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Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.
Yeah that's...not really relevant? Because again, what you're saying is "Even if Keats is telling the truth, that means we have to axe him"

Which, no, if Keats is telling the truth, we need to axe you. Period.


fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
The point is that it no longer matters if keats is wholly lying (possible; it doesn't make a lot of sense to choose a claimed miller as his survivor target), partially lying and concealing a vig (possible; he hedged his bets when the eccosmith first came out with the "crazy mod" thing), or telling the truth (doubtful), he needs to be eliminated.

Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.
So at this stage the question really needs to be whether or not people believe Keats's claim. If you do, FoS is the vote. Otherwise it has to be Keats, because lying a full claim at this stage would be impossibly scummy.

Honestly, I'm confused as to why this is still a conversation as opposed to just having FoS be the vote

Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.

fool of sound posted:

The point is that it no longer matters if keats is wholly lying (possible; it doesn't make a lot of sense to choose a claimed miller as his survivor target), partially lying and concealing a vig (possible; he hedged his bets when the eccosmith first came out with the "crazy mod" thing), or telling the truth (doubtful), he needs to be eliminated.

Yeah, I don't understand how you keep saying "If he's telling the truth he has to go" when the condition of him telling the truth is that you're scum, and saying "Even if I'm scum, Keats is the better target"

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Spacebanito posted:

So at this stage the question really needs to be whether or not people believe Keats's claim. If you do, FoS is the vote. Otherwise it has to be Keats, because lying a full claim at this stage would be impossibly scummy.

Honestly, I'm confused as to why this is still a conversation as opposed to just having FoS be the vote

Because keats is probably scum! He's been playing scummy all game!

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Spacebanito posted:

Yeah, I don't understand how you keep saying "If he's telling the truth he has to go" when the condition of him telling the truth is that you're scum, and saying "Even if I'm scum, Keats is the better target"

Because keats' claim is scum in lylo even if you believe it, which you shouldn't.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
The worst case scenario for eliminating keats is that he's fully telling the truth and a functional scum is eliminated. The worst case scenario for eliminating me is that keats is just lying, I'm town, and he's scum.

Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.

fool of sound posted:

Because keats is probably scum! He's been playing scummy all game!

Except his scum play also aligns with his claim

Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.

fool of sound posted:

The worst case scenario for eliminating keats is that he's fully telling the truth and a functional scum is eliminated. The worst case scenario for eliminating me is that keats is just lying, I'm town, and he's scum.

This is bad and I think that it is obvious why it is bad

Oct 20, 2010

One day I will proofread my posts well, but today is not that day.
I don't believe the Keats claim. Especially in light of his earlier hedging about if he'd trigger the gunsmith.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Spacebanito posted:

Except his scum play also aligns with his claim

Does it? Why is yuming so invested in defending him if she's unaware, why is he so disinterested in defending himself if that fucks up his ability to revive the person he needs to protect?

Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.

fool of sound posted:

Does it? Why is yuming so invested in defending him if she's unaware, why is he so disinterested in defending himself if that fucks up his ability to revive the person he needs to protect?

I mean, it doesn't, really. His lover/survivor claim doesn't really care about his own survival, and when he flips down and you go down next, that still works to his end game.

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
yeah sorry but FoS not immediately going "yeah thats bullshit because you should be able to kill according to Sandwolf" is pinging me hard

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)

fool of sound posted:

Does it? Why is yuming so invested in defending him if she's unaware, why is he so disinterested in defending himself if that fucks up his ability to revive the person he needs to protect?

is yuming particularly invested?

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Oh my a lot happened while I slept!

Top of my head with 9 alive it makes the most sense to kill keats and if he's telling the truth we can still kill FoS tomorrow and be ok (unless sand is scum and gave us fake results), but if we kill FoS and he's town and keats is telling the truth we lose? (Also requires sand to have been lying I guess)

Still a bit tired though so maybe I'm missing a bit.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
I don't believe keats' claim because I know I can't kill so unless two separate sand results got hosed up that means he has to be able to. However, and this is the crux of my argument, nobody else needs to 100% believe that I'm town in order for the calculus to tell them to vote keats. You just need to not 100% believe that I'm scum, because if there's any room for doubt, then keats is the better target. And there should be room for doubt unless you have motivated reasoning!

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Tired Moritz posted:

is yuming particularly invested?

She's defended keats for three days straight now when there have been sand results.

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

fool of sound posted:

Does it? Why is yuming so invested in defending him if she's unaware, why is he so disinterested in defending himself if that fucks up his ability to revive the person he needs to protect?

I assumed that was because Yuming is scum. But based on the way you've been posting about Yuming maybe she's actually town and I can start trying to work with town instead? I'll think about it if we flip you as scum.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
My point is that keats' claim should convince the fence sitters to vote keats, and we have multiple fence sitters at this point.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Johnny Keats posted:

I assumed that was because Yuming is scum.

Why haven't you pushed yuming at all until this point if you believe that?

