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Oct 23, 2010

Cry Havoc and let slip the Hogs of War

Nevvy Z posted:

Yeah people shouldn't do that. But the only person accusing a person of not being black is that black lady at the end.

But then you have lily white Lisa Talmadge tell a black person that they need to make a black friend to understand blackness. And it's not just black people saying black twister accounts are bots, it runs the gamut.


Jul 1, 2009

Nevvy Z posted:

Yeah people shouldn't do that. But the only person accusing a person of not being black is that black lady at the end.

"It just made no sense. There was zero blackness, and I'm not referencing Ebonics. I'm referencing blackness." -a white lady

Harold Fjord
Jan 3, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

(and can't post for 21 hours!)

What twitter account was that white lady referring to when she agreed with her black friend, if a bit tone deafly.


Majorian posted:

If he's punching left that deliberately, it's a pretty good bet he's a centrist.

Actually, if you look at the first tweet, he says, "There were FAR too many black Bernie Bros to be real, esp once he was outed as a fraud!" So he's pretty clearly not talking about just one person/fake account. You nitwit.
"It's ok to erase black people if they are centrists" - someone who is genuinely concerned about PoC.

Jun 17, 2003

by R. Guyovich
There were a lot of black Bernie bros! And Bernie bros were fabricated by the Clinton campaign and centrists! Wait.

Jul 1, 2009

Nevvy Z posted:

"It's ok to erase black people if they are centrists" - someone who is genuinely concerned about PoC

Mmmm, no. Calling them out on erasing leftist POCs isn't itself "erasure." Do you need me to define that word for you? It might ease your confusion.

Harold Fjord
Jan 3, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

(and can't post for 21 hours!)

Majorian posted:

Mmmm, no. Calling them out on erasing leftist POCs isn't itself "erasure." Do you need me to define that word for you? It might ease your confusion.

You deliberately masking his blackness in your posts to remove his credibility regarding black issues is erasure you dumbshit

Cerebral Bore
Apr 21, 2010

Fun Shoe

Nevvy Z posted:

Nah. You full of poo poo

Nevvy Z posted:

Well, since it seems to be happening on twitter maybe you should post about it their instead of this performative outrage about what black people say on twitter about KNOWN FAKE twitter accounts.

Nevvy Z posted:

Maybe you should have quoted just from that that instead of random twitter stuff that no one cares about and didn't show what you claimed it showed.

Maybe you should shut up and actually listen to PoC when they tell you about a problem instead of reflexively trying to deny and minimize?

Harold Fjord
Jan 3, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

(and can't post for 21 hours!)

Cerebral Bore posted:

Maybe you should shut up and actually listen to PoC when they tell you about a problem instead of reflexively trying to deny and minimize?

Who? I'm listening to the black guy who thought the account was fake. Who am I erasing by saying "maybe that guy knows a thing or two about black people."?

Harold Fjord fucked around with this message at 18:20 on Oct 5, 2017

Yeowch!!! My Balls!!!
May 31, 2006
literally erasing black voices for saying things they disagree with: It's Okay When It's Centrists Doing It

Harold Fjord
Jan 3, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

(and can't post for 21 hours!)

"Listen to POC. Unless they are dirty centrists"

Cerebral Bore
Apr 21, 2010

Fun Shoe

Nevvy Z posted:

Who? I'm listening to the black guy who thought the account was fake

You're sure as poo poo not listening to the people who are actually experiencing the problem, buddo. That you'd try to use some unrelated dude performing amateur linguistics based on a twitter post as a shield really says it all.

Jul 1, 2009

Nevvy Z posted:

You deliberately masking his blackness in your posts to remove his credibility regarding black issues is erasure you dumbshit

His race doesn't give him a pass in erasing the opinions of black leftists, you dumbshit.

Oct 23, 2010

Cry Havoc and let slip the Hogs of War
Yeah, just because a black person is erasing my race or calling me a bot doesn't make it better.

Yeowch!!! My Balls!!!
May 31, 2006

Nevvy Z posted:

"Listen to POC. Unless they are dirty centrists"

it is good to hear I am no longer blocked for the crime of calling you on demanding the deaths of your political opponents, right before calling leftists evil for demanding the deaths of their political opponents

Harold Fjord
Jan 3, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

(and can't post for 21 hours!)

Cerebral Bore posted:

You're sure as poo poo not listening to the people who are actually experiencing the problem, buddo. That you'd try to use some unrelated dude performing amateur linguistics based on a twitter post as a shield really says it all.

Who is actually experiencing the problem that I didn't listen to?

theCalamity posted:

Yeah, just because a black person is erasing my race or calling me a bot doesn't make it better.

I agree with this. I disagree that someone saying "I know those couldn't all be real" means they are erasing you individually. Especially when they are talking in the specific context of a known fake.

Harold Fjord fucked around with this message at 18:28 on Oct 5, 2017

Jul 1, 2009

Nevvy Z posted:

Who is actually experiencing the problem that I didn't listen to?

