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Aug 2, 2004

CharlesWillisMaddox posted:

Where should I start with Brian Eno's solo work? Or. Where should I continue to? I randomly got Ambient 1 and Another Green World after reading a quick overview of him and enjoyed both of them.
That's basically the perfect place to start :)

Continue to Here Come the Warm Jets, Taking Tiger Mountain, and Before and After Science for his pop output, go for Music for Films, Apollo, and Thursday Afternoon for ambient work (imho)

Truth be told I get really sick of his pop work because I feel like he can't find direction and purpose by himself, a lot of it feels incredibly shallow to me. I think they're all genius albums, but I like him a lot better when he's working on something ambient or on putting a perfect polish on another group's work.

Ok now somebody tell me how to listen to The Who


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