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Debonaire Boners
Feb 26, 2006

Time was so long ago

dgt posted:

Start off with Treasure or maybe Head Over Heels. At least, thats where I started off from. Treasure is usually considered one of their best (if not their best) albums.

As for the OP, start out at the beginning. Get the first three Mothers of Invention albums. They're really among his best material to date. Also: Hot Rats, Weasles Ripped My Flesh, and Joe's Garage are also good places to start. And Sheik Yerbouti if you like hsi comedy stuff.

Zappa & the Mothers- Yes!Freak Out is one of my all time faves, Classic Zappa. Some trippy poo poo on that album.

'Bout the Twins:

I'd have to respectfully disagree; I think Blue Bell Knoll would be the best starting point. Its right in the juxstaposition of their older sound (a la Treasure and Head Over Heels) and their newer sound ( Heaven or Las Vegas/Four Calendar Cafe/ The Moon and Melodies). I think it gives the best cross-section of how coarse and raw they can sound, yet still captures the etheral beauty they exude in later work.

Also, Robin Guthrie has a whole slew of independent work after and alongside the Twins, some with Harold Budd and Brian Eno. The new Two disc effort by Guthrie/Budd is excellent - After the Night Falls and Before the Day Breaks. Much more of an ambient style, exceptionally tranquil and soothing. Also the Mysterious Skin Soundtrack and Harold Budd's The White Arcades( produced by Eno) , are good Guthrie/Budd Collaborations.


Chinaski posted:

13 Songs and Repeater would probably be your best bet and are the two that got me into Fugazi as well. Those two albums have most of the familiar songs and are both great albums. And once you've gotten a feel for their sound, give the soundtrack to Instrument a listen to hear how diverse they are able to sound.

While all Fugazi's albums are excellent, I would lean towards Red Medicine or End Hits as a good Starting Point. Possibly Instrument as a starter as well.

Debonaire Boners fucked around with this message at 03:15 on Feb 6, 2008


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