maine coons fukken own
# ¿ Sep 15, 2009 17:50 |
# ¿ Jan 26, 2025 02:14 |
Jonny 290 posted:actually it's a better test if you pull all of your fingers off at the first knuckle with a pair of channel locks jesus christ i wasnt going to declaw my cat anyway but fffffffffffffffffffffff
# ¿ Sep 18, 2009 20:02 |
how do i get my cat to stop making GBS threads on the window sill and use her goddamned litter box this is probably the last forum i ever expected to be asking that in
# ¿ Sep 25, 2009 22:55 |
martyFREEDOM posted:put the cat in the box, grab it's paws, and kind of rub them into the clean litter like you are making them scratch it. they will usually put 2 and 2 together and poo there because they naturally want to go in dirt or sandy type things. also scrub down your window sill to get rid of any smells tried this, if it doesnt work im either going to do the foil thing or take her back to the foster mom we got her from and trade her in for the other maine coon they have i should point out that this cat is like 6-8 years old, its not like this is a kitten whos never been housetrained before the wife is not down with the foil because the cat likes to hang out there even when she isnt dropping a deuce, but i am seriously getting sick of cleaning up this poo poo
# ¿ Sep 26, 2009 02:06 |
flyboi posted:go to petsmart they have a special kind of kitty litter named cat attract. it's all i use with my cat who was problematic for years and has no issues now. it has pheramones in it that do something that make cats want to poo poo all over it. Gonna try this. Thug Bonnet posted:dont be a dick I really don't want to, but I'm not going to clean up cat poo poo on my windowsill every day for the rest of my/her life. Giving the cat away is absolutely my option of last resort, especially because I actually like the drat thing, and we're friends with the adoption lady (she went to college with my wife) so I don't want to dump another cat on her just because I'm a bad owner, when she's already buried in them. look at me, fukken seriyospostin
# ¿ Sep 27, 2009 04:18 |
flyboi posted:yo ANAmal.net status update on cat making GBS threads on window shes gotten better about it but its still happening i still think this poo poo is all behavioral, because locking her in the bathroom overnight seemed to work for a couple of days but the wife has decided that the occasional twitching the cat does is a sign that we need to take her (the cat) to a neurologist and get some pills or something also the cat seems to like pawing at the water from the faucet when im brushing my teeth and it is as gently caress
# ¿ Oct 8, 2009 15:54 |
flyboi posted:did you try the cat attract litter i havent been able to find a place that sells it yet but its possible im just not looking hard enough - i can likely find it online if it comes to it but the shipping on a giant sack of cat litter will probably be murderous
# ¿ Oct 8, 2009 16:43 |
flyboi posted:all petsmarts have it alternatively there is an additive you can add to your existing litter that works in the same way brah ballin' Gonna try one last time to find this poo poo after work, and if that doesn't work I'll just buy it online.
# ¿ Oct 8, 2009 17:53 |
she stopped pooping on the floor so she finally gets to be yosposted
# ¿ Jan 15, 2010 02:47 |
clockwork sundial posted:from lf tankcat owns
# ¿ Jan 22, 2010 16:04 |
Trig Discipline posted:gotdamn i will never get tired of that username/avatar combo
# ¿ Mar 4, 2010 18:53 |
flyboi posted:lookit dat fukken cat
# ¿ Apr 5, 2010 19:30 |
Here's a bad picture of a cat that's been missing for two days: She ran out when my wife went to check the mail, and I've been scouring the apartment complex for her ever since.
# ¿ Mar 8, 2012 23:43 |
low quality jpeg posted:xdice posted:Nosey hates it when people come to the door. In the old townhouse, her "OMG doorbell AAAAA" hiding spot was ... behind my monitor Pro cattes. EvilMuppet posted:Did she come back yet? Haven't seen hide nor hair of her. Frustratingly enough, I've ran into two other strays while searching, but I can't find MY loving cat. Apparently some other cat has already claimed the area around our apartment as his turf, so she got run off and is currently patrolling/ridin' dirty on the other side of the golf course (note that this makes my neighborhood seem far, far, nicer than it actually is). I set up an old tshirt and some food under a tree over there, and stuck up some flyers in the new search area, but no results yet. We hired some lady the cat shelter recommended, and paid her a hundred and fifty bucks to take a dog out and sniff around for the cat, which is where a lot of the above information came from.
# ¿ Mar 11, 2012 16:52 |
Josh Lyman posted:Nice, I got that same squid from my secret santa: I would pet these both of these cats.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2012 22:20 |
Seriously, that fukken tail. :3
# ¿ Mar 13, 2012 12:42 |
Funhilde posted:Tugger I can't even describe how hard I would pet this fuckin catte. edit where are the ties i want to buy one for my remaining catte.