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

fool of sound posted:

She's defended keats for three days straight now when there have been sand results.

She seems to mostly have avoided talking about keats to me, other than one post where she said she could see his pov or something. Are there vocal defenses I'm missing?

Nutsack Rangoon
Mar 30, 2010

Keats claim probably fake and if it isn't then it's still in our best interest to kill him. Great stuff, Keats!

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Honestly it just seems like you're all bad

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

fool of sound posted:

My point is that keats' claim should convince the fence sitters to vote keats, and we have multiple fence sitters at this point.

Kinda where I'm at, yeah

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
To answer your question of why I was okay claiming and being voted out is because either Yuming is scum like I hope and y'all win fast, or Yuming is not a threat to scum and they won't kill her just to spite me, probably.

You know, if you want to rush Hal or something I'm down lol

Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.

Hal Incandenza posted:

Oh my a lot happened while I slept!

Top of my head with 9 alive it makes the most sense to kill keats and if he's telling the truth we can still kill FoS tomorrow and be ok (unless sand is scum and gave us fake results), but if we kill FoS and he's town and keats is telling the truth we lose? (Also requires sand to have been lying I guess)

Still a bit tired though so maybe I'm missing a bit.

I mean, this is only true if you're scum, Rangoon isn't, and you and your scumbud double-tap in the night. Otherwise we don't really lose if we get this wrong

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

fool of sound posted:

Why haven't you pushed yuming at all until this point if you believe that?

Is this a real question?

Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.
At this stage I'm willing to vote Keats because I have been since basically go, and I'm tired of people ignoring the extremely obvious, very clear scumFoS and I'd rather we flip Keats now so we can see FoS is scum instead of spending the next 24 hours or so listening to y'all be wrong

What's the vote count at?

Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.

fool of sound posted:

Why haven't you pushed yuming at all until this point if you believe that?

Did you deliberately forget his claim to ask this, or...?

Nutsack Rangoon
Mar 30, 2010


Spacebanito posted:

At this stage I'm willing to vote Keats because I have been since basically go, and I'm tired of people ignoring the extremely obvious, very clear scumFoS and I'd rather we flip Keats now so we can see FoS is scum instead of spending the next 24 hours or so listening to y'all be wrong

What's the vote count at?


Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Nutsack Rangoon posted:

Keats claim probably fake and if it isn't then it's still in our best interest to kill him. Great stuff, Keats!

[What Spacebanito said to FoS]

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
Geez keats just vote yourself with that claim :sparkles:

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
I guess I'm glad I could out scum. Just don't murder Yuming while town votes you all out okay

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

yuming posted:

I agree I think that the Keats mix up reads town.

yuming posted:

As for the soft claim, I would go for FoS out of those three. Cube and keats I both have stronger town feels on.

These two are back to back:

yuming posted:

I am most suspicious of Illu (obv) and keats atm.

yuming posted:

I’m going back and forth on keats.

yuming posted:

So my thought re: space vs. keats is that it is ++ town on keats.

I found myself nodding mmhmm to some of what keats had to say about FoS, I'm going to look back at earlier game content now.

Note that she already wasn't claiming suspicion on keats when she said this

yuming posted:

I've effectively swapped keats for Rangoon in my suspicion list atm.

yuming posted:

I think keats and I are seeing the same POV here.

yuming posted:

I agree with Keats’ point on Illus claim. I wanna kill Illu here.

yuming posted:

Looking though his posts I can follow keats' perspective as role claims change. I am just not imagining him as scum here tbqh.

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
##vote Keats

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
If I knew for sure that Yuming is scum and scum does have a way to double-kill tonight, then I would hammer myself.

Dec 4, 2009

Die thou unsung.
Yeah, I'm so exhausted by this at this stage. I actually do believe the claim, but at this point I'm with Sandwolf and I just want this all to end. Let's kill FoS tomorrow and TMor the day after please.

##vote: keats

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
:redhammer: There was a Johnny Keats here. They're gone now.

Votecount for Day 4
With 9 alive, it's 5 votes to execute. The current deadline is May 26th, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. BST -- that's in about 1 day, 1 hour.

Apr 28, 2013


The exhausted populace finally brought the gavel down. But this time, no Curse Stone, empty or otherwise - just a single talisman, its twin still missing.

Johnny Keats, CHARM-aligned holder of a Protective Charm, has been eliminated.


Even in death, victory.

You are CHARM-aligned. You win as long as one player holding a charm is alive at the end of the game.

You are always holding a charm. During Night 1, choose a player to ##give an additional charm to. If that player is killed at any point afterwards, no matter the cause, their flip will be obscured, and you will be given the opportunity to ##resurrect them the following night. Doing this will kill you, unless you are protected that night.

It is now Night 4. 24 hours for night actions.


Apr 28, 2013


Shigima Manor, Sumida District, Tokyo. 12AM
Harue Shigima--codename, "Yuming"--tremulously regards the Curse Stone in her hands. So much blood has been spilled for this moment. Her compatriots are in position to back her up.

