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Mar 16, 2009

Jonny Nox posted:

Apparently overbooked melodrama is like catnip for me, because when Adam Cole was thinking of throwing in the towel (awesome setup for that btw) and continually feeding Jay White weapons I was absolutely invested in the story.

I’m going to mention Survivor Series ‘98 but for no real reason.

Yeah, like 25% of that match really worked for me and if they'd just skipped the weirdness around the "will he wrestle?" thing I think the match in a vacuum is really good. There were a lot better ways to get to the destination they went to.


Gumball Gumption
Jan 7, 2012

Jonny Nox posted:

Apparently overbooked melodrama is like catnip for me, because when Adam Cole was thinking of throwing in the towel (awesome setup for that btw) and continually feeding Jay White weapons I was absolutely invested in the story.

I’m going to mention Survivor Series ‘98 but for no real reason.

Best part of a good match, still an awful story around it. But the in ring melodrama is something they're all great at

Nov 5, 2008

Der's e'rl in dem der hills!

Ham Wrangler

super macho dude posted:

Hangman losing the deathmatch, the Elite breaking up, none of his friends came out to help him....

Sounds like the Hanger is going through some dark times, perhaps he needs a Father Figure to help show him the way :getin:

Can Gangrel still go though?

Feb 2, 2004

I get this funky high on the yellow sun.

Speaking of

Jonny Nox posted:

overbooked melodrama
just wanted to remind people we continue to get incredibly fun Jeff Jarrett matches and folks . . . ain't he great?

Long-Time Lurker
May 20, 2021

Agreed. The injury angle and having Adam Cole as replacement were dumb as gently caress but the wrestling itself and the in-ring melodrama were so good that they had the crowd eating out of their hand and I, too, can't help but hooted and hollered. It's kinda weird to see how supremely invested the crowd is with every thing MJF does only to then see what the IWC thinks of him.

Nov 27, 2004
I agree. I'm in two minds about the MJF stuff because the in-ring antics and melodrama are great, creative and fun, but the wrapper I won't talk about in this thread

Sep 27, 2001

Yams Fan


It's good to see Edge having fun

Aug 24, 2019

good post but lol @ the username 'ratedrcope'

Mar 29, 2012

this glorious monument

I'm just imagining Malakai hitting Hangman with the black mist then Hangman countering with the red.
Malakai immediately going 'is this actual loving blood' like a LARPer who just realized he's loving with Micheal Myers.
The lights turn off. the HoB is gone. Hangman is gone.
HoB reappear outside. Hangman is with them.

ChrisBTY fucked around with this message at 08:17 on Nov 21, 2023

Quantum of Phallus
Dec 27, 2010

Ivypls posted:

good post but lol @ the username 'ratedrcope'

Barry Bluejeans
Feb 2, 2017

I've been very cool on Mr. Cope since he arrived, Saturday was the first time I really enjoyed watching him perform and that hopefully serves of a sign of things to come

Erin M. Fiasco
Mar 21, 2013

Nothing's better than postin' in the morning!

Barry Bluejeans posted:

I've been very cool on Mr. Cope since he arrived, Saturday was the first time I really enjoyed watching him perform and that hopefully serves of a sign of things to come

He had lots of energy, looked great, crowd loved it. I'm ready to hoot and holler anew for him and really hope he gets to have a bunch of fun and cool first-time-ever matches in the upcoming year. :)

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Ivypls posted:

good post but lol @ the username 'ratedrcope'

A Fancy Hat
Nov 18, 2016

Always remember that the former President was dumber than the dumbest person you've ever met by a wide margin

ChrisBTY posted:

I'm just imagining Malakai hitting Hangman with the black mist then Hangman countering with the red.
Malakai immediately going 'is this actual loving blood' like a LARPer who just realized he's loving with Micheal Myers.
The lights turn off. the HoB is gone. Hangman is gone.
HoB reappear outside. Hangman is with them.

I am always a sucker for the trope of "this fairly benign person has been pushed too far and gone crazy" and Hangman freaking out House of Black would scratch that itch nicely.

Sandman from ECW
Sep 6, 2011

Just wanna say that Malakai Black and Brody Kings entrance song is really cool and vaguely reminds me of Demolitions entrance song, in a good way

Sep 27, 2001

Yams Fan

Ivypls posted:

good post but lol @ the username 'ratedrcope'

yeah I had to double check that was actually his account before posting that

ratedrcope and seethe

Barry Bluejeans
Feb 2, 2017

I hooted and hollered - sometimes simultaneously - while the C2 participants were revealed

lamentable dustman
Apr 13, 2007


so much hootin and hollerin during the reveal

(mostly hollerin RUSH RUSH RUSH)

Quantum of Phallus
Dec 27, 2010

AEW is back

Erin M. Fiasco
Mar 21, 2013

Nothing's better than postin' in the morning!

