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Oct 9, 2012

i think you can do gundam with aliens if you have a good writing team that isn't horribly handicapped by some other element of production, and i'm not sure there is any factor remotely as important than that


Jan 13, 2008
00's genre of aliens are just completely different from Re:Rise's anyway.

00's problem is that they didn't and couldn't back away from having the broader view of things because that's sort of been 00's gimmick even if S2 was really bad at it sometimes. Devoting too much time away from the main characters causes problems when the actual important alien contact stuff is always going to need stronger characters. It's just kind of a situation with no winners. Even if you could devote enough time to both things, they still had a boatload of action. And even though it's really stupid, I'll give 00 credit. They taught the aliens that humans communicate through violence.

Re:Rise's are just basically an uncontacted tribe civilization of alien-looking humans.

Darth Walrus
Feb 13, 2012

Argas posted:

00's genre of aliens are just completely different from Re:Rise's anyway.

00's problem is that they didn't and couldn't back away from having the broader view of things because that's sort of been 00's gimmick even if S2 was really bad at it sometimes. Devoting too much time away from the main characters causes problems when the actual important alien contact stuff is always going to need stronger characters. It's just kind of a situation with no winners. Even if you could devote enough time to both things, they still had a boatload of action. And even though it's really stupid, I'll give 00 credit. They taught the aliens that humans communicate through violence.

Re:Rise's are just basically an uncontacted tribe civilization of alien-looking humans.

Mind you, the main antagonist is also pretty alien in both his nature and personality. Literally the broken, mad god of another planet.

Feb 18, 2013

The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money
Gundam should do a series about aliens, by making it a regular rear end gundam series except it takes place on an alien planet, involving a schism between the population on the planet and the population now living on the colonies around their solar system.

Arc Hammer
Mar 4, 2013

Look deep within your shell
And those aliens should look exactly like humans except maybe they've got facial tattoos or funny ears.

That Works
Jul 22, 2006

Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy

Nuebot posted:

Gundam should do a series about aliens, by making it a regular rear end gundam series except it takes place on an alien planet, involving a schism between the population on the planet and the population now living on the colonies around their solar system.


X-Ray Pecs
May 11, 2008

New York
Ice Cream
~Good Times~

chiasaur11 posted:

As for cultural footprint, Pokemon had the Sekiha Love Love Tenkyoken in 2019,

I had to look this up, and yup it definitely happened.

Arc Hammer
Mar 4, 2013

Look deep within your shell
I miss the edit that included the original music on top.

Jan 6, 2012

Lucky for them "Continental Crush" kind of works with the joke.

Jan 20, 2011

I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna!!!

Gundam Wing gets a lot of kits because it's the one that took off in the US which means those kits are good for throwing in Targets

The Notorious ZSB
Apr 19, 2004


Does Re:Rise even really tackle the usual Gundam themes? The Build series has seemed very divorced from the general vibes of classic Gundam, but having not seen it, I don't really feel like I can say its use of aliens is Gundam with aliens or just its its own thing with aliens that features Gundam robits.

Wing gets kits cause its loving sick and the designs are fun. Gundam with too many guns! Gundam with snake arms! Gundam that is DEATH! Gundam that is a birdy angel! Gundam that umm no one gives a poo poo about from the desert! Char's AU Gundam with only melee tools!

May 6, 2007

Re:rise mid-season arc is very much Gundam that it's was quite shocking and while it's still a kids toy show it's second half is doing Gundam themes through that lens and it's why it's so good

Aug 26, 2006

The Magic Number

College Slice
The whole Build part of Re Rise is kind of a trojan horse for dropping some of the best slow-burn character development I've seen in the franchise. Something I really appreciated about the show is that while the protagonists get their own focus episodes early on, they never plateau in their arcs there; contrast this with the prequel, Build Divers, where other than some extremely minor developments in early focus episodes, the main cast remains pretty consistently flat throughout the entire series.

Darth Walrus
Feb 13, 2012
Re:Rise is quite Gundam once it gets up and running, yes. The main villain is basically a halfway mark between CCA Char and the Devil Gundam, for instance, with a similar (though not identical) origin story to the latter.

