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May 9, 2006
what happened to that slew of "racism would disappear if all you liberals would just stop talking about it!" cartoons we had a while back?


Nicolae Carpathia
Nov 7, 2004
I no longer believe in the greater purpose.

Hyosho posted:

what happened to that slew of "racism would disappear if all you liberals would just stop talking about it!" cartoons we had a while back?

we stopped talking about them and they disappeared

Oct 5, 2003

“Here lies a toppled god —
His fall was not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal,
A narrow and a tall one.”

Some Gizmo:

No X In Nixon
Jul 4, 2008

Hyosho posted:

what happened to that slew of "racism would disappear if all you liberals would just stop talking about it!" cartoons we had a while back?

SA Support Robot
Apr 20, 2007

axolotl farmer posted:

This is Donna Barstow

She makes crap like this:

Somehow she's published in the New Yorker

This person sent us a nasty email demanding we remove her stolen works from this forum thread. I'll maybe post more details later... I want to see where this goes first after I reply.

May 9, 2006

raruler posted:

Some Gizmo:

missing from that caption "...on, which doesn't sell many hardbacks anyway"

handbags at dawn
Mar 8, 2007
She grew up on the East Coast and now lives on the edge of Hollywood - what a mixed-up kid. Her cartoons are like nerf balls thrown at pop culture and current events; she delights in idiotic situations to skewer.

She has an orange canary, and collects priceless jewelry.

why would you limit her jewelry collection lf

Fuego Fish
Dec 5, 2004

By tooth and claw!

SA Support Robot posted:

This person sent us a nasty email demanding we remove her stolen works from this forum thread. I'll maybe post more details later... I want to see where this goes first after I reply.

This is the best thing I've heard all day :allears:

edit: posting Donna Barstow's epic work entitled "borat dot gif"

Aug 12, 2009
Can't post for 3 years!

Fuego Fish posted:

This is the best thing I've heard all day :allears:

edit: posting Donna Barstow's epic work entitled "borat dot gif"

turns out that most people who still have scores assigned to their current reading levels can't afford kindles (or drive cars, for that matter)

handbags at dawn
Mar 8, 2007
why does that man have an inkwell and a two-dimensional dog on his table

Saint Sputnik
Apr 1, 2007

Tyrannosaurs in P-51 Volkswagens!
barstow sucks and her blog is lame and boring.

she is a hilariously bitter woman

Barstow's blog posted:

This tweet below, from a man who is one of the best selling single-panel cartoonists in the country - his drawings of big nose, big feet, bug eyes, to go with his obvious gags, must please the most obvious editors, obviously.

I do so many tech cartoons, I figure it’s time to get on Twitter and see what it’s all about.

Ya think?

This is why single panel cartoons and magazine cartoons are a dying breed. There are many cartoonists like him, using a style they learned 40 years ago, with the same type of 1950’s humor – ie, puns, a word twist, easy stuff. No thought or research required. Stuck in their own rut, afraid to try anything new. Whatever works, right?

I’m a pragmatic capitalist, so yeah, up to a point.

But it’s not art, and you’re not trying, and you don’t care, and I could never call you a good cartoonist. Even though I wish I had your income.

Feb 6, 2008

I thought my ideas were so clear. I wanted to make an honest post. No lies whatsoever.

SA Support Robot posted:

This person sent us a nasty email demanding we remove her stolen works from this forum thread. I'll maybe post more details later... I want to see where this goes first after I reply.

looking forward to this.

Apr 27, 2007

Rockin' it

Surely Donna can't be that b-

Lookit' them boobs. LOOKIT' EM!

Happy mom day!

Oct 9, 2007

When you fall, get right back up again.

Fuego Fish posted:

This is the best thing I've heard all day :allears:

edit: posting Donna Barstow's epic work entitled "borat dot gif"

The angles in that are just all wrong, it's like H.P. Lovecraft's Laptops in the Witch House.

Oct 5, 2003

“Here lies a toppled god —
His fall was not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal,
A narrow and a tall one.”

Nov 9, 2009

Saint Sputnik posted:


Sep 11, 2006

Title text (optional; no images are allowed, only text)

CUOregoon posted:

new lang

Looks like that one washed up all the way from Kenya

Son of Isaac
Apr 22, 2008
i'd compare them to bad hallmark cards, but gary mccoy already does that better

Feb 15, 2002

by Nyc_Tattoo

Saint Sputnik posted:

golf clap

Saint Sputnik
Apr 1, 2007

Tyrannosaurs in P-51 Volkswagens!

Oct 24, 2008

When you see it, you'll shit yourself.

Saint Sputnik posted:

that is one long loving arm

handbags at dawn
Mar 8, 2007

SA Support Robot posted:

this person sent us a nasty email demanding we remove her stolen works from this forum thread. I'll maybe post more details later... I want to see where this goes first after I reply.
it's funny because she's doing the same thing on her blog:

Saint Sputnik
Apr 1, 2007

Tyrannosaurs in P-51 Volkswagens!
donna barstow is a woman who googles herself obsessively

her blog posted:

Some good things happened in May, but I can’t think of that many right off the bat. Mostly I was dealing with having my cartoons stolen and used in certain liberal hate websites. I certainly haven’t finished with that yet. And then being called the R word (r-acist) in those hate sites. (I told an editor at the LA Times that this crap had happened and that I was being called the “r” word. He said, “What do you mean?” I blushed a little (even though it