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Apr 9, 2008

I can see when you are lying.

If you're binging, I highly recommend 30 Rock. It's fantastic and it needs more viewers LIKE YOU.


Feb 20, 2004

It's time to restore dignity to the Farnsworth name!

jerkstore77 posted:

Been going through Babylon 5 for the past couple months, and tonight I'll be finishing it with the insanely hyped finale. Great series overall, I rank it just behind BS:G and DS9 in terms of my favorite sci-fi series.

I too have been watching B5 for the first time. I'm just about to finish season 3, and still praying Doctor Franklin will get sucked out an airlock.

Aug 17, 2003

I am the man of la Mancha… my dream is impossible!

Kruller posted:

I too have been watching B5 for the first time. I'm just about to finish season 3, and still praying Doctor Franklin will get sucked out an airlock.

Why did you spoiler that?

Anyways, I won't reveal it to you show-wise, but you do get your wish in real life, Richard Biggs who plays Dr. Franklin died in 2004. Not by an airlock though.

Aug 4, 2002

Douche Baggins
Also plowing through B5 over the summer. I made it through the admittedly awful pilot movie without being completely turned off by the show, so if "the first season is slightly better and then the next 4 seasons are awesome" like I've heard, I'll finally see what all the fuss is about.

After that:

The Sopranos: Seen most of season 5 but little of anything else. Tried to get through the first season during the writer's strike. It was just starting to grab me when all my favorite shows came back and the strike ended, so I never finished.

Flight of the Conchords: Never really had much interest in it at first until I heard their hilarious 'Bowie' song. Now I can't wait to check it out.

The original UK Office: I plowed through the entirety of the US version in a week. I should have no trouble with what, 12 episodes and a Christmas special? I can do that in a weekend.

Slings & Arrows: I like Mark McKinney, and I've been meaning to check it out.

The Wire: I'll probably do that sometime this year since the full run just ended. I didn't want to get into it halfway through and then have to wait.

30 Rock: Gave it a chance for about 3 episodes when it premiered, but too many shows premiered that season and I ended up dropping it because it didn't fully grab me. I'll give it another shot eventually. Half-hour comedies are easy as hell to catch up on.

I'll probably come back to this post late in the year and find that I've failed miserably.

incredible bear
Jul 10, 2005

doing the bear maximum

mangler103 posted:

Season 5 really is that bad. There's one great episode, about the Supreme Court, and the rest is terrible. It improves once they shift focus to the election in 6 and 7 though.
Wahey, I didn't think my hidden question was going to get answered, cheers mang. One great episode is more than I was expecting, thanks to a post in one of the "worst moments ever" TVIV threads, I'm especially dreading Access. But the promise of Alan Alda and Jimmy Smits will keep me going until I get to the last two.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Yeah season 5-7 gets a lot of hate but Alan Alda is amazing. I would skip 5 because it really is bad.

Nov 5, 2007
yay excess!

nyratk1 posted:

I'm starting to binge through The Office since I got the DVD free with PepsiPoints. Now to wait for Black Friday so I can get season 2 and 3 extremely cheap. :sigh:

My subscription to Netflix lets me watch seasons 1-3 online, anytime, instantly! So that's what I've been binging through this summer break. Last summer was the entire Buffy series, borrowed from a friend, summer before that was ST:TNG which I bought.

The TNG DVDs still make for a good waste of 45 minutes if I've got time to kill.

Feb 20, 2004

It's time to restore dignity to the Farnsworth name!

Vulgar posted:

Why did you spoiler that?

Anyways, I won't reveal it to you show-wise, but you do get your wish in real life, Richard Biggs who plays Dr. Franklin died in 2004. Not by an airlock though.

Well I didn't want the actor to die! I spoilered it just in case someone didn't know that Franklin was a worthless twat, so they wouldn't hate him immediately, although I don't know if it's possible to not hate him.

Jan 2, 2007

Man I envy you Shield and Wire virgins. You guys have some of the greatest stuff that's ever been on television in front of you. I was sick for a couple of weeks recently and binged my way through both for like the 3rd time. Deadwood and Carnivale as well.

There's just not enough good stuff on TV. But the stuff that is good, man, it can be really great.

Sep 13, 2005

I want to go protest.
Nap Ghost
I watched three and a half seasons of The West Wing in the last weekend. :( In fairness I was always doing something else too but goddamn do I love this show.

Hungry Black Mage
Aug 23, 2007

So very hungry.
I just blew through the first two seasons of Criminal Minds in under a week.

