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Jan 23, 2012

You might want to edit that, casually doxxing your own name like that.


Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

Hellioning posted:

Ranger gets delayed animal companion feats because Ranger's AC benefits from their hunter's edge. A ranger taking beastmaster does not, I think, get a pet that benefits from their hunter's edge.

That's not really a problem if you're never expecting your pet to attack twice as a flurry ranger, I suppose.

Wait really?
Well I just checked it in Pathbuilder and yep it doesn't get hunter's edge. That's unexpected!

Nissin Cup Nudist
Sep 3, 2011

Sleep with one eye open

We're off to Gritty Gritty land

What are the APs that are primarily/mostly urban? Crimson Throne, Council of Thieves, Edgewatch, and Alkenstar are what come to mind. There are APs like Reign of Winter that have urban segments, but those only last 1 or two books IIRC

Nissin Cup Nudist fucked around with this message at 00:56 on Jun 23, 2024

Prokhor Zakharov
Dec 31, 2008

This is me as I make another great post

Good luck with your depression!

Nissin Cup Nudist posted:

What are the APs that are primarily/mostly urban? Crimson Throne, Council of Thieves, Edgewatch, and Alkenstar are what come to mind. There are APs like Reign of Winter that have urban segments, but those only last 1 or two books IIRC

I'm running Alkenstar and we haven't even left the city like 4 or 5 sessions in.

Jan 23, 2004

Ready for the fashy circle jerk

Prokhor Zakharov posted:

I'm running Alkenstar and we haven't even left the city like 4 or 5 sessions in.

Book 2 of Alkenstar is an airship ride into the desert. But the ride itself is really well done. We had some combat encounters that took place over the entire ship, simultaneously, and at least one villain was kicked off the edge of the railing.

Mar 30, 2011

Nissin Cup Nudist posted:

What are the APs that are primarily/mostly urban? Crimson Throne, Council of Thieves, Edgewatch, and Alkenstar are what come to mind. There are APs like Reign of Winter that have urban segments, but those only last 1 or two books IIRC

Hell's Rebels

Prokhor Zakharov
Dec 31, 2008

This is me as I make another great post

Good luck with your depression!

KPC_Mammon posted:

Book 2 of Alkenstar is an airship ride into the desert. But the ride itself is really well done. We had some combat encounters that took place over the entire ship, simultaneously, and at least one villain was kicked off the edge of the railing.

if you have an on-airship fight I think you're legally required to throw someone off it.

Harold Fjord
Jan 3, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
I'm currently fooling around with a mauler ruffian. I was looking at staff acrobat options and they are nice for bouncy goblin gimmicks, but level 12 improved knockdown is an auto crit trip for The Harder They Fall. So that's a 2 action strike that does double sneak dice on hit.

How can I make this any more ridiculous?

Eta- using both along with shove powers and shove down is on the table. But I also want to replace shove down with head stomp.

Harold Fjord fucked around with this message at 15:13 on Jun 24, 2024

Jul 28, 2006

KPC_Mammon posted:

I'd have the boss fight them until she's dead or she's killed most of the party. Let one go as a warning. She's not that hard, but try to take out one or two PCs. A visiting druid can have access to reincarnate if things get really bad.

By the time they aren't drained she'll be back to life. If she doesn't make use of being a ghost what is the point?

Thanks for this, I ended up taking your advice last night in our AV session and it worked pretty well. I think I'm going to have her be really active until the adventure is over, so the players really want her gone.

I had Belcorra attack the party when they were about 40 feet up on the farm lift. Had her use a telekinetic maneuver to break it and it ended up in a pretty good fight. I had to switch her to the weak variant because I didn't telegraph to the party that they would be able to beat her. They spend a good bit of time trying to run but I got to show off some of Belcarra's capabilities in dispelling magic and my players got to take advantage of a bunch of feats they took. Cat fall saved about 100 damage so that must have felt good.

Ended with them making it down to Yldaris and a bunch of conversation and ideas about how to fix the lift.

