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Fate Accomplice
Nov 30, 2006

just saw Terror is a Man and now I have to watch the other three.


May 19, 2012

this thread title is awful

Oct 11, 2013

Hail Satan every day

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice
On average, across the whole of horror... not nearly enough people yelling “Hail, Satan!”.

Stink Billyums
Jul 7, 2006


Feb 3, 2007

by Hand Knit
Who wants to live deliciously?

Oct 11, 2013

Me bitch
Hail Satan
Hail gein

Hail me

May 10, 2012

by Fluffdaddy
Speaking of Satan, what are the best found footage films on Tubi

Sep 3, 2008

Burkion posted:

Speaking of Satan, what are the best found footage films on Tubi

Butterfly Kisses
Europa Report
Grave Encounters
Hell House LLC

They have a lot on there I've been meaning to get around to.

Origami Dali
Jan 7, 2005

Get ready to fuck!
You fucker's fucker!
You fucker!
I just watched the directors cut of Doctor Sleep and it's surprisingly not rear end. It's not perfect, and it recycles way too much poo poo straight from The Shining, which gets cringey, but overall it's worth a watch and gets pretty good at times.

gey muckle mowser
Aug 5, 2003

Do you know anything about...


Origami Dali posted:

I just watched the directors cut of Doctor Sleep and it's surprisingly not rear end. It's not perfect, and it recycles way too much poo poo straight from The Shining, which gets cringey, but overall it's worth a watch and gets pretty good at times.

I really loved it up until the last half hour or so, when it starts relying on all the imagery from The Shining. Definitely some missteps there. Like you said though overall it’s good and worthwhile and has some standout moments. Rebecca Ferguson is great.

Jun 30, 2007
Can't post for 3 hours!
I really loved Doctor Sleep directors cut . I think it's one of the better Stephen King adaptations.

Feb 23, 2013

If it wasn't for disappointment
I wouldn't have any appointment

Grimey Drawer
Tammy and the T-Rex is wonderful. Even when I knew what to expect, it just keeps surprising me.

I'm legitimately impressed with Denise Richards's and Theo Forsett's acting. Even with the silly tone, the absurd plot, thin script and only an animatronic to work with, they still made me believe that Michael's brain was actually inside an animatronic dinosaur. Denise Richards's really sells Tammy's undying love.

Great movie.

Feb 7, 2011

Franchescanado posted:

Tammy and the T-Rex is wonderful. Even when I knew what to expect, it just keeps surprising me.

I'm legitimately impressed with Denise Richards's and Theo Forsett's acting. Even with the silly tone, the absurd plot, thin script and only an animatronic to work with, they still made me believe that Michael's brain was actually inside an animatronic dinosaur. Denise Richards's really sells Tammy's undying love.

Great movie.

The dick fight at the beginning is as good as anything in The Raid

Count Thrashula
Jun 1, 2003

Death is nothing compared to vindication.


CelticPredator posted:

Me bitch
Hail Satan
Hail gein

Hail me

That podcast would be so much better without Henry

Feb 29, 2008

The greatest sensual pleasure there is is to know the desires of another!

Fun Shoe

flashy_mcflash posted:

The dick fight at the beginning is as good as anything in The Raid

Also a guy gets flattened like a pancake and then someone comes along and rolls him up like a sleeping bag.

Tuxedo Catfish
Mar 17, 2007

You've got guts! Come to my village, I'll buy you lunch.
i want to live in a world where C. L. Moore has the cultural cachet that Lovecraft does in ours

Dec 10, 2011

Proudly supporting vanilla legends 1994-2014

Lurdiak posted:

Roy Thomas deserves a nobel prize for artfully dodging around all the racism when he adapted Conan for Marvel.

Thomas also did the Elric adaptations for First Comics, so I agree.

Grendels Dad
Mar 5, 2011

Popular culture has passed you by.

Lurdiak posted:

Ehhhh. He wasn't as openly hateful as Lovecraft but there's a lot of racism against black people in his stories, even if they're from made up parts of the world, and there's even more weird racial essentialism, like everyone from a certain country is automatically good at this thing and likes this kind of thing, not because of culture, but because it's in their blood.

It's really just high fantasy, but with black people instead of orcs and whatnot. It's interesting to read, but also very exhausting. I still haven't finished reading the The Complete Chronicles of Conan and likely never will.

Feb 29, 2008

The greatest sensual pleasure there is is to know the desires of another!

Fun Shoe
Been trying to think of a movie that touched my heart in an interesting way for the past 24 hours and I guess I'm just a hollow sociopath because I can't think of a goddamn thing.

