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Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate

Zigmidge posted:

Hey. Yeah I think it was pretty gigantic. Anyways, sorry. This is one of few threads I love on SA. Time off the forums helped and I got to replace it with a shitload of skating!

Haha, it's nothing but love and sprained ankles in the Skateboarding thread!

Props on the funbox DEO3, I'd love to shred it with yah. :11tea:


Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate


How long will it take for my terrible baby ankles to grow up so it stops hurting to push?

Few months, do yourself a favor and learn to push switch early on in your skateboarding adventures.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate


Anyone know anything about Girl wheels? Really considering trying to track down a pair of the Loonie/Toonie wheels or I kind of love goatwheels.

Don't buy wheels for the picture on them, you'll be really sad after about 6 hours of skating around when it's all scratched off.

From my experience, all company wheels are generic and work well. I'd rather skate Bones or Spitfires, but whatevers.

Rainskates and Venom both make better wheels that cost a little more scratch.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
Rad shots, dig the last one a lot. Love the Old Man Army sticker she's rocking.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
Knock yourself out if you want to make a new thread. In nearly 60 pages of posts, and a gold rating you're the first dude to give a poo poo.

What you ride doesn't loving matter, loading up some poor new bastard with all that bullshit isn't going to do anything to get them onto a board. Just loving buy wood and ride it until you die. Net-skaters can load up on all that spergy gearhead poo poo on Silverfish.

Edit: removing snarky insult.

donJonSwan fucked around with this message at 20:08 on Jul 18, 2012

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
Well gently caress it, might as well put it out there. I think this dude is an idiot (based on his rap sheet, and pretentious attitude), and in my opinion his suggestions read like kook.txt.

I've updated the OP to reflect Zigmidge's expert opinion on buying a board.

I'm honestly stoked that in my 25 years of skating (started when I was 5), I have never met anyone who asked me about the angle of my trucks, or said the word "thane" in reference to wheels.

...and I genuinely hope that ALL new skaters get wheelbite and eat poo poo. It's loving part of the game.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
If you're lucky enough to wear sample sizes (9, 9.5) you can get crazy deals from factory warehouse sales.

I'm not sure if these types of sample sales are restricted to the SoCal area or whatever, but I was able to pick up about 10 pairs of Lakai's for under 100 bucks.

Amazon has some great deals on shoes every now and then too.

donJonSwan fucked around with this message at 02:15 on Jul 26, 2012

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate

XIII posted:

Check out what came in the mail today

gently caress yah, drop in!

I ride my Penny more than any of my other boards right now, I'm loving shocked I haven't killed myself yet. I can't tell if my constant smile is because I'm having a good time or the FEAR ratchets the poo poo out of my adrenaline.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate builds some high quality boards for great prices.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
Naw, 52's will work great dude. Depending on how you end up setting up your trucks you may end up needing 1/8 risers, and with that slightly longer hardware... but you should be able to pick up both without much trouble. Might not even need them.

Just have fun with it, and ride it as often as possible. You'll hit a rock, or a crack in the road and eat poo poo once and a while, but just learn how to fall and laugh at yourself and it'll all work out fine.

Practice a lot and don't get too discouraged by the little fuckers out there who shred balls. It's all for fun.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
Try and get in touch with Rygar from he might hook you up with a discount on some quality goods.

Awesome selection too.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate

XIII posted:

This is really good advice. I learned by trying to clear a broom on the ground. The handle was enough of an obstacle to give me something to clear, but, if/when I hit it, it wouldn't send me flying.

Same here, except I think I used a hose. The first day I got up a curb was loving magic.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate

Cosmos posted:

I used to skate back in middle school and high school and sort of off and on until about 6 years ago when I stopped completely. I had my board sitting in the trunk of my car for about 4 years always thinking that I would pick it back up again one day but I never did. I just moved into a house a couple of weeks ago so I actually have a driveway and a parking lot with smooth concrete about 100 yards from my house so I grabbed my board a few days ago and started skating again.

I found out pretty quick that sitting in an office chair all day every day for 6 years makes your legs weak as gently caress. I got my balance back pretty quick and could ride around fine but ollies were almost impossible for a few days until my legs strengthened up a bit. My calves would be on fire after about 5 minutes of skating and my feet would hurt so bad I could barely walk when I was done.

I've been working on nothing but Ollies for the past 3 days and can finally land them consistently again and better than I used to. It feels amazing. I still can't jump very high due to being pretty out of shape but I have the motion down consistently. After I get a little better at Ollies I'm going to move on to pop shuv-its and then hopefully kickflips which I've never been able to land in my life! I haven't had this much fun and felt so good about doing something in my life and it feels so good to make that little bit of progress day by day.

The only problem is I live in South Texas so it's hot and humid as hell outside 24/7 but I don't care, I'm skating anyway!

I loving love these posts. Keep it up homie. Summer is going to be gnarly but it'll be with it.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate

ozzy8bats posted:

Hey guys, I've been working on my ollie for about a solid year now and still can't land it. I was wondering if you guys could send me to a good vid or just some advice that might help. Anything, really. I'm dying out here.

Don't over think it. Don't practice standing still. Practice moving at a decent clip for stability. Have an object to jump over like a garden hose or rope. Don't be a bitch and fall a few times if needed. You'll get it dude. Just pop, scoop, jump, and land bolts.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
Naw. You will have a strong and healthy core and a nice tan though.

Just have fun and don't worry about tricks. No flip trick in the world can make me smile like when I'm carving a bowl.

That's just my opinion though. If you focus on yer flips hardcore I'm sure in a year you'll be impressed with your progress.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
Start practicing while moving. You're never going to need to know how to ollie standing still.

Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate
Found a (relatively) nice mini-ramp in a super cool ladies backyard. She told me and my homies we could barge it anytime.

I took a few good slams getting my sea legs back, but it feels good to have a spot to ride again. Now I've gotta work on my stamina so I'm not dead tired after 45 minutes.


Dec 6, 2004
Scum Pirate

leica posted:

I don't give a gently caress what you ride. Some dude asked about Penny boards so I did him a favor and told him not to bother because they are garbage. If you want to ride one knock yourself out bro.

Just wanted to pop in to say that I disagree - I loving love cruising around on my Penny. It can be a death trap, but if you can't appreciate that quality on a skateboard then I think you're missing out on a lot of the old-school fun these types of boards were originally designed for back in the 70's.

To dismiss Penny boards as a gimmicky fad because of their popularity with hipsters or whatever modern tribe you want to hate on is pretty loving lame.

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