Everyone seemed a lot more into this session, so I think I'm going to try to set up more of these encounters with Belcorra that use the dungeon

Mister Olympus
Oct 31, 2011

Buzzard, Who Steals From Dead Bodies

Harold Fjord posted:

I'm currently fooling around with a mauler ruffian. I was looking at staff acrobat options and they are nice for bouncy goblin gimmicks, but level 12 improved knockdown is an auto crit trip for The Harder They Fall. So that's a 2 action strike that does double sneak dice on hit.

How can I make this any more ridiculous?

Eta- using both along with shove powers and shove down is on the table. But I also want to replace shove down with head stomp.

Thlipit Contestant from the new book gives you access to slam down/crushing slam and a very interesting natural weapon that you can use for head stomp as well - d6, flail, grapple/reach/sweep. Use a longspear for your base weapon and you can do the whole routine from reach distance--even further with enlarge support. Getting Crashing Slam access through Thlipit Contestant also makes the build come online 2 levels earlier than it would do with Mauler.

But this is my preoccupation with getting as much reach as possible on melee builds. Twisting Tree magus and strength-based Exemplar are catnip to me.

Mister Olympus fucked around with this message at 21:27 on Jun 24, 2024

Megaman's Jockstrap
Jul 16, 2000

Cruising the information superhighway
I know you guys love the stories of Zoomies Bard so I just thought I should tell you that during their last L+3 boss fight, he spent an entire turn (3 actions) pulling out a scroll and casting Sound Body on the Kineticist, to remove...Sickened 1. That was it. The only Condition on him. A Kineticist. Whose primary attribute is Constitution.

I just pull my punches now. Between the other players and him they just cannot hang with anything where they don't have a mathematical advantage baked into the encounter math. He's a great guy but I have no idea about the cost/benefit ratio going through his head, and his accidental tactical malfeasance (and also insane spending, he's probably blown 25% of the party's gold on worthless poo poo at this point and it's actually put the martials behind the power curve) is just part of the landscape of my game at this point.

Jan 23, 2004

Ready for the fashy circle jerk

gurragadon posted:

Everyone seemed a lot more into this session, so I think I'm going to try to set up more of these encounters with Belcorra that use the dungeon

That sounds really awesome. She showed up 4 or 5 times during my campaign, and by the end they really hated her, which meant finally defeating her was highly cathartic. She's such a cool villain since she keeps coming back. It also put a fire under the party when they realized once they discorporated her they had a few days without being harassed, so they didn't rest nearly as often as they could have and tried to push their luck by taking on more of the dungeon each day.

I'm running tomb of the sky king, and one thing we noticed during character creation is that a lot of the dwarven pantheon has terrible favored weapons.

What is a warpriest supposed to do if their deity's weapon is a light pick? I feel like maybe you just have to be a cloistered cleric instead, but that solution is a bit unsatisfying.

My player went with Folgrit. He's been bonking enemies with a striking staff of healing for 2d10+3 damage, which has been awesome so far. After our next session, he's planning on picking up restorative strike. Between the staff and the font, he'll be able to use it 8 times a day.

Also, relics are so drat cool. I think I'll try to include them in every campaign from now on.

KPC_Mammon fucked around with this message at 05:04 on Jun 25, 2024

Jun 27, 2008

Try and get crits, like any other fatal weapon. It's definitely not a great warpriest weapon, though.

Jun 10, 2004


not sure if this has been posted anywhere but i was looking for something like this:

a pretty complete (as far as i can tell) list of every magic item/consumable by level, with links to AoN for each. last updated June 6 for the remaster, so its actively worked on

insane how many magic items there are

Megaman's Jockstrap
Jul 16, 2000

Cruising the information superhighway
There's too many. My players are paralyzed by choice and I've just had to feed them stuff to buy.

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

Megaman's Jockstrap posted:

There's too many. My players are paralyzed by choice and I've just had to feed them stuff to buy.