Briahna Joy Gray, the black woman who got told by the white woman that she should make black friends to understand what it's like to be black. (also the author of the Current Affairs piece)

Harold Fjord
Jan 3, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

(and can't post for 21 hours!)

Majorian posted:

Briahna Joy Gray, the black woman who got told by the white woman that she should make black friends to understand what it's like to be black. (also the author of the Current Affairs piece)

Yeah, that was a pretty rude thing that lady said to her. I'm not sure how I'm failing to listen to her, she's not really part of this conversation.

yronic heroism
Oct 31, 2008

Liberals always erasing the 7% of black voters who chose to MAGA. Guess we found the real racists.

Jul 1, 2009

Nevvy Z posted:

Yeah, that was a pretty rude thing that lady said to her. I'm not sure how I'm failing to listen to her, she's not really part of this conversation.

She wrote a whole drat article about how black leftists' voices get silenced by establishment Democrats. You've been ignoring her points this whole conversation because they don't fit into your narrative.

Cerebral Bore
Apr 21, 2010

Fun Shoe
This whole shebang right here really shows how shallow and opportunistic the typical centrist's commitment to antiracism really is. Somebody brings up a problem that reflects badly on their team and they start falling over themselves to deny that it could possibly be a problem. Note that not a single one of the usual suspects have even tried to engage with the actual substance, i.e. that PoC leftists feel erased, and instead it's all posting about posters, posting about posting, impugning the motives and character of people who brought up the problem and even denying that the PoC who have spoken and written at length on the topic really matter to the conversation.

Really says it all.

Harold Fjord
Jan 3, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

(and can't post for 21 hours!)

Majorian posted:

She wrote a whole drat article about how black leftists' voices get silenced by establishment Democrats. You've been ignoring her points this whole conversation because they don't fit into your narrative.

Actually I just didn't read it. What thread did you think this was?

Cerebral Bore posted:

This whole shebang right here really shows how shallow and opportunistic the typical centrist's commitment to antiracism really is. Somebody brings up a problem that reflects badly on their team and they start falling over themselves to deny that it could possibly be a problem. Note that not a single one of the usual suspects have even tried to engage with the actual substance, i.e. that PoC leftists feel erased, and instead it's all posting about posters, posting about posting and impugning the motives and character of people who brought up the problem and even denying that the PoC who have spoken and written at length on the topic really matter to the conversation.

Really says it all.

This isn't the thread for taking Majorians concerns for twitter leftists seriously, sorry.

Cerebral Bore
Apr 21, 2010

Fun Shoe

Nevvy Z posted:

Actually I just didn't read it. What thread did you think this was?

This isn't the thread for taking Majorians concerns for twitter leftists seriously, sorry.

Case in point.

Jul 1, 2009

Nevvy Z posted:

Actually I just didn't read it. What thread did you think this was?

The designated replacement for the "Dems are a waste" thread. You're doing a magnificent job of proving its predecessor's title to be accurate.

Yeowch!!! My Balls!!!
May 31, 2006
the important thing is that we all come together and agree with the centrists that the absolute upper limit of what minorities can expect from the Democratic Party is *clap* more *clap* women *clap* guards *clap*

asking the democratic party to stand behind civil rights might offend suburban republicans, after all. let's make it clear we don't give a poo poo about abortion rights anymore, that's guaranteed to win us a few of their votes!

Harold Fjord
Jan 3, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

(and can't post for 21 hours!)

I'm not a dem. I'm just a guy who thinks it's weird to post random twitters to show how woke you are.

Like of course some black people support Bernie. Duh. But we know there were Russian bots, and if some black guy overgeneralizes a little and some white lady is a bit insensitive while agreeing with him... meh.

Aug 25, 2015

just let him post twits for us to laugh at, jeez

Jul 1, 2009

Nevvy Z posted:

I'm not a dem. I'm just a guy who thinks it's weird to post random twitters to show how woke you are.

Again, the reason why I brought it up is because erasure of leftist POCs is a pretty pervasive thing, even a year after the election.

At this point, you're just plugging your ears and shouting "lalala" because you really don't want to admit that it's a problem.

Nevvy Z posted:

Like of course some black people support Bernie. Duh. But we know there were Russian bots, and if some black guy overgeneralizes a little and some white lady is a bit insensitive while agreeing with him... meh.

A black lady objected to this and wrote a long, very good article about it, and you couldn't even be bothered to read it.

Do you really not see why your position is problematic?

Yeowch!!! My Balls!!!
May 31, 2006
a man with no politics beyond "death to those who say I'm doing something wrong."


Jan 14, 2010

Nevvy Z posted:

I'm not a dem.

Oh, you're a Republican? Explains a lot about you, to be honest.

Harold Fjord
Jan 3, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

(and can't post for 21 hours!)

Majorian posted:

Do you really not see why your position is problematic?

My position takes into account the actual context of those tweets you posted. try it sometime.

Cerebral Bore posted:

This whole shebang right here really shows how shallow and opportunistic the typical centrist's commitment to antiracism really is.

