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Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
If we're gonna ML, can people just vote me so I'm not stuck in the 1v1v1


Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
From my perspective, the scum in my masonry has to be between Dan and YPM

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
There's an easy way to narrow the tech masonry to 4 viable votes to 3 but idk why they haven't done the thing yet

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)

Dans Macabre posted:

## vote tmor

I said I was gonna do this, foo said he would rather not, AND NOW HES DEAD

This logic is bonkers. Why, if I'm scum, kill someone that did not scum read me

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
Actually I think that if AFQM isn't the vote today I'd also be fine voting dans.

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
AFQM is taunting me in shade chat now.

Feb 19, 2017

Long time no see.
Not sure what you're trying to do here

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

CapitalistPig posted:

Actually I think that if AFQM isn't the vote today I'd also be fine voting dans.

yeah ok I'll yolo on that ## vote fancy

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

Dans Macabre posted:

yeah ok I'll yolo on that ## vote fancy

Hmmm ##unvote

My spidey sense is tingling

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

What's it telling you

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

Tired Moritz posted:

If we're gonna ML, can people just vote me so I'm not stuck in the 1v1v1

would y'all be open to filling tm request

Aug 20, 2018


as annoying as the 'please kill me, i want to die' play is i'm more inclined to not grant his request. tmor's apparent refusal to participate in the tech mason cabal strikes me as slightly townie

Aug 20, 2018

basically atm i'd say i'm still deciding between cpig and afqm (one of these is my first choice) and if we're going for a tech masonry guy instead i'd be inclined to try dans

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
At this point I don't think I'd vote anyone but AFQM or dans

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

CapitalistPig posted:

At this point I don't think I'd vote anyone but AFQM or dans

Real q do you think we’re both scum or one or the other?

Aug 20, 2018

tech masonry I have a question

how 'organic' do you all feel the hal elimination was, in the context of your annoying rear end mason cabal poo poo

i am inclined to think that the scumteam actually did not want that elimination because keeping hal alive made it much easier for sandwolf to hide but i want an insider's opinion

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

When we talked about it foo was pushing to keep our votes on hal. I thought hal was scum over shark and wolfy. At one point we all thought shark and then got converted …. So maybe it is shark actually

Aug 20, 2018

sandwolf sussed all of dans, afqm, and cpig at various points in the game. I feel certain that one of these was a bus

dans he voted and pushed first, and expressed a preference for him over one of the people in the shadorny:

Sandwolf posted:

Hello folks I’ve been with my fam today. Dans is still scum, but if we’re gonna kill in the Shadonry I think we should kill CPig or AFQM. It could be Shwin but I think he’s had the towny heat, I think.

'shwinn is town' was of course a very easy call so all he's basically saying here is that it's one of the other two people it could possibly be

Sandwolf posted:

Respectfully boys this feels clearly a town town slapfight and happens to the best of us but this doesn’t find us scum. Tia. Vote dans or AFQM

mentions dans again, and afqm.

when asked about cpig, he responds:

Sandwolf posted:

I do not, CPig feels like they’ve absconded in a big way

Sandwolf posted:

##vote CPig

and then votes.

Sandwolf posted:

Why does no one want to kill dans or CPig. Except YPM, I get why from him.

and then hard pushes cpig the next day (he was also doing this in the basonry)

he only ever mentions afqm as scummy in the context of at least one other person, and he never votes for them, whereas he voted for both dans and cpig. in my experience pairing a teammate with a townie like this is a pretty common way to sus them while giving yourself an 'out' on actually getting them eliminated

my reading overall is this: in terms of sandwolf bus plausibility, i think it goes AFQM > dans/cpig. The focus on cpig to me feels more like him going for a perceived easy target than it does a bus, especially because he was doing it even before he was put in a position where misdirection in the interest of protecting his teammates would become an obvious play (that being, after hal died and he presumed a possible 50/50 with me)

anyway that is to say i think we should kill afqm today ##vote AFQM

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!

Dans Macabre posted:

Real q do you think we’re both scum or one or the other?

I feel you could both be scum

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

CapitalistPig posted:

I feel you could both be scum

Ok well let’s find out about fancy first ## vote fancy

Jul 4, 2010

With the evil base paint Corax White gone, the rest of the paints assumed that there must also be an evil shade paint. Paints hurled accusations at one another, but in the end it was Seraphim Sepia that was tipped over. Rummaging through the pot looking for evidence, the other paints came up... empty.