We sort of dropped starfinder because of this, there's too much stuff and there's not even Pathbuilder to help you sort it (Starbuilder actually costs money)

Chevy Slyme
May 2, 2004

We're Gonna Run.

We're Gonna Crawl.

Kick Down Every Wall.

Taear posted:

We sort of dropped starfinder because of this, there's too much stuff and there's not even Pathbuilder to help you sort it (Starbuilder actually costs money)

Hephaistos is pathbuilder’s Starfinder equivalent. It’s free AFAIK.

Jul 28, 2006

It definitely seems like the Paizo philosophy is to release as much as they can. Personally, I prefer it, but the choices can be really paralyzing and cause people to check out.

It's not really a great system for hoarders either. The barbarian in our group rarely uses items because of his tendencies but when he lets himself, he enjoys the options. One of my players just sticks to one sourcebook per campaign. He's playing gunslinger and only uses Guns and Gears. What I do as GM is give 3 copies of any consumable they get. It lets the player sample the item without feeling like they are wasting it.

Epi Lepi
Oct 29, 2009

You can hear the voice
Telling you to Love
It's the voice of MK Ultra
And you're doing what it wants

gurragadon posted:

It definitely seems like the Paizo philosophy is to release as much as they can. Personally, I prefer it, but the choices can be really paralyzing and cause people to check out.

It's not really a great system for hoarders either. The barbarian in our group rarely uses items because of his tendencies but when he lets himself, he enjoys the options. One of my players just sticks to one sourcebook per campaign. He's playing gunslinger and only uses Guns and Gears. What I do as GM is give 3 copies of any consumable they get. It lets the player sample the item without feeling like they are wasting it.

That's clever I like that.

May 24, 2006

You try to be happy when everyone is summoning you everywhere to "be their friend".

Remastered Swashbuckler preview.

The Bravado tag is brilliant and sorely needed.


Bravado is not only a bit more reliable for getting into panache, but the trait also lets us give more actions the ability to grant panache, allowing for more diverse options in combat. For instance, many of your swashbuckler styles might state that certain actions gain the bravado trait.

Bravado: Actions with this trait can grant panache, depending on the result of the check involved. If you succeed at the check on a bravado action, you gain panache, and if you fail (but not critically fail) the check, you gain panache but only until the end of your next turn. These effects can be applied even if the action had no other effect due to a failure or a creature's immunity.

Giving you temporary panache on a fail and making immunity irrelevant to whether or not you get panache is a great step towards making swashes less streaky.

Ravus Ursus
Mar 30, 2017

queeb posted:

not sure if this has been posted anywhere but i was looking for something like this:

a pretty complete (as far as i can tell) list of every magic item/consumable by level, with links to AoN for each. last updated June 6 for the remaster, so its actively worked on

insane how many magic items there are

I found that sheet she's ago and thought it was great, unfortunately, it has a bunch of minor errors. Like some of the formulas aren't correct so some items will never appear in shops or the random item list. Looking at the backend taught me a lot an inspired me to make a couple of items generators.

One of them just makes weapons and armor. There's no filter so you'll get cold iron explorers clothing or greater striking bombs. If you want to omit items you can just delete them from their respective list.

PF2E Gear Generator

The other one I made is Diablo inspired but it's in unbalanced mess, generating stuff like +3 Vampiric Scythe of Power. Which sounds cool but it's actually busted as hell.

Yes that Scythe has +3 to saving throws and +2 to strength on top of the Runes that randomly rolled on plus the weapon's unique feature.

11 invested items like this could give you something like +33AC or Strength or something. I haven't even begun to try and tie this together, I just wanted to get the generator working.

But feel free to make a copy and use the first one if it helps at all.

Jun 10, 2004


Ravus Ursus posted:

I found that sheet she's ago and thought it was great, unfortunately, it has a bunch of minor errors. Like some of the formulas aren't correct so some items will never appear in shops or the random item list. Looking at the backend taught me a lot an inspired me to make a couple of items generators.