# ¿ Mar 16, 2012 17:49 |
Trig Discipline posted:did you pet the other one too hard She escaped like a week and a half ago and we have't seen cattesign since. She's fully clawed and used to be an indoor-outdoor before we adopted her, so she's probably safe somewhere. Or she's a giant ham and someone took her in, I don't know, but I give up. Funhilde posted:http://www.etsy.com/shop/sewsmooth BUT...if you want to wait a day or so I'll have several more up. Too late already ordered.
# ¿ Mar 16, 2012 18:05 |
drat that was quick. Ordered the tie on Friday, got it today: I haven't even tried the dunce hat yet, but if the way she took to the tie is any indication that's gonna cost me my hands getting it on her.
# ¿ Mar 20, 2012 00:25 |
Luisfe posted:If something he wants done is not done fast enough, he will spray piss all over the place. same
# ¿ Mar 26, 2012 15:48 |
Holy poo poo. My lost cat, the one that got away three weeks ago, is outside right now. She was on the patio, but I can't get close to her to pick her up, because she just runs away. Laser pointers and cat toys aren't getting her to come to me, or calling her name or whistling or anything. I did the only thing I could and I set up the cat trap right outside, and I'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight with the sliding glass door open a crack. I hope she comes back, I'd given up on ever seeing her again and this is just huge to see her right out there, being within six feet.
# ¿ Mar 29, 2012 04:52 |
Food's in the trap, and I put a couple of socks out there that should smell like home to her, plus one of her catnip toys. She was out there again, sniffing around the trap, but she won't loving go in, goddamnit. I had to lock up the other cat, because I think her staring out the windows and poo poo was freaking out the lost cat.
# ¿ Mar 29, 2012 05:05 |
Josh Lyman posted::3 :3 Floofy orange cats are the best.
# ¿ Mar 29, 2012 13:01 |
clockwork automaton posted:pro catte, pro keyye boardde
# ¿ Mar 30, 2012 03:09 |
Feisty-Cadaver posted:
# ¿ Mar 30, 2012 03:26 |
Our cat came back! This fucker right here: Old pic because I'm lazy and it's 4 AM (will post new pics tomorrow), but after almost a month on the run, and a few straight days of her showing up on our patio and eating like 3 cans of cat food then running away at the sight of anything, she finally got her dumb rear end stuck in our catte trappe. She's walking around sniffing at stuff and even wanted some pettes. :3 ANAmal.net fucked around with this message at 08:18 on Apr 2, 2012 |
# ¿ Apr 2, 2012 08:14 |
Endless Mike posted:deadmau5 irl
# ¿ Apr 2, 2012 14:46 |
Dumbledore 64 posted:post pics of said cat trap It's not anything goony, I just bought one of these and put it on the patio with a can of cat food in it every night before bed. Either my wife or I would sleep on the couch with the sliding glass door cracked so we could hear. Last night was her turn, and around 3:30 she heard the trap slam shut and saw our cat in it. Tink woke me up the this morning my sleeping on my face and purring like a maniac. I think she missed us.
# ¿ Apr 2, 2012 17:08 |
She seems less than thrilled with Funhilde's tie. I still have this weird thing where I'm thrilled that I have Tink back, but I feel like I'm gonna wake up and she'll be gone, you know? She's wearing the tie and purring and oh my god I love this catte. Sorry, I'll get tong pics later.
# ¿ Apr 3, 2012 03:08 |
Is that an old picture or did her hair grow back hella fast after you shaved her?
# ¿ Apr 4, 2012 21:14 |
dur posted:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEd5rH5fcaI This fukken catte.
# ¿ Apr 6, 2012 01:32 |
Oh my goodness, magda :3Lemon Cello posted:I met a catte! He was wandering around near my house. He came right over to lick my fingers and get pets but was too intent on exploring the bushes for me to get a clear shot. Let this catte in, you will not regret petting him forever.
# ¿ Apr 7, 2012 01:24 |
JAY ZERO SUM GAME posted:loving these big orange cats and their funny meows Orange floofy cats best cats:
# ¿ Apr 11, 2012 03:35 |
dur posted:hi teddy :3
# ¿ Apr 11, 2012 04:55 |
Man, Teddy is quickly becoming my favorite yoscatte (sorry Gizmo), except for maybe Josh Lyman's two floofers, but that's only because there are two of them and only one of Teddy. Chillaxin' on the couch this morning:
# ¿ Apr 11, 2012 14:09 |
Deuterieux posted:
# ¿ Apr 13, 2012 01:15 |
Robot_Z posted:
That's hosed up. Sorry about your dog.
# ¿ Apr 13, 2012 18:44 |
dur posted:hi teddy
# ¿ Apr 19, 2012 21:10 |
Jonny 290 posted:cattes are best
# ¿ Apr 20, 2012 01:08 |
# ¿ Jan 26, 2025 02:14 |
Dache posted:trophy and magda pro page the gently caress page are you lookin at i KNOW you aint confuse gizmo with magda a shameful poster confuse he own cattes
# ¿ Apr 20, 2012 01:21 |