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Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong
you can get an hdtv for sub-$100 these days.


Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Kirk posted:

id just like to point out that 'cattery' is a funny word imho

get thee to a cattery

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

krylex posted:

get rid of lovely posters

and look at that they're all still posting.

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Farmer Crack-rear end posted:

you know what's a loving riot? laser pointers and cats. my cat used to jump up half the drat wall trying to chase the little red dot.

now he's got the arthritis and these days he'll paw at it a few times before looking at me and going "come on, man, I'm pushing 19 here." :smith:

but yeah if you don't have one go spend the $10 and get one. amazing fun.
fun with laser pointer and kitties at a friend's place

Midelne posted:

you can go into anaphylaxis and die from inhaling trace amounts of peanut-related dust or aerosols; kid does not have to eat/lick the peanut butter

the above does not occur for most other food allergies which is why peanut allergies get special treatment, and people either don't know this or don't want to acknowledge it due to cantankerousness

yo the amount of people with a peanut allergy actually that severe is on the order of a few dozen people on the entire planet.

like literally, it is very difficult for a kid with this to survive even to a few months old because its not like you can do prenatal screening and theres peanut stuff everywhere.

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

rotor posted:

links are hard :smith:

jus do :catstare: jeez

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong
if you're the kind of person who freaks out if their pickup truck and/or suv gets dirty, you're exactly the person who should never own one.

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

mod sassinator posted:

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

mod sassinator posted:

haha that's a good keyboard cat

cool av

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

mod sassinator posted:

woah i have avatars turned off and didnt realize someone got one for me, awesome! what does the text say?

"Oh, Gerard, April is going to be home by myself at all." according to google translate

no clu what thats about

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

PatRichCapone posted:


Got any more?

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

minivanmegafun posted:

relatalk: how much does a domesticated Serval cost? i'm curious

for most wild cats someone's bred domesticated cats that look the same without the flipping out wild behavior

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Trig Discipline posted:

franklin kept grabbing his own necktie in his mouth and walking himself away like he was on a leash


Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Jonny 290 posted:

arkansas' non municipal zoos are amazing, theyre all run by some old redneck that somehow managed to trade a tractor for a tiger

there's one like that like 6 miles from here near the llama farms

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

(not mine)

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

American Jello posted:

take dogs out of this cause there are plenty of non-edge cases where working dogs need to conform to breed standards.

pretty sure rotor's saying spay and neuter your pets and get shelter dogs/cats

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

qirex posted:

anne rice: almost died from being full of poo poo

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Coffee Jones posted:

In conclusion, Maru is a cat of variety.

which they call maize

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

CoupleBeersNoBeers posted:

osama bin gentoo

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Jonny 290 posted:

pette all cattes


Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

bamzilla posted:

laser pointers are the best manipulative cat toy around.

use two at once for extra fun

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Shaggar posted:

your cat makes some hella wierd clicking noises. might want to back it up before it goes bad

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

rotor posted:

Do you think kittens can play, even on a soccerfield?

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Jonny 290 posted:

vegan gardening is where the whole vegan logic breaks down (i know, like it was solid to start with), its dumb as hell but its becoming a Fad here and there

yeah save the enviroment and increase sustainability by, uh, using artificial fertilizer made out of crude oil and also importing food from all over the goddamn planet so that you won't get sick and slowly die from lack of vital nutrients that you could easily get if you wack a chicken on the head and eat it.

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

A Curvy Goonette posted:

look man you don't get it. as long as a single animal feels pain or discomfort or the loving embrace of death then we are destroying what makes us human.

*falls sick and dies due to chronic malnutrition from eating vegan, also has the nastiest farts*

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong
you can end chicken suffering easy. cut off their heads and stick a food tube and an air tube into their neck and they live just fine.

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

minivanmegafun posted:


Maru is safe.
Thank you for worrying and praying.

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong
i got one of them powerstrip/monitor stands it owns.

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

got dat wmd posted:

gibbis's first cattebathe


Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

duTrieux posted:

are you in central jersey

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

qirex posted:

Japan likes loyal dogs


Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Kirk posted:

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

qirex posted:

the one in front plays uke and the one in back plays glockenspiel

they have a circuit bent casio keyboard for the drums and poo poo

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

jigglemaster7 posted:

was messing around with my 3ds today and took this pic

yo upload the MPO file from your sd card to 3dporch so you get a wiggle gif for 3d effect

edit" like this

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

jigglemaster7 posted:

this owns

Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

jigglemaster7 posted:

jigglevisioned again


Jul 16, 2006

by VideoGames
Salad Prong

rotor posted:

the weirdest thing about going to grad school in canada was that they pronounce 'z' as 'zed'

"and so you have the frame with the ecks why zed coordin*record scratch*"

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