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Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

BraveUlysses posted:

Wow I guess billy corgan wasn’t kidding about the “don’t call me billy!” poo poo

Sorry but the smashing pumpkins thread auto archived

poo poo, it did? Well, gently caress. I was going to post something the other day in it, and decided against it.

I let it die :negative:


moon demon
Sep 11, 2001

of the moon, of the dream
What ever happened to that Spotify Apple Watch app that they announced like a year ago?

Aug 28, 2005
Oh no
I don’t think they ever announced one. Some guy was working on his own app (Spotty, which changed names to Snowy apparently after Spotify Legal had a chat with him), and then announced he was “partnering” with Spotify, and that was the last I heard of anything.

moon demon
Sep 11, 2001

of the moon, of the dream
I found the "Snowy" app developer's Reddit account. It looks like this guy is now working internally at Spotify, but there are some iOS SDK limitations that are causing problems. I'm not a developer so I don't really understand some of his posts, but his post history looks fairly interesting. Anyone who speaks iOS care to take a look?

Oct 27, 2010

BraveUlysses posted:

Wow I guess billy corgan wasn’t kidding about the “don’t call me billy!” poo poo

Sorry but the smashing pumpkins thread auto archived

The funniest thing is the album is just okay. There's nothing "bad" about it but it's completely forgettable and devoid of things that pull you in. It's nicely produced and inoffensive I guess, but even as a huge SP fan it's such a non-event. At least TheFutureEmbrace had some personality. Some tracks were bad, but there were some amazing ones too. Ogilala is just "there".

Also this may have been mentioned but are we ever getting lyrics back? I miss that :(

May 9, 2014

On my phone I'm randomly getting lyrics in place of the album cover, interspersed with random facts about the song

Blast Fantasto
Sep 17, 2007


cebrail posted:

On my phone I'm randomly getting lyrics in place of the album cover, interspersed with random facts about the song

They've had this on iOS for awhile. It's only on certain songs.

Apr 8, 2009

Blast Fantasto posted:

They've had this on iOS for awhile. It's only on certain songs.

And I you can get rid of by just swiping up when it appears

May 9, 2014

It's a very Spotify decision to remove a functionality and then put it in again but only on mobile and only for some songs.

Oct 7, 2003

benny with the good hair
Well it only works for songs that are annotated on Genius, there's nothing to pull otherwise.

Mar 5, 2003

Please leave the room if this will affect you.
I remember when the desktop client had lyrics from musixmatch that would scroll along with the song like a karaoke video. I spent so much time syncing up all my favorite songs and they promptly dropped the feature.

Jan 31, 2007

Kevyn posted:

I remember when the desktop client had lyrics from musixmatch that would scroll along with the song like a karaoke video. I spent so much time syncing up all my favorite songs and they promptly dropped the feature.

There is a musixmatch app for mobile that will stream spotify and apple music like the old desktop client would do.

edit: and apparently they have released a desktop app beta:

thetedster fucked around with this message at 00:09 on Nov 2, 2017

Apr 28, 2010

We're all going to experience changes in our life but only the best of us will qualify for front row seats.

Spotify is doing their "3 months of Premium for the price of 1" deal again. Not available to people who cancelled their premium after 20 October 2017, offer runs until the 31th of December.

Pocket Billiards
Aug 29, 2007
Anyone getting this "can't play current track" error on the Windows desktop app?

loving thing just comes up randomly all the time now. That premium Spotify account works perfectly on another Windows 10 PC, two phones and a Galaxy tablet. But this oval office of a program will just refuse to play music at random on this one PC. Have tried everything people on the internet claim is a solution -reinstalled everything, cleared any cache that it there to be cleared, turned off high quality audio, turned off hardware acceleration, Windows up to date, etc. Everything short of reinstalling audio drivers and disabling stuff deep down in the sound driver settings.

This install happened after upgrading the account to premium and was never used with a free account,. The audio is out via HDMI.

