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Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

given that we've ruled out yuming and most of you seem to have all but ruled me out, i think no-elim is probably the correct way to play this gamestate? scum has to shoot either me or yuming as their only reasonable target, and if YPM is scum that means a 4D WIFOM against who kaschei will BG... and if kaschei hits correctly, kaschei dies, and town wins the game by voting YPM

if kaschei is scum then tomorrow is the exact same scenario except [one of yuming or me] don't have to deal with figuring it out

still not sure i actually want to commit to stretching this out another day, though


Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
Doesn’t no elim give kaschei another chance at dying as BG?

But him automatically going for the kill over no elim is super scummy.

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

yuming posted:

Doesn’t no elim give kaschei another chance at dying as BG?

But him automatically going for the kill over no elim is super scummy.

if he's town it give him an extra day to BG [you or me] in a mind-chess match against scum YPM

if he's scum it just kicks the game solve down the road an additional 24hrs because we'll be in the same state tomorrow minus [you or me] and whichever of us is alive will have to decide whether he's a BG and lost the cointoss of who YPM would stab or whether he's just scum

Oct 25, 2005

yuming posted:

Doesn’t no elim give kaschei another chance at dying as BG?

But him automatically going for the kill over no elim is super scummy.
To me ypm today is 100% and people will tend to punish me for failing to save tomorrow so that's only 50/50

Theoretically yes you're right

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
Yea so we can decide today I think. The moon is falling :sparkles:

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

yes from town kaschei perspective there's no difference between no-elim and just yeeting ypm, town wins either way since no-elim just gives him another day to try and convince us of ypm's guilt

scum kaschei would be sweatin' at the prospect of a no-elim, though, because with every lack of a BG death the probability that everyone realizes he's scum rises

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

i think i will ##vote Execute No One!

...and leave it in yuming's hands whether to doublevote one of them to end the game, or doublevote no exe to delay the game on the possibility of town kaschei

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

Zoya posted:

i think i will ##vote Execute No One!

...and leave it in yuming's hands whether to doublevote one of them to end the game, or doublevote no exe to delay the game on the possibility of town kaschei

...i don't actually know how to vote for no-elim with vf being funky about aliases/etc

##vote No One
##vote No Elim
##vote Execute No One

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

lol none of them counted

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

##vote votefinder

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

i changed my mind ##vote kaschei

if yuming wants to no-elim i'll switch to that (crab will probably have to manually process no-elim votes due to vf)

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
I fell asleep lol I wanna do one more quick scan of the thread for good measure. But YPM is feeling town to me here.

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
So we have this from shwinn,

shwinnebego posted:

iggy (iggy can't post like this as scum)
yuming (yuming wouldn't dig into obviously town iggy as scum)
zoya (vibes)
kaschei (needled me in a deliberately annoying way, scum would avoid that imo)



Based off of best I can tell this interaction,

Grandicap posted:

Claiming miller after a miller flipped (also Josef's first post of the game because they made 0 posts before the turbo yesterday) is a good look. And not a scum move at all. Second miller claim will be regarded with suspicion. Especially when acknowledging it with an explicit also.

##vote shwinnebego

kaschei posted:

math checks out ##vote shwinnebego
Is that really ~needling~ I wouldn’t say so.

shwinn’s reason for calling kaschei town is p specious.

shwinn also never addressed kaschei directly when it happened.

I can see it as scum interactions imo

Oct 25, 2005

shwinn was referring to my "why would scum wifom" post

Oct 25, 2005

kaschei posted:

Ah but why would scum ask a Wifom so blatantly

this 'un

Oct 25, 2005

shwinnebego posted:

soy sauce is town
I think shwinn just posts like this, it was basically d1

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

kaschei posted:

I think shwinn just posts like this, it was basically d1

shwinne knows he can just post "soy sauce is town" and i'll be pocketed, he posts that in most games we're in tbh

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
I am also easily flattered :sparkles:

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance

kaschei posted:

Why would town!ypm consider the perspective of scum!kaschei to be suspicious of yuming? It is a question implicitly predicated on my being town
This is a decent point hrm.

I wanna win this game :qq:

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
##vote no elim
##doublevote no elim

p sure the only vote that will automatically parse is no l*nch, ya know?

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
While I'm not like crazy to drag the game out I think the possibility of eliminating SOMEONE is beneficial to town.

Especially because there's a chance kaschei could BG / if kaschei is town.

