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Jul 30, 2004

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Remember how fun the Goon Tower was? I do, and I wanted to do a project similar to that wonderful thing Hungry Hippo created.
(Here is Hungry Hippo's old goontower thread if you want to read through it.) Hungry Hippo was recently contacted by the program manager of the Australian Centre for Photography who would like to post as an interactive exhibit. Basically placing a large LCD screen vertically, and placing some sort of scroll wheel next to it so visitors can scroll through it. He agreed, because honestly, a collaborative goon project being exhibited somewhere is pretty drat cool. The dates of the show are from 30 January until 7 March, with a preview on 29 January. You are all invited to the preview if you live in Sydney or are willing to buy yourself a plane ticket. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Hungry Hippo.

To my surprise was available.

I've put some info in my blog about the project with a list of everyone's SA screen name who has contributed.

:siren:No more batman themes. Their are enough Dark Knight, Joker, whatever scenes to fill a 2nd city. :siren:

Here is the city so far in its most recent version. Click for google maps version!

I also printed a large copy because I couldn't resist. I'll have to do a huge 20ft version eventually just so my wife can tell me I'm stupid and refuse to let me put it on a wall :(


:siren:If you can't make anything big or you don't think you have the skills make small stuff. The city is in need of people and objects. If you aren't sure what to make post and ask, lots of people need little things.:siren:

Step 1 The first step to building our own city is to know how to draw in isometric pixel art style. Here is a fantastic tutorial that explains everything. Read it and make sure you know it, if your stuff is wrong I will laugh at you and refuse to put it in the city. No anti-aliasing! There is no deadline, I'll update forever. If you finish something a year from now you can send it to me or put it in this thread and I'll put it in the city. Shazaam.

It really isn't that hard, I've never done it before and I made my first building for this project in about a week. It took a lot of time but it wasn't difficult.


Step 2 Download one of my handy templates. I have a small one and a larger one that is 4 of the small ones put together. The small template is a copy of pixeldam's because it works well and there is no need to redo it.

Keep the first outter black outline in your original image, or if you don't want it cover it with your ground, but that outter 1px border fits inside the sidewalk.

Click here for the full 1246x730 image.

4 Templates in an easy to swallow .zip file with layered .tifs

You can also use this to make train cars for the train system that will travel all over giving tourists easy access to all the cities special places.

orange lime made some PS brushes:

Lines at the proper angles in 200, 100, 50, 20, and 10-pixel lengths; a single-pixel brush; a 2-pixel side by side (for touching up the diagonals); stamps of the person, cleaned up a bit from Shakra's template; three circles, as posted earlier by someone who I cannot remember at the moment; and the movie poster from ZackHoagie. I figured that could also make a good window or what have you.

Note 1: For some reason if you just use the "flip x" command (in the brush palette) to try and use a brush at the opposite angle, Photoshop messes up and cuts off the first pixel in the lower right. Not a huge problem if you're willing to go in and fix it, but I included both angles for that reason.

Note 2: DO NOT scale the brushes or use the [ ] keys to try and change the size. It will ruin the single-pixel effect.

Some people and stuff you can use thanks to goons


Step 3 Make something. It can be an animated gif, it can be a glorious building, it can be whatever you want, just don't steal stuff, keep to the isometric view with the correct lighting, don't use any work that isn't your own and don't steal stuff.

If you don't want to make a building make some people or small things that can be placed around the map like animals, objects or ground textures.

If you need some fonts here are some free ones:

Here is my first building, this is also the first time I've done pixel art so it might not be perfect. It took me around 10-15 hours:

Here it is on the grass.

Click here for the full 1167x586 image.

I've left the grass empty for those of you who want to make something but don't have the time to make your own building / vacant lot / international space station. Go ahead and make little things and I'll fill the grass area with them.

So what are you going to do with all the stuff we make?
Good question self! I'm going to make a big city and put it up on! I figure that I will make each page a 10 x 10 grid so it doesn't take forever to load, and somehow make a navigation or something.

I'm not quite sure how to make the web page display things right with overlapping and transparencies and stuff but it will get figured out.


Step ö Give me your file. Make sure it is saved with exact colors to keep file sizes low. Don't overlap the areas you shouldn't. Just upload it to waffleimages and put the link in a post, I'll download it. Also you can have your picture link somewhere (optional), so give me the url you want the building to link to. Please nothing illegal or no viruses or any of that stuff. Anything else is fine.

Here are the files for the roads but they are ugly and lame. If anyone wants to make new roads please do so.

