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22 Eargesplitten
Oct 10, 2010

tehinternet posted:

How the poo poo are YOU not getting phone screens with a masters and experience?

That’s wild to me.

I don't have a masters, but I do have 9 years of experience, and I haven't even gotten a phone screen from hundreds of applications this year. I've even started applying for normal tech support stuff just to have *something*, and nothing. It's so loving bad right now.


A Frosty Witch
Apr 21, 2005

I was just looking at it and I suddenly got this urge to get inside. No, not just an urge - more than that. It was my destiny to be here; in the box.

22 Eargesplitten posted:

I don't have a masters, but I do have 9 years of experience, and I haven't even gotten a phone screen from hundreds of applications this year. I've even started applying for normal tech support stuff just to have *something*, and nothing. It's so loving bad right now.

This was mine as well. Over a thousand applications with 20 years of experience, with the last 10 being in director/management, and only ended up with like 3 callbacks over the course of 7 months.

It's really bad out there :smith:

Oct 28, 2007

As someone with LLM / knowledge graph stuff on my resume, I get recruiters reaching out to me all the time. They all want me to take a massive pay cut or move to NYC.

tokin opposition
Apr 8, 2021

*laughs sadly in helpdesk*

Oct 22, 2010

Are you guys throwing resumes at jobs on Indeed or LinkedIn?

The sheer number of jobs applied for seems insanely high. I've recently been browsing around in Indeed, for what I'm looking for, I'll only see a maybe 3-5 jobs a week that I'm even mildly interested in (or is more that 50% in my bread and butter column for skillset).

Edit: also possibility that my skillset is undesired.

tokin opposition
Apr 8, 2021

Does anyone know *why* things are so bad and when they might get better?

The Iron Rose
May 12, 2012

:minnie: Cat Army :minnie:

tokin opposition posted:

Does anyone know *why* things are so bad and when they might get better?

Debt is no longer free. Once interest rates come down* there will be a lot more appetite for risk in the capital markets since investments are no longer competing with a 5% federal funds rate, which makes venture capital investments and the accompany ecosystem of software that surrounds growth companies much less attractive.

Also something something manufacturing. Remember that this is still a 3.8% unemployment economy, with most wage gains going towards low income workers for lower wage jobs. The tech downturn is very much sectorial and frankly healthy given the insane valuations we were giving to companies losing money hand over fist.

*which depends on further reductions in inflation, which in turn depends either on significant spending cuts, significant supply side gains (which requires calmer geopolitics), or significant productivity gains (hence the excitement for AI which promises the latter without the former).

The Iron Rose fucked around with this message at 08:07 on Apr 15, 2024

The Fool
Oct 16, 2003

The Iron Rose posted:

The tech downturn is very much sectorial and frankly healthy given the insane valuations we were giving to companies losing money hand over fist.

I just wanted to highlight this comment really fast.

The hiring slump is absolutely affecting some sectors way worse than others, specifically "tech" companies and sv startups getting the worst of it, for exactly the reasons TIR laid out.

That being said, my opinion on the best way to job search these days isn't to rely on linkedin or other job aggregators.

Look for large orgs in industries that are still up, and apply directly on their job boards. Too many aggregator listings are stale or up for show, and any company that is large enough has an internal tech org.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
Just have to wait out this AI bubble to pop (it will). Right now C levels still have a boner for reducing headcount with AI AnY Day NoW!

Zorak of Michigan
Jun 10, 2006

Matt Zerella posted:

Just have to wait out this AI bubble to pop (it will). Right now C levels still have a boner for reducing headcount with AI AnY Day NoW!

That, and other open jobs are getting closed so the head count can go to AO projects.

Oct 28, 2007

The Iron Rose posted:

Once interest rates come down*

Having debt be free was very weird compared to basically the entirety of the 20th century. I'm not sure they will go back to being free.

Feb 8, 2012


Matt Zerella posted:

Just have to wait out this AI bubble to pop (it will). Right now C levels still have a boner for reducing headcount with AI AnY Day NoW!

