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Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Yeah coded messages are a little annoying but I’m not feeling like the game is broken or anything


fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Nutsack Rangoon posted:

FoS claimed tracker but no results? Think it's best that gets disclosed.

I'm not disclosing my target because if they took no action, I basically auto-track their next one.

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Hal Incandenza posted:

Yeah coded messages are a little annoying but I’m not feeling like the game is broken or anything

What I am complaining about is merely that it opens the door to that same game-disrupting behavior the rule exists to prevent. Our "social contract" about that is really strong, but I still can't be totally comfortable with a format where the reason we are not doing things because it's the best way to win, but because we are choosing not to end the game in a boring way. I mean, I'm exaggerating the degree to which town would automatically win, but still. It's like, if we gave every player the ability to privately submit an action that ends the game with their victory. For the sake of playing a mafia game none of the players would probably hit the button. But knowing that you are giving up a surefire way to win the game kind of ruins my drive to seek success in the game.

But also like, whatever, people aren't even using code that much I just kinda wanted to say my piece.

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Johnny Keats posted:

What I am complaining about is merely that it opens the door to that same game-disrupting behavior the rule exists to prevent. Our "social contract" about that is really strong, but I still can't be totally comfortable with a format where the reason we are doing things is not because it's the best way to win, but because we are choosing not to end the game in a boring way. I mean, I'm exaggerating the degree to which town would automatically win, but still. It's like, if we gave every player the ability to privately submit an action that ends the game with their victory. For the sake of playing a mafia game none of the players would probably hit the button. But knowing that you are giving up a surefire way to win the game kind of ruins my drive to seek success in the game.

But also like, whatever, people aren't even using code that much I just kinda wanted to say my piece.

Maf edit

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
Nutsack, why are you mad at me?

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
Also does absolutely nobody want to comment on Spacebanito?

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Johnny Keats posted:

Oh I skimmed EOD1. Was that it though? I'm trying to get a handle on him and I trust you

Yuming you missed my followup about Cube

Dec 12, 2011
After considering the claims ##vote Yuming, still considering Cube though, it's a little convenient that his claim both explains the result, provides a reason his vig will never trigger and a reason for him to stay safe from night kills all game.

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Illusionis posted:

it's a little convenient that his claim both explains the result, provides a reason his vig will never trigger and a reason for him to stay safe from night kills all game.

This was also my first impression

Dec 12, 2011
I think I'm leaning slightly town on Spacebanito, because he's participating and posting his reads and I feel like I can see the reasoning behind them

Aug 8, 2007


Johnny Keats posted:

Also does absolutely nobody want to comment on Spacebanito?

There's not really anything to comment on, just you going "he scum"

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Illusionis posted:

After considering the claims ##vote Yuming, still considering Cube though, it's a little convenient that his claim both explains the result, provides a reason his vig will never trigger and a reason for him to stay safe from night kills all game.

I found cubes claim to be way more suspicious than anything yuming has done, not sure why you’d land there tbh

Dec 12, 2011
I have talked at length about why I'm fairly sure Yuming is scum

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Johnny Keats posted:

Also does absolutely nobody want to comment on Spacebanito?

I have found I’ve generally been on the same page as spacabanito, at least today. I did think his snipey response to you saying he’s scum sort of pinged me but that about it

Nutsack Rangoon
Mar 30, 2010


Johnny Keats posted:

Nutsack, why are you mad at me?

I was frustrated because I I wanted discussion to be about the game at hand and not the morality of mechanics.

You and Cube do rub me wrong wrt code stuff. Cube especially since I made it clear to him that breaking it wouldn't be to the advantage of the town but he still wants to go ahead with it for reasons regardless.

Nutsack Rangoon
Mar 30, 2010


Illusionis posted:

After considering the claims ##vote Yuming, still considering Cube though, it's a little convenient that his claim both explains the result, provides a reason his vig will never trigger and a reason for him to stay safe from night kills all game.

The Cube claim is really convenient. I like this and didn't think about it that way previously.

Nutsack Rangoon
Mar 30, 2010

I've had a town read on Spacebanito as well

Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.
I legit can't tell if Keats is deliberately trying to muddy the waters by generating stuff he can point to himself, including the just IMPRESSIVELY vacuous argument of "My actions weren't scum, if I were scum I'd be doing a MUCH better job", or if he's just trolling and acting up for reasons that baffle me.

Scum or bad town, anyway, but not top of my priorities. I stand by TM as probably my top vote, for reasons that I've stated and that haven't really been refuted meaningfully ##vote TM

Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.

Illusionis posted:

After considering the claims ##vote Yuming, still considering Cube though, it's a little convenient that his claim both explains the result, provides a reason his vig will never trigger and a reason for him to stay safe from night kills all game.

I just cannot read Yuming as anything other than Town, and don't really get the argument against? Can you explain?

