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Aug 5, 2008

This post needs at least three times more shit!
Is the OP up to date? I don't really know what I'm doing, but I need a turntable.

Budget is ideally $400 CAD. Is my best bang for buck going to be something like lp60x?

I'd like automatic, or at least auto-return.


Aug 5, 2008

This post needs at least three times more shit!
I'll check out some Monoprice and Crosley options, then!

Used, I'm seeing the following turntables available (ask price, CAD), no idea how they'd compare, though I know there's often diamonds in these roughs. Do any of these stand out?

Yamaha YP-D6 - $450
PL-510A - $130
PL-115D - $175
CS450 - $180
CS514 - $185
Technics SL-B1 - $160
NIKKO NP-550 - $50
Realistic LAB-2200 (Linear Tracking, whatever that means) - $110

Aug 5, 2008

This post needs at least three times more shit!
Everything listed has at least some kind of cartridge, if varying age and quality.

510A has its cover though it's a bit dinged up. I'm ok with that, it seems common for these used ones. The ad says the "needle is relatively new".

Dual CS514 has an "Empire 4000 XL Diamond Stylus with 20 play hours." I like that this person listed that explicitly.

The Dual 450 just says it "has an ortofon cartridge".

There's also a Sony lx310, default cartridge, at $250, I hadn't mentioned.

Aug 5, 2008

This post needs at least three times more shit!
It is an OM based on the pics, not sure about the exact model though.

I'm negotiating with the person now. It might not work out as they're fairly far from me.

They also are selling a pair of EPI A70 speakers. They say the tweeters are original, but the woofers have been replaced. Another $200 potentially. From what I'm reading these are solid speakers at an ok price.

I currently just have these Sony SS-CNEZ3. They're functional enough I suppose, but sound a bit washed out... Not sure that's the technical term lol.

The 510 is a backup option, but the seller hasn't been responsive.

Aug 5, 2008

This post needs at least three times more shit!
Appreciate all the input.

Doesn't look like the Dual 450 is gonna work out.

What's left is (all CAD):

Yamaha YP-D6 - $450
Pioneer PL-115D - $175
Dual CS514 - $185

The Yamaha appears to be missing the whole headshell. Guessing that adds another $100-$200.

I'm reading the build of the 514 is poor (cheap plastic).

There's also a Audio technica lp60x for $120 that I might just get for now.

Leaning to the 115D.

Aug 5, 2008

This post needs at least three times more shit!
I had not! But in a nice twist, the Dual CS450 and the EPI A70 will work out in the end. $360 cad for both. I'll report back in a couple weeks after pickups are arranged.

Aug 5, 2008

This post needs at least three times more shit!
Everything is set-up but the turntable is very quiet. I also have nowhere to put this ground.

I'm not sure if that's my lovely Amazon digital amplifier (lepai lp-2020A+, 20W) or not having whatever a pre-amp is?

It sounded fine when tested before purchasing but I didn't get their setup details. Rookie move.


Aug 5, 2008

This post needs at least three times more shit!
Womp womp.

Time for a cheapo guy off Amazon.

Later I might invest in something that simplifies this ungodly mess of devices - power and cord for Bluetooth dongle, amp, and now pre-amp.

Here's a start: "phono input" means an amplifier (receiver? Which is something + amplifier + maybe more?) has a built in (phono) preamp for a turntable?

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