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Magnetic North
Dec 15, 2008

Beware the Forest's Mushrooms

junan_paalla posted:

Orvar seems like a fun take on monoblue, I tossed together a quick list from mostly cards I own or ones that I can affor to buy for a janky fun deck, shame gilded drakes and treacherys are so drat expensive. If you come up with some cool tech I should slot in or have some cuts or creature picks for the list, I'd be happy to hear them.

I've gone over the deck 3 times and I do not understand what Whim of Voltrath or Glamerdye and its ilk are doing in here. There's no Chill or Douse or any other color-hosing effect that I can see. What am I missing? Is it just repeatable spells?

Similarly, what is Mind Games doing in here? I'm happy to see a throwback to Stronghold, but I don't get it. It's not like Twiddle or Twitch, in that it doesn't untap anything, and I can't imagine you want it as a closer to clear the way for an attack or something. Is it also just for buyback?

Consider Careful Study or Frantic Search instead of Preordain. It's all fine, that's really up to personal preference but you have a fair bit of graveyard stuff that you can probably manage.

And I feel I say this to every deck, but jesus 30 lands is extremely greedy. In your first 9 cards, you are going to draw 1 or fewer lands 18%. I look at top 9 because that is when you would fall behind. Obviously mulliganing makes that more complicated, so for a simpler look more concrete look: your odds of drawing 1 or 0 lands in your starting 7 is 26%. You are going to be mulliganing one in four games. If that doesn't bother you, that's fine, but it's important to be armed with that information.

That being said, you have a very strong ramp package and don't need multiple colors, so as long as you get to 2 or draw your 0-1 you'll be fine. I would normally suggest against the high cost ramp cards but they are obviously part of the untapping strat, so I guess you can leave them in. The general advice is to only use 2 mana or cheaper ramp cards.


Bust Rodd
Oct 21, 2008

by VideoGames
Also I would definitely run poo poo like Cloak of Feathers or Cerulean Wisps. Sometimes in your deck that’s just “Ancestral Recall” which is, uh, fuckin nuts

Sep 21, 2014

To make yourself feel better, you make it so you'll never give in to your forevers and live for always.

Lipstick Apathy

Bust Rodd posted:

Also I would definitely run poo poo like Cloak of Feathers or Cerulean Wisps. Sometimes in your deck that’s just “Ancestral Recall” which is, uh, fuckin nuts

Orvar is cool, but if you like this specific interaction, I strongly recommend looking at Zada, Hedron Grinder as well in red. When that deck goes off, it goes the gently caress off. You can easily draw dozens of cards in a turn.

Dec 29, 2009

Seriously, do drugs

Magnetic North posted:

I've gone over the deck 3 times and I do not understand what Whim of Voltrath or Glamerdye and its ilk are doing in here. There's no Chill or Douse or any other color-hosing effect that I can see. What am I missing? Is it just repeatable spells?

Similarly, what is Mind Games doing in here? I'm happy to see a throwback to Stronghold, but I don't get it. It's not like Twiddle or Twitch, in that it doesn't untap anything, and I can't imagine you want it as a closer to clear the way for an attack or something. Is it also just for buyback?

Consider Careful Study or Frantic Search instead of Preordain. It's all fine, that's really up to personal preference but you have a fair bit of graveyard stuff that you can probably manage.

And I feel I say this to every deck, but jesus 30 lands is extremely greedy. In your first 9 cards, you are going to draw 1 or fewer lands 18%. I look at top 9 because that is when you would fall behind. Obviously mulliganing makes that more complicated, so for a simpler look more concrete look: your odds of drawing 1 or 0 lands in your starting 7 is 26%. You are going to be mulliganing one in four games. If that doesn't bother you, that's fine, but it's important to be armed with that information.

That being said, you have a very strong ramp package and don't need multiple colors, so as long as you get to 2 or draw your 0-1 you'll be fine. I would normally suggest against the high cost ramp cards but they are obviously part of the untapping strat, so I guess you can leave them in. The general advice is to only use 2 mana or cheaper ramp cards.

Yeah the buyback spells exist to make infinite great whales or drakes, or just repeatedly copy a mana rock or creature or land for value. Also yeah I'm playing insanely greedy amounts of lands in my deck because my playgroup hasn't moved on from partial paris mulligans with a free multiplayer mulligan on top, and they're the only people I play with so that's what I'm used to building for :p

Apr 30, 2008

Whim of Volrath is 3 Mana to copy any of your permanents. Seems like a good deal.

