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Oct 9, 2002

Any idea how to force plain inf/sys drivers to work in Win7 if they worked perfectly in Vista? Manually installing the inf file I get told it doesn't support that method. Updating the driver in Device Manager manager can't find any valid driver. It's for a Primera Signature Z1 disc labeller.

edit: Ah, the old "have disk..." dialogue was more helpful. The driver is 32-bit (which is what I ran in Vista) and I'm running 64-bit Win7. gently caress. This is the first time I've run into that.

teethgrinder fucked around with this message at 01:48 on Sep 28, 2009


Oct 9, 2002

scarymonkey posted:

You might have luck running through a 32bit installation under VMWare, which supports arbitrary USB devices.
Ah cool. I'll look into that if I can't make it work with the XP virtual machine that ships with the RTM version of Win7 Business. (Unless something has changed since I last read about this stuff.)

In the meantime, I remembered I have a ghetto XP laptop lying around which did the trick.

Oct 9, 2002

I came across this nifty system tray audio device switcher:

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to actually do anything in Win7. Does anyone know of an equivalent? The way the Control Panel is set up, it's kind of a hassle every time I want to go switch inputs.

Oct 9, 2002

I love you.

edit: also I'm feeling pretty stupid. Can't believe I didn't think to try that.

Oct 9, 2002

Thermopyle posted:

I wrote this hot-key audio device switcher because the multiple clicks to switch audio devices irritated me.

Unfortunately, something changed between the RC and RTM which broke it. I'm working on a rewrite/fix now. I hope to have it done by sometime next week.
Awesome. I'll keep an eye on that blog.

Oct 9, 2002

I was about to post an asinine question, when I suddenly remembered there was this magical :google: thing invented recently. I'll post the answer anyway to maybe save someone else some embarrassment.

In Vista, you could hide the sidebar + gadgets with the sidebar system-tray app. I couldn't find any equivalent in Win7. I need this because they're in the way when I remote in, but they're a pain to close and open again because they don't save their settings.

It's simply under "view" on the desktop context menu:

Whee. Whatever will they think of next??

Oct 9, 2002

Any idea why Win7 RC would spontaneously reboot itself while I'm trying to play GTA IV? It happened once before a few days ago, but I can't remember what I was doing at the time.

It's like a "nice" reboot where all the programmes shut down first and it goes through the whole "Windows is shutting down" process ... but no error message and completely inexplicable to me.

Automatic updates are set to manual too.

Oct 9, 2002

Got a relatively clean install out of my Win7 upgrade disc! Installed by booting from the DVD, and it activated fine. (Thanks for the Paul Thurrott link.)

The only hang up is that it left the boot menu intact. I need to figure out how to remove that, or any other traces of other operating systems.

As well, I wasn't expecting it to blow away c:\Users. I saved all my documents, but lost all my appdata. Oh well. Didn't need all those bookmarks anyway.

The biggest bonus is that my PC will actually sleep without bluescreening now.

Oct 9, 2002

It probably did. Unfortunately I didn't think to look for it there, and just immediately deleted it thinking I didn't want anything from the original Windows installation folder. (Needed the space, trying to reorganise everything after getting a new drive.)

Msconfig doesn't seem to have any option to correct it. I used some tool (EasyBCD?) to try to fix this business with my previous installation unsuccessfully. Maybe that screwed up this Win7 installation?

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Oct 9, 2002

I have a very peculiar problem in the retail version of 64-bit Win7 Professional which never affected me in the RC. Every time another user logs in on my PC (and leaves my session running in the background), the Windows Gadgets on my secondary screen move to the primary display. It's kind of aggravating. I don't NEED them per se, but things like the extra clock are useful to keep an eye on the time when I'm playing a full-screen game on the primary display. I also like keeping an eye on the weather and currency rates since I do a lot of online cross-border shopping.

...any ideas? Anyone else encounter this?

I suspect that this might not be a common glitch and that it'll never be fixed, so my best option is to just find and use some other desktop gadget suite.

Oct 9, 2002

I know you can specify new locations for specific user folders, like Documents, Saved Games, Music, etc ... but is there any Microsoft-supported way to move the entire C:\Users structure elsewhere? Or the individuals users would be alright too, but doing it piecemeal by subfolder is a pain in the rear end.

Oct 9, 2002

Doomsday Jesus posted:

My boot time has gone from about 15 seconds to over a minute since I bought my computer in October. Nothing new has been added to start up.

Anyone else having this issue?
Sounds like the typical old Windows bloat-over-time. Often something like a lovely HP printer driver can cause that.

My issue is that the RC would boot in about 15 seconds, but a fresh retail install has never booted in less than a minute.

