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Foul Fowl
Sep 12, 2008

Uuuuh! Seek ye me?
the meta progression wasn't bad in dead cells tbh, the issue i had with it is that playing it at its most fun (high speed, lots of attacking and rolling) was only viable up to like NG++ at which point shields and patience seemed the only way for me not to die of attrition since healing was so hard to come by and enemy damage wrecks you. this is way before all the patches though, would be nice if they changed it up since it's a really sick game at its core.


Turin Turambar
Jun 5, 2011

I confess after the first 40 hours, I used a x2 cells booster mod to shorten the grind.

Turin Turambar
Jun 5, 2011

By the way, you may have already a new action roguelite and you just don't know it. If you bought the 'Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality', Beacon was part of it, and it launched on Steam at the end of December. You can download it from

dis astranagant
Dec 14, 2006

Turin Turambar posted:

By the way, you may have already a new action roguelite and you just don't know it. If you bought the 'Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality', Beacon was part of it, and it launched on Steam at the end of December. You can download it from

We talked about that some for about half a page right before christmas but it didn't really stick. Game's pretty alright, tho.

Angry Diplomat
Nov 7, 2009

Winner of the TSR Memorial Award for Excellence In Grogging

Sab Sabbington posted:

That's one of my favorite builds and one that I'll absolutely try and force if my starting battle graft supports it. You chug an absolutely impossible amount of alcohol and just machine gun empty bottles at everything until they die.

It's a crime that the Drunken Master card doesn't work better for Smith in some way. As it stands, you basically need one or both of the Heshian "status cards are cheaper" boon or the graft that makes status cards Replenish to make it usable at all.

The adrenaline/power + bottle spam build really is a joy. I think the absolute funniest I've ever done was probably "Masochism + self-damage cards + self-damaging empty bottle graft + the card that doubles another card's damage + the card that gains multiplied effect from adrenaline/power" though. I was reliably able to achieve triple-digit damage by the end of the game (needless to say I had a ridiculously high kill count and everybody despised me)

Glazius posted:

So maybe you know: what's the actual use case for Smith's Curve Ball flourish? Literally just that one argument that retaliates when attacked? Interactions with Drum Roller/The Red because it counts as red/green damage?

That's basically it, yeah. It's not a very good flourish lmao (especially compared to the other ones Smith gets, some of which are absolutely insane)

Angry Diplomat fucked around with this message at 14:36 on Jan 5, 2022

Feb 8, 2004

It's 2006. I am taking 276 yeti furs from the goodies hoard.

Turin Turambar posted:

I confess after the first 40 hours, I used a x2 cells booster mod to shorten the grind.

Once you're on around BC2 difficulty they roll in much, much faster -- enemies drop double, plus there are more enemies overall, more elites, and more cell caches within levels. You frequently get 70+ in one stage if you're being thorough. That said they probably could have smoothed out the increase a little more -- going from normal mode to BC1 is a decent jump in difficulty but I don't think you really get poo poo for bonus loot to balance it out

edit: they also added an upgrade for the regular forge that lets you upgrade weapons twice, which does make the Legendary Forge grind a lot less painful. You have to be a little more careful with your gold in-run because it's expensive, but being able to upgrade a + quality item to an S quality one is a huge benefit.

goferchan fucked around with this message at 15:57 on Jan 5, 2022

Terminally Bored
Oct 31, 2011

Twenty-five dollars and a six pack to my name
Rift Wizard is so good. No metaprogression, no guides on which gemstones throw at which unicorns, just blasting enemies with badass spells. It's so simple and great.

Owl Inspector
Sep 14, 2011

I was fine with the pace I was unlocking stuff in dead cells until I reached BC5, which arbitrarily prevented you from unlocking anything with meta currency for no reason, but which you have you play if you want to see the game’s final level and boss (which simply don’t exist on its other difficulties). so I just got a 100x cells mod on the steam workshop and quickly unlocked everything remaining on BC4 since I was never going to go back below BC5 and miss out on a chance to reach the astrolab. my understanding is that they changed it so you can unlock things on BC5 now, but it was unfortunately not a unique case of a decision that was hard to understand how it ever got implemented in the first place. things were looking up when they turned the malaise system on its head to push you to move quickly instead of as slowly and safely as possible, but I ended up quitting after a later update that removed a bunch of build variety for no apparent reason and I was starting to feel I just was not its target audience. One of those games where I definitely got my money’s worth but where far too much of my time was spent trying to enjoy it rather than actually enjoying it, and baffling dev decisions were rampant despite the game having a solid core.