Jan 11, 2004
Im probably salty from limited, but I do not look forward to Fynn the Fangbearer in commander. The best aggro commander in the format is quickly going to be a 2 Mana green creature with ramp and low curve death touchers.

May 5, 2005

I just discovered the Ikoria Fox, and I want to make as close to a cEDH deck as possible with it and the obvious monolith shenanigans. Rough first draft.

The major question I'm struggling with right now is how I need to balance the stax with R/W's lovely draw and tutors.

Aug 30, 2008

When you make the second entry and the debits and credits balance, and you blow them to hell.

AlternateNu posted:

I just discovered the Ikoria Fox, and I want to make as close to a cEDH deck as possible with it and the obvious monolith shenanigans. Rough first draft.

The major question I'm struggling with right now is how I need to balance the stax with R/W's lovely draw and tutors.

I'd run Heliod and Triskelion as back up win conditions, in case someone assumes your entire deck revolves around cost reduction and just blow up the fox over and over. Other than that it seems like you have pretty solid card selection and draw where possible and what tutors are available.

Jan 21, 2011

This is the rework of my Superfriends deck using Sisay and Jegantha as a companion. This deck is explosive when I get both those out as I'm able to cast Derevi, Kiora, Kiora, Ral, The Chain Veil, Atraxa and 2 more walkers all using Jegantha, Sisay and untaps.

The issue I'm running into is closing out games, I have a large board state but I need to draw into tutors or my walkers that can't be fetched by Sisay.

I'm running back ups to Jegantha and numerous rule of law effects. I'm looking at advice on closing out the game or tools to survive until I draw what I need.

Aug 30, 2008

When you make the second entry and the debits and credits balance, and you blow them to hell.

Rythe posted:

This is the rework of my Superfriends deck using Sisay and Jegantha as a companion. This deck is explosive when I get both those out as I'm able to cast Derevi, Kiora, Kiora, Ral, The Chain Veil, Atraxa and 2 more walkers all using Jegantha, Sisay and untaps.

The issue I'm running into is closing out games, I have a large board state but I need to draw into tutors or my walkers that can't be fetched by Sisay.

I'm running back ups to Jegantha and numerous rule of law effects. I'm looking at advice on closing out the game or tools to survive until I draw what I need.

If you want the deck to be "good" then basically you build out a combo line then you execute it. If you look at the cEDH Sisay deck from the cEDH decklist database that's what it does - it does the same thing every time. It has a secondary win con just in case. You have a lot of fluffy fun big Planeswalkers but they don't make you win.

The teferi, temporal archmage that untaps 4 permanents + chain veil should be good game for you. You can use Call the gatewatch and search for glory to grab Planeswalkers, Tezzeret the Seeker is both a tutor and an untapper, there's also teferi timebender, and you're not running the new vorinclex, if you combine doubling season or vorinclex with most Planeswalkers you can use their ultimate almost immediately, so if you combine that with some of the teferis you can just start taking turns.

But the question becomes, do you want to turn it into a taking turns deck, how "mean" do you want it to be, and how interactive. I think some of these cards were suggested to you before, not sure.

Aug 23, 2012

He's outta line...

But he's right!

AlternateNu posted:

I just discovered the Ikoria Fox, and I want to make as close to a cEDH deck as possible with it and the obvious monolith shenanigans. Rough first draft.

The major question I'm struggling with right now is how I need to balance the stax with R/W's lovely draw and tutors.

I think you are vastly overestimating its value.

Bust Rodd
Oct 21, 2008

by VideoGames

Rythe posted:

This is the rework of my Superfriends deck using Sisay and Jegantha as a companion. This deck is explosive when I get both those out as I'm able to cast Derevi, Kiora, Kiora, Ral, The Chain Veil, Atraxa and 2 more walkers all using Jegantha, Sisay and untaps.

The issue I'm running into is closing out games, I have a large board state but I need to draw into tutors or my walkers that can't be fetched by Sisay.

I'm running back ups to Jegantha and numerous rule of law effects. I'm looking at advice on closing out the game or tools to survive until I draw what I need.

Fire Covenant
Supreme Verdict
Blasphemous Act
and definitely find room for Vorinclex Monstrous Raider.