I think that is it, if their is anything else I'll update the first post. No go make something.

Light is coming from the bottom right


Aciid C0d3r found this video of Goon City TV.

I can't stop watching this stuff. I think it needs its own thread.

Southern fried chicken, finger lickin.

They are making some guy do jumping jacks and pushups. I don't know why.


"I got my crew back up in hurr wendy's reprezent ya hurrrrd"

Shakra fucked around with this message at 00:51 on Oct 3, 2008


Safety Hammer
Sep 14, 2007
This sounds like a pretty cool idea, the tower worked out really well, hopefully we'll get some more talented pixel artists on this. I'm down for it.

Tears In A Vial
Jan 13, 2008

Beautiful. I've spent about an hour looking at GoonTower and Goonbase over the past couple of days. I'll give this a bash for sure.

Feb 13, 2002

Sweet but Crude
It's all I could think of...

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Jul 3, 2004

NotJust4Breakfast posted:

It's all I could think of...

Oh man, I almost can't express how happy it makes me to see that the first submission is Judo Hobo. You made my day, thanks!

Day Man
Jul 30, 2007

Champion of the Sun!

Master of karate and friendship...
for everyone!

I really liked following the goon tower thread. I'm not artistically talented at all, so I'll probably just watch, but this looks like a great idea.

Maybe if I feel up to it later, I'll give it a shot.

Mar 30, 2003

The metal will strike you down with a vicious blow
Grimey Drawer
This is a brilliant idea, i've emailed myself think link to this thread so I can waste a few hours of tomorrow morning making my own contribution. Don't have the tools here.

Jul 30, 2004

Iniluki posted:

This is a brilliant idea, i've emailed myself think link to this thread so I can waste a few hours of tomorrow morning making my own contribution. Don't have the tools here.

Yeah I'm sure most work is going to take a while, it isn't something you can really do at work unless you really have nothing to do at work.

Fat Lou
Jan 21, 2008

Desert Heat? I thought it was Dessert Heat. No wonder it tastes so bad.

I am in. I will start my submission after I finish watching Red Dawn. I am thinking of doing a Red Dawn inspired piece.

dr. madlove
Jul 21, 2008
I was actually thinking of something like this before. Great idea, hope it turns out well.

Hungry Hippo
May 5, 2006

You expect me to eat this?
Definitely in on this. I'm just glad I don't have to put it together :sweatdrop:

Tom Collins
Aug 25, 2000

I'll bang one out during the course of my free time today. Might be a while before this thread gets really going, but this is going to be hell of sweet.

Jul 30, 2004

Hungry Hippo posted:

Definitely in on this. I'm just glad I don't have to put it together :sweatdrop:

Thanks for volunteering you are now in charge of stitching the images together dynamically on the web page.

Sep 18, 2002

Argh I'll have to finish my watermelon drive-thru when I have more free time.

Apr 28, 2008
Brilliant idea, I'm in!

Question: Where is the light coming from?

Edit: Nvm, just downloaded the templates with examples.

Orbitize fucked around with this message at 21:36 on Aug 12, 2008

Jul 30, 2004

Orbitize posted:

Brilliant idea, I'm in!

Question: Where is the light coming from?

Light is coming from the bottom right

Hungry Hippo
May 5, 2006

You expect me to eat this?

Shakra posted:

Thanks for volunteering you are now in charge of stitching the images together dynamically on the web page.

Seriously, if you could find an upload script or something to put it together, it will make your life easier. I know we were looking into that when I started the goon tower but unfortunately we weren't able to get it working right because of the overlapping.

Oct 9, 2007
Not my real name
I'm so in for this. The goon tower was so much fun.

Jul 30, 2004

Hungry Hippo posted:

Seriously, if you could find an upload script or something to put it together, it will make your life easier. I know we were looking into that when I started the goon tower but unfortunately we weren't able to get it working right because of the overlapping.

I believe the secret lies with charlotte... wait no... the secret lies with z-index

Nov 30, 2006

fuck you, got mine
I'm definitely in on this. Not sure about my art skills though, I'll see.

Dec 20, 2004

I'll sleep when I'm dead.
Here's a quick one to get things rolling:

Angry Guacamole
Dec 2, 2007

Oh God run away
Oh man, I can't wait to see how this turns out. Goontower was absolutely beautiful. I just wish I had something resembling talent.

Jul 30, 2004

Click here for the full 1411x883 image.

Jul 21, 2003

I felt like a ninja, and my kung-fu was strong.

But where's Judohobo?

