOTIN

Jul 30, 2005

Feeling fine.

Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.

Stache-man Page

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

super macho dude posted:

I'm HOOTIN' I'm HOLLERIN' Hangman's mustache is ROOTIN TOOTIN

Mar 29, 2012

this glorious monument

Hot Take: MJF was a good champion whose reign lasted too long and burned people out badly. His tendencies towards entertainment didn't help.
Let's not pretend that a bunch of us weren't desperately hoping that BTYBB would last beyond All-in. Or that we weren't hype for the Iron Man match. Or that he didn't carry the 4 pillars storyline.

Also: Takeshita/Darby slapped. Takeshita for International Champion.

ChrisBTY fucked around with this message at 20:16 on Jan 4, 2024

Sep 27, 2001

Yams Fan

ChrisBTY posted:

Hot Take: MJF was a good champion

I'll just stop there for me

Gumball Gumption
Jan 7, 2012

ChrisBTY posted:

Hot Take: MJF was a good champion whose reign lasted too long and burned people out badly. His tendencies towards entertainment didn't help.
Let's not pretend that a bunch of us weren't desperately hoping that BTYBB would last beyond All-in. Or that we weren't hype for the Iron Man match. Or that he didn't carry the 4 pillars storyline.

Also: Takeshita/Darby slapped. Takeshita for International Champion.

My personal hot take is that MJF was a good champ, the story he was telling was a great story, and wrestling is a medium that was really starting to strain under trying to deliver it. It just became too loving much for something that is best when it is "I want your title and to prove I'm the best". Watching Gettysburg at the children's puppet theater.

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

ChrisBTY posted:

Hot Take: MJF was a good champion whose reign lasted too long and burned people out badly. His tendencies towards entertainment didn't help.
Let's not pretend that a bunch of us weren't desperately hoping that BTYBB would last beyond All-in. Or that we weren't hype for the Iron Man match. Or that he didn't carry the 4 pillars storyline.

Also: Takeshita/Darby slapped. Takeshita for International Champion.

I was there when MJF and Cole went against FTR and lost the tag title match last July

I was part of the chant begging them to hug it out

This title reign will be looked on more fondly a few years down the road, especially after MJF gets the belt again. I think the bad execution of the devil angle was just too much.

A Fancy Hat
Nov 18, 2016

Always remember that the former President was dumber than the dumbest person you've ever met by a wide margin

MJF was a great champ who had a pretty much unrivaled streak of amazing PPV matches. The Four Pillars match, the Iron Man match with Danielson, and both of his matches with Cole were all top tier and that Iron Man match is a contender for best Iron Man match ever.

His turn is one of my favorites ever, it all made sense and he didn't suddenly turn into a happy go lucky guy that everyone on the roster loved. There were consequences to him being a shithead for so long, he was still overly arrogant and crude, but he turned from the most hated guy on the roster to the most beloved. People are gonna debate that but those crowd reactions don't lie, people went nuts for him and even the most cynical fan was fully invested at the beginning of his turn.

Cole getting hurt followed by MJF getting hurt made things a little too long in the tooth at the end and MJF REALLY likes dramatic stuff that can come across as hokey on TV, so the Devil stuff kind of got kneecapped at the end. When he comes back he'll knock it out of the park as per usual and people will look back more fondly on this ending.

He also was exactly what AEW needed at the time after the title bounced around so much during the summer and early fall of 2022.

Jul 30, 2005

Feeling fine.
MJF was a great champ right up until he started big timing Jay White of all people and then he became a poo poo champion

Jul 30, 2005

Feeling fine.

Jonny Nox
Apr 26, 2008

Ranking of AEW Title Runs:

1) Omega
2) Mox 1
3) MJF
4) Jericho
5) Hangman
6) Mox 2
7) Mox 3
8) Punk (1+2)

Omega and Mox 1 were magic, MJF and Hangman both had good matches, MJF and Jericho had fun stories, Mox 3 felt like a placeholder the whole time, and the rest were cursed.

edit: in conclusion, Hangman needs to take the title off swerve and have a run without the curse

Jonny Nox fucked around with this message at 21:31 on Jan 4, 2024

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

Jonny Nox posted:

Ranking of AEW Title Runs:

1) Omega
2) Mox 1
3) MJF
4) Jericho
5) Hangman
6) Mox 2
7) Mox 3
8) Punk (1+2)

Omega and Mox 1 were magic, MJF and Hangman both had good matches, MJF and Jericho had fun stories, Mox 3 felt like a placeholder the whole time, and the rest were cursed.

Gonna be funny when we are looking back after a decade of AEW and everyone sees the glaring splotches of CM Punk on the big plat title history and winces

super macho dude
Aug 9, 2014

MJF has banger matches and his World title defenses were great. His tag title defenses and the kangaroo kick nonsense after All In were all garbage though imo

AEW Mecca Opinion to stay on track: At least he had fun

Quantum of Phallus
Dec 27, 2010

rotinaj posted:

Gonna be funny when we are looking back after a decade of AEW

StarkRavingMad posted:

I'll just stop there for me

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Probably an odd-man out here but I really did like Le Champion Jericho. Maybe not so much for the matches but I liked the character and The Inner Circle

Feb 28, 2011

On The Internet posted:

Probably an odd-man out here but I really did like Le Champion Jericho. Maybe not so much for the matches but I liked the character and The Inner Circle

Definitely agree. I thought most of the matches were pretty good though.

Nov 13, 2004

Shard posted:

MJF was a great champ right up until he started big timing Jay White of all people and then he became a poo poo champion

Ziggy Tzardust
Apr 7, 2006

On The Internet posted:

Probably an odd-man out here but I really did like Le Champion Jericho. Maybe not so much for the matches but I liked the character and The Inner Circle

He was the perfect choice for the first champion. Still just about able to perform at the highest level in singles matches and a big enough name to establish a new promotion.

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Ziggy Tzardust posted:

He was the perfect choice for the first champion



Lurks With Wolves
Jan 14, 2013

At least I don't dance with them, right?

Shard posted:

MJF was a great champ right up until he started big timing Jay White of all people and then he became a poo poo champion

Honestly, I wouldn't even say that turned him into a poo poo champion. It was just a few bad segments, and the angle overall was salvaged (despite the payoff show being flawed in its own unique way) because Bullet Club Gold is really good and MJF held up his end of things once he stopped leaning so hard into the Rock Insulting People tone. People imo just clung to the handful of bad moments way too hard, but that's human nature.

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