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Paul Zuvella
Dec 7, 2011

I thought one of Shaq's son's found out they had some crazy heart condition and had to stop playing?


Aug 15, 2009

A city that was to live by night after the wilderness had passed. A city that was to forge out of steel and blood-red neon its own peculiar wilderness.

big boi
Jun 11, 2007

William Mutombo

Sep 1, 2006

you literally think a person saying their NBA team of choice being better than the fucking 76ers is a 'schtick'

a literal thing you think.

big boi posted:

William Mutombo

The name is Bob.
Bob Mutombo.

Sep 1, 2006

you literally think a person saying their NBA team of choice being better than the fucking 76ers is a 'schtick'

a literal thing you think.

Jan 16, 2007

Grimey Drawer

I love this video so loving much. I saw it when it first went viral and I'm so nostalgic RN. :unsmith:

Also Ryan Mutombo

Away all Goats
Jul 5, 2005

Goose's rebellion

Right up there with letting Brook Lopez go for no reason.

Jan 9, 2012

The Lakers are very badly run

Aug 29, 2008

Wow Gheorghe Muresan’s and Mutombo’s sons both are at Georgetown, really curious how that works out

Apr 23, 2010

IcePhoenix posted:

Can you do the one by KAT at the end of regulation last night too

Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
These are a good for a chuckle and cool, but Maxey's looks kind of like a porn mag photo. lol

Marshal Prolapse fucked around with this message at 19:49 on Nov 10, 2021

Darude - Adam Sandstorm
Aug 16, 2012

Who are the top friendship ballers in the nba now?

And who are the top mean muggers now?

And yes Bobby Portis is both.

Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Darude - Adam Sandstorm posted:

Who are the top friendship ballers in the nba now?

And who are the top mean muggers now?

And yes Bobby Portis is both.

Honestly I'd be interested in seeing if the Sixers changed heavily after Brown left. They used to always have some of the highest passing in the NBA.

Sep 18, 2005

Take me to your Shida

Thank you :unsmith:

Aug 26, 2004

MazelTovCocktail posted:

Honestly I'd be interested in seeing if the Sixers changed heavily after Brown left. They used to always have some of the highest passing in the NBA.

i assume it's gone down, if for no reason more than Doc had the best passer on the team standing in the loving dunker's spot all last year and then said passer broke his brain (on account of his family being a hosed up mess*) and now isn't playing basketball at all

*speculation on my part

Red Rox
Aug 24, 2004

Motel Midnight off the hook

kingcobweb posted:

Ryan Mutombo

William Rondo

edit: Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Ryan Mutombo and the Jokic Brothers!

Red Rox fucked around with this message at 20:06 on Nov 10, 2021

Jul 2, 2011

Paul Zuvella posted:

I thought one of Shaq's son's found out they had some crazy heart condition and had to stop playing?

Yeah, pretty sure that was Shareef and he got surgery.

Sep 1, 2006

you literally think a person saying their NBA team of choice being better than the fucking 76ers is a 'schtick'

a literal thing you think.

Aug 15, 2009

A city that was to live by night after the wilderness had passed. A city that was to forge out of steel and blood-red neon its own peculiar wilderness.


Apr 23, 2010

Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Brazzers label needed.

I am really happy with the calls so far. I get why some aren't, but I don't want them calling more to overcompensate.

Oct 17, 2005

¡Hola SEA!

I think they've gone a little overboard, but i prefer where it is to where it was the last couple of years.

Apr 23, 2010

Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

DeimosRising posted:

I think they've gone a little overboard, but i prefer where it is to where it was the last couple of years.


I'm sure there can be some fine tuning, but at the same time, I am scared of some massive over correction, if that happens.

Aug 15, 2009

A city that was to live by night after the wilderness had passed. A city that was to forge out of steel and blood-red neon its own peculiar wilderness.
the 3pt shot foul changes are good

Players aren't kicking their legs out on 3pt shots anymore. And if they do they aren't getting calls.

It's the other stuff that needs to get a bit better.

Like Harden is extremely getting fouled a bunch but they aren't calling them.

Sep 18, 2005

Take me to your Shida

if you're gonna keep going through this game, Ja had a play near the end of regulation where he crossed Jaden McDaniels (I think?) and then just flew down the lane for a two handed jam

Jul 22, 2004


SamuraiFoochs posted:

Do you make jokes about Chris Paul? Because it's the same thing except Draymond is worse.

actually yes. Yes I do. All the time.


and I love Draymond every bit as much as you love Chris Paul


Apr 23, 2010

IcePhoenix posted:

if you're gonna keep going through this game, Ja had a play near the end of regulation where he crossed Jaden McDaniels (I think?) and then just flew down the lane for a two handed jam

Aug 27, 2006

i still can't believe zach lavine turned into a good player

Jul 17, 2010

We have the tools, we have the talent!

dokmo posted:

i still can't believe zach lavine turned into a good player

The question the Bulls have yet to answer is whether he's become a great player. Or at least good enough to warrant a max contract when his current deal runs out at the end of this season.

Apr 21, 2006

Lmao nice try pal

Oct 21, 2008

Acguy Supremacy

this is wonderful

El Gallinero Gros
Mar 17, 2010

Crazy Ted posted:

Kawhi is in that Kyrie Irving box where he's injured just a bit too often to be a team's perennial #1 player even if he has superstar talent.

Guess Toronto got the last out of him

Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Did he call Rent-a-Jew or something?

Apr 21, 2006
Just hanging out at Kornblatts deli like I do every day, and I happened upon ANOTHER one of my many fans, Moshe Greenbergstein

Jul 22, 2004


Dexo posted:

the 3pt shot foul changes are good

Players aren't kicking their legs out on 3pt shots anymore. And if they do they aren't getting calls.

It's the other stuff that needs to get a bit better.

Like Harden is extremely getting fouled a bunch but they aren't calling them.

it's because he flails like a squashed cockroach every time he gets fouled, so it looks like he is faking the foul even when it is legit.

Dejan Bimble
Mar 24, 2008

we're all black friends
Plaster Town Cop

MazelTovCocktail posted:

Did he call Rent-a-Jew or something?

MazelTovCocktail posted:

Did he call Rent-a-Jew or something?

Oh yeah really hard to meet a jew in beverly hills

Dejan Bimble
Mar 24, 2008

we're all black friends
Plaster Town Cop
Zach Lavine Is a good example of what happens when you let bad small market teams spend tons of resources over several years to develop athletic but low skilled players into high skill players, so they can succeed on a good team and in a bigger market.

Aug 15, 2009

A city that was to live by night after the wilderness had passed. A city that was to forge out of steel and blood-red neon its own peculiar wilderness.

Dejan Bimble posted:

Zach Lavine Is a good example of what happens when you let bad small market teams spend tons of resources over several years to develop athletic but low skilled players into high skill players, so they can succeed on a good team and in a bigger market.

Tbf Zach did a ton of his development on a bad large market team


Sep 18, 2005

Dexo posted:

Like Harden is extremely getting fouled a bunch but they aren't calling them.

Harden has built his career on deceiving the referees. He deserves no benefit of the doubt.

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