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Brodeurs Nanny
Nov 2, 2006

CharlesWillisMaddox posted:

Where should I start with Brian Eno's solo work? Or. Where should I continue to? I randomly got Ambient 1 and Another Green World after reading a quick overview of him and enjoyed both of them.

Get "Music for Airports."


Brodeurs Nanny
Nov 2, 2006

BIG SAD posted:

I'm trying to get into Hip-hop more, i've been a big fan of Deltron3030 for years, one of my favorite albums. I also really liked The Mouse and The Mask album Danger Doom put out. Oh also The Grey Album was great. But where should I go from there?

MF Doom's "Mm.. Food."
Public Enemy's "It Takes A Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back."

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