Feb 25, 2013

Bear Witness
hell yeah I won a Ring of Pain run

now how the hell do you do the dark ending, the boss had 500 HP and oneshot me

(and I'm talking Normal difficulty, this game evidently has many pairs of gloves to come off one by one)

Jan 2, 2020

The Dark boss has some like, mechanics going on.

It summons a bunch of exploders for a reason: you're supposed to lure Owl near one of them and explode it to stun him, which makes him vulnerable for a few turns. Actively engaging him in a straight fight is suicide unless your build is particularly busted.

Also, you can reduce Owl's HP before the fight if you go to Owl floors and beat him up.

Feb 25, 2013

Bear Witness

Arzaac posted:

It summons a bunch of exploders for a reason: you're supposed to lure Owl near one of them and explode it to stun him, which makes him vulnerable for a few turns. Actively engaging him in a straight fight is suicide unless your build is particularly busted.

Also, you can reduce Owl's HP before the fight if you go to Owl floors and beat him up.

lmao at the second part, I was wondering why it even gave me the option to do that (but assumed it was because of the achievement for doing it, and then the other achievement for doing it in very specific ways)

That all makes sense, though. I just assumed I could go toe-to-toe and lmao not even close.

Jan 7, 2011
Regarding Caves of Qud. I'm a bit stuck.

I've reached the top of the area through the death gate and found some robot who was willing to engrave the walls with my stories. Now I supposedly should be able to enter through the life gate, but this isn't happening. Can the game be finished at this point? I'm playing using version which is rather recent but such that the save game isn't compatible with the latest version.

I've a total murder machine true kin character rolling with essentially all the bells and whistles (although I did accidentally pour lava on top of me by disassembling a filled lava cell which resulted in my spectral cloak or w/e to be destroyed). But now I got the gun rack so I'm dual wielding light rail + some big slug cannon. And the throwing disc which is absolutely murderous.

Snake Maze
Jul 13, 2016

3.85 Billion years ago
  • Having seen the explosion on the moon, the Devil comes to Venus
Yes, you should be able to finish that quest.

After the walls are engraved you can entomb yourself in the sarcophagus to enter brightsheol. Everything after that is just dialogue with the npc

Oct 24, 2005

Saw this in my YouTube feed, looks pretty good for $1!

Turin Turambar
Jun 5, 2011

Harminoff posted:

Saw this in my YouTube feed, looks pretty good for $1!

Bought it. The slow move speed isn't my thing, but I thought why the hell not, the dev will be happy seeing the yt video made him gain a few hundreds dollars (if a few hundred people buy it thanks to it).

Thirsty Dog
May 31, 2007

Turin Turambar posted:

Bought it. The slow move speed isn't my thing, but I thought why the hell not, the dev will be happy seeing the yt video made him gain a few hundreds dollars (if a few hundred people buy it thanks to it).

The move speed and that beam immediately made me think of Diablo 3, which is an interesting comparison for a game like this.

Jack Trades
Nov 30, 2010
Can't post for 11 years!
Okay, so this might be a weird question but how do you play Rift Wizard without moving your hands around the keyboard?
So the left hand kind of needs to be near the WASD for the spell selection, Tab targeting and such but if I try to use the right hand on the numpad then I don't seen to be able to cast spells without moving my hand over to Enter and if I use the mouse instead then I don't seem to be able to wait without moving my hand to Num 5.

Am I missing something obvious here?

EDIT: Oh, you can wait by clicking on yourself. Now I feel stupid. Although the controls section doesn't mention it anywhere.

