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EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

this page is off to a lovely, catless start


EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Tom Collins posted:

this is when marshmallow was a little baby kittun


I'm getting a kitten next month.

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Thug Bonnet posted:

this is a goony cat

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Thug Bonnet posted:

p sure all cats like food??

p sure most cats don't eat donuts and lick their lips for the camera

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

rabbit eat their own poo poo

i found this out at trivia last night

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

tripwire posted:

extremely gas all other threads

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Click here for the full 1600x1200 image.

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

what's the best and most humane way to keep kittens from clawing curtains? He's already torn them down and dropped the bar on my head once, I'd like to prevent that.

hyperborean posted:

they do have crazy sensitive hearing, i watched a pbs special all about it. i dont think a human brain could handle all the poo poo they hear

if i pick up one of the jingly toys, CB will come running from the other side of the house to play with it, so cute :3:

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

hyperborean posted:

you can accomplish this with hot sauce. not that you want to put hot sauce on your curtains casao. more helpful:
i dont mind the smell of mothballs, but youd probably rather use one of the plants. lavender is nice.

lavender sounds like the best bet, thanks i will try that tonight

here's a picture of CB figuring out the top of LCDs aren't the best place to hang out

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Roguestar posted:

yospos = catladies with computers

is it any surprise computer janitors and code janitors pick pets who lounge around all day doing nothing?

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Rahu posted:

heres my cat, she p. much owns

look at that cat in that box... it's so cute :3:

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Uh oh, I just walked into the bathroom and saw my kitty staring at the roll of toilet paper with a gleam on his eyes. I think this is about to get messy...

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

hot dog meat burger posted:

you could discipline him if you weren't a spineless pussy

He hasn't done anything to it, he was just staring. I'm extrapolating based on the internet. He'll be disciplined if and when he does something wrong.

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

flyboi posted:

cats hate peppers i suggest you cover your toilet paper in peppers and then wipe your rear end with it

please try this and report back with a detailed report that's been peer reviews tia

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

supercooey! posted:

this kitty looks like he will murder you in your sleep

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Cidrick posted:

_____ you should get a cat, seriyospost

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Phat_Albert posted:

dont watch house, not a cj, and cats are smart in the same way dogs are smart, as in sometimes your shocked by how smart they are but mostly youre shocked by how retarded they are.

theory destroyed

my kitty is utterly retarded and he's more lovable for it

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Kitty is not amused by your bullshit.

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Sniep posted:

I thought it was just a kitten... if they are reverse engineering cats to stay kitten like thats like undoing the entire point of a cat. They are loving killing machines, goddamnit. Just cute ones when they are little.

It's a breeding program, naturally occurring recessive disease which causes short legs/bodies but normal heads, resulting in adorable kittenness throughout life.

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

url posted:

dogs are dumbasses, but, it's part of their charm imo

i have a dumbass cat

its called a kitten

whats your excuse?

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

rotor posted:

this would be my catz:

d'awwwwww :3:

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Just walked into the kitchen and found this.

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

rotor posted:

its a cat dude, try pettin' it

oh I did, it was just cute and i wanted to share :3:

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Thug Bonnet posted:


EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

El Jackalope posted:

Tilt-shift orange cat snype.

You don't seem to get this "snype" thing.

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

El Jackalope posted:


do you have a 3d camera or is there some application to do this for you cause i'd like to make my kitty 3d

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

:3: Kitty found the wrapping paper.

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

flyboi posted:

are you the one with the retarded cat with eyes that don't go straight? there was a cat like that in pi it owned

ive never been to pet island but i do have a crosseyed kitty. his name is crosseyed baby and he's 7 months old :3:

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

flyboi posted:

does it run into things all the time? Pics of eyes plz

he does run into walls and the fridge a lot. i don't have any good close ups of his eyes he tends to blink whenever i take a picture i'll see if hes in a picture taking mood tonight

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!


EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Roguestar posted:

this doesn't load for me past the first 5 frames v:confused:v

what kind of scrub browser are you using

even firefox can load it

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Subjective Poison posted:

i pet my cat today

my kitty came in and sat on my desk this morning so he got petted

he also sits on the window sill as soon as I walk out the door and watches me leave :3:

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

PREG NET posted:

why was this recording

gotta show off their ripped body

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Jonny 290 posted:

290's super simple workout plan:

1: plant at least 100 sq foot of garden
2: tend it by hand with absolutely no power tools
3: eat the poo poo that comes out of the garden

6 months 30+ lbs fat gone and huge muscles, well, compared to what your flabby rear end had anyways

note garden - US vegetable garden im not talking about a fucken UK backyard

my former weight loss came from working in the Target stock room.

my current weight gain comes from sitting in a chair CJing all day

basically do physical activity and lose weight

it's not that hard

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Tom Collins posted:

nah i just mean if you've got a huge garden and you own a hose, why not? if you're concerned about wasting water, you can attach your roof's gutters to a barrel that you keep six feet off the ground, and then have a hose coming out of that and use gravity.

naw mang the point was to add exercise while doing something useful so adding more pointless lugging of water fits the goal

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

CB chillin' in one of those fold up laundry baskets.

Someone asked for more pictures of his crossed eyes I guess? He's really hard to take pictures of like that because he tends to squint or look away when he's just chilling, and he tends to run around when he's playing. Here's the best I can do right now.

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

malefactor posted:

"animal abuse"

Its not a cat playing in the snow. They are throwing them into the snow and watching them desperately try and get out of it for their own entertainment.

In the last video, when the cat finally made it out, he/she just gave a meek cry and pawed at the door softly.


Those fuckers, they got that kitty wet :saddowns:

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

ShadowHawk posted:

this cat steals the other cat's food

i thought it just ate the other cat

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

Jonny 290 posted:

"gently caress LCD TV'S" - every cat ever


EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!


Cat's gonna do that on one of those dell landscape/portrait monitors and is heading for a fall!

That's a Dell 2007WFP with the rotating shits. It's pretty solid, but he's stopped doing that.

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