Considering all the long term commitments for space and units, I am not sure that it even can pop sooner than 2-3 years as that is how far out most of the DC production is as well as how far out commitments for hardware purchases have gone through.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

TheBacon posted:

Considering all the long term commitments for space and units, I am not sure that it even can pop sooner than 2-3 years as that is how far out most of the DC production is as well as how far out commitments for hardware purchases have gone through.

Not to derail the thread but they're already dogfooding synthetic data and faking presentations. It's coming baby. And it's gonna be loving hilarious.

The Iron Rose
May 12, 2012

:minnie: Cat Army :minnie:

KillHour posted:

Having debt be free was very weird compared to basically the entirety of the 20th century. I'm not sure they will go back to being free.

I would be shocked if we stay at 5% or higher for the rest of the decade - there’s a lot of pressure on the fed to cut rates. The US is spending a trillion dollars a year on interest payments on the debt!

I agree we aren’t going back to 0% interest rates anytime soon, and even Japan is exiting its negative interest rate regime. To bring it back to this thread, I really don’t think the tech world is ever going to return to the halcyon days of 2021, but I do think we’ll see slow improvements and demand in the sector over the next decade.

I’m a lot more bullish on AI than most people ITT however. LLMs are very useful tools even if the AGI stuff is all completely bullshit. I think that mostly leads to productivity gains for current engineers more than it means millions of new tech jobs however. This thread isn’t a good place to have that debate on the merits, so I’m just going to say that I don’t think it will have a big impact on open, new jobs in the tech world - with which I think AI’s detractors will agree. Unless you’re one of the very few AI scientists out there, in which case enjoy your million dollar comp package at any large BigTech firm!

The Iron Rose fucked around with this message at 18:04 on Apr 15, 2024

The March Hare
Oct 15, 2006

Je rêve d'un
Wayne's World 3
I don't want to barge in like a contrarian dickhead but I am confused because I keep hearing about competent-seeming people applying to thousands of jobs with abysmal hitrates and it doesn't line up with my experience or the experience of peers I speak to.

Concretely, I had no trouble at all getting interviews 9 months ago. I have about 10 years experience on my resume and would consider myself below average compared to the people I've worked with in the past. Looking at my spreadsheet, I sent out about 20 carefully-selected applications before getting my current job and saw about a 20% interview hit-rate. All interviews went through final rounds, but of those I only received offers from my current job and one other (so 50% success rate, which is lucky for me over my lifetime but small sample here as current job was an absolute perfect fit so I stopped interviewing).

Zero of my applications were sent out via Linkedin or Monster or Indeed listings or whatever. I either reached out directly to recruiters I have relationships with or to companies via smaller job boards or their websites. None of the interviews came from my personal network and all of the jobs I picked were for senior web, FT remote, paying north of 160 w/ normal benefits.

I live in NYC and keep up with friends/former coworkers in the area and everyone is reporting similar experiences back to me over the last year or so.

I'm curious to hear what people applying to thousands of jobs and hearing nothing think the difference might be between what I've seen and heard and what they are experiencing. Is it a location thing, a strategy thing, a sector thing? Maybe some combination?

tokin opposition
Apr 8, 2021

The difference is the 9 months probably. I'm in a worse spot than average since I'm a) helpdesk and b) only have 2 years on my resume, but I got two interviews out of hundreds of applications in the past 6 months, and that's for other helpdesk jobs - which sucks, since I've been consciously skilling myself for more MDM and Entra Admin skills for a while but haven't had nary a nibble despite having a pretty good spread of skills.

Gucci Loafers
May 20, 2006

Ask yourself, do you really want to talk to pair of really nice gaudy shoes?

For what it's worth, I'm a senior level-ish Windows/Azure/VMware/Terraform/IAM Engineer that got laid off from a large firm last year and just started looking for work after taking a year off after traveling overseas. I only seriously started looking for a new gig in February and I've got a lot of ups and downs. I am getting a decent amount of interviews, passing the HR part, doing well on the Tech part but I'm getting things like they don't have the budget, hiring freeze for the quarter or we really, really, like you but we're going with other candidates please try again. My LinkedIn used to be getting hit up way, way more especially last year often but down much more now.