All she needs to do is call on the curse.

Yuming, SCUM-aligned bearer of the Haunting Clappers, has successfully completed the Rite of Resurrection!


Kills by incineration one who carries a source of flame on their person.

You are SCUM-aligned. You win when SCUM has full control of the vote. At night you may either use your personal action or perform a ##kill on another player.

In place of your usual factional kill, you may ##plant a match on another player. If at least one player has a match on them, you may use your curse to ##ignite, which will immediately kill by burning every player currently carrying a match.

Fool of Sound, SCUM-aligned bearer of the Ever-burning Lantern, has successfully completed the Rite of Resurrection!


Kills by exsanguination one who is bathed in moonlight.

You are SCUM-aligned. You win when SCUM has full control of the vote. At night you may either use your personal action or perform a ##kill on another player.

At night, in place of performing your factional nightkill you may ##illuminate another player. Your curse will alert you to the identities of anyone that player visits.
If you perform the nightkill, your curse will shroud you in darkness, rendering you undetectable.

Spork-chan, SCUM-aligned bearer of the Fool's Procession, has successfully completed the Rite of Resurrection!


Kills by fatal fall one who hears the curse’s song while the bearer is hidden.

You are SCUM-aligned. You win when SCUM has full control of the vote. At night you may either use your personal action or perform a ##kill on another player.

At night, you may use your curse to ##distract a player, preventing them from using any actions or having any actions used on them.
If you perform the nightkill, your curse's song will always reach your target's ears, no matter what barrier stands in the way. (Your kill will be unstoppable/immune to redirection/both by any normal means)

Azure Heron Agency. 6AM
The radio crackles to life. Hal and NSRG exchange a grim look as the newscaster reports the discovery of two bodies, burnt beyond recognition. They may have survived the Rite of Resurrection, but it's of little comfort.

Hal Incandenza, TOWN-aligned bearer of the Foot-washing Mansion, has failed to stop the Rite of Resurrection.


Kills by crushing one who hears the curse’s voice.

You are TOWN-aligned. You win when all threats to TOWN are eliminated.

As a night action, you may ##befriend another player, adding them to an unconfirmed masonry with you.
As long as the masonry has at least one other player, you may instead, as a night action, use your curse to ##kill one person in the masonry. The masonry will then be dissolved.
You may not ##befriend and ##kill on the same night. Once you have used your ##kill action, you may no longer ##befriend anyone.

Nutsack Rangoon, TOWN-aligned bearer of a Ouija Board, has failed to stop the Rite of Resurrection.


No relation to the green plumber.

You are TOWN-aligned. You win when all threats to TOWN are eliminated.

As a day action in your confessional, you may send a ##message to another, living, player. They will be able to send one message in response, to which you may respond one more time.

Spacebanito, TOWN-aligned bearer of a Curse Scroll, has died by incineration.


Forewarned is forearmed.

You are TOWN-aligned. You win when all threats to TOWN are eliminated.

You do not begin the game with a Curse Stone. Instead, you will inherit the Curse Stone of the first TOWN-aligned player to be killed.

Tired Moritz, TOWN-aligned bearer of the Beckoning Light, has died by incineration.


Kills by strangulation one who follows after the bearer.

You are TOWN-aligned. You win when all threats to TOWN are eliminated.

At night, you may use your curse to ##beckon another player, redirecting any non-killing actions they take to yourself.

Sumida Police Department. 6AM
Sandwolf scowls at the Evergreen Beech as it disintegrates in his hands. Even though the identities of the killers are now clear, there can be no justice.

Sandwolf, TOWN-aligned bearer of the Evergreen Beech, has failed to stop the Rite of Resurrection.


Kills by hanging one who tries to mislead the bearer.

You are TOWN-aligned. You win when all threats to TOWN are eliminated.

At night you may choose three targets to question. Your curse will alert you as to if one of them has any killing action.

Bank of the Sumida River. 7AM
As the first light of dawn breaks over Sumida, two figures slowly regain consciousness on the concrete riverbank.



"Where are we? What happened? Where's my mom? I want my mom."

"Mm. Sumida River, if I'm not mistaken. We've just been resurrected from death--"


"--and I believe we have your mother to thank. C'mon, then." Keats gets to his feet and holds out a hand to the young Shuuichi Shigima. "She's waiting for you."

Keats, CHARM-aligned bearer of a Protective Charm, has been resurrected by Yuming!


Even in death, victory.

You are CHARM-aligned. You win as long as one player holding a charm is alive at the end of the game.

You are always holding a charm. During Night 1, choose a player to ##give an additional charm to. If that player is killed at any point afterwards, no matter the cause, their flip will be obscured, and you will be given the opportunity to ##resurrect them the following night. Doing this will kill you, unless you are protected that night.

... And so ends the tale of the Seven Mysteries of Honjo. It has been an honor to be your Storyteller. This game may not have been perfect in its conception, but I thank you for persisting with it until the end. I look forward to our next meeting.

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