One of them just makes weapons and armor. There's no filter so you'll get cold iron explorers clothing or greater striking bombs. If you want to omit items you can just delete them from their respective list.

PF2E Gear Generator

The other one I made is Diablo inspired but it's in unbalanced mess, generating stuff like +3 Vampiric Scythe of Power. Which sounds cool but it's actually busted as hell.

Yes that Scythe has +3 to saving throws and +2 to strength on top of the Runes that randomly rolled on plus the weapon's unique feature.

11 invested items like this could give you something like +33AC or Strength or something. I haven't even begun to try and tie this together, I just wanted to get the generator working.

But feel free to make a copy and use the first one if it helps at all.

Luckily I just wanted it for the list, there's a billion items all spread out over a ton of books and AoN doesn't seem to just have a huge list of items that I could find

The Golux
Feb 18, 2017

Internet Cephalopod

Maybe you guys can help me some with this, I have been playing 1e for a long time and considering trying 2e, but as we approach the end of a large campaign with another player planning another campaign to follow it, he's decided he wants to do it in 2e (after doing a oneshot or two to try and get everyone used to the rules differences). This is all fine, but I (and some of the other players) had gotten fairly far in character building for the 1e version, and I'd really like to try and use as much of the same concept(s), but I have a lot less of an idea of what's actually good in 2e.

The first character seems like it should mostly work fine - Kitsune bard, the 1e plan was to use desna's divine fighting style and focus on oratory, but neither of those is as relevant of a factor in 2e. The only real inconvenience is that they were originally planned to mostly use tailless and small fox forms, which having both requires a level 5 feat in 2e, but the GM has said it's probably ok if I take that feat at level 1 and a level 1 feat at 5 instead.
Roadblocks to optimal build: They use a starknife, and for backstory reasons are earthly wilds heritage (even though dark fields would probably be better) and probably won't get any of the kitsune spell feats because they're the closest equivalent to Magical tail.
My tentative thoughts are entertainer background, maestro muse but taking multifarious muse for enigma pretty early, and taking Bon Mot early also. Other than that, interested in suggestions on feats, spells for repertoire, and other possible background suggestions, plus anything to aim for in equipment and if there's anything weird recommended for ability scores. I guess some of this may also vary based on options added in the tian xia character guide when it comes out.

The second character idea I had was an oracle who was optimized for healing but I have already been suggested to wait until the player core 2 gives us a revised oracle because it is both complicated and not great.

Mister Olympus
Oct 31, 2011

Buzzard, Who Steals From Dead Bodies
So the main change you're looking at from PF1 to PF2 is that rather than a sort of all-rounder--a concept which doesn't exist as strongly in PF2--Bard is now a full caster with an emphasis on support spells. Your normal logic from a PF1 bard, that Inspire Courage and Lingering Composition are always effective, is still true. The main difference is that your basic attack is expected to be a cantrip rather than a full attack, since cantrips scale and bard's weapon proficiencies don't scale as well.

The Warrior muse exists but is hard to make work as an actual melee combatant because of the aforementioned difficulties in proficiency scaling, but is still effective for being able to grant attacks to party members that are more likely to hit.

The only caveat to ability scores is that you really are expected to put one boost in your class's key stat at every stage of character creation for a total of +4. +3 is workable but always a very strange and niche tradeoff.

A lot of the really weird and detailed build diversity that you might expect from 1e/3.5 doesn't come into the game without Free Archetype, though if you're all new, it might be recommended to start without it.

Vanguard Warden
Apr 5, 2009

I am holding a live frag grenade.

I'm way more intrigues by the direct mention of Dirty Trick in there, but it coming up in the context of the Swashbuckler remaster makes me worry that it's becoming a subclass feature rather than a new skill action.