Jan 21, 2011

pseudanonymous posted:

If you want the deck to be "good" then basically you build out a combo line then you execute it. If you look at the cEDH Sisay deck from the cEDH decklist database that's what it does - it does the same thing every time. It has a secondary win con just in case. You have a lot of fluffy fun big Planeswalkers but they don't make you win.

The teferi, temporal archmage that untaps 4 permanents + chain veil should be good game for you. You can use Call the gatewatch and search for glory to grab Planeswalkers, Tezzeret the Seeker is both a tutor and an untapper, there's also teferi timebender, and you're not running the new vorinclex, if you combine doubling season or vorinclex with most Planeswalkers you can use their ultimate almost immediately, so if you combine that with some of the teferis you can just start taking turns.

But the question becomes, do you want to turn it into a taking turns deck, how "mean" do you want it to be, and how interactive. I think some of these cards were suggested to you before, not sure.

I can't run the new Vorinclex due to the companion ability, that limits what I am able to play. I am not looking for cEDH, this is for my local group I play with all the time and we all play fairly powerful casual decks. I don't think the Sisay + companion is what I want in the long run after looking at it and testing it out, i'm missing out on so many planeswalkers and Vorinclex.

What I want is to be able to abuse planeswalkers ults and use their abilities multiple times in a turn while slowing down my opponents with Rule of Law effects. I appreciate the feedback though, it helps to keep my ideas more focused.

Aug 23, 2012

He's outta line...

But he's right!

Bust Rodd posted:

Fire Covenant
Supreme Verdict
Blasphemous Act
and definitely find room for Vorinclex Monstrous Raider.


Bust Rodd
Oct 21, 2008

by VideoGames
yeah that's what i kept saying, You went from it being a 5-color planeswalker deck to a Sisay Jegantha Combo deck and then started warping the entire deck around Jegantha, the subsidiary compliment to the commander that was different than the one you started with.

In any case, Fire covenant is a great way to protect your board without blowing up your own things.

Jan 21, 2011

I apologize for going back and forth, I guess I didn't like how streamlined/same plays every game the companion made the deck. I'll probably go back to 5c walkers, especially due to all the awesome advice. Also Fire covenant is really awesome.

Aug 30, 2008

When you make the second entry and the debits and credits balance, and you blow them to hell.

Rythe posted:

I apologize for going back and forth, I guess I didn't like how streamlined/same plays every game the companion made the deck. I'll probably go back to 5c walkers, especially due to all the awesome advice. Also Fire covenant is really awesome.

It’s totally fine to remake a deck and not like how it plays then remake it again. You don’t need to apologize.

Sep 21, 2014

To make yourself feel better, you make it so you'll never give in to your forevers and live for always.

Lipstick Apathy
Decks are living documents! They should always be open to editing to better suit your tastes.

All we can do is suggest ideas, but the best idea is the one that feels best for you and your meta.

Infinite Karma
Oct 23, 2004
Good as dead

Rythe posted:

I apologize for going back and forth, I guess I didn't like how streamlined/same plays every game the companion made the deck. I'll probably go back to 5c walkers, especially due to all the awesome advice. Also Fire covenant is really awesome.

The same line of play is hard to avoid with Sisay, so just do whatever ends up feeling fun. I brewed it, and after goldfishes, I wasn't happy with the samey-ness... so good on you for working it out better.

Aug 26, 2019

Anyone have some experience with fun ways to brew mono-B? I have an Endrek Sahr deck that I'm tired of; it's slow and clunky and can't really keep up with the table anymore. I usually avoid the staple infinite/instant win combos just for varieties sake, but still want a deck that doesn't just sit around. I'm looking at Syr Konrad who seems like a pretty strong engine for graveyard and mill shenanigans, or maybe the mono-partners Keskit and Tormod, which would allow me to port over a lot of the sacrifice pieces out of Endrek (i think?). I don't have any copies of the stronger tutors, so I'd rather build something that doesn't strictly need them for consistency since they're all like 20 bucks or more, though I'll look for cheap copies.

The decks my friends play with range from tuned Prossh or Marath to janky fun like Mistform Ultimus, so it's not cEDH but there are turn 4/5 wins and I'd like to be able to do that or at least have enough play and interaction to stop it from happening and try to win from there. Most recently, which isn't very, since I took a break for traveling and then COVID happened, I've really enjoyed building and playing a Neheb the Eternal burn and Seton druidball deck that have fun explosive turns. So there are a lot of new cards from the past couple years that I'm not up to speed on. Thanks :)

Mar 25, 2013

So how should I run Tergrid and hope to survive being focused from the start?