Sometimes it can be cheesy and dodgy (profiling has always been dodgy to me), but it's all in good fun. It's a much better procedural than CSI, a show that stretches believability beyond the point of breaking with the magic DNA analysis machines and the infamous 'enhance' they use on all the photographs. The characters are fun, the killers are fascinating, and Matthew Gray Gubler's behind-the-scenes mockumentaries are loving hilarious.

Now I have to wait until September for my season 3 set. :(

Aug 3, 2003

My theories appall you, my heresies outrage you, I never answer letters, and you don't like my tie.

Kruller posted:

Well I didn't want the actor to die! I spoilered it just in case someone didn't know that Franklin was a worthless twat, so they wouldn't hate him immediately, although I don't know if it's possible to not hate him.

He's a character that doesn't really mean much to me and episodes centered around him tend to be uninteresting, but he's never really pissed me off that much.

Incidentally, I've been powering through B5, got up to around the middle of the fourth season. Great stuff. Now I'm employed though, so I don't think I'll be able to dedicate huge chunks of the day to it like I used to.

Sep 15, 2004

I believe it was the great American painter Bob Ross who said, "The key to a swollen vagina is... courage."
I just recently re-watched Six Feet Under also, though it took me about two weeks. What I would do is watch all the episodes on a single DVD, and then I would watch any of the special features and finish that up by watching any of the episodes with the commentary. It was pretty interesting to watch it with the commentary. Alan Ball and Alan Poul were my favorites to listen to by far.

This is still by far my favorite tv series ever, and I couldn't imagine a better finale, it just ended so perfectly. I did spend most of the last 3 or 4 episodes crying my eyes out though!

The Fuzzy Hulk
Nov 22, 2007


I had never saw Smallville, so I decided to give it a chance. I've watched the first 6 seasons over the past couple weeks, and tivo has the last season saved so I'm starting in on it now.

It's incredibly terrible, btw. I just have nothing better to have on in the background that I haven't already seen.

Oh, and I just moved in with a friend, and she has never seen Deadwood, so we will be watching those in the evenings from episode 1.

Jul 23, 2007

Netflix is a godsend for these types of things. Finally decided to get into the new Doctor Who - almost done with Season Three. Decided to watch it after seeing the first season of Torchwood. I had no idea the series were related until a friend told me I'd watched it out of order and felt foolish.

After I finish the last disc of Doctor Who 3 I'll be getting into Deadwood. It seems that watching TV on DVD is the only way to do it. Commercial breaks seem irritating now, as do the mid-season breaks. Now I can just jam through it in a couple of sittings.

King of Spit
May 18, 2006
The Shield is my favorite show, and I'm trying to get in to The Wire, but it's just not working that great. I'm on the 5th episode, and it seems okay, but no there a time the sjow just hooks you or is it a gradual watch 2 1/2 seasons before it comes kind of thing?

Dec 11, 2004

I got five episodes left in season two, and all of season three to watch of Arrested Development before I leave on my trip Thursday. Man this show is good, I can't believe I missed it when it was on the air.

Also, Hulu rocks.

Jun Bakon
Dec 18, 2005
The wife and I just bought the first season of Burn Notice and breezed through it over two nights.

Aug 31, 2005

King of Spit posted:

The Shield is my favorite show, and I'm trying to get in to The Wire, but it's just not working that great. I'm on the 5th episode, and it seems okay, but no there a time the sjow just hooks you or is it a gradual watch 2 1/2 seasons before it comes kind of thing?
I was the same way. I didn't like the first season of the Wire my first time through, Season 2 is when it really started to grab me.

I've since re-watched Season 1 and wondered what I was thinking because Season 1 is great.

Jan 26, 2001

by Tiny Fistpump
As sad as the admission is, loving Lexx. I have no idea why, as my only remembrance of the show has ever been, and will ever be, that it's ridiculously bad. There's something about it that's alluring, though, and I have no idea why. Excepting Brigadoom. That was one of the few musical episodes of any series that was effective at delivery story as well as a decent score.

Alexandr fucked around with this message at 09:32 on Jun 24, 2008

Monty Fisto
Feb 25, 2008
Veronica Mars, season one. Haven't seen it since it premiered on TV.

I decided to take Veronica's advice and make a drinking game out of the series: every time somebody asks somebody else for help. I had to rewatch the last couple of episodes the next day.

Great series. Not as good as I remember. I think watching it a second time, knowing how it's going to turn out spoils it a bit. Stand-alone episodes are still as great as Buffy's at exploring the bullshittery of high school, though.