I was using this to play kids music for my son but it's to the point now that it's borderline unusable if I have to set him down and gently caress about restarting the program every 10 minutes if we want to keep listening.

im on the net me boys
Feb 19, 2017

Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjhhhhhhjhhhhhhhhhjjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cannabis

Pocket Billiards posted:

Anyone getting this "can't play current track" error on the Windows desktop app?

loving thing just comes up randomly all the time now. That premium Spotify account works perfectly on another Windows 10 PC, two phones and a Galaxy tablet. But this oval office of a program will just refuse to play music at random on this one PC. Have tried everything people on the internet claim is a solution -reinstalled everything, cleared any cache that it there to be cleared, turned off high quality audio, turned off hardware acceleration, Windows up to date, etc. Everything short of reinstalling audio drivers and disabling stuff deep down in the sound driver settings.

This install happened after upgrading the account to premium and was never used with a free account,. The audio is out via HDMI.

I was using this to play kids music for my son but it's to the point now that it's borderline unusable if I have to set him down and gently caress about restarting the program every 10 minutes if we want to keep listening.

I have had this problem as well but my Windows partition is so hosed that I didn't think about it maybe being just a Spotify problem.

Pocket Billiards
Aug 29, 2007
This machine is a factory Windows 10 install from Lenovo and there hasn't been any other hiccups. There's plenty of stuff online about people getting this issue with Mac OS and Linux somehow (through Wine or something?).

May 9, 2014

You don't need Wine for Spotify on linux, there's a native client (but it's not officially supported, it's a perpetual beta)

im on the net me boys
Feb 19, 2017

Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjhhhhhhjhhhhhhhhhjjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cannabis

cebrail posted:

You don't need Wine for Spotify on linux, there's a native client (but it's not officially supported, it's a perpetual beta)

fwiw the client on Linux has been pretty good for the past few months for me. It used to have weird hiccups on playing certain arbitrary songs but they seem to have resolved that.

Apr 28, 2010

We're all going to experience changes in our life but only the best of us will qualify for front row seats.

It seems if you load your Discovery Weekly playlist on desktop, you now have like and dislike buttons. If you hover over a track they'll appear to the right of the album title.
Edit: Clicking on dislike will give you a choice: "I don't like this song" or "I don't like this artist".

Mierenneuker fucked around with this message at 18:43 on Nov 26, 2017

Manatee Cannon
Aug 26, 2010

Mierenneuker posted:

It seems if you load your Discovery Weekly playlist on desktop, you now have like and dislike buttons. If you hover over a track they'll appear to the right of the album title.
Edit: Clicking on dislike will give you a choice: "I don't like this song" or "I don't like this artist".

that's great. they love to recommend the same song over and over again. next they should make it so discover can't recommend songs that you already have in a playlist

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

This is sort of off-topic, but I'm thinking of setting up some sort of wifi speaker system in my house, because my wife and I are potentially moving to a new place, and we've decided we want more music in our life (and will likely be using Spotify for that). Does anyone else here use them, and if so, what do you recommend? We might go the 'smart home' direction with Alexa, or we might just keep it at the speakers, but either way, house-wide audio, or at least audio in the living room/kitchen are our main goals.

Aug 28, 2005
Oh no
Echo products do multi room audio well, BUT (<-- big but) they don't support bluetooth speakers with multi room audio.

That is, if you have BT speakers connected to, say, your Dots and start up multi room audio, it'll drop the BT connection and play through the Dot itself. If the speaker is connected with the 3.5mm audio plug, it'll work fine.

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

WithoutTheFezOn posted:

Echo products do multi room audio well, BUT (<-- big but) they don't support bluetooth speakers with multi room audio.

That is, if you have BT speakers connected to, say, your Dots and start up multi room audio, it'll drop the BT connection and play through the Dot itself. If the speaker is connected with the 3.5mm audio plug, it'll work fine.

