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Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
Got told to tong my cattes and now they hate me

bucky gives no fucks

widget licked the tongs then ran away


Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
Hey widget, hey wake up cat

okay gently caress you and your sleeping what are the other cats doing

well poo poo

snooki? what are you doing please stop eating paper

are you hungry or something the asian place doesn't serve cats

have a french fry

why are you eating my leftovers cats arent supposed to like pasta stop it you rear end in a top hat

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
every orange cat I've met has been a giant hateful rear end in a top hat, so I don't get what the hell is wrong with all the orange cats I meet

exhibit a: my brother's cat oblio

Hates visitors, only tolerates me because I come over to feed her when my brother is out of town. Walks up to me, hisses, tries to claw the poo poo out of my leg and runs off. Bitch.

exhibit b: my dad's cat Roxy

Hates every other cat of his except for the retarded little brain damaged kitten we took in. Will not hesitate to maul your face if you pick her up. lives in his bedroom because she tolerates humans but not the other cats.

exhibit c: my dad's cat Moose

Forget about touching him anywhere past his shoulders or else he will maul you. Will maul your leg as you walk past for no reason. Get too close to him and he starts growling. Thinks the disk activity light on my dad's laptop is a bug and will sit on his keyboard and try to bite the laptop to kill the blinking light. God forbid you need to use the computer while he's sitting on it, hope you have bandaids
okay the laptop thing is funny and entirely his fault for leaving the computer open while unattended but this cat is otherwise a loving dick.

Calico cats are the best cat

I can stick my face in that floof and not get attacked and it is amazing

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
i probably am a terrible person but every black cat I've met has been chill as hell so I guess I'll go ahead and hail satan

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
very carefully

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
black cats best cats

Sleep on the dryer, get fur all over everything

right after I took this picture he rolled over for belly scratches and fell out of the hammock

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008

Funhilde posted:

Elmer's gnome lederhosen.

poo poo, cat lederhosen DO exist? My ex texted me a while back asking me if I knew where to find them. I asked why he needed such a thing, and it's because he sees his cat as a little German boy who wears lederhosen.
why did I date this man for two years

I miss his cat more than anything.

His name is Ed, and he's a purebred selkirk rex, one of those genetic disasters with a smushed up face. Super soft, curly fur. Some crazy cat hoarder was breeding selkirk rexes and persians and her kids forced her to stop being a cat hoarder so the shelter got a couple dozen purebred cats. Ed was a breeder stud, and probably has dozens of children out there, somewhere. Loved sweaters, would cry if you took his sweater vest off. Cats are loving weird.

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008

always remember to feed and water your bonsai cat

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
My dad has a cat that loving loves pasta and will whine until you give her a couple of bites of whatever you're eating. Cats are weird

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
Is it a trap?

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008

graph posted:

lol why the hiss

the dog walked in the room

they aren't friends

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
I went away for a few days and when I came back yesterday Widget started screaming at me and purring up a storm. I guess I was missed. If I leave the house she starts meowing loudly looking for me now.

Also, she doesn't like the toy my mom hosed up by submerging it in water

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
kind of a trap I guess if licking counts

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
My cat is loving useless. I saw a mouse run across the room and I called for her to go chase the stupid thing. It runs into the room she's in, I close the door and she looks at it, and lays down. I go put out some traps and see if she'll do anything. I check back five minutes later and she's laying on the floor with the mouse two feet away from her and she's ignoring it.

What the gently caress cat.

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
widget, you suck
house is messy, don't care because the roommates are out of town
i live in an old farmhouse right now surrounded by fields so there's not much I can do about the mice because there's no way i can possibly plug up every hole in the house

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
i came home to my dad's house for the school year.
he got another loving cat and didn't tell me. :catstare:
10 cats in our house now. thank god we live in a huge house.

so many litterboxes. we go through approximately 125 pounds of litter a week since we change the litter out every week plus scooping

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008

Frecklenosed calicos are my favorite cat.

baby widget:

I took her to get spayed and they called me to say that she had a really bad reaction to the meds they gave her so they had to call off the surgery until the next day. I went to visit her at the vet and she was the saddest thing ever because that was the first time I realized that she actually missed me when I was gone. they managed to successfully yank out her lady parts the next day thankfully.

