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Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
Hello catte thread, been lurking for a while, I figured it's time to post some cattes.

This is Risto, my friend's very cuddly floof monster.

Sorry about the potato phone pic. It's a bit tricky to get a decent shot of Risto as he usually looks like this:


Not a trap:

Bonus pic of my mom's cat James being annoyed that someone would deign to come down the stairs while we're having some lap time:

James is wary of everyone but my mom and myself, even though I've only seen him once or twice a year for the last 8 years since moving to a different country. I love his perma-smirk. :3:

Also, Moo is the prettiest kitty I ever done seen.

Edit: Found pics of said lap time and another random one.

Flakey fucked around with this message at 15:00 on Apr 8, 2016


Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

Roosevelt posted:

Something Under the Bed is Mewling


Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
My folks' place was getting painted, so all the furniture was in disarray. This is as far down the stairs as James would go:

Finally everything is (mostly) back to normal:

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
Hey Samopsa, you posted some personal info there in that first pic, just making sure you're ok with that. :)

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
Hi cat thread, I usually lurk here and enjoy all yoscattes, but I thought everyone might enjoy this. :3:

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
There's kitty spike mats, but depending on the cat they may or may not work.

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
It's their love reflex going off.

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
I love all yoscats

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
You can't just say that and not post pics.

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

Shifty Pony posted:

attention all lurkers

(from Galaxander in the SA propaganda photoshop thread in GBS)

I lack a cat to post. :(

This is my favorite thread, been lurking here for years. Love all yoscats and their butlers.

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.


Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
Please pet your cats and tell them that I love them

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

Iron Crowned posted:

I can't, I'm at work :(

Worry not, the time of petting shall soon be upon you.

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

Captain Foo posted:

🎵 I'm the pepppp in the box

🎵 Buuuried in pumpkin 🎵

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

Up ta somethin'


Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
I love all yoscats, all these posts are extra appreciated while isolating.

Where is Leland though?

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
So many good cats. Where are Moo and Leland? :ohdear:

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

I'm melting :3:

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

CherryCat posted:

We postin' cats?

I got cats.

We'll need to see more pictures to verify this claim.

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
All these cats are the best thank you for posting them. :kimchi:

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

Long live the queen

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

bloops posted:

Popping in to give a Moo update -- good news so no alarm. Her IBD or lymphoma (didn't opt for the highly expensive invasive surgery to prove one or the other, the treatment is the same my vet assures me) is progressing but under control. She is on a two medications -- one is a chemo pill and the other a multicapsule for nausea, inflammation, and acid reflux. Since August, she has gained about a pound with fewer, smaller episodes of vomiting but has regular runny poos (thankfully all in the litter box). She lives with Flint who is a nice boy but they are not getting along quite as much as we hoped. It's only been a month though.

I still lurk every now and then. RIP to all good cats and hello all new ones. Good luck Catface and other sick kitties.

Quotin' Moo. All yoscats and their butlers are great.

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
EM I'm so happy for you! What a relief.

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

Look at this tough guy :3:

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
Please, my heart can only take so much :kimchi:

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

Star War Sex Parrot posted:

hello I am almost a year behind on the thread but Leland just woke up and wants to say hi

Yayyy SWSP and Leland! :3:

This is the best thread with all the best cats.

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

This is now my favorite picture of Bun after the sink picture. :3:

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
I really like Marceline. And all other cats.

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

gently caress SNEEP posted:

this is Marceline. she will chew any cord you leave hanging around!

Yes yes great cat but who is this?

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

gently caress SNEEP posted:

That’s a save frog from Mother 3. I bought it during an AGQD or SGQD and it stops Marceline from jumping behind the TV lol

Thanks! I love that it's GDQ related. :v:

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
All these cats are just the best.

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

POV: You are the abyss

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.


holy poo poo I love cats

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.


I missed it yesterday because I was super busy at work, but it was Lulu’s 13th birthday. :toot:

Yay happy belated birthday Lulu!

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
It's hard doing the right thing. Condolences, Fauxton.

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
Heckin' good cats all round, well done everyone.

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

Shifty Pony posted:

pictured: one dumb dumb who isn't eating enough

Sadie please follow Winston's lead on this.

Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.
Don't worry Marceline, you don't look like a freight train.


Apr 30, 2009

There's no need to speak. You must only concentrate and recall all your past life. When a man thinks of the past, he becomes kinder.

gently caress SNEEP posted:

pov: you're taking a nap with Marceline (and she's just out of reach)

Marceline's tail is majestic

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