Part of the reason that it's difficult is I'm looking for stuff that's in the PST Timezone and I feel like this market is saturated but I'm going to keep hacking at it for a while before I move for a job.

Edit - I went back and looked at my LinkedIn. I applied for 18 positions today after crawling through openings this whole afternoon. I'm pretty confident I can do the gigs and match a majority of the requirements. I'll update this later with how that turns out.

Gucci Loafers fucked around with this message at 02:08 on Apr 16, 2024

Hotel Kpro
Feb 24, 2011

owls don't go to school

Dinosaur Gum
I moved to Colorado in summer of 2022 and immediately started looking for an IT job since I found myself back doing calibrating BS. I had just under two years of help desk experience and while I got a few interviews and one lowball offer, it still took 14 months before I got another IT gig. I probably spent 30 minutes to an hour a night looking through job postings and applying to only a handful a day. I was willing to drive up to 75 miles one way and take a bit of a paycut if it meant I wouldn't have to deal with old HP power supplies and a janky resistance lag bath setup

Apr 24, 2008

I fucking hate puzzles.
Wichita goon posting, with my last job hunt I had a pretty good hit rate on interviews (probably 60% or so) over the course of about 6 weeks, but I was also self selecting myself to stuff I know was in my wheelhouse - Ala between helpdesk lead and associate level sysadmin stuff.

The bigger problem is that there was only about 3-4 positions that were both in that pocket and didn't require DoD clearance level - there's an air force base here and a lot of the work is military IT contractors of various stripes - from Boeing / Raytheon manufacturing to various groups that work directly on-base.

While it's cheap to live here, bear in mind that the pay scale is also super depressed too. I make 70k in my new position (which granted is depressed by both the city AND that I'm now in a non-profit) , and were I in like Denver or Chicago I could easily clear 100k.

Oct 7, 2004


DeathSandwich posted:

The bigger problem is that there was only about 3-4 positions that were both in that pocket and didn't require DoD clearance level - there's an air force base here and a lot of the work is military IT contractors of various stripes - from Boeing / Raytheon manufacturing to various groups that work directly on-base.
My wife is gung ho on Colorado springs and it's the same thing, money would be decent but there's 5 military bases in the city, all the IT jobs need clearance that I don't have and they don't want to pay for when there is such a giant supply of pre-cleared personnel around for.

Jul 1, 2004

bear is driving

A Frosty Witch posted:

This was mine as well. Over a thousand applications with 20 years of experience, with the last 10 being in director/management, and only ended up with like 3 callbacks over the course of 7 months.

It's really bad out there :smith:

It's so bizarre! I've never had *this* pattern happen.
Thanks to everyone who reached out, really appreciate it.

Matt Zerella posted:

Not to derail the thread but they're already dogfooding synthetic data and faking presentations. It's coming baby. And it's gonna be loving hilarious.

It's kind of incredible that we're already seeing instances of generated data poisoning other models so rapidly, but in retrospect, I did not expect the absolute loving unhinged scale at which any random person would be deploying these things without a thought or care

Nov 29, 2004
Resident SRT-4 Expert

The Fool posted:

I just wanted to highlight this comment really fast.

The hiring slump is absolutely affecting some sectors way worse than others, specifically "tech" companies and sv startups getting the worst of it, for exactly the reasons TIR laid out.

That being said, my opinion on the best way to job search these days isn't to rely on linkedin or other job aggregators.

Look for large orgs in industries that are still up, and apply directly on their job boards. Too many aggregator listings are stale or up for show, and any company that is large enough has an internal tech org.

My org is starting to hire a bit now, but I would say we're looking for more midlevel folks instead of senior, and we're holding to the 4 days a week in office requirement. So things are a little different, but we are starting to hire again. Last year we did a small rif and froze most hiring. I'm in the insurance/financial services sector, so still doing ok

Oct 7, 2004


skipdogg posted:

My org is starting to hire a bit now, but I would say we're looking for more midlevel folks instead of senior, and we're holding to the 4 days a week in office requirement. So things are a little different, but we are starting to hire again. Last year we did a small rif and froze most hiring. I'm in the insurance/financial services sector, so still doing ok
Wouldn't turn down mid-level if it's got some WFH flexibility and is Denver/CO springs area.