Jack Trades fucked around with this message at 10:29 on Jan 6, 2022

Terminally Bored
Oct 31, 2011

Twenty-five dollars and a six pack to my name
I think it was designed to be played with mouse.

Apr 30, 2003

Bjorn you glad I didn't say banana?
Gods Will Fall is this week's free game on Epic. It has mixed reviews on Steam, but it's tagged as roguelike, so I'll at least give it a try.

Mar 17, 2011

goferchan posted:

Once you're on around BC2 difficulty they roll in much, much faster -- enemies drop double, plus there are more enemies overall, more elites, and more cell caches within levels. You frequently get 70+ in one stage if you're being thorough. That said they probably could have smoothed out the increase a little more -- going from normal mode to BC1 is a decent jump in difficulty but I don't think you really get poo poo for bonus loot to balance it out

edit: they also added an upgrade for the regular forge that lets you upgrade weapons twice, which does make the Legendary Forge grind a lot less painful. You have to be a little more careful with your gold in-run because it's expensive, but being able to upgrade a + quality item to an S quality one is a huge benefit.

I’m really excited by this news because I have been playing little bits and just learning the systems and I have been loving dead cells. I’ve killed the first boss on the bridge a couple times but that’s it so far. Game is huge it feels.

Jul 15, 2007
The only part of the Dead Cells grind that I feel like is still kinda lovely is unlocking blueprints, but aggressive use of the Hunter's Grenade goes a long ways to speeding that process up. Once I started playing again mid last year it didn't take me long at all to max out the forge completely, you just get so many cells per run on higher BC levels.

But if you really just want everything unlocked there's a variety of mods to either do everything or speed up the process in any way you want.

It's one of my favorite roguelikes ever, the combat smoothness and pacing is perfect. With the last rework to BC 5 a while back the difficulty curve is in a great place now, the new malaise is way less lovely to deal with and earlier BC levels are far less punishing. There's so many amazing weapons and builds to play with and almost anything can work because it really just comes down to learning attack patterns and playing better.

A+ game would recommend.

Jan 7, 2011

Snake Maze posted:

Yes, you should be able to finish that quest.

After the walls are engraved you can entomb yourself in the sarcophagus to enter brightsheol. Everything after that is just dialogue with the npc


I also realised I need to talk to the legendary plant outside the spindle first. So after handling the spindle lease and getting back to grit gate, I headed to the rainbow forest and as I was messing around with those multiplying slimes, I lost much HP than I expected to some life drains and... died. While having tons of tools and skills available to me. Goshdarn!

(luckily I cheated and made a copy of my save before going into the sarcophagus because of how it warned me that I'll die for sure. But it's not gonna be the same. But this will be the character to beat this game!)

I really like how the game integrates UI effects with the game events. Interfacing your consciousness with a computer or eating trippy substance makes some cool effects. :)

Jul 15, 2007

Farquar posted:

Gods Will Fall is this week's free game on Epic. It has mixed reviews on Steam, but it's tagged as roguelike, so I'll at least give it a try.

Played about 10 minutes of this, cannot recommend at all. First of all the game is nigh unplayable without a controller, it's keyboard only, so make sure you have a controller ready. Second the combat just feels bad, clunky movement and by far the worst "parry" system I have ever seen. You parry by dodging directly at an enemy into their attack, but the game does not use a lock-on system so most of the time you will just dodge right past them so it's not even worth the effort to try.

The only good thing I can say about this game is even if you bought it on Steam it wouldn't take you 2 hours to know you want to refund it.

Aug 18, 2013

revisiting deathstate and I'm kind of surprised how stark the difference between normal mode and insanity is.

you go from a game that's a fairly easy jaunt to one with earlygame bosses that are ridiculous brick walls of difficulty. like, Sarashel on insanity seems borderline unbeatable with your average build.

Feb 8, 2004

It's 2006. I am taking 276 yeti furs from the goodies hoard.
Anyone check out the new Dead Cells DLC? I've got it, I'm thinking about dropping down to 0BSC to run through it though because I have enough trouble with the existing endgame on 3BSC as it is lol.

Turin Turambar
Jun 5, 2011

Yeah, I commented it on the Dead Cells thread.

