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Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

no more racism?

no, more racism!


Vim Fuego
Jun 1, 2000

Ultra Carp

Come on y'all, reach a compromise with these folks

May 7, 2007

is pepsi ok posted:

losing is their artform and 2022 will be their masterpiece

tbf i dont know how they can top 2016

but i am looking forward to finding out!

Zerg Mans
Oct 19, 2006
Can't post for 5 hours!

Vim Fuego posted:

Come on y'all, reach a compromise with these folks

yes, they should be compromised...

Oct 27, 2010

wait what the fuck??

Uncle Wemus posted:

Flashback of Obama making a useless supportive tweet at the Wisconsin teachers before they got hosed and he didn't do poo poo

Feb 3, 2007

that knife that’s reaching the aorta is slowing

Feb 8, 2012

You couldn't grok my race car, but you dug the roadside blur.

HiroProtagonist posted:

nah they're saving that for 2024 when hillary returns to run against trump :getin:

It's Her turn.

Buck Wildman
Mar 30, 2010

I am Metango, Galactic Governor

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

wow imagine legislators voting the way we want them to because theyre scared of us how awful and antidemocratic that would be

Mar 13, 2013

Walked by the paper stand at wawa and saw the SDNY is finally going to drop the kill shot on trump!!

Oct 22, 2008

So ive thought about it, and heres what will get me to vote and finally Love Joe Biden or whatever: 600 dollars.

You might say "well what about x, what about y, what about Z???". The thing is I have zero confidence any politician will come through on any promise. I was told that you cant realistically expect a politician to do their campaign promises so why care about that. What I can be sure of, is six hundred dollars. Give me six hundred dollars and I'll vote whatever way you want. Six hundred bucks.

Oct 20, 2008

.. and now for my next trick, I'll pretend to be a political commentator...

I was reading the wiki on the Finnish civil war and that seems like how a US civil war would go, a lovely conservative senate and decorum poisoned centrists

May 7, 2007

Some Guy TT posted:

wow imagine legislators voting the way we want them to because theyre scared of us how awful and antidemocratic that would be

how the couple dozen bourgeoisie of over six hundred members of the CPC's people's delegates feel 24/7

seems to work :hmmyes:

Oct 16, 2007

3rd street for life

"I'm immediately nationalizing Kellogg and will negotiate a good faith contract with the union" is a thing that would be hilarious to drop on a Friday afternoon.

Mar 3, 2007

We were somewhere around Manila when the drugs began to take hold

Torpor posted:

I was reading the wiki on the Finnish civil war and that seems like how a US civil war would go, a lovely conservative senate and decorum poisoned centrists

and then china takes california and the nickel mine in the upper peninsula?

Nix Panicus
Feb 25, 2007

loquacius posted:

can't wait to hear that the inflation is because of all the spending, in the build back better bill, that never passed, and never will

It's anticipatory inflation.

Vim Fuego
Jun 1, 2000

Ultra Carp

Some Guy TT posted:

wow imagine legislators voting the way we want them to because theyre scared of us how awful and antidemocratic that would be

Mar 13, 2013

Lol biden is going to ram through legislation to grant immunity to companies for just dumping unions and replacing them with full time scabs.

Lord of Pie
Mar 2, 2007

skooma512 posted:

"The Biden-Harris administration is committed to combating threats to democracy wherever they exist."

ThReaTs to deMocCRacy wherEver tHeY exISt

We must continuously circumvent the will of voters when they vote for the other guy instead of our guy, to preserve democracy

Vim Fuego
Jun 1, 2000

Ultra Carp

Asproigerosis posted:

Lol biden is going to ram through legislation to grant immunity to companies for just dumping unions and replacing them with full time scabs.

Nice! Unions just add unnecessary costs, contributing to inflationary pressure that harms the american consumer

Vim Fuego
Jun 1, 2000

Ultra Carp


Aug 10, 2016


Asproigerosis posted:

Lol biden is going to ram through legislation to grant immunity to companies for just dumping unions and replacing them with full time scabs.

Jobs Created

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

isn't that the lady who's kid shot those other kids

May 7, 2007

What If.. Gig Economy, but Worse?

Feb 14, 2012

this is the moral quality of horny, this is what all you players are supporting!

May 7, 2007

PoontifexMacksimus posted:

this is the moral quality of horny, this is what all you players are supporting!

no this is

May 7, 2007

e: this might be the first time i've seen the succ thread not have a single post in an entire hour lol

HiroProtagonist has issued a correction as of 01:01 on Dec 11, 2021

a new study bible!
Feb 2, 2009

A Philadelphia Legend
Fly Eagles Fly

Oct 5, 2010

Lipstick Apathy

Dec 30, 2005


HiroProtagonist posted:

e: this might be the first time i've seen the succ thread not have a single post in an entire hour lol

my bad I've been busy having sex

with your mom

Gulping Again
Mar 10, 2007

Jan 20, 2004
Please send a report when you see me complain about other posters and threads outside of QCS



Assange is a rapist who ran from his accusers and hid, and OPENLY worked with the Trump team because he had a personal beef with Clinton, to the point of running interference with Russian groups around leaks.

Assange is a creep, and what good will he did have is long gone.


The difference here is Assange was wanted, by the law in Sweden, for it. Also Biden didn't act as an intermediary to help swing an election through directly working with Trump and Russian contacts.

And Biden is a creep. But what I am NOT saying and what DOES happen in this thread whenever "Biden is a rapist" is a massive handwaving calling every Dem voter a rape supporter. DO NOT START THAT IN THIS THREAD


Yes, they are. Again the warning is:

If you attempt to make insinuations that Dem voters are therefore rape supporters you will get probed. Just friendly warning.


Assange is a Rapist. Biden is as well. Now shutup and move on. The warning was already dropped and I will not repeat it again.


ex post facho
Oct 25, 2007
Again, and it's come up before, Biden's in favor of legalization. It's being negotiated in Congress and among the regulatory agencies, with several candidate bills- it's an extremely messy process.

The dismissed staffers were part of the security clearance process. They waived and reduced a lot of the requirements, but didn't completely remove them, apparently dismissing five people during the top secret clearance process for ongoing use.

Sep 6, 2003

flagrant aimbotting

May 21, 2019

ex post facho posted:

Again, and it's come up before, Biden's in favor of legalization. It's being negotiated in Congress and among the regulatory agencies, with several candidate bills- it's an extremely messy process.

The dismissed staffers were part of the security clearance process. They waived and reduced a lot of the requirements, but didn't completely remove them, apparently dismissing five people during the top secret clearance process for ongoing use.


Jun 6, 2004

assange is bad but so is hillary clinton. many sides.

Oct 1, 2008

If you don't want to be a rape supporter, just don't vote for a rapist. Pretty easy.

ex post facho
Oct 25, 2007
I believe that poster's a professor

a professor of piss

Vim Fuego
Jun 1, 2000

Ultra Carp



Buck Wildman
Mar 30, 2010

I am Metango, Galactic Governor

ex post facho posted:

I believe that poster's a professor

a professor of piss

Dr. Tinkler, PP

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