Jan 1, 2006

Fallen Rib
Looking to switch roles, have 4 years of help desk and a ton of personal and Linux projects and am pretty familiar/can become familiar with almost any system.

Mostly I gotta find these "internal" boards I guess.

Dirty Beluga
Apr 17, 2007

Buy the ticket, take the ride
Fun Shoe

A Frosty Witch posted:

This was mine as well. Over a thousand applications with 20 years of experience, with the last 10 being in director/management, and only ended up with like 3 callbacks over the course of 7 months.

It's really bad out there :smith:

22 Eargesplitten posted:

I don't have a masters, but I do have 9 years of experience, and I haven't even gotten a phone screen from hundreds of applications this year. I've even started applying for normal tech support stuff just to have *something*, and nothing. It's so loving bad right now.

I'm glad to hear someone else is having this experience, I have a thicc resume building datacenters from the ground up, Azure platform architecture, healthcare specific compliance stuff and if i get two calls a week from someone with a thick accent asking about a wildly unrelated opening, that's a lot. Never in my over twenty years of this career have I had a problem looking for work, and, it's been crumbs since being laid off in January.

The March Hare posted:

I don't want to barge in like a contrarian dickhead but I am confused because I keep hearing about competent-seeming people applying to thousands of jobs with abysmal hitrates and it doesn't line up with my experience or the experience of peers I speak to.

Concretely, I had no trouble at all getting interviews 9 months ago. I have about 10 years experience on my resume and would consider myself below average compared to the people I've worked with in the past. Looking at my spreadsheet, I sent out about 20 carefully-selected applications before getting my current job and saw about a 20% interview hit-rate. All interviews went through final rounds, but of those I only received offers from my current job and one other (so 50% success rate, which is lucky for me over my lifetime but small sample here as current job was an absolute perfect fit so I stopped interviewing).

Zero of my applications were sent out via Linkedin or Monster or Indeed listings or whatever. I either reached out directly to recruiters I have relationships with or to companies via smaller job boards or their websites. None of the interviews came from my personal network and all of the jobs I picked were for senior web, FT remote, paying north of 160 w/ normal benefits.

I live in NYC and keep up with friends/former coworkers in the area and everyone is reporting similar experiences back to me over the last year or so.

I'm curious to hear what people applying to thousands of jobs and hearing nothing think the difference might be between what I've seen and heard and what they are experiencing. Is it a location thing, a strategy thing, a sector thing? Maybe some combination?

Not contrarian at all! it's good to hear someones having luck - I'm also in the NYC area, been using poking around in my network, going directly to employers websites... not much luck. If you can share some of the resources you've utilizes (recruiters, smaller job boards, etc) and help out a local goon my family and I would appreciate it!

edit: cross post from the resume thread if an anonymized resume is helpful

Dirty Beluga fucked around with this message at 22:31 on Apr 19, 2024

Cuddly Tumblemumps
Aug 23, 2013

Postmodernity means the exhilarating freedom to pursue anything, yet mind-boggling uncertainty as to what is worth pursuing and in the name of what one should pursue it.

Dirty Beluga posted:

Not contrarian at all! it's good to hear someones having luck - I'm also in the NYC area, been using poking around in my network, going directly to employers websites... not much luck. If you can share some of the resources you've utilizes (recruiters, smaller job boards, etc) and help out a local goon my family and I would appreciate it!

Otta has been good to me for higher % of callbacks and interviews, but recruiters for stuff that goes to the end of the hiring cycle.

I have a friend, also in NYC tech, who is a LinkedIn referral machine who has been helping get people looped in to recruiters, but mostly for junior roles.

DM me if you have a solid LinkedIn presentation of your experience and want a connection.

Dec 27, 2007

He has come home, where he belongs. The Ancient Mariner returns to lead his first team to glory, forever and ever. Amen!

MY WIFE wants a resume review, she is not technical but in the HR field. Any good places anyone can recommend?

Gucci Loafers
May 20, 2006

Ask yourself, do you really want to talk to pair of really nice gaudy shoes?