Jan 20, 2011

I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna!!!

Silver Bullet Suppressor is so funny

Jun 8, 2012

I bet the v2 could handle a beam magnum

Oct 9, 2012

Waffleman_ posted:

Silver Bullet Suppressor is so funny


Oct 22, 2012

Waffleman_ posted:

Silver Bullet Suppressor is so funny

Banagher's love for his big, big gun does a lot to make him feel more like a character rather than a narrative void saying "protagonist here".

Like, Kira Yamato wanting a massive death rifle, that's so he can use it for peaceful purposes and he'll put it away for something more moderate as soon as he can. Amuro just takes what does the job. Even Heero Yuy is trying to put his superweapons away for good.

Banagher, though, Banagher could wax melodic right there with Sledge Hammer on how good it feels to fire a hand cannon.

Dec 24, 2007

Stairmaster posted:

I bet the v2 could handle a beam magnum

Both Victory Gundams are built to easily replace the arms, yes.

May 6, 2007

like why not just have it crotch mounted so it can distribute against the whole frame rather than just the arm?

Is it going to make it weird

cmon crotch guns.

cmon banagher

chrome line
Oct 13, 2022
I'm watching Unicorn right now and Banagher has a decently drawn character. It isn't one I like seeing at all, it's like they forgot Mashymre was funny and added the worst parts of Allelujah Haptism, but it's a character

Jan 20, 2011

I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna!!!

Banagher just wants to hear the good noise the gun make

Feb 18, 2013

The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money
I'm nearing the end of Turn A and I am forced to conclude, based on all evidence the show has provided, that Red Team survived and are cool.

Arc Hammer
Mar 4, 2013

Look deep within your shell

Feb 6, 2024
Turn A is my favorite gundam.

It is the best one, imo. I will die on this hill.

Neddy Seagoon
Oct 12, 2012

"Hi Everybody!"
Can I play the Piano anymore?

Of course you can!

Well, I couldn't bef-:gibs:

Nov 8, 2018

Man, episode 11 of 0083 is really bad. It ends with the revelation that Nina used to date Gato, which is so infamously stupid I think it makes people forget that the whole episode leading up to that point is just contrived nonsense about people not wanting Kou to pilot GP03 for no reason. There’s this whole MP character who just shows up an announces that he won’t let Kou pilot the Gundam and is super evil about it for no reason but the Kou gets the Gundam anyway.

Gaius Marius
Oct 9, 2012

Kou is a loving moron and not a good pilot. I wouldn't want him stealing my billion dollar test machine either.

gimme the GOD DAMN candy
Jul 1, 2007
maybe, just maybe, we should send out someone who is good at piloting and isn't very openly obsessed with gato, a man that is good at piloting.

Gaius Marius
Oct 9, 2012

It's a good thing they've got a mole in the Zeon camp who can step in and shut poo poo down before the colony drops. It would be a shame if someone killed her for no reason.

Tulalip Tulips
Sep 1, 2013

The best apologies are crafted with love.
Look, entrusting things to someone so oblivious they help the enemy in a surprisingly homoerotic way is the only true way to stop Zeon.

Arc Hammer
Mar 4, 2013

Look deep within your shell
Kou had a reason to kill her, she got his CO killed and he's a hothead.

Oct 22, 2012

Gaius Marius posted:

Kou is a loving moron and not a good pilot. I wouldn't want him stealing my billion dollar test machine either.

Kou's a good pilot... it's just that Gundam tends to be about great pilots, and Kou is so full of terrible ideas and impulses that being a good pilot doesn't anywhere near compensate.

Arc Hammer posted:

Kou had a reason to kill her, she got his CO killed and he's a hothead.

Don't forget that he's strung out on meth to compensate for fatigue. That doesn't help with good decisionmaking.

gimme the GOD DAMN candy
Jul 1, 2007
kou's a decent pilot with almost no experience. despite being the platonic ideal of a titan, monsha legitimately could have done better than kou.

Dec 5, 2006

Started watching Witch from Mercury.

Someone at sunrise really liked Utena.