Feb 4, 2007

Basebf555 posted:

Been trying to think of a movie that touched my heart in an interesting way for the past 24 hours and I guess I'm just a hollow sociopath because I can't think of a goddamn thing.

You can do it! From beyond has touched you in many ways!

Apr 29, 2007

The secret of steel has always
carried with it a mystery.

Hollismason posted:

Howard also wasn't racist and actually pretty progressive. Like for his period he had pretty progressive views.

drat, for a moment I thought I'd clicked on the Australian Politics thread, and you were talking about John Howard, conservative anti-working class prime minister. Also wrote a good character reference for a certain Australian Roman Catholic Cardinal after he'd been found guilty on child sex offences...

aware of dog
Nov 14, 2016

Basebf555 posted:

Been trying to think of a movie that touched my heart in an interesting way for the past 24 hours and I guess I'm just a hollow sociopath because I can't think of a goddamn thing.

Both Pulse and Noriko’s Dinner Table hit me real hard

Apr 14, 2002

So that explains why he did not answer. He had no mouth to answer with. There is nothing left of him but his ears.

Basebf555 posted:

Been trying to think of a movie that touched my heart in an interesting way for the past 24 hours and I guess I'm just a hollow sociopath because I can't think of a goddamn thing.

The Devil's Backbone, perhaps? Or Pan's Labyrinth? I have a weak spot for both.

Feb 29, 2008

The greatest sensual pleasure there is is to know the desires of another!

Fun Shoe

Sarchasm posted:

The Devil's Backbone, perhaps? Or Pan's Labyrinth? I have a weak spot for both.

Yea but like, in an interesting way that's personal to me? I dunno. Sure, Pan's Labyrinth is sad and at certain points it's emotionally devastating but that's not a very interesting comment.

Feb 3, 2007

by Hand Knit
120 Days of Sodom

If, you know, you're in the mood for an Italian Duke to take a dump on your heart and then make you eat it with a spoon.

Jun 30, 2007
Can't post for 3 hours!
Silver Bullet is a horror movie with a lot of heart. Like legit the scene where he gets the new chair tugs at the ole heart strings. " I built this for you because I love you if you got hurt itd"

Just Gary Busey scenes through out.

drat Silver Bullet is so good.

Hollismason fucked around with this message at 15:47 on Mar 12, 2020

Jan 2, 2005

TheOmegaWalrus posted:

120 Days of Sodom
luv 2 blame innocent people for not resisting fascism enough

Feb 7, 2011

Basebf555 posted:

Been trying to think of a movie that touched my heart in an interesting way for the past 24 hours and I guess I'm just a hollow sociopath because I can't think of a goddamn thing.

Recent stuff for me would be The Lodge, Last Black Man in San Francisco, and The Painted Bird. Painted Bird is an ordeal and really got to me.

Feb 4, 2007
reminder that I'm giving away a super amazing movie that you will all love and only exists on bluray because fellow goon cpl willed it into existence

Jun 7, 2005

Baby Come Back
Finally watched Midnight Meat Train. My girlfriend tried to get me to watch it for a while. I resisted because of the dumbass make but I actually kind of liked it. It was campy as hell and the twist ending was obvious from a mile away but it was neat.

Sep 25, 2019

TheKingslayer posted:

Butterfly Kisses
Europa Report
Grave Encounters
Hell House LLC

They have a lot on there I've been meaning to get around to.

Hell House LLC is way way better than it had any right being.

Same thing for Butterfly Kisses, not as good but drat there are some unsettling moments.

Nov 5, 2009

RenegadeStyle1 posted:

Finally watched Midnight Meat Train. My girlfriend tried to get me to watch it for a while. I resisted because of the dumbass make but I actually kind of liked it. It was campy as hell and the twist ending was obvious from a mile away but it was neat.

A decent Barker adaptation.

Halloween Jack
Sep 12, 2003
It's solid and I wish there were more movies like it.

May 10, 2012

by Fluffdaddy

Grendels Dad posted:

It's really just high fantasy, but with black people instead of orcs

Psst I've come to early 2010s ultra basic literary theory at you

Halloween Jack
Sep 12, 2003

Lurdiak posted:

Ehhhh. He wasn't as openly hateful as Lovecraft but there's a lot of racism against black people in his stories, even if they're from made up parts of the world, and there's even more weird racial essentialism, like everyone from a certain country is automatically good at this thing and likes this kind of thing, not because of culture, but because it's in their blood.
Yeah, Howard's understanding of race was complicated and always evolving, and he probably would have wound up much more progressive if he hadn't died so young. Lovecraft's extreme racism eventually freaked him out.