Sep 30, 2014

without love it cannot be seen

Mister Olympus posted:

So the main change you're looking at from PF1 to PF2 is that rather than a sort of all-rounder--a concept which doesn't exist as strongly in PF2--Bard is now a full caster with an emphasis on support spells. Your normal logic from a PF1 bard, that Inspire Courage and Lingering Composition are always effective, is still true. The main difference is that your basic attack is expected to be a cantrip rather than a full attack, since cantrips scale and bard's weapon proficiencies don't scale as well.

Note that if you were planning to be not-maestro (aka you don't get Lingering), Warrior would have been interesting, since hitting with a weapon would give you effective Lingering. The plus to this is that you can use focus (encounter spells) on different things, and obviously Strike being 1 action instead of 2.

If you're still planning Multifarious Enigma (for Bardic Lore), note that you'll want to keep increasing Occultism and possibly Int as a result, since Trained does fall off a bit even with the nonspecific Lore modifier.

Apr 21, 2010

I've found warrior bards pretty solid. Your hit rate at full MAP isn't even that bad if you count in your performance and the enemy is off guard or something. If you have a reach weapon and the totally-not-reactive-strike that's just free damage, especially if you or someone else on the party invests into athletics.

If you really want lingering performance you can pick that up with just a lvl2 feat as well.

Dick Burglar
Mar 6, 2006
My understanding is that a core issue with being a melee bard is that—unlike 1E—movement costs an action, and you already have a ton of other things you want to do on any given turn. Most bards that make weapon strikes tend to use a shortbow because they don't have to worry about moving into position to use it, and also can avoid investing in strength. (Edit: it also leaves a hand free to draw a potion or scroll or use healer's tools and the like, since bows are "1+ hand" rather than truly "2 hand" weapons.)

Not to say you can't be a melee bard, but it's going to cut into your ability to do bard-y stuff.

Dick Burglar fucked around with this message at 14:59 on Jun 28, 2024

Sep 30, 2014

without love it cannot be seen
The counterpoint is that for Martial Performance, you need to actually damage an enemy with a Strike, and that's harder with range because it's a lot harder to get off-guard and also you have to deal with lesser cover. So you're operating at anywhere from -2 to -3 from the melee one as a tradeoff.

On the other hand, you can cast a cantrip and maintain performance if you hit, so it's got better peaks. You can do that in melee too, but it's less likely to come up.

Sep 8, 2012

Khajit has wares
if you have coin

Most classes in PF2e fall somewhere on the spectrum of having spare actions to burn (Monk, Ranger, Fighter) to never having as many actions as they'd like (full casters), and Bard is unfortunately the most action starved class in the game. Warrior Bard is fine, but the optimal play of Strike to sustain + Cast is high risk high reward, because if your swing misses (and it will) you're forced to choose between sustaining Inspire Courage or casting an important spell. Add in the occasional need to move to get out of dangerous situations and you're gonna find yourself giving up something critical basically every turn.

It's got a high skill ceiling for action management. Way higher than the archetype of "bard that attacks" has in PF1e or 5e.

Jan 23, 2004

Ready for the fashy circle jerk
Isn't the whole point of warrior bard giving out a fortissimo composition courageous anthem that lasts longer than usual?

I think you can get away with something like the following and still be very effective.
t1 courageous anthem -> stride to flank -> strike
t2 step -> cast a spell
t3 goto t1

Cantrips aren't better than striking an off-guard opponent and at low levels you don't have spell slots for every turn anyway. Once you are higher level you have more useful spells, but being able to provide a +3 status bonus to the entire party's attack rolls means 1) your lower accuracy compared to a fighter isn't a big deal so long as you flank and 2) whatever else you do is just a bonus on top of the biggest increase any character can provide to the party's offensive power.

If you aren't a warrior bard you run out of focus points a lot quicker, which can be an issue for harder fights.