We actually don't have anything at all. It kind of bums us out, because we both used to own stereos back in the day, and then just kind of got rid of them as we got older, and really only listen to music in the car or at work. So, we're starting from nothing, other than our phones and whichever paid service we decide to go with. Really, it'll be between Spotify and Google Music. We'd go GM for the addition of Youtube Red, except that's not available in Canada, so both services are fairly equal to us right now.

Aug 28, 2005
Oh no
Well, Amazon Echo products support Spotify (and obviously Amazon Music) but not Google Play Music.
Google Home products support Spotify and obviously Google Play music, but not Amazon Music.
Sonos speakers seem to support just about every music service there is. and the Sonos One model has Alexa built in.

In the US. Not sure if there are Canada restrictions.

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

WithoutTheFezOn posted:

Well, Amazon Echo products support Spotify (and obviously Amazon Music) but not Google Play Music.
Google Home products support Spotify and obviously Google Play music, but not Amazon Music.
Sonos speakers seem to support just about every music service there is. and the Sonos One model has Alexa built in.

In the US. Not sure if there are Canada restrictions.

Hmm, ok, weird. I guess I'll be looking at what musical service I don't plan on using. Probably Amazon, though we do have Amazon Prime. Decisions, decisions. Thanks for the info!

Aug 7, 2002

BraveUlysses posted:

Wow I guess billy corgan wasn’t kidding about the “don’t call me billy!” poo poo

Sorry but the smashing pumpkins thread auto archived

Rupert Buttermilk posted:

poo poo, it did? Well, gently caress. I was going to post something the other day in it, and decided against it.

I let it die :negative:

syntaxfunction posted:

The funniest thing is the album is just okay. There's nothing "bad" about it but it's completely forgettable and devoid of things that pull you in. It's nicely produced and inoffensive I guess, but even as a huge SP fan it's such a non-event. At least TheFutureEmbrace had some personality. Some tracks were bad, but there were some amazing ones too. Ogilala is just "there".

Also this may have been mentioned but are we ever getting lyrics back? I miss that :(

lol bitcj change your name back

*ok* :smith:

Stayne Falls
Aug 11, 2007
Everything was beautiful
I prefer to think of Billy as this fun, kind of dickish in a youthful energy way artist who created music I loved, and William Patrick Corgan as the transphobic, bigoted, shitheap of a person who tarnishes his legacy with each new mouth opening.

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

Stayne Falls posted:

I prefer to think of Billy as this fun, kind of dickish in a youthful energy way artist who created music I loved, and William Patrick Corgan as the transphobic, bigoted, shitheap of a person who tarnishes his legacy with each new mouth opening.

This is pretty apt, though he did the WPC switch well after he started being terrible.

There's some sort of story or anecdote that HE told about how he met someone once (this was back around the Gish/SD era), and they turned out to not be the gender he had assumed. He described how quickly he got the gently caress out of there, because he was just so disgusted. It's pretty terrible.

And every time I think of all of this, it reminds me that someday, I want to get a Devi Evar pedal. :shobon:

May 7, 2006
Seats 4
Does anybody use Spotify for podcasts? Are there any advantages to using it over any other app?

Apr 28, 2010

We're all going to experience changes in our life but only the best of us will qualify for front row seats.

I guess the advantage would be having all your audio stuff in one place I guess. Knowing the glut of features that some podcasts apps offer I've never even tried it out.

Spotify must be proud of their podcasts features tho, because when searching in the app it will show you podcasts before albums and playlists. Not a fan of that.

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

I don't think I've ever used Spotify for podcasts, but I gotta hand it to Podbean. That app is absolutely loving incredible when it comes to podcast support (which is what it's for). My only two issues were how it was initially weird that it asked me what kind of podcast I was making (it has a paid hosting feature). The other is/was that I was initially confused as to where to go to find stuff I'm subscribed to. It's the second icon from the left, looks like a line with 'broadcast circles' around it. Aside from that, the thing is perfect. As much as I'd love to have everything altogether in one app, I can deal with keeping Spotify for music, and Podbean for podcasts.