But his work is race-essentialist down to the bones in a way that was exemplary of the pulp fiction of the time. Like, the background mythology of Hyboria has stuff like apes evolving into men, then devolving back into apes due to civilizational collapse, then re-evolving into humans again, on a timescale of like a few thousand years. (It was also weirdly materialist, though I don't think Howard ever read Marx. He proposed that a particular tribe of ape-men evolved into humans because they were lucky enough to inhabit a rocky area and found that a heap of stones is a defensible position, and civilization developed thus.)

COOL CORN posted:

Can you point me to the research on the quality of Lovecraft's loving? For research purposes
His ex-wife described him as an "adequately excellent lover," and if my wife said that about me I would kill myself.

Debbie Does Dagon
Jul 8, 2005

Last night I watched

Ms. 45 which is a heartwarming story of female empowerment during the disco era. Really loved this one. There's something really special about the 70s/80s NYC grungy horror vibe. It'd be fun to a marathon with this, and Basketcase, Blood Diner, CHUD... I especially love the scene with the lovelorn alcoholic, in which Ms. 45 is just pensively waiting for him to admit to anything worth killing him over. I might have to dress up as Ms. 45 in her little red riding hood getup for Halloween.

Flowers which for its shoestring budget has an impressively dense, and forbidding atmosphere. The lightwork in the crawlspace scenes are especially cool. There's a gimmick where the lead actress changes from scene to scene, while seemingly remaining the same character. While watching I thought it was trying to say something about victims being stripped of their identity, but I think the end of the film suggests otherwise. I think it would have maybe played better as a 30 minute short film, or 10 minute music video for an Industrial/Doom Metal artist. Coolest shot in the movie was the overflowing syringe shot which was immediately preceded by the most hilarious shot a skeleton on a park bench shooting up

Nekromantik they bludgeoned a bunny to death, so I turned it off unfortunately. I liked how surreal the film was before that. Like with the car wreck, they don't send an ambulance crew, they're straight in with domestic black bin bags, and no gloves, just scooping up intestines. But then they pull punches in odd ways, like having an extreme close up of a guy pissing but not actually showing his cock. We're already in this situation, you may as well whip it out properly.

Nekromantik 2 starts with a flashback(?) to the first movie, which involves seppuku masturbation and I was kicking myself because that's exactly the kind of insanity I was hoping for from the first film. The rest of the film is kind of like Better Nate than Lever, it's a lot better in retrospect once you know how it ends. More than half of the runtime is devoted to going to the faire, going to a petting zoo, watching a film about ducks and eating eggs at the cinema, but that last ten minutes is just the perfect punchline that ties everything together. Also I think Richard Curtis stole the sex foleywork scene for Love Actually, which I'm sure isn't true but it's my headcanon now.

Hour of the Wolf which I watched the night before technically. I think it was recommended in this thread during werewolf chat, but honestly it could be about vampires, ghosts, or any number of other things, I don't think that matters beyond interesting headcanon stuff. The film itself reminds me of Possession (1981) and Naked (1993), in that it does a lot of intense psychologically and emotionally impactful things with just dialogue, while maintaining the characters as somewhere between unsympathetic but also relatable. My favourite scene is the very short child/fishing scene. I've never seen a film generate so much anxiety, awkwardness, and then absolute insanity, with just simple body language. It was asif the filmmakers were tapping directly into some primordial fight or flight response, like showing a cucumber to a cat and watching it flee in terror.

Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

Ever feel like Lovecraft in Brooklyn?

Feb 29, 2008

The greatest sensual pleasure there is is to know the desires of another!

Fun Shoe

Debbie Does Dagon posted:

Ms. 45 which is a heartwarming story of female empowerment during the disco era. Really loved this one. There's something really special about the 70s/80s NYC grungy horror vibe. It'd be fun to a marathon with this, and Basketcase, Blood Diner, CHUD... I especially love the scene with the lovelorn alcoholic, in which Ms. 45 is just pensively waiting for him to admit to anything worth killing him over. I might have to dress up as Ms. 45 in her little red riding hood getup for Halloween.

Another one that would fit right in with that group is The Driller Killer.


Feb 23, 2013

If it wasn't for disappointment
I wouldn't have any appointment

Grimey Drawer

Basebf555 posted:

Another one that would fit right in with that group is The Driller Killer.

And/Or The Addiction.

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