she's been through several moves, a nervous breakdown or two, breakups, been the boyfriend approver, screams at me every time I come home from a few days away, and generally a little terrible bitch and I wouldn't have it any other way. I got a TFK tattoo inspired by her last year and I still smile every time I see it

new cat (cat #10) is starting to remind me of my childhood cat we had to put to sleep a few years ago. :unsmith:

yeah the kitchen is messy and poo poo, deal w/ it
cheese monster, cuddle monster, rules the house despite being one of the smallest ones

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
every loving time I leave the house for a day or two i swear to god

she has fleas, too tiny for capstar or frontline so daily baths for a few days and flea combing for a few weeks.

no official name yet, maybe Lily, but she doesn't seem like a Lily to me

she reminds me of Walt

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
I've been at my family's farm the past few days, which is also turning into another home for misfit kitties. My aunt is in town, so she and I met my dad and stepmom for lunch on the way back home. "By the way...if you beat us home there's kind of a kitten in the bathroom." Story is that they found her running in the street as they were leaving to meet me and my aunt for lunch, doesn't belong to anyone according to our neighbor. I have a feeling that this little lady might be a relative of our cat Snooki, who is also a brown long-ish hair tabby that just showed up on our porch one day. My dad knows a coworker who lives in this part of town also has a similar looking cat who showed up one day.

look at those loving tufts of fur, she's not as much of a flooflord as Walt was but she's got big ol' ears

she really loves sleeping on my boobs

Really I'm surprised that we don't have more assholes dumping animals on the farm. It's kinda close to town but still in the county. Our policy is pretty much that if they're neutered and not causing problems they're welcome to be murder machines to help control the rodent population. My brother lives on the farm and names all the cats he sees regularly :3:

It runs in the family, my aunt has 6 cats

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008

spankmeister posted:

mods rename grape soda to crazy cat lady tia

i have my cat tattooed on my leg (thanks toastfacekillah!) so i'm already committed to the crazy cat lady life forever

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
i have no idea what that stain on the wall is, too scared to investigate

the old man is named Dude. he's 13 and a badass.

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
Princess butt face hates baths. And flea combs.

those ears :kimchi:

She's got a bad case of the blurs, so here's a video:

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008

Cricken_Nigfops posted:

She is gunna be medium fluffy like beans. Enjoy!!

we're pretty sure she's related to one of our cats, Snooki

cousins maybe
the black tortie is Pepper
goddamn i need to vacuum the stairs.

Get better Pudding :(

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008

PipeRifle posted:


Halloween is coming.

You ok buddy?

Awww yissssssss

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
kitten update

someone call tumblr because I misgendered my cat for two weeks
so Little Bit grew balls, has been named Dagwood, aka Woody

is still loving adorable and sweet, but typical annoying kitten bullshit

he lives in the laundry room because he's a little poo poo that hides a lot

the other animals mostly tolerate him

and here is an Olivia

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
Lucy, I need to take that box out to the dumpster.

Oh, I guess it can wait a few days.

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008

calico cats best cats

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
This loving shithead jumped on my lap and left a skidmark on my leg

He likes to hide in the litterbox, and did it after his bath yesterday. damp cat+litter= :gonk:

Synchronized loafing

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
Moose fat

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
I went to the library today and didn't check this book out so I think that proves I'm definitely not a cat lady:

(it was because all the projects were dumb)

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
fact: torties own.
get that catte
post pictures

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
hi woody

I can't pee without having him climb into my pants and try to attack my pants or cuddle with my leg. I miss being able to pee alone. :(

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
I can't wait for SWSP catte
this is going to be good

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
I'm taking Widget to the blessing of the animals today. Hoping that she doesn't start to burn when they put holy water on her

Will post pics later

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
post all calico cattes
actualy post all cattes

I've had Widget since she was tiny and her freckle nose still gets me every time

Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008

Amphiuma posted:


Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
Get better Dookie and Pooping :(


Fashionably Great
Jul 10, 2008
trick-or-treat, woody

it's a trick, he's getting his balls cut off next Monday

his tail is absolutely bananas right now

Little rear end in a top hat is four months old and has the third biggest tail in the house

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