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Opopanax posted:

There's not really anything to comment on, just you going "he scum"

He has posts, doesn't he?

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
I didn't ask for comments on me.

Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.
Also to clarify, Keats has been low content, doing little more than saying "yes, me too" or making random accusations then backing off the moment he's asked for further comment(or doubling down and insisting that asking for further comment is somehow scum, but then also getting mad when nobody engages, as if that's not a transparently lose/lose that stands only to make him seem more legitimate regardless)

What are the odds of a Jester, now that I think about it?

Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.

Johnny Keats posted:

He has posts, doesn't he?

"Make my case for me, so I'm not to blame later when it's wrong"

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Spacebanito posted:

IMPRESSIVELY vacuous argument of "My actions weren't scum, if I were scum I'd be doing a MUCH better job"

Wrong, and I will explain the difference to thread.

The bad argument you are referencing usually goes something like this:


Accuser: "Here's my case on you. You hard defended this flipped scum, pushed flipped town, and pestered the cop into claiming so they got nightkilled."
Defender: "Oh please. I would not be so sloppy when bussing as scum. And I don't rolefish so blatantly, I'm not poo poo at this game."

The distinctive aspect of this argument is that it is used to defend against posting that appears to advance scum's agenda on the surface, usually in hindsight of a flip. The scum player specifically defends their skill at disguising their motivations when posting as scum, against an accuser who claims they were not disguising their agenda.

Let's look at the present case. You accused me of being scum for one specific post I made, and I guess also the little bit of context that I ignored your question after. What I was doing in this post

Johnny Keats posted:

I'm not even voting him nor pushed him outside of one post. Which yes I get that is the reason he is calling me suspicious but I also find it silly that his attention is stuck on that post considering it does not appear that I intended to move forward with the suspicion in a way that'd benefit me as scum. If Space is insinuating I said it to appear like I'm contributing, I have this to say: I can tell the difference between contributing, and the post I made. If I were trying to look like I was contributing that was a massive flub.
was challenging you to explain how that actually means I am scum. You have described some facts and then concluded with "Keats is scummy" but I am challenging that A does not lead to B. The facts can be true but what has it got to do with scum? Then I preempted one possible answer that I was simply posting anything for the sake of engagement. That's why I commented that last bit. You would need to establish that I was *trying* to perform engagement, if you are going to accuse me of being performative.

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
Space you really love to make up things I'm saying, but let's get back to mafia, kay?

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Spacebanito posted:

(or doubling down and insisting that asking for further comment is somehow scum, but then also getting mad when nobody engages, as if that's not a transparently lose/lose that stands only to make him seem more legitimate regardless)

1) not why I called you scum
2) wasn't mad
3) I might react different to the person I called scum than to other people, wild

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
Spacebanito, do you have thoughts on Opop?

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
I ask because you seem rather in lockstep with him despite not interacting publicly

Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.
I find it tough to get a real read on Opop or Sandwolf because of their apparent beef making things less clear to me. By and large though, I have reason to believe his implications of being a doctor, so I'm inclined to give his arguments a bit more weight, plus he's been contributing content and having arguments and opinions of his own, which maybe I get too hung up on, but more information and more stated opinions and thoughts are broadly good for town and bad for scum, so I find silence, or regurgitating other people's opinions, one of the most suspicious things

Oct 20, 2010

One day I will proofread my posts well, but today is not that day.
Phone posting so I won't be able to go and dig up relevant quotes. If I manage to get wifi set up for my laptop ill try to do that.

##vote Cube

Cube has been off this game:
* His late D1 placeholder vote on Hal.
* The series of posts he made after coming back to the thread on D1 before the deadline. Cube got multiple people mixed up in those posts, such that he voted the wong person at least once.
* Calling my town read on Hal a town-clear (I think it was Cube who did this, but I could be misremebering this point.)
* Cubes stated belief in FoS's joke claim of bulletproof doc/seer.
* His claim. As others have said it feels designed to prevent suspucion.

* Lesser point but Opop has claimed to have protected me last night, and there was no kill. I wasn't the only one casting suspicion on Cube, but I was one of the loudest at EoD1.

I do actually agree with yuming that Cube in this game doesn't resemble his recent scum game in Hatoful mafia (and she should know, they were scum together in that game). But this also doesn't resemble the town Cube I saw Tarot mafia. I think someone rolled scum twice in a row and tried to switch things up.

Oct 20, 2010

One day I will proofread my posts well, but today is not that day.
Keats' complaints about the codes messages read like frustrated town.

Hal I still think is town. Less convinced just because of my earlier point about volunteering for an investigation, and more general vibes.

I see where Illu is coming from regarding yuming's responses, but it is only leading me to suspicion so far, not conclusions. And I don't know if I can see scum yuming claiming miller.

Dec 12, 2011

Spacebanito posted:

I just cannot read Yuming as anything other than Town, and don't really get the argument against? Can you explain?