Oct 9, 2002

Fuschia tude posted:

I always have my power button put my desktop to sleep. There's not much point to actually shutting down except to install updates, is there?
Unfortunately sleep mode only worked once or twice on this retail install and just blue-screens every time now. The RC was never able to sleep for me. It's confusing, because it worked perfectly in Vista.

I wasn't able to track anything specific down with the error code before, but I suppose it's worth trying again.

Oct 9, 2002


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Oct 9, 2002

Annoyingly it's seemingly $500 for business use

Oct 9, 2002

I'm finding modern 7200 rpm drives are still effing fast. Like WD Blacks at least. I put a few games on my SSD, but rarely am I waiting for a load. The only thing I can really think of taking a while is Civ VI, and I feel like putting that on an SSD wouldn't make a huge difference.

Oct 9, 2002

Unless you're a dummy like me with hundreds upon hundreds of gigs of games installed because you can never finish anything or decide what to play.

Oct 9, 2002

Even just loading.

Anyway, sorry I should have been clearer that obviously SSDs are ideal for certain types of games. I just meant to suggest that some types of, even big AAA games, load just fine from modern mechanical drives. And you can budget a bit if you know where to install what.

But all that said, I had no idea 2 TB SSDs are actually kind of approaching reasonable now. It's still a lot more, but worth it if you can afford it.

Unfortunately I should be updating my ~8 year old computer, with a slightly more modern video card, but lol my partner hasn't worked since December and there's a mortgage to pay.


Oct 9, 2002

MarcusSA posted:

Why did my windows 10 decide to do this to some of my icons?

And how do I fix it?
Not helpful, but wow that's a flashback to the first edition of Win98.

I think this should help fix it:

Oct 9, 2002

wyoak posted:

i use iDrive. I can't speak to if it's the best and its UI reminds me of the early 2000's in not a great way, but it backs my stuff up and lets me restore it reliably and lets me choose my own encryption key
I'm very happy with it.

Was surprised to discover I managed to forget to copy an important folder when reformatting a dead PC. Was amazed it was still sitting on my iDrive account like 1.5 years later under the original computer name.

Oct 9, 2002

Tesseraction posted:

Likewise my computer won't boot if I had my playstation 4 controller plugged in. Wouldn't even complete its POST. Computers can be such paranoid freaks about some devices
Oh interesting. I wonder if that's why I was having trouble waking my PC recently.

I usually make a point of unplugging the PS4 controller though because I have that annoying Windows issue where it refuses to sleep when idle if the gamepad is plugged in. I can still manually put it to sleep.

Oct 9, 2002

c0burn posted:

FlashFXP then the creator turned out to be a nonce
I had to look up what happened to the creator, and I guess somewhere I'd forgotten what nonce was slang for.

Creator of FlashFXP being convicted of sexually abusing minors is not what I was expecting the reason to be for development having stopped.

Oct 9, 2002

Googling it with "portable" implies that it's pointless for ProcessLasso specifically because it will write the registry anyway.

Oct 9, 2002

So what's the game?

Oct 9, 2002

I just want to whine that after the last major Win11 update, my PC no longer knows how to sleep. It crashes often when it goes to sleep on its own ... and it just does not wake up ever anymore at all. Gotta cut the power and cold boot each time. Great poo poo.

I'll check motherboard drivers and do an OS refresh before throwing it out the window.

Oct 9, 2002

Serotoning posted:

Have you changed any BIOS settings?
Nope. I haven't done anything but install/play games and run updates since building it in early 2022.

The only nuisance I've had with it in that time is that it would refuse to sleep if I left a game controller plugged in.

Oct 9, 2002

teethgrinder posted:

I just want to whine that after the last major Win11 update, my PC no longer knows how to sleep. It crashes often when it goes to sleep on its own ... and it just does not wake up ever anymore at all. Gotta cut the power and cold boot each time. Great poo poo.

I'll check motherboard drivers and do an OS refresh before throwing it out the window.
For what it's worth this stopped being a problem after installing new chipset drivers that had been updated in January of this year. I finally got too fed up and got around to it lol.

X570 AORUS ELITE WIFI board if it matters.

I was getting really stressed and not into the idea of having to wipe the drat thing and start over as though this was a WinME PC.


Oct 9, 2002

Anyone have thoughts on software for an 80 year old that's retiring? Setting up his first non-business computer.

I paid for Office, mostly so he has Outlook and Word, and easier access to whatever docs people might still be sending him. I'm going to set up a backup like iDrive. Putting TeamViewer on. Maybe 1Password on my brother's family plan.

I'm thinking of giving him ArtRage, I think it's something he could get into as an artist, and it's a touchscreen folding Yoga with a pen.

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