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Prince Turveydrop
May 12, 2001

He was a veray parfit gentil knight.
here's my current stereo.

a Marantz 2245 receiver

paired to Axiom M22 V2 speakers

i bought the receiver for a little over $300. it was recently restored and it sounds great. i love the metal front and the FM tuner sounds fantastic when i care to use it. recommended to anyone looking for a classy 2-channel system with knobs and dials instead of a light show every time you turn it on.

looking to complement it with a pro-ject debut iii turntable to round out the set.


Prince Turveydrop
May 12, 2001

He was a veray parfit gentil knight.
do the pro-jects always come with the dust lid top? i'm buying one after christmas.

Prince Turveydrop
May 12, 2001

He was a veray parfit gentil knight.
I just bought a Pro-ject Xpression III for my Marantz 2245 receiver. One of the reasons I got this receiver was because they were made during the heyday of vinyl and would come with a really nice phonostage built-in.

I hooked it up and it sounds like garbage. Distortion all over the place. The cartridge was professionally installed for me and I got to listen to it before I left the store. It sounded great, but it's not nice at all at home. I worry the most likely scenario is a bad phono input. I won't know unless I get a pre-amp and hook it up to a different input. But, can anyone think of other things I can try?

Prince Turveydrop
May 12, 2001

He was a veray parfit gentil knight.
Thanks for the advice, andretti. I will try to troubleshoot when I get everything situated. A proper stereo rack is arriving next week and I think I'll wait to tackle it then.

For cleaning your vinyl, have you tried using a record brush like this?

Prince Turveydrop
May 12, 2001

He was a veray parfit gentil knight.
My 16-year-old component CD player died in a move. I have a Marantz 2245 powering Axiom m22 speakers. What's a good option if I'm crazy and willing to spend up to $400 on a near-dead format?


Prince Turveydrop
May 12, 2001

He was a veray parfit gentil knight.
Thanks everyone. I was looking at the NAD and Marantz CD5005, but the Onkyo is way more reasonable.

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