Feb 13, 2011

It definitely gave the first episode a fun vibe

Sep 26, 2006


Nuebot posted:

I'm nearing the end of Turn A and I am forced to conclude, based on all evidence the show has provided, that Red Team survived and are cool.

An important thing to remember in their final scene is that the unit that Cancer and Muron are stuck in can be used to do atmospheric re-entry because we see Loran, Keith and Fran doing so in the show's opening. They had food and drink, and were drifting towards Earth, so it is possible.

Arc Hammer posted:

Kou had a reason to kill her, she got his CO killed and he's a hothead.

A thing people also tend to brush aside because they like the dommy mommy is that she was the one that stole the colony dropped in Operation Stardust in the first place, and even killed some random colony workers in order to do it. She's kind of an awful person throughout the whole thing, frankly and yet people consistently try and paint her as a sympathetic person who was just trying to do best by her men; despite being relieved when the Federation ship she's meeting clandestinely blows up one of her fleet ships because it meant it wasn't shooting at her, threatening people with a colony drop herself etc. She was a selfish poo poo who worked with the Federation because it was the best bet for her in the moment, and she'd have betrayed them the second she thought it advantageous.

It doesn't even change if you take the backstory that never made it to animation into account, since in that case she saw Zeon gas a colony and then blame her for it before continuing to work happily under Zeon for the other 10 months or more of the war and then was surprised when it turned out the Zeon guys talking about a colony drop actually dropped it. If anything, it just makes her worse, since her backstory makes her come off as not just selfish, but also kind of stupid. She deserved what she got frankly, and even if she'd lived I don't see that there's anything she could have done to prevent Gato from dropping the colony anyway.

Which is especially true if you take the Mayfly of Space animations from the bluray release into account, since in those we see Cima screaming "Zeon Banzai!" when she thinks she's about to die at Solomon (or possibly A Baoa Qu; can't recall off-hand), showing she still has total faith in the Zeon cause and then it turns out her superiors don't sell her out to secure their own safety from the Federation but that when Cima asks about amnesty, the officer she's talking to tells her she has to give up her ship in order for amnesty and Cima balks at that before the officer tells her he's busy and closes comms. Cima wasn't left out in the cold because someone sold her out, she was there because of her own decisions.

gimme the GOD drat candy posted:

kou's a decent pilot with almost no experience. despite being the platonic ideal of a titan, monsha legitimately could have done better than kou.

I doubt it, given that Monsha is an overgrown child himself and got hotheaded and angry whenever he saw Kou having something or doing something he perceived as his by right. It'd be very easy to imagine him losing his cool at Gato if Gato touched the right buttons when talking to him, which main pilot characters in prototype machines always do mid-battle in Gundam. The solution in that case wouldn't be to give the big, expensive super weapon to Monsha, it'd be for Synapse and/or Burning to do their jobs and actually hold both Kou and Monsha to account throughout the story up to that point so that whoever did pilot it would have learned any kind of lesson or had some kind of character development to make them better people and pilots by the time they have to use the Dendrobium. The entire crew of the Albion and everyone who is trying to stop Gato share blame for the way things went frankly, bar maybe Keith and Mora, since they're mostly ineffectual and doing their own thing off to the side. As such, they're about the only characters who escape 0083 looking half way decent.

tsob fucked around with this message at 13:58 on May 5, 2024

Nov 19, 2011

"Let's be positive! Let's start a fire!"
Why the gently caress would Monsha actually talk to Gato?

Why would Gato even respond? The only reason he responded to Kou was because “it’s that same stupid kid”

Sep 26, 2006


MechaX posted:

Why the gently caress would Monsha actually talk to Gato?

Why would Gato even respond? The only reason he responded to Kou was because “it’s that same stupid kid”

Monsha would do it because he's an arrogant prick who would 100% think himself superior, and Gato would respond for the same reason.


Arc Hammer
Mar 4, 2013

Look deep within your shell
Gato wouldn't even have time to respond. By the end of the show he's reduced himself to being a blathering airbag that does nothing but spout bad poetry and wax lyrical about how heavy his burden is to be such an awesome/cursed bushido man.

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