Any spicy cards for her once all pox and fleshbag variants are in?

Apr 30, 2008

Vicious Rumors is a fun little 1 Mana spell. Soul Shatter of course. Bad Deal draws you two and makes everyone else discard two.

Bust Rodd
Oct 21, 2008

by VideoGames

fatherboxx posted:

So how should I run Tergrid and hope to survive being focused from the start?

Any spicy cards for her once all pox and fleshbag variants are in?

That’s kind of my issue with her as a Commander, I cannot imagine what the table would have to look like for her to not be a priority target. Like, if your friends play a single game against Tergid + Grave Pact then the jig is up lol.

The deck is just full of all the most annoying poo poo to play against. It’s a mono-B deck built around stealing your opponents cards by making them discard or sacrifice their stuff?

She just strikes me, immediately, as kind of a “Diet Braids” and we all know how fun Braids is.

Knock yourself out, but I typically advise against people building decks that will just make their friends miserable, because you spend all the time and money and then get like 1-2 games in and no one wants to play with you.

This happened back in the day with Leovold and Erayo, Soratami Ascendent. We had friends build, play, and disassemble them in the same day, you play it once and then it’s just like... ok that was terrible. More recently I saw that happen with Chulane as well.

Sep 21, 2014

To make yourself feel better, you make it so you'll never give in to your forevers and live for always.

Lipstick Apathy
Tevesh Szat seems pretty cool as a black commander, but he also has partner so you can pair him with whoever.

Mar 25, 2013

Bust Rodd posted:

That’s kind of my issue with her as a Commander, I cannot imagine what the table would have to look like for her to not be a priority target. Like, if your friends play a single game against Tergid + Grave Pact then the jig is up lol.

The deck is just full of all the most annoying poo poo to play against. It’s a mono-B deck built around stealing your opponents cards by making them discard or sacrifice their stuff?

She just strikes me, immediately, as kind of a “Diet Braids” and we all know how fun Braids is.

Knock yourself out, but I typically advise against people building decks that will just make their friends miserable, because you spend all the time and money and then get like 1-2 games in and no one wants to play with you.

This happened back in the day with Leovold and Erayo, Soratami Ascendent. We had friends build, play, and disassemble them in the same day, you play it once and then it’s just like... ok that was terrible. More recently I saw that happen with Chulane as well.

Yeah, I think I will get her in 99 of Nath of the Gilt-Leaf because that one I can build and tune to the group as a more generic BG goodstuff with elves and discard synergy and it is way less imposing when revealed as commander

Bust Rodd
Oct 21, 2008

by VideoGames
that sounds like a great plan. it's also easier to make infinite colored mana in Green decks, so you might get some use out of her as an infinite mana outlet if your build leans more heavily on elves.

Sep 21, 2014

To make yourself feel better, you make it so you'll never give in to your forevers and live for always.

Lipstick Apathy
One of my cousin's not-cEDH decks is a Nath Stax list and he says he loves it, so that's probably a good choice. Blindsiding someone with Tergrid from there is just the cherry on top.

Feb 21, 2013

I use brawl to do my daily quests on Arena, and built Tergrid day one for Kaldheim. I get a lot more auto concedes than with that deck than normal.

Aug 30, 2008

When you make the second entry and the debits and credits balance, and you blow them to hell.
My Nekusar deck is already shockingly strong, slamming Tergrid into it would just ramp it up another level.

*edit* I haven't played it since hullbreacher came in.

Jan 1, 2010

Tergrid is bad becasue shes on the same list as Heliod and Bruvac the Grandiloquent. You gotta kill that player ASAP.

Commander plus 1 spell = win/huge advantage is a bad thing if you play vs people who have good threat assessment.

At least in the 99 she is a one time problem that can be taken care of and doesn't mean one gets a target painted on them forever.

Edit: That said, in cEDH where everyone is a must kill quick threat, this effect is lessened.

Tenasscity fucked around with this message at 20:46 on Feb 2, 2021

Apr 30, 2008

I plan to take control of or copy Tergrid when she comes out against me. Or make a Blim deck and let her take a bunch of damage for controlling things she doesn't own

Bust Rodd
Oct 21, 2008

by VideoGames
I’m gonna test her in my competitive K’rrik list, because ramping into her shuts down a lot of Grixis Roger stuff, as well as LED loops, not to mention the interaction with fetchlands.