Winifred Madgers
Feb 12, 2002

Alexandr posted:

As sad as the admission is, loving Lexx. I have no idea why, as my only remembrance of the show has ever been, and will ever be, that it's ridiculously bad. There's something about it that's alluring, though, and I have no idea why. Excepting Brigadoom. That was one of the few musical episodes of any series that was effective at delivery story as well as a decent score.

That was the first episode I ever saw and it is what hooked me on the show. I think what's alluring about the show, at least to me, is that it is unabashedly far-out weird science fiction, the likes of which is never, ever seen on television. I mean what other show could have a plot involving von Neumann machines literally destroying the universe?

Bacon Fish
Dec 15, 2007

Stop grinning like a fucking psycho and get back to work
I just finished watching all of Sex and the City, I managed to get through it all in about a week and a half. Now I'm burning through Grey's Anatomy.

I need a job. And a show to watch after this one...

Nate RFB
Jan 17, 2005

Clapping Larry
Since I loved The Wire so much I decided to take the plunge into The Shield. Over the past couple of weeks I've worked my way through the first two and a half seasons.

I'm not sure why though, but it's not quite as awesome as I thought it'd be. I am still liking it though, so maybe it's just me setting ridiculously high standards from The Wire. I'm finding it a little difficult to relate to some of the characters everyone seems to love so much. A lot of people say though that gets even better as the seasons proceed so I have plenty of faith that it will come around for me eventually.

King of Spit posted:

The Shield is my favorite show, and I'm trying to get in to The Wire, but it's just not working that great. I'm on the 5th episode, and it seems okay, but no there a time the sjow just hooks you or is it a gradual watch 2 1/2 seasons before it comes kind of thing?
It may be different for other people, but I think it's a gradual process. The Wire is my favorite show of all time and there really was no HOLY poo poo! moment that cemented that. I didn't even realize it until the third season how much I loved it, and even then my favorite season was the second. It's a show that has its previous episodes and seasons feel even better because the entire story is continuous throughout the show. As you watch more, you'll be able to appreciate the stuff you had already seen. The Wire has incredibly high expectations of its viewers to be able to remember all of the hints and foreshadowing in previous episodes, so everything is constantly building on top of a previously established plot thread.

Nate RFB fucked around with this message at 14:29 on Jun 24, 2008

May 7, 2007

My brother and I recently marathoned 3 seasons of The Pretender. We're rationing Season 4 because he feels "burned out" on the show. It's a pretty good time killer.

Jul 10, 2001

The Legend
We just got done with The Wire, and really enjoyed it. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone who likes being entertained by moving pictures.

Before that we killed off Six Feet Under, since we had made it to the last season before giving up completely. We rewatched the entire thing again and while excellent, I just don't think I'll ever watch it again. Its too sad and depressing. Especially the ending. :cry:

We've been completely binging on The F Word, which is a British reality show featuring Gordon Ramsay. I love Gordon's UK shows way more than his US stuff. The F Word manages to find a nice balance between lots of varying things: a contest between different sets of kitchen staff each week, an ongoing documentary about Gordon raising his own food (turkeys, pigs, lambs), various segments regarding strange or cool food, and some general silliness (such as teaching people to cook or getting people to send in celebrity cook books so he can recycle them).

We've done most of the shows mentioned in this thread, and now we've just started on The Sopranos. We never got around to finishing the series, although I've rewatched S1-5 a couple of times now. Never gets old, though, I really, really dig it.

Feb 20, 2006

I can't say it's a binge, but I've fallen asleep while watching Rome everynight for the last 4 or 5 nights. I watch one episode then another until I fall asleep and then pick up with the last thing I remember the following night. I'm impressed with a series that I thought was going to be all about TnA.

Iggy Johnson
Mar 11, 2007

It doesn't work if you beg.
I recently plowed through Two and a Half Men. I'm surprised I never watched this show earlier because it's really funny and charming. It also has the only Kid Actor that actually makes a show better.

Hattori Hanzo
Mar 5, 2005
I'm about six episodes into Journeyman on hulu, and am surprised how much I'm enjoying it. Too bad there's only a few left, but so far, it's a really well done show.

Jun 9, 2005

The stuff of nightmares
Monk. The premise sounded stupid, but dear God, I can lose a good 4-5 hours watching episodes on DVD. Sure, its not a deep, intense crime show, but god I love it and its more entertaining than any other show of its kind.

Jun 19, 2003

of a full load.