The serious antiracist work being done by quoting random twitters on a dead gay comedy forum.

Edit- skimmed the work. People shouldn't overgeneralize. Someone overgeneralized on twitter. It happens. Woopee doo he must be a dirty centrist! Get him!

Harold Fjord fucked around with this message at 18:46 on Oct 5, 2017

Jul 1, 2009

Nevvy Z posted:

My position takes into account the actual context of those tweets you posted. try it sometime.

Except that you blatantly ignored the position of the person of color who complained about her opinion being erased. (and are still doing it) That's a pretty significant part of the context that you're not taking into account.

Harold Fjord
Jan 3, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

(and can't post for 21 hours!)

Majorian posted:

Except that you blatantly ignored the position of the person of color who complained about her opinion being erased. (and are still doing it) That's a pretty significant part of the context that you're not taking into account.

What part of her position did I ignore? Please provide a quote from the source if you would like me to consider it, and I will.

Jan 14, 2010

Nevvy Z posted:

Edit- skimmed the work. People shouldn't overgeneralize. Someone overgeneralized on twitter. It happens. Woopee doo he must be a dirty centrist! Get him!

Watch those goalposts move!

"Okay, after arguing about this thing for a page, I will admit it happened, but the real problem is a centrist's feelings got hurt."

Jul 1, 2009

Nevvy Z posted:

What part of her position did I ignore?

Well, you admitted to ignoring the article she wrote, for starters.

Also, your position through this whole discussion has been along the lines of, "Who cares what people write on twitter?" To which my answer has been, "Well, this POC leftist, who wrote this really good piece on it, for starters." So far, I haven't gotten much of an answer from you on this.

Heck Yes! Loam!
Nov 15, 2004

a rich, friable soil containing a relatively equal mixture of sand and silt and a somewhat smaller proportion of clay.
I can't wait for KM to come in here to see all these fragile white people arguing over who is easing black people more.

:ssh: you're all doing it :ssh:

May 7, 2008

Sorry to undo the effort of paying a domestic abuser $10 to own this poster, but I am going to lose my dang mind if I keep seeing multiple posters who appear to be Baloogan.

With love,
a mod

Majorian posted:

Well, you admitted to ignoring the article she wrote, for starters.

Also, your position through this whole discussion has been along the lines of, "Who cares what people write on twitter?" To which my answer has been, "Well, this POC leftist, who wrote this really good piece on it, for starters." So far, I haven't gotten much of an answer from you on this.

It seems to me he thinks she's just being whiny and it's not actually a problem.

Harold Fjord
Jan 3, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

(and can't post for 21 hours!)

Majorian posted:

Well, you admitted to ignoring the article she wrote, for starters.

Also, your position through this whole discussion has been along the lines of, "Who cares what people write on twitter?" To which my answer has been, "Well, this POC leftist, who wrote this really good piece on it, for starters." So far, I haven't gotten much of an answer from you on this.

I read her piece, I still don't care that you found an example of two people on the internet being a bit overbroad in their word choice when discussing an actual fake bernie supporter and I wouldn't call that erasure of people of color. Maybe a woman of color disagrees with me about that. Maybe she's right. You certainly aren't very persuasive about it though.

That white lady was definitely dumb as heck, don't get me wrong.

Harold Fjord fucked around with this message at 18:58 on Oct 5, 2017

Oct 23, 2010

Cry Havoc and let slip the Hogs of War

Nevvy Z posted:

I read her piece, I still don't care that you found an example of two people on the internet being a bit overbroad in their word choice when discussing an actual fake bernie supporter and I wouldn't call that erasure of people of color. Maybe a woman of color disagrees with me about that. Maybe she's right. You certainly aren't very persuasive about it though.

This happens to actual PoC leftists all of the time. I was called a Russian bot and double bro whatever that means. Most of us aren't fake but people keep calling us bots or Bros or just outright ignore us.

Jul 1, 2009

Nevvy Z posted:

I read her piece

If that were the case, you wouldn't just call it "one" example of "two people on the internet being a bit overbroad in their word choice when discussing an actual fake bernie supporter." There are multiple examples in there of leftist POCs' opinions getting erased. This poo poo is widespread, and you're being pretty ignorant and callous in suggesting that it's not.


Harold Fjord
Jan 3, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

(and can't post for 21 hours!)

theCalamity posted:

This happens to actual PoC leftists all of the time. I was called a Russian bot and double bro whatever that means. Most of us aren't fake but people keep calling us bots or Bros or just outright ignore us.

And that sucks and is bullshit.

Majorian posted:

If that were the case, you wouldn't just call it "one" example of "two people on the internet being a bit overbroad in their word choice when discussing an actual fake bernie supporter." There are multiple examples in there of leftist POCs' opinions getting erased. This poo poo is widespread, and you're being pretty ignorant and callous in suggesting that it's not.

I'm only talking about the example you posted guy. Maybe next time you'll virtue signal with better ones.

  • Locked thread