Dirty Beluga posted:

Not contrarian at all! it's good to hear someones having luck - I'm also in the NYC area, been using poking around in my network, going directly to employers websites... not much luck. If you can share some of the resources you've utilizes (recruiters, smaller job boards, etc) and help out a local goon my family and I would appreciate it!

edit: cross post from the resume thread if an anonymized resume is helpful

My experience is roughly the same as yours if a bit more identity focused but I am looking for something on the West Coast or PST. I had one interview last week, sent out over a dozen application and I hope something bits :smith:

How did you anonymize your resume?

Dirty Beluga
Apr 17, 2007

Buy the ticket, take the ride
Fun Shoe

Gucci Loafers posted:

My experience is roughly the same as yours if a bit more identity focused but I am looking for something on the West Coast or PST. I had one interview last week, sent out over a dozen application and I hope something bits :smith:

How did you anonymize your resume?

I went thru and edited it in Word, saved as a PDF and popped on google drive!

Goonspeed, yeah it's incredibly frustrating... feel dumb for agreeing to go down with the ship at previous company since ~I've never had trouble finding work it'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnneeeeeeee~

Korean Boomhauer
Sep 4, 2008
Pretty reassuring to hear it's not just me that's having a hard time right now, though that means its hard for everyone to get something. I was thinking of pivoting out of sysad stuff and just becoming a jr dev somewhere.

Jun 23, 2013

don't stop, carry on.
Speaking about bad hiring markets, is worth reading too. It tries to guess some reasons for waves of layoffs from the last two years.

Dr. Yinz Ljubljana
Nov 25, 2013

Company got bought, been there 10 years and wow the job market has changed for the worse in nearly every way. Any tips for a 40-something IT manager? i'm a bit baffled as to where to go from here as Linkedin is a cesspool and Indeed doesn't understand the words you put in search

May 15, 2004

Dr. Yinz Ljubljana posted:

Company got bought, been there 10 years and wow the job market has changed for the worse in nearly every way. Any tips for a 40-something IT manager? i'm a bit baffled as to where to go from here as Linkedin is a cesspool and Indeed doesn't understand the words you put in search

I think you should better understand what you want out of your next role. Are you looking for an anyjob? Then you probably want to go for a high volume, high rejection strategy.

Or maybe you want to take this opportunity to refocus your direction and specialize? Then focus your energy on creating a specific narrative for a role and apply ONLY for those jobs that are a good fit.

e: taking the discussion to a different thread might be more appropriate:

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


Dr. Yinz Ljubljana posted:

Company got bought, been there 10 years and wow the job market has changed for the worse in nearly every way. Any tips for a 40-something IT manager? i'm a bit baffled as to where to go from here as Linkedin is a cesspool and Indeed doesn't understand the words you put in search

Look for a role being the head of a small IT department at a non-tech company where you have options to do a lot but can also sub a lot of things out. My mate does that sort of role for a company that distributes stuff for people who own horses and he's been there nearly 20 years now, horse people are loaded so it's recession-proof and there's some proper IT happening there.

Dr. Yinz Ljubljana
Nov 25, 2013

Mantle posted:

I think you should better understand what you want out of your next role. Are you looking for an anyjob? Then you probably want to go for a high volume, high rejection strategy.

Or maybe you want to take this opportunity to refocus your direction and specialize? Then focus your energy on creating a specific narrative for a role and apply ONLY for those jobs that are a good fit.

e: taking the discussion to a different thread might be more appropriate:

i knew there was a thread lol. thanks!

Cuddly Tumblemumps
Aug 23, 2013

Postmodernity means the exhilarating freedom to pursue anything, yet mind-boggling uncertainty as to what is worth pursuing and in the name of what one should pursue it.

Dr. Yinz Ljubljana posted:

Company got bought, been there 10 years and wow the job market has changed for the worse in nearly every way. Any tips for a 40-something IT manager? i'm a bit baffled as to where to go from here as Linkedin is a cesspool and Indeed doesn't understand the words you put in search

For a while now it feels like LinkedIn is just social media to angle for recruiter attention, and Indeed has always been scams/fake jobs. Google Jobs searches provides better results than Indeed. Like, seriously, Indeed is the PlentyOfFish of job sites.