We're going to get so many insane matches!! Brody King and Danny Garcia are gonna show the gently caress out

Jul 30, 2005

Feeling fine.
I love nothing more than fresh match ups and swerve being in the tourney along with Brody is enough to make me very happy.

Feb 2, 2004

I get this funky high on the yellow sun.

AEW: Oops All Bangers!

Was traveling last week, super excited to get a crowler from the bar tonight and go home and just enjoy awesome matchups

Nov 27, 2004
Feels like AEW got the flavour balance mostly right on tonight's Dynamite

C2 doing what it needs to do

super macho dude
Aug 9, 2014

C2 predictions?

My heart (hollerin') says the final should be Swerve vs Kingston

But my brain (hootin') says it'll probably be Danielson vs Mox

We all win either way or if anyone else goes to the finals

Tampa Bae
Aug 23, 2021

Please, this is all I have
The strength of the AEW upper card is that most of these people could legitimately be title contenders or champions (Or multi-time champions)

I think Swerve vs Kingston would be the best final, Swerve wins and Kingston moves on to MJF but man I just realized how much selling a Kingston vs MJF match would involve for the title

Big Bad Voodoo Lou
Jan 1, 2006
Apologies if this is against the rules, but if anyone hoots and hollers for Hook, I am selling an action figure of the cold-hearted handsome devil himself, with two different heads and two different sets of hands. I accept Paypal, and I would be totally happy to get $20, which includes shipping within the U.S.

It is listed and photographed in my thread in SA-Mart:

I would much rather sell it to an AEW fan here than list it on eBay.

Aug 24, 2019

mox/kingston after a swerve/mox tiebreaker

Aug 11, 2004


MJF crippled himself for my enjoyment which prompted me to hoot and holler

Jul 30, 2005

Feeling fine.
I still believe in Aew and don't think its gonna die. Someone has to put out some positivity about Aew and it may as well be me. Mjf sucks but it still has amazing matches every single week. Brody king vs Eddie Kingston was great hard hitting action. I loved it.

Nov 13, 2004

AEW will 100% die. Whether it be civilizational collapse, humanity going extinct, the sun becoming a red giant or the heat death of the universe. Might as well get ready now.

Sydney Bottocks
Oct 15, 2004

neoaxd posted:

AEW will 100% die. Whether it be civilizational collapse, humanity going extinct, the sun becoming a red giant or the heat death of the universe. Might as well get ready now.

If the shambling corpse of TNA has proven anything, it's that a wrestling company with enough money can exist in a state of undeath, so for that reason I'm not worried about AEW dying

Nov 13, 2004

Sydney Bottocks posted:

If the shambling corpse of TNA has proven anything, it's that a wrestling company with enough money can exist in a state of undeath, so for that reason I'm not worried about AEW dying

It is the year 10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000. Black holes dominate the universe as they slowly evaporate via Hawking radiation. Stars and planets are but distant memories. All baryonic matter has been changed into photons and leptons. AEW Dynamite live at 8 Eastern 7 Central on TBS!

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

I like watching AEW every week and going to the shows when they're in town. I don't think they're perfect but I don't get riled up at their flaws. It's pro wrestling, nbd!

Feb 2, 2004

I get this funky high on the yellow sun.

On The Internet posted:

I like watching AEW every week and going to the shows when they're in town. I don't think they're perfect but I don't get riled up at their flaws. It's pro wrestling, nbd!

To quote this week's thread:

neoaxd posted:

it's fun to be hyperbolic

Shitpost, earnest post, whatever, just make sure at the end of the day you're not posting mad. My Wednesday ritual is to go to the neighborhood beer bar after work, have a few, get a crowler, and go home and hoot and holler either on the Discord or in the thread. There hasn't really ever been a time where I've thought "man, it SUCKS to be All Elite"

Nov 13, 2004

Cael posted:

Shitpost, earnest post, whatever, just make sure at the end of the day you're not posting mad.


Jul 26, 2007

is bussin

On The Internet posted:

I like watching AEW every week and going to the shows when they're in town. I don't think they're perfect but I don't get riled up at their flaws. It's pro wrestling, nbd!

I concur, and it's also not watching the WWE, which is always a plus.

Jul 30, 2005

Feeling fine.
Besides being a evil company, if they put on shows that didn't bore me to sleep at least it would be a conundrum. Any time I've had to watch a wwe show in the past 5 years it's just so drat boring. Or actively hurts me to watch with its direction and editing.

In the last 4 years even the worst aew shows haven't bored me like wwe shows have. And the best aew shows are all timers that I would put up against any wrestling show ever.

Quantum of Phallus
Dec 27, 2010

The wrestling on AEW is for the most part miles better and their PPVs are never bad.

Feb 15, 2004

Waluigi want his fucking Amiibo
I just enjoy having no ARG poo poo, or LED tekno team 2000 looking rear end coverings over the ringposts and aprons etc.


Feb 3, 2005

My simple solution to make AEW better: before every angle or backstage segment ask how the fed would do it and then do the opposite

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