KPC_Mammon fucked around with this message at 20:16 on Jun 28, 2024

Apr 21, 2010

Froghammer posted:

Most classes in PF2e fall somewhere on the spectrum of having spare actions to burn (Monk, Ranger, Fighter) to never having as many actions as they'd like (full casters), and Bard is unfortunately the most action starved class in the game. Warrior Bard is fine, but the optimal play of Strike to sustain + Cast is high risk high reward, because if your swing misses (and it will) you're forced to choose between sustaining Inspire Courage or casting an important spell. Add in the occasional need to move to get out of dangerous situations and you're gonna find yourself giving up something critical basically every turn.

It's got a high skill ceiling for action management. Way higher than the archetype of "bard that attacks" has in PF1e or 5e.

Lingering performance is just one level 2 feat away if you really want to solve your action economy issues.

The bard in my games invested into athletics and used a guisarme for reach trips with it. That + their reactive strike variant ended up being a really strong addition to their spellcasting.

Andrast fucked around with this message at 20:40 on Jun 28, 2024

atelier morgan
Mar 11, 2003

super-scientific, ultra-gay

Lipstick Apathy

Andrast posted:

Lingering performance is just one level 2 feat away if you really want to solve your action economy issues.

The bard in my games invested into athletics and used a guisarme for reach trips with it. That + their reactive strike variant ended up being a really strong addition to their spellcasting.

lingering performance doesn't solve it so much as just means you can fit bon mot, aid or a stride alongside a spell (though in the game i'm in as a bard we have a dedicated wrestler so i don't need to help inflict circumstance penalty and just focus entirely on stacking the other three modifier categories)

Jan 23, 2004

Ready for the fashy circle jerk

atelier morgan posted:

lingering performance doesn't solve it so much as just means you can fit bon mot, aid or a stride alongside a spell

Bards don't need to spend actions on spells every round. At level 1 you are one point behind non-fighter's martial accuracy if you have +3 strength or dexterity. Which is bridged by your anthem. At 5th you are two points behind on attacks but have equal athletic maneuvers. With your anthem you end up ahead of the athletics curve and barely behind on strikes.

At 8th you'll reliably give a +2 status bonus to attacks. Often +3. This one again closes the gap between you and the martials the game is balanced around.

The key to making this not feel janky and bad is to take spells that work with this kind of plan.

Sure Strike and Lose the Path are great at rank 1 if you want to trip, strike, or grapple with your actions. Shadow Projectile and Wooden Double are fantastic at rank 3.

There are also a bunch of decent utility spells that aren't worth spamming every turn (or even taking as a dedicated spellcaster with spontaneous casting) that are perfectly fine if you aren't relying on spells for offense. Rank 2 Illusory Object or Invisibility won't always be great in combat but are very powerful. Revealing Light is one of the best rank 2 spells but you rarely need to cast it more than once a fight.

A warrior bard making strikes and maneuvers does more to help the party than one spamming telekinetic projectile.

atelier morgan
Mar 11, 2003

super-scientific, ultra-gay

Lipstick Apathy

KPC_Mammon posted:

Bards don't need to spend actions on spells every round. At level 1 you are one point behind non-fighter's martial accuracy if you have +3 strength or dexterity. Which is bridged by your anthem. At 5th you are two points behind on attacks but have equal athletic maneuvers. With your anthem you end up ahead of the athletics curve and barely behind on strikes.

At 8th you'll reliably give a +2 status bonus to attacks. Often +3. This one again closes the gap between you and the martials the game is balanced around.

The key to making this not feel janky and bad is to take spells that work with this kind of plan.

Sure Strike and Lose the Path are great at rank 1 if you want to trip, strike, or grapple with your actions. Shadow Projectile and Wooden Double are fantastic at rank 3.

There are also a bunch of decent utility spells that aren't worth spamming every turn (or even taking as a dedicated spellcaster with spontaneous casting) that are perfectly fine if you aren't relying on spells for offense. Rank 2 Illusory Object or Invisibility won't always be great in combat but are very powerful. Revealing Light is one of the best rank 2 spells but you rarely need to cast it more than once a fight.

A warrior bard making strikes and maneuvers does more to help the party than one spamming telekinetic projectile.