Sep 4, 2006

Victorious, he returned to us, claiming that he had slain the drought where even Orlanth could not. The god-talkers were not sure what to make of this.
Decided to get my last FTL achievement, Boarding Objective Successful (kill 4 enemies with a single instance of the boarding drone).
Since it's a bit of a gimmick, I went Easy and used the Mantis B.

Naturally, I didnt get a single ship with 4 crewmembers until sector 5 or 6, where they already had cloning bays and medbays and annoying weapons. A rebel elite comes to mind in particular, with 2 small and 1 large missiles.
Regardless, I couldn't complain, because the game was being ridiculously generous with everything else. Listing just the free stuff that I can remember:
Vulcan in sector 1, Flak II, Halberd beam, Hermes missile, 2x Heal bomb, 2x Defense Drone I, System repair drone, Hull repair drone, Beam drone, Fire drone, Boarding drone, Anti-boarding drone (security?)

Eventually, in sector 7, I was able to micromanage my 4 boarders and hacking to a point where all the enemies were down to a sliver of their health and it was safe to wait for the drone to plod about. Boarding objective successful! Still had to kite the last Engi to its doom using my own Engi for minimal threat. Phew.

And then two jumps from the end of sector 7 I come across a store. 476 scrap in the bank and spoilt for choice.
Burst II, Heavy laser I, Breach bomb II, Scrap recovery arm (bit late, but it's the thought that counts), Automated reloader, Zoltan shield bypass

Sold the Vulcan and Hermes, bought Burst II, Breach II, Reloader and Bypass. Didn't even really use the Burst, but I wanted it.
No damage during the flagship fight, 275ish scrap left over with everything maxed, the score 4889 is my best ever on Easy. Sometimes the RNG gives.

Feb 8, 2004

It's 2006. I am taking 276 yeti furs from the goodies hoard.

Turin Turambar posted:

Yeah, I commented it on the Dead Cells thread.

Thanks, didn't even think of looking for one of those. Here's the link if anyone else wants it:

girl dick energy
Sep 30, 2009

You think you have the wherewithal to figure out my puzzle vagina?

Duuk posted:

Decided to get my last FTL achievement
God, I haven't played FTL in forever. I still have that flowchart I made for the thread.

Feb 25, 2013

Bear Witness

IronicDongz posted:

revisiting deathstate and I'm kind of surprised how stark the difference between normal mode and insanity is.

you go from a game that's a fairly easy jaunt to one with earlygame bosses that are ridiculous brick walls of difficulty. like, Sarashel on insanity seems borderline unbeatable with your average build.
yeah this is what ultimately made me put it down, not only could I not make progress but I couldn't figure out how the heck to even build to get better

Oct 2, 2013

girl dick energy posted:

God, I haven't played FTL in forever. I still have that flowchart I made for the thread.



girl dick energy
Sep 30, 2009

You think you have the wherewithal to figure out my puzzle vagina?
The quotes from the FTL thread and the Reddit thread about this image were loving gold.


right now some traffic engineer in San Francisco is looking at this, touching himself, and wondering how he can apply this to their streets

Nah, but SA poster Ranter gave OP a $100 charity-donation bounty on making an actually usable FTL flowchart, so I swooped in and made this.

The Goonfleet joke is a little dated, and I'd have done some things slightly differently if I made it today, but I'm still proud of the good it did.

William Henry Hairytaint
Oct 29, 2011


Sep 4, 2006

Victorious, he returned to us, claiming that he had slain the drought where even Orlanth could not. The god-talkers were not sure what to make of this.
Those flowcharts are good stuff.

So, since I had done the achievements, I figured I would try something else new.
I've played plenty on Normal and Easy. Know my way around well enough. Never tried Hard.
I don't have the patience to grind my Pause key into dust to make it work. Even doing so, I understand the RNG is pretty merciless.

But you know, don't knock it 'til you've tried it.

Yeah, gently caress Hard. That would be a poo poo score on Easy difficulty. Not likely to venture there again.
Ran away from two or three fights total. No scrap to work with, plenty of rubbish events. Did not particularly enjoy the flagship hacking my Shields and then hacking my Shields when I jumped away and back.