Dec 28, 2006

we have such posts
to show you

Has anyone seen absolute garbage (Android Auto voice) search results, like random users playlists instead of albums, and a ton of "can't find" results for poo poo that definitely exists?

Pocket Billiards
Aug 29, 2007

Papa John Misty posted:

Has anyone seen absolute garbage (Android Auto voice) search results, like random users playlists instead of albums, and a ton of "can't find" results for poo poo that definitely exists?

I gave up on that pretty quickly. Even if I named the album and had it saved to the phone, it'd just play the radio station for that artist by streaming data.

I've been meaning to retry it with Spotify in offline mode and the albums saved to my phone.

Dec 28, 2006

we have such posts
to show you

I resolved it -- seems to be related to the Google Assistant update to Android Auto. I linked Assistant to my Spotify account and reset Spotify, and it now specifically responds with "playing Album xyz" instead of "playing xyz".

Oct 21, 2010

Fallen Rib
Can anyone offer any help getting local files to sync to my phone? Something changed a week or two ago (Spotify probably did an iOS update and broke it) but my local files won't play on my phone. I can see them and they show as downloaded but when I go to play on my phone it says "Song Not Downloaded". I'm using a Windows 10 desktop connected via Ethernet and an iPhone 7 on WiFi.

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

syntaxfunction posted:

The funniest thing is the album is just okay. There's nothing "bad" about it but it's completely forgettable and devoid of things that pull you in. It's nicely produced and inoffensive I guess, but even as a huge SP fan it's such a non-event. At least TheFutureEmbrace had some personality. Some tracks were bad, but there were some amazing ones too. Ogilala is just "there".

Also this may have been mentioned but are we ever getting lyrics back? I miss that :(

I just was rereading this page, saw this, and while I haven't given the rest of the album a thorough listen, 'Aeronaut' might be my favourite Billy Corgan-related thing ever. I absolutely love that song.

Oct 27, 2010

It's crazy you say that because the album as a whole has been growing on me. I still don't think it's the best album he's done, but some of the songs are growers for sure.

The fact that Aeronaut gets stuck in my head and I like it says enough I think.

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

syntaxfunction posted:

It's crazy you say that because the album as a whole has been growing on me. I still don't think it's the best album he's done, but some of the songs are growers for sure.

The fact that Aeronaut gets stuck in my head and I like it says enough I think.

I miss the pumpkins thread. Someone make a new one! They're touring again and there's a bunch of poo poo going on between Billy/ James vs D'arcy. :negative:

Edit: gently caress it, I'LL do it.

Edit:... tomorrow. I'm on mobile, and can't make a new thread. And screw doing it through mobile Chrome.

Rupert Buttermilk fucked around with this message at 01:38 on Feb 26, 2018

May 31, 2005

Old Town Road to EGOT

Since there were recent Smashing Pumpkins posts in this thread anyway, I might as well ask: why isn't Zeitgeist on Spotify? Is it a label issue?

There have been at least a couple times when I'll be driving friends in my car and we somehow end up talking about the Pumpkins and I tell them that Zeitgeist really wasn't a bad album and want to show them specific examples of why, but then I remember the album's missing from Spotify and I have to go to YouTube instead.

Spotify has almost everything else from their discography (including a loving 114-song rarities & b-sides album :psyduck: ), but no Zeitgeist. Chronologically, their studio albums on there go from Machina to Oceania, just missing their comeback album in between.


May 9, 2014

At some point all Billy Corgan records that are on Warner disappeared from Spotify, that's Zeitgeist and the Zwan album and one of his solo albums. I don't know why though. Maybe Billy punched a Warner Brothers guy in the face.

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