I could certainly see the value in packing a bow as a bard (i've been rolling with a coda instrument for a couple extra spells, since i have bardic lore, all for one, bon mot and illusions that like to be sustained so can always find something else productive to do) but all of my experience in PF2 so far is voluntarily standing next to an enemy is best avoided if you have absolutely any other option so I would personally much rather not have anything to do with melee. If the party needs somebody throwing prone and grabbed around (and a party does need those things on somebody) then it's good a bard can be built to handle that but I'd personally rather play almost any other class to fill that role.

Like I said though in my bard's campaign we have a wrestler handling most of the circumstance penalty duties while we have both a fighter and a gunslinger who desperately seek all for one every turn i can possibly fit it in

atelier morgan fucked around with this message at 11:26 on Jun 29, 2024

Jan 23, 2004

Ready for the fashy circle jerk
That's fair. Being in melee is terrifying. I'd personally only do it as a bard if the party had a champion or guardian. I just don't think the concept is unviable due to proficiencies.

Combining Bless/Heroism with Rallying Anthem might be a better call.

Mister Olympus
Oct 31, 2011

Buzzard, Who Steals From Dead Bodies
My opinions on stuff like proficiency scaling and how it affects the game are heavily tempered by the fact that I'll pretty much only play PF2 in the context of a published AP, since the availability of a wide range of premade adventures that hit a consistent standard is basically one of the system's main selling points to me. In this context, Paizo has certain encounter design habits in APs that you have to watch out for, like the tendency for Severe or Extreme encounters to be solos more than anything else, and how that favors Fighter/Gunslinger proficiency edges strongly over trying to make weapon attacks with something that caps at Expert or spell attacks with something that caps at Master.

Even outside of those encounter trends, though, each +2 matters so much in terms of effectiveness that you really will miss a lot more as a bard on the targets that matter. You can use any number of strategies to take down an underleveled target, but an on-level or higher-level target pretty much demands the use of your highest attack mod or save DC.

Jan 23, 2004

Ready for the fashy circle jerk
That's why I made the effort post. They aren't ever behind the curve by two because they are playing a bard. They start out just as accurate as expected, dip behind by 1 with strikes from 5-7, and then catch up again.

Yes, you'll be less accurate than the rest of the party because they also have a bard buffing them. But if you were choosing between a barbarian wrestler or a bard wrestler, as an example, they both bring very different tools to the party beyond wrestling. And I'd be surprised if a pre-remaster swashbuckler is in any way competitive with a bard armed with a rapier. The amount of damage courageous anthem adds to most parties is going to more than make up for not having finishers.

Bards (and Warpriest) are so good that their delayed weapon proficiency doesn't matter.

Apr 21, 2010

KPC_Mammon posted:

That's why I made the effort post. They aren't ever behind the curve by two because they are playing a bard. They start out just as accurate as expected, dip behind by 1 with strikes from 5-7, and then catch up again.

Yes, you'll be less accurate than the rest of the party because they also have a bard buffing them. But if you were choosing between a barbarian wrestler or a bard wrestler, as an example, they both bring very different tools to the party beyond wrestling. And I'd be surprised if a pre-remaster swashbuckler is in any way competitive with a bard armed with a rapier. The amount of damage courageous anthem adds to most parties is going to more than make up for not having finishers.

Bards (and Warpriest) are so good that their delayed weapon proficiency doesn't matter.

I used to be one of the people who was down on the meleeish full caster variants but warrior bard and warpriest have both proven themselves to me in actual gameplay, especially after the remaster.

I think both end up being better than they look on paper.


The Golux
Feb 18, 2017

Internet Cephalopod

I didn't mean to start a big bard effectiveness debate... I'm pretty OK with not going warrior bard since the concept was supposed to be supportive with an occasional sting mostly? But I could really use some help with spell and cantrip selection since all I've heard is that there are a lot of not great spells and I don't have a sense for what's good and not in 2e that much. I know you want to target different saves, but occult favors will pretty heavily right?

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