My 16-month+ search (while employed in a toxic shithole) is over for now, all thanks to LinkedIn DMs from recruiters and settling for not finding a pre-2020 title or comfortable salary.

imo Glassdoor is slightly better than Indeed despite effectively being Indeed :confused:, running scripts to crawl for Workday postings has helped some of my friends, and Otta gave me a better % of application responses and a better filter for low salary roles in industries that I won't touch.

bus hustler
Mar 14, 2019

Ha Ha Ha... YES!
Any InfoSec people in the Dominican Republic? We have an office there (on site but this position is remote first) & are losing our junior InfoSec Engineer. It's on the side closer to entry level, maybe 3-5 years experience tops. If you have IT experience but not direct infosec, but strong skills that track (like python, etc) then that's also probably good.

I don't know the salary, I can only say that someone on my team in a slightly more junior role makes around RD$63,000/mo & we have full local HR so you do not need US work eligibility.

The InfoSec department is small, the manager is a great guy/really knows his poo poo, they are investing heavily in time/money in InfoSec and the company seems like a good place to work in the DR, many of our people are here 5+ years and they tend to prefer to promote internally.

bus hustler fucked around with this message at 14:28 on Apr 25, 2024

Mar 20, 2009
My experience: 2 years Software Developer on DevOps team. Specifically working with Python, AWS, CICD
What I'm looking for: IT based role with opportunity to learn
What I'm NOT looking for: A management/leadership position
Where I live: Austin, TX
Where I'm looking: Remote / Austin area (Hybrid)
When I can start: Immediately
Requirements: Full time, 60-65k+ yearly salary, Remote (Ideally)
Can be reached via: Email:

Posting for a very good friend of mine who was let go without any kind of notice right as life kind of jumped up to bite him. I won't go into the whole insanity behind the company he was working for (I ran their IT department for a few years prior and left), but I'm pretty sure it's not commonplace to thank someone for their work, ask them to start a new project, then immediately turn around and fire them by email (and then lock their account so they can't read it lol).

If anyone has any Junior-level positions opening up, I'd really appreciate you reaching out to him. We - and the people I know at the company he was just at - are totally baffled by the whole thing, and he really needs the work right now.

Feb 14, 2005

Semantically, "you" is both singular and plural, though syntactically it is always plural. It always takes a verb form that originally marked the word as plural.

Also, there is no plural when the context is an argument with an individual rather than a group. Somfin shouldn't put words in my mouth.

HexiDave posted:

My experience: 2 years Software Developer on DevOps team. Specifically working with Python, AWS, CICD
What I'm looking for: IT based role with opportunity to learn
What I'm NOT looking for: A management/leadership position
Where I live: Austin, TX
Where I'm looking: Remote / Austin area (Hybrid)
When I can start: Immediately
Requirements: Full time, 60-65k+ yearly salary, Remote (Ideally)
Can be reached via: Email:

Posting for a very good friend of mine who was let go without any kind of notice right as life kind of jumped up to bite him. I won't go into the whole insanity behind the company he was working for (I ran their IT department for a few years prior and left), but I'm pretty sure it's not commonplace to thank someone for their work, ask them to start a new project, then immediately turn around and fire them by email (and then lock their account so they can't read it lol).

If anyone has any Junior-level positions opening up, I'd really appreciate you reaching out to him. We - and the people I know at the company he was just at - are totally baffled by the whole thing, and he really needs the work right now.

$60-65k is a pittance for software dev work, especially near Austin, no? That just hurts my heart to see, some of our tier one guys make near that with OT.

Best of luck to your friend. Wish I had something for him.


Mar 20, 2009

tehinternet posted:

$60-65k is a pittance for software dev work, especially near Austin, no? That just hurts my heart to see, some of our tier one guys make near that with OT.

Best of luck to your friend. Wish I had something for him.

He just moved out that way, and the last few jobs he's had in the industry haven't been great for his confidence. I'm hoping he can land a job where his employers aren't total dipshits for a change. I've been working with him to get some certs, but this whole thing happened so fast he got whiplash.

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