Jul 30, 2004

Sputnik posted:

But where's Judohobo?

Good question.

Click here for the full 1411x883 image.

Jul 2, 2007
you spin me right round baby right round.
I started one for goontower but never got around to finishing it, this looks like it has loads of pontential, I'll have a go at one tomorrow,

Judohobo's shadow is the wrong way, or is that to be in keeping with the reference?

Feb 13, 2002

Sweet but Crude

blambert posted:

Judohobo's shadow is the wrong way, or is that to be in keeping with the reference?

Rule #1
Judohobo is always right.

Jul 30, 2004

blambert posted:

I started one for goontower but never got around to finishing it, this looks like it has loads of pontential, I'll have a go at one tomorrow,

Judohobo's shadow is the wrong way, or is that to be in keeping with the reference?

Yeah you're right, I could flip it.

Click here for the full 1411x883 image.

Jul 20, 2008

How strange that nobody sees the wonder in one another

Something that I did quite quickly. I hope to do a proper one so would appreciate feedback from this.

Feb 13, 2002

Sweet but Crude

Shakra posted:

Yeah you're right, I could flip it.

Click here for the full 1411x883 image.

Judohobo disapproves.

Hungry Black Mage
Aug 23, 2007

So very hungry.
How high can we take our structures? Are we totally limited by the template or is there a way that we can stitch together two templates for a bigger property?

Mar 24, 2004

I want you to meet my little friend, Mister Stabby!

ah, the first post short bus.

I think it's a fun idea.

Amarie fucked around with this message at 01:27 on Aug 13, 2008

Dec 25, 2003


Shakra posted:

Remember how fun the Goon Tower was? I do, and I wanted to do it again, only in city form this time.

This could be very cool. But won't it look strange if the buildings can't overlap at all? That pretty much rules out buildings taller than maybe three floors (judging by your original building). In any case, it's still going to be really cool.

Also as an alternative to positioning semi-transparent gifs with z-index in CSS: You could keep one master image of the entire city and split it up into 256x256px tiles and use those as a custom tile set in Google Maps. Then you could even put markers on the map with the artist's and building's name or something!

Jan 15, 2008

All I know is if there is a God, he's laughin' his ass off.

Gambl0r posted:

Also as an alternative to positioning semi-transparent gifs with z-index in CSS: You could keep one master image of the entire city and split it up into 256x256px tiles and use those as a custom tile overlay in Google Maps. Then you could even put markers on the map with the artist's and building's name or something!

Oooh, I like this idea. I'll try to get something made, despite my utter lack of artistic ability.

Edit: drat this is hard.

Theseus fucked around with this message at 04:27 on Aug 13, 2008

Styrofoam Boots
Jul 3, 2007
I tried to make a person that everyone could use so it's all the same scale. Here it is...

Feel free to use it in yours!

Hunkty Krunkty
Jun 13, 2007

Through this stance, you channel the quiet dignity of a circus clown in the midst of a thunderstorm.

Now our city has it's own gm_flatgrass!

Apr 24, 2008

Gambl0r posted:

Also as an alternative to positioning semi-transparent gifs with z-index in CSS: You could keep one master image of the entire city and split it up into 256x256px tiles and use those as a custom tile set in Google Maps. Then you could even put markers on the map with the artist's and building's name or something!

I was trying to think of how to implement something like this a little while ago, but actually keeping the GIFs intact, so as to cut back on the constant manual maintenance that would be needed. The Google Maps API couldn't be used, as it requires tiled images, but then again, the only "Google Maps functionality" we'd really need would be the ability to scroll around, and maybe click on tiles to get some metadata about them, like the author, a comment and a link or something. Perhaps we could whip up our own Google Maps-ish framework?

I imagine a site where the entire browser window is simply a scrollable area, with little to no interface to get in the way.

Even if Shakra starts out with a manually-assembled image, it'd be pretty cool to develop something like this on the side and eventually launch it.

Mar 11, 2008

Hunkty Krunkty posted:

Now our city has it's own gm_flatgrass!

Hahaha this rocks. Someone make a courthouse with the Kool-aid man busting out.

Dec 13, 2005

Styrofoam Boots posted:

I tried to make a person that everyone could use so it's all the same scale. Here it is...

Feel free to use it in yours!

Also, this is the template we used for Goon Tower


Styrofoam Boots
Jul 3, 2007

Thriftwood posted:

Also, this is the template we used for Goon Tower

Yeah, I just took that and made it a little smaller so it'd fit with the scale of the OP's building