I just got the DVD's for Daybreak, and I'm happy to finally see the ending. I could never get the ABC player to work right, so I just picked it up.

It was satisfying, but I would have liked to have seen where they would have gone in the future seasons.

Jun 15, 2008

Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?
I've been watching Lost lately. Before that, I caught up on the fourth season of House, and I've been on a perennial Buffy-binge for the past nine months or so; I hope to finish the series by summer's end.

Aug 20, 2000

Do you see the problem?

Conscious of pain, you're distracted by pain.
You're fixated on it. Obsessed by one threat, you miss the other.

So much more aware, so much less perceptive. An automaton could do better.

Are you in there?

Are you listening? Can you see?
Good thread, I just came here to ask for recommendations in a similar manner. I've recently watched House, which I was completely addicted to despite my general dislike of hospital/drama shows (I wish they make a House in Space spin off). I've been watching Stargate Atlantis and I finished the 3rd season today. It's awful. I need a break before moving on to season 4.

I think I'll start watching The Shield and Six Feet Under. Thanks, thread!

Jul 13, 2004
M*A*S*H; currently one ep into season 4. It's gonna take some serious effort to rebound from the loss of both Henry and Trapper, but since there are 8 seasons to go, I guess they must have. It's not really a 5-hours-in-one-sitting kind of show, though, so I don't expect to get through it anytime soon.

I'm thinking about checking out Six Feet Under. Perhaps Mad Men (at ~6 hrs total, it's hardly even a 'binge').

There's always The Wire, which I've yet to watch, but the hype is so high, I feel like it's bound to disappoint. It's not the first show heralded as 'best ever omg!' by so many people, and every one of those started strong but dwindled into tiresome. (I'm looking at you, Sopranos, The Shield, Rescue Me, etc.)

Tiborax posted:

I've been on a perennial Buffy-binge
I did Buffy+Angel maybe 2 years ago (alternating, as they were broadcast -- kinda neat, since there were a handful of tie-ins). Do yourself a favor and check out Angel, too. I started out not liking the very idea of a spinoff, but it quickly becomes the superior show.

Jul 10, 2001

The Legend

WoG posted:

There's always The Wire, which I've yet to watch, but the hype is so high, I feel like it's bound to disappoint. It's not the first show heralded as 'best ever omg!' by so many people, and every one of those started strong but dwindled into tiresome. (I'm looking at you, Sopranos, The Shield, Rescue Me, etc.)

I wasn't too impressed with the Wire until 3 eps in, when it got REALLY good. I was slightly let down by most of the last season, although the finale more than makes up for it. Throughout, it has excellent characters, writing, and plot, so you can't really be disappointed. Each season is from a different (for lack of a better word) angle, and really fleshes out the recurring casts. I specifically enjoyed s2 and s4.

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!

EC posted:

I wasn't too impressed with the Wire until 3 eps in, when it got REALLY good. I was slightly let down by most of the last season, although the finale more than makes up for it. Throughout, it has excellent characters, writing, and plot, so you can't really be disappointed. Each season is from a different (for lack of a better word) angle, and really fleshes out the recurring casts. I specifically enjoyed s2 and s4.

That's kind of funny. The last time I tried watching the Wire I made it to the third episode before turning to my ex and saying "This is the most overrated bullshit I've ever seen." and turned it off. I guess I'll have to give it another shake.

May 4, 2006

by Fistgrrl

LooseChanj posted:

Star Trek TOS, now working my way through the disco-tastic animated series. I don't care if it's not cannon. :c00lbert:

Same here. I'm about halfway through the second season of TOS.

Also, after July 1, I'll finish Mad Men.

Jan 7, 2005

Too True! Cool, too.
I finished Undeclared yesterday.

I'm also about to start the Wire, borrowed the first season from a friend.

Oh also, I have gotten about 8 of my friends hooked on Lost in the last 2 weeks.

Jul 10, 2001

The Legend

Rhyno posted:

That's kind of funny. The last time I tried watching the Wire I made it to the third episode before turning to my ex and saying "This is the most overrated bullshit I've ever seen." and turned it off. I guess I'll have to give it another shake.

My wife and I did that twice. Finally we finished the third ep and something clicked and we looked at each other and went oh shiiiiiiiiit. The rest of the series is solid as hell.

I need to go back and rewatch the opening eps to see exactly why it causes that reaction, though.


Nov 27, 2006

The Wire for me too. I enjoyed season 1, loved season 2, but season 3 is completely blowing me away. The best "cop show" I've ever seen, even though the show is so much more than what that genre description entails.

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