Also I can make infinite black mana! But doing so already uses Aetherflux Resevoir, so the only reason I’d ever nuke the table with her artifact side would be if someone had some Needle’d my Resevoir but not destroyed it.

May 21, 2007

Release the Kraken
I'd love to use Tergrid as a commander and plan to pick up a showcase version for later, but the infinite black mana options are just... bad. She's a great outlet in the command zone if you can find a way to get there, though. Maybe eventually...

May 23, 2010 greatest work yet.

Aranan posted:

I'd love to use Tergrid as a commander and plan to pick up a showcase version for later, but the infinite black mana options are just... bad. She's a great outlet in the command zone if you can find a way to get there, though. Maybe eventually...

Sometimes you don’t need infinite. Just obscenely large.

Tergrid is going to be miserable to play against. Which is fine, I like that, but don’t act surprised when people target you or straight ask you not to play it lol

Apr 30, 2008

The more I look at Cosmia the more I think she might be the commander to make a janky Moonfolk deck viable

Jan 11, 2004
Skirge familiar is a fun way of getting more black mana for shenanigans. A peer into the abyss, with skirge familiar into an exsanguinate should ice the table. Peer could be fun to target another player, and force them to draw half their deck and discard a bunch of stuff for you to grab with Tergrid if you don't have any of the other pieces.

Dec 17, 2009

What a fascinatingly unusual cock. Now, allow me to show you my collection...

I've been trying to build a more competitive deck from the collection of cards I already have - I opted to go for Emry, Lurker of the Loch because she has some boss card art and seems like she'd be easy to storm off. I feel like I have a few wincons in there so far (Mirrodin Besieged, Thassa's Oracle, going infinite then hitting them with Aetherflux/decking with Diligent Excavator/storming all the creatures off the board then swinging with Umbral Mantle Emry, infinite Thopter army, etc) but I still feel like my deck is a bit too unfocused/not fast enough. I've included other cards I have in my Maybeboard, but I would be looking for inclusion suggestions, too.

May 5, 2005


Clawtopsy posted:

I've been trying to build a more competitive deck from the collection of cards I already have - I opted to go for Emry, Lurker of the Loch because she has some boss card art and seems like she'd be easy to storm off. I feel like I have a few wincons in there so far (Mirrodin Besieged, Thassa's Oracle, going infinite then hitting them with Aetherflux/decking with Diligent Excavator/storming all the creatures off the board then swinging with Umbral Mantle Emry, infinite Thopter army, etc) but I still feel like my deck is a bit too unfocused/not fast enough. I've included other cards I have in my Maybeboard, but I would be looking for inclusion suggestions, too.

Here's my Emry deck if you're looking for ideas. It's more all in on the looping combos and absolute 0 on any combat-based wins.

From your list, the biggest glaring thing is there is no reason to play Treasure Mage for just Colossus and Meteor Golem.

Dec 17, 2009

What a fascinatingly unusual cock. Now, allow me to show you my collection...
That was a mistake, sorry - It was meant to be Treasure Keeper, not Treasure Mage.


Magnetic North
Dec 15, 2008

Beware the Forest's Mushrooms

Clawtopsy posted:

I've been trying to build a more competitive deck from the collection of cards I already have - I opted to go for Emry, Lurker of the Loch because she has some boss card art and seems like she'd be easy to storm off. I feel like I have a few wincons in there so far (Mirrodin Besieged, Thassa's Oracle, going infinite then hitting them with Aetherflux/decking with Diligent Excavator/storming all the creatures off the board then swinging with Umbral Mantle Emry, infinite Thopter army, etc) but I still feel like my deck is a bit too unfocused/not fast enough. I've included other cards I have in my Maybeboard, but I would be looking for inclusion suggestions, too.

This deck has very little filler in it. I assume Corridor Monitor is some combo that I am missing? I don't get how you could do an Emery loop with it without a Phyrexian Altar due to the blue in its casting cost.

Your odds of having less than 2 lands in your opening hand is about 28%, so you're going to be mulliganing about 1 in 3-4 games. Still, this deck can almost certainly recover from a mull due to having so many eggs to cracked for cards but you need those first two most of them. Sure, you can crack a Chromatic Sphere and hope to draw into that land, but that is not exactly where you want to be.

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