Edit: I mean, it was certainly tense, I can see why some people do Hard. I'm just not a fan of feeling outgunned in every fight.

Duuk fucked around with this message at 21:43 on Jan 9, 2022

Oct 2, 2013

'Living off the Land' was one of the cheevos I was missing until recently, and I figured the Ariolimax would be a good contender for it. Turns out I was right! The two starting systems are pretty great, and one run I got lucky with a couple of weapon drops (burst 2 and fire beam? Don't mind if I do!), and I bought the last chain laser in sector 8. Not that it was necessary, two lasers and a beam with hacking is enough to take down the flagship. That said, I ate some missiles :ohdear:

This was on easy, of course.

Nov 4, 2009
Seems hopeful, as there's not a ton of first person crawler style Roguelike fare:

Nov 8, 2005

I know it's a budget title and all, but after Grimrock I don't think I could go back to games that look like that. Yes yes this is the RL thread but sometimes its possibly to preserve the gameplay and look&feel while also modernizing things like UI. Maybe I just want Grimrock3? Probably.


Rift Wizard talk:
I've been goofing around with runs and trying to find my own synergies, but my most successful build by far is just copying something off of the internet and going Ice with shattering shards + extra freeze passive (went from dying on rift 8 to seeing rift 22). I've tried lightning a few times but keep falling flat on my face on the teenage stages, unsure if it's a lack of burst or frozen-lockown but its not working for me. Also have been trying to get a dumbass gimmick Eye build off the ground but it never works. Currently kinda having success with a Sorcery/Cantrip Cascade build, but I'm not sure how to transition out of it for the later game. So it's all the lvl1 cantrips -> Sorcerer Lord -> Cascade + Price of Ruin -> Blink -> ??. I could go heavier into light/fire to trigger more prince of ruin stuff (but that's just a half-assed elemental build?), just buy megaanniliate (but then what?), or...? The passive skills screen doesn't have a lot of inspiration for me. Also every single summon build I try is DOOMED. Halp!

Jul 21, 2007

Evil Kit posted:

hi I'm *checks steam* 194 hours in on Gunfire and still enjoy it. Am I doing it wrong?

I'm doing it super wrong because I've been playing it obsessively AND only started figuring out that raw damage wasn't the way to go after 50 hours, despite the signposting the game does by making you start with the cat thing that only really works if you make use of the smoke grenades with debuff ascensions. The ship boss held me up for like 20 runs until I was finally able to knock out its final stage before the arena filled with corrosive enemies and fire. I was pretty annoyed that the first time you do it your run ends, especially because I never failed to make it to the final boss after that point and only needed about three tries to defeat him. I think there's a certain point at which you're either strong enough to roll the last two areas or too weak to deal with the mobs and tougher enemies at the same time, like the lobster with mortars and fire lanterns that get spammed if you don't deal with the caster immediately.

I'm going to try to finish with all of the characters, but would playing the higher difficulties with characters I'm already familiar with be more fun? There seem to be three melee/close range characters and I'm not sure about the differences between them and didn't love the few runs I did with them. Also, the bunny one creeps me out.

bees x1000
Jun 11, 2020

My two Rift Wizard wins are Wolfer, and Limited Spellbook which was just Wolfer with Boiling Blood. Working on a Spire spam lightning win. Summons are fun.

Wolfer secret tech:
Biggest early skills IMO are Clay Wolves, Minion Regeneration, Natural Vigour, Hound Lord. An early Hound Lord will clear entire floors by itself. Then branch into more damage types with icy vengeance or venom spit+collected agony+paralyzing venom. If you luck into Fire Claw shrine then Pyrophilia, Fiery Judgement and Chastisement are huge pickups.

Pick rifts carefully, your damage types are limited and slimes are very tough to beat.

bees x1000 fucked around with this message at 19:37 on Jan 11, 2022


Oct 24, 2005

Watched a youtube video of "The Ground Gives Way" so decided to give it a go following the setup he had. With it running from terminal, you sure can make it look nice!

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