AFancyQuestionMark, AKA Seraphim Sepia, has been killed Day 5!

Seraphim Sepia posted:

You are Seraphim Sepia, TOWN-aligned Shade paint. As a light brown wash, you're always there to help make things look weathered, or unify a lighter color scheme. Don't mind the fact that you're basically interchangeable with Agrax Earthshade.

You are Vanilla. Your only power is your vote and your voice!

You are in an unconfirmed masonry with all Shade paints. You win when all threats to town are dead AND Shade paints have uncontested control of the vote.

You have 24 hours to get night actions in.

Jul 4, 2010

The morning comes, and the paints awaken to a horrific site. Stirland Mud has been spread across the entire work surface, making it impossible to move without stepping in the innards of the recently deceased. Disgusting...

Your Personal Muse, AKA Stirland Mud, has been killed Night 5!

Stirland Mud posted:

You are Stirland Mud, TOWN-aligned Technical paint. You're less of a paint and more of a texture paste, making the base around the model look like dirt rather than a plastic disc. It's a thankless job, but someone has to do it.

You are Vanilla. Your only power is your vote and your voice!

You are in an unconfirmed masonry with all Technical paints. You win when all threats to town are dead AND Technical paints have uncontested control of the vote.

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 6

Not Voting (5): CapitalistPig, Dans Macabre, sharkmafia, Somberbrero, Tired Moritz

With 5 alive, it's 3 votes to execute. The current deadline is March 10th, 2024 at 9 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 2 days.

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
So it's pig, yeah

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Someone should claim now

Aug 20, 2018

hm, not who i expected to die

i guess scum were afraid of shooting me or somberbrero because the doctor hasn't claimed yet, if there is one. taking out YPM means the only real question is whether scum #2 is moritz or dans though

Aug 20, 2018

but yeah cpig is clearly a scum. sorry afqm, i was overthinking it

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Was it an early hammer?

Aug 20, 2018

(somberbrero technically could be a scum but i still find that very hard to believe)

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
There's like one easy way to narrow it down to 2 peeps

Aug 20, 2018

also, the remaining power role should only claim if they have good info imo

better to hold that poo poo in reserve for the real crunch time, which will be tomorrow. we're killing cpig today so there's not really a need

Aug 20, 2018

and actually there's also no need to delay this ##vote cpig

i think a gamestate where cpig is not scum is extremely unlikely

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)

sharkmafia posted:

also, the remaining power role should only claim if they have good info imo

better to hold that poo poo in reserve for the real crunch time, which will be tomorrow. we're killing cpig today so there's not really a need

Bruh, I'm very explicitly saying that I'm not the power role. It's between Dans and sombre. There's no reason to hold back and I doubt there's any good info to hold when we're borderline MYLO

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
The chances of having good info is low when cube flipped early and Sandwolf flipped framer. Scum should have been screwing with the town pr by now

Aug 20, 2018

Tired Moritz posted:

Bruh, I'm very explicitly saying that I'm not the power role. It's between Dans and sombre. There's no reason to hold back and I doubt there's any good info to hold when we're borderline MYLO

the primary reason to not be forthcoming with the roleclaim is that if the remaining town power role is a doctor not knowing precisely who it is complicates the scum night action voice. i believe their slightly odd nk targeting last night was a product of this

Aug 20, 2018

night action choice*

Aug 20, 2018

this is pretty minor, so if the power role DOES have information of any kind that they deem useful, by all means. I just think there's no downside to waiting till tomorrow to claim otherwise

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)

sharkmafia posted:

the primary reason to not be forthcoming with the roleclaim is that if the remaining town power role is a doctor not knowing precisely who it is complicates the scum night action voice. i believe their slightly odd nk targeting last night was a product of this

The scum team probably already knows what the town power is considering that Sandwolf explicitly exist to counter cube's cop

Aug 20, 2018

either way i consider it highly likely that this is going to come down to 'is the scum moritz or dans?' tomorrow


Aug 20, 2018

dans vibes scummier to me but if it's dans then sandwolf was busing both of his teammates pretty hard. certainly not impossible since if he could bus one that like he could easily bus the other

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