I mean I already explained it, over several posts, maybe it's not the clearest case since 2 people have now asked what it's about, but I'm not gonna just rewrite it.

One other thing I'd like to call attention to about Yuming's scumminess this game is that she's pretty sparse on suspicions and scum calls, d1 it's Fancy from pretty early on, until swapping to me, no mention of consideration for Fancy's investigative claim at all even. Then today it's on me with nothing, but a mention of a gut ping on Sand and then declaring preference for FoS out of the ecco-gunsmith targets. Otherwise it's all townreads which feels to me like 1. She's having a hard time making cases on people as scum, 2. She doesn't seem like she's really scumhunting as much as declaring targets and then just focusing on them.

Dec 12, 2011

Hal Incandenza posted:

Sorry I have had tons of family come into town for the weekend and I have not had time for mafia.

However these two are also my strongest scum reads. I feel pretty good about both yuming and cube thus far, pretty strong town reads. Feel decent about nutsack for the most part.

I don't know why keats is seeing Opop as scum, I can't get much of a read on him thus far.

Probably still going to be busy until later this evening but it seems like we have a long day so that is good.

You know you've been flying real low to the ground stealth mode, could you open up your reasons for these reads or anybody else?

Nutsack Rangoon
Mar 30, 2010

Phone posting now

On reflection, I don't like keats stink on code stuff.

As a day action, I brought him in on the codes yesterday. He was not interested. His moralizing on it didn't occur when codes were 1st used, when he was first brought in, but rather now over 24h later. Imo town reaction to getting any tool, mechanic, etc is to try and find a way to use it to greatest effect in favor of town. Keats instead has been away thinking about how to justify not using it.

I specifically brought him in b3acuse he hinted at visiting yuming a icould provide a channel for him to communicate more to her.

Moral grandstanding I think is a way to stay clear of getting locked down in any sort of claim and undermine a tool that he admits is beneficial to the town.

##vote keats

I like keats, illu, Moritz for scumteam atm

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

I’m not really seeing Illu as very scummy anymore. More like town with a strong personal feeling.

I disagree Keats frustration with codes belies a townie thinking, I think it could just as easily be scum frustrated that there is something they cannot interfere with.

FoS has also been much quieter D2 compared to D1, I’d do that. Cube has also been striking me negatively.

In summation, I’d vote within Keats Cube and FoS

Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.
I agree about Illu, I think both Illu and yuming feel pretty town right now. I don't agree with the amount of focus being put into Keat's opinions on the codes, though that's mostly because I think it's a null tell(It feels equally likely to be a town, scum, or just a personal grievance motivation, so it feels like a waste to me to stare at it to try and make an answer happen)

I do think silence and non-contribution are indicators, though, which is why Keats stays on my list next to TM

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
My general thoughts:

Cube remains my top vote; they're scum overreaching with their role claim and weird fake assumptions about a whole-game gimmick because they got caught by sand's echocop.

I'm reading through keats/spaceburrito's bizarre conflict and it feels very forced from keats. I'm weak town lean on SB I think keats' case doesn't make sense and seems designed more to have a beef for content than actually convince anyone. Could be distancing, could be keats faking content, could just be keats getting a weird bug up their rear end; it's happened before. I could see scum there but I think cube is a way better choice for eliminating someone inside the investigation.

Spork is my third major scum candidate for their end of d1 voting behavior. Their case on cube feels... a little over-explained kind of out of nowhere for someone who normally makes shorter posts than that?

Opop is a hard null and I kinda suspect will remain that way since their town play is just as lurky and unhelpful to town as their scum play. Dude always plays like a survivor.

Yuming is a firm town read. I just saw their scum play in the last game I ran and even when scum was under minimal pressure almost all of their posts were to the effect of "hi!!" ->two hours later->"i'll have thoughts later!!"->four hours later->repeat. Illu's reads feel like wrong town from someone who hasn't seen yuming playing scum lately.

I'm working under the assumption of townwolf for the result and I think that is largely supported by their posting. I think if scum was playing games with a fake result they'd be harping on about it much harder rather than they to scumhunt.

I suspect we have lurking scum somewhere in TMor, Hal, or Nutsack but I don't really have a strong enough feeling to hazard a guess on them.

Oct 20, 2010

One day I will proofread my posts well, but today is not that day.

Sandwolf posted:

I’m not really seeing Illu as very scummy anymore. More like town with a strong personal feeling.

I disagree Keats frustration with codes belies a townie thinking, I think it could just as easily be scum frustrated that there is something they cannot interfere with.

FoS has also been much quieter D2 compared to D1, I’d do that. Cube has also been striking me negatively.

In summation, I’d vote within Keats Cube and FoS


Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Might vote space for tunnelling my rear end tbh

Feels like some players are missing in the Convo tho?


Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

In general it’s seemed kind of a quiet game?

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