Ya it becomes more of a kingmaker, but like WTH was up with that message and Zoya? Did she make that up? Who sent it? She breadcrumbed it so early. Did Zoya corner scum-kaschei to claim? Is YPM the town messenger or scum who inherited Grandi's power ... ??? more news at 9.

Oct 25, 2005

##vote no elim
C u tmrw, I sure hope killing is obligatory and I'm busting out my d20

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

votefinderrrrrr :argh:

##vote no elim

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation

yuming posted:

##vote no elim
##doublevote no elim

p sure the only vote that will automatically parse is no l*nch, ya know?

kaschei posted:

##vote no elim
C u tmrw, I sure hope killing is obligatory and I'm busting out my d20

Votefinder isn't detecting this properly but I think these two are enough for hammer.

Well, what can you do when you don't know? Nothing, that's what.

Day 6 ended with no elimination. For the record, the timer ended at 40 hours 57 minutes on the clock by my math.

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation

Was this a wise choice? Who can tell. Predictably, the numbers are whittled down even further the next morning, but the moon is still there.

Zoya a.k.a. Link, TOWN-Aligned Hero of Time has gone back to Hyrule.


You are Link, TOWN-Aligned Hero of Time. You win the game when all threats to town have been eliminated before time runs out.

You have one shot of bulletproof which will protect you the first time a killing action would affect you.

As a one-shot public day action in the thread, you may ##play the song of time, granting town another 48 hours to resolve the incident. If you still have your bulletproof shot at this time, you will lose it. Otherwise, you will die.

If the death timer would run out and you have not yet used this ability, it will be automatically used, preventing town from losing the game.

Votecount for Day 7

Not voting: kaschei, Your Personal Muse, yuming

With 3 alive, it's 2 votes to execute. The current deadline is July 26th, 2024 at 9:52 a.m. CEST -- that's in about 1 day, 16 hours.

Oct 25, 2005

I rolled a 1

Oct 25, 2005

##vote your personal muse

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
##vote kasch

I trust yuming to make the right decision. I’m town, if you vote me we lose.

Oct 25, 2005

file photo of ypm

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
Well, it’s going to be tough to do an insightful 3 man lylo once kasch gets banned for doxxing me

Oct 25, 2005

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
##vote kaschei

Oh god :psyduck:

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
:redhammer: You spent all that time arguing and kaschei is who you chose to hammer? Wow.

Votecount for Day 7

OO kaschei (2): Your Personal Muse, yuming
xO Your Personal Muse (1): kaschei

With 3 alive, it's 2 votes to execute. The current deadline is July 26th, 2024 at 9:52 a.m. CEST -- that's in about 1 day, 15 hours.

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
Alas, so the curtain falls, as the sole protective role gets chased out of town.

kaschei has been eliminated!


You are Romani, TOWN-Aligned Bodyguard. You win the game when all threats to town have been eliminated before time runs out.

As a night action, you may ##bodyguard a player, negating the effects of a killing action that would affect that player tonight. You may not target yourself. If you successfully negate a kill this way, you will die instead.

WIth that, the moon's descent can no longer be stopped, which means...

shwinnebego, Grandicap and Your Personal Muse have won the game!

Your Personal Muse had this role:


You are Tatl, SCUM-Aligned Messenger/Lightning Rod. You win the game when your team controls the vote, or time runs out and the moon crashes into the earth.

Once per day as a private day action, you may send a ##message to another player. They will not know who sent the message. They can reply to it before the day is over.

As a night action, you may ##lightning rod another player, causing any non-killing night actions they take to target you instead of their original target, if possible.

yuming was endgamed.


You are Mayor Dotour, TOWN-Aligned Doublevoter. You win the game when all threats to town have been eliminated before time runs out.

As a public day action, you may ##doublevote a player. You may move this vote at any time and ##undoublevote to remove it. You lose this ability once three or fewer players are left in the game.

Thanks for playing.

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance

yuming posted:

This is a decent point hrm.

I wanna win this game :qq:
gg scum.

Wish I came back to this :sparkles:

Love the endgame message YPM

Oct 25, 2005

ggs sorry for potato braining it

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

I've been bamboozled a few times by anti-town that can do two things.

It was only a matter of time before being bamboozled by anti-town that could do three things.

Good game, friends.

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

Good game scums. Should've trusted my gut and pressed the message I got for all it was worth while I had the time.


Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Guru Gang

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