Sweet thread. I haven't skated for about 3 years. I wish I didn't have to pay to get into the local park though. Maybe I will get back into it...I will need new shoes. I was always a Element deck and tensor trucks with black panther bearings and 52mm wheels kid. I bet I have a few decks laying around. Matthew Billings posted:No youth is complete without having built sketchy boxes and ramps, I remember using plastic piping with wax on it just to see if I'd get pitched or if it'd grind. We had a pretty sick setup at buddies of mine. 10' double barrel PVC rail 8' QP 10' manual box with angle iron on the low side, PVC rail 5 inches up on the high side Two kicker ramps with a square box that fit between them friends to ollie over... Bona Weiss posted:Ooh, seriously - try not to do this. Landing on your hands is how you break wrists. Try to tuck your arms in to absorb impact with your shoulder and roll. Recently I had to throw my hands out to catch myself on some steps; the pain just shot up my arms and into my spine. Then I remembered why you don't do that. Totally man. Don't ever, ever catch yourself. I broke my arm when I was 15 trying to stay up on my snowboard after hitting a jump. If you are going down just tuck and role.
# ¿ Mar 28, 2009 03:18 |
# ¿ Jan 16, 2025 23:04 |
Minto Took posted:Well I can see that I'm not welcome here. Whatever there is nothing wrong with their decks. Just because they 'Sold Out' to PacSun or whatever who cares. Don't give a crap what other people think, ride a walmart board if you have to.
# ¿ Apr 20, 2009 02:36 |
donJonSwan posted:No idea, they've got a super loving rad team and make some seemingly honest efforts to help out the environment. Totally agree. Hence the "sell out" that I don't really agree with but you hear from people. I think they make great decks and drat comfortable jeans.
# ¿ Apr 20, 2009 23:04 |
Just pulled out the deck I have been carrying around for 9 years from high school. Messed around for 30 min on it. My take away was I can still Ollie (up and down a six inch stair- one set rep it) and I could almost kick flip. Living in Denver there are parks all over. I think I am going to get a helmet and hit some up. Growing up you had to drive to and pay for the skate park. We built all our own rails and boxes and even a quarter pipe. I would lose horrendously at a game of skate right now though...
# ¿ Jun 7, 2013 23:57 |
Went to a skate park for the first time since I was 18 (now 28). Skateboarding is not like riding a bike as far as just getting back at it. I really wanted to be snowboarding but it is crazy warm in Colorado still. Managed ride around on some ramps, did a couple rocker to fakie, landed 2 backside boardslides, got a few nose slides on but not landed. My shins are nicely bruised from getting smacked by the board. Also took a nice slam coming off the rail to my hip (we will see what that looks like in the AM...). All in all fun and I felt really really old compared to all the 13-20 year old kids.
# ¿ Oct 27, 2014 01:01 |
Guess I have to learn to push like a real person now... Stupid left leg.
# ¿ Dec 8, 2014 14:59 |
pugnax posted:Man, it took me reading your post. drat son... That was some eye trickery there.
# ¿ Dec 11, 2014 21:37 |
Well I landed zero tricks (well one Ollie) in an hour today. I did push like a real person though! Which was so much easier to do everything... I wish I would have known as a kid. I am having a hard time keeping my feet up on kickflips and shuvits so I can actually catch the board. Any advice here?
# ¿ Dec 11, 2014 22:58 |
Intel&Sebastian posted:I'm kind of befuddled by the lack of scooter destruction. Last year it seemed like there was a longboard getting focussed between every segment. There are so many scooters at the skate park it is crazy. They outnumber everyone else.
# ¿ Dec 12, 2014 19:16 |
About an hour and a half of shuv its I later I can land about 3 out of 10. The other ones I am right there too. Also my old is getting alright. Good time for sure.
# ¿ Dec 13, 2014 03:05 |
Zigmidge posted:Goin' to the skate park and I'm gooooonna get a key It has for skiing and snowboarding. All the snow in Denver has made skating outside pretty much impossible. It will all melt today though... Only for snow in the forecast tomorrow.
# ¿ Jan 6, 2015 19:04 |
I was at the park on Sunday and this kid about ten was scootering around. He was wearing a run DMC shirt. I was just imagining this little white kid listening to run DMC and has to laugh. I need to get a helmet (and some balls) and drop into some mini ramps, then bowls. I haven't in 12 years and I am so scared. Flip tricks just make my shins hurt so I need some more options.
# ¿ Jan 24, 2015 00:28 |
Greenplastic posted:Skateboarding season is go! So excited! Started it off with a bang, third session, slammed my shin into the corner of a metal curb so hard I cut it to the bone and had to get a shitload of stitches. Oh my god why. Ah well, skate or die I guess - I think I can get back on it in two to three weeks. I hope you all get a better start to the season than I did! Snow is just about all melted here in Denver. Need a new deck but season is basically a go go.
# ¿ Mar 13, 2015 22:03 |
XIII posted:Alright, you talked me into it. Whoa, don't go too crazy.
# ¿ Mar 14, 2015 06:48 |
I skated at Craig Ranch in Las Vegas this weekend and then hit up a cool garage mini ramp. I am still terrible but the mini session ended up pretty good. First time ramp riding in 11 years. Here is a video of me being terrible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6b0pUAZ4kE The guy who owns the ramp has a 6 and 9 year old who rip. The 6 year explained to me about my terrible foot work and I was actually riding ok after a while with his help.
# ¿ Apr 28, 2015 02:23 |
The 5-0 at about 1:50 was nasty.
# ¿ Nov 4, 2015 02:21 |
Do a flip!
# ¿ Feb 25, 2016 19:56 |
XIII posted:Let's hit the park near LoDo and have a flip trick competition (if your girlfriend will let you) Wait... You still own a deck?!?
# ¿ Feb 26, 2016 00:38 |
XIII posted:Two. Street deck and a mini cruiser. I was afraid you were going to say...... .... Long board!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# ¿ Feb 26, 2016 02:27 |
# ¿ Jan 16, 2025 23:04 |
Ghetto Blaster posted:https://www.viceland.com/en_us/video/highway-to-hell-10-years-on-the-road/5717a1ce712049c614d10391 So is the actual footage from the last KOTR actually being shown or what is the deal. It sounded like they were making it for TV or something. I am very confused.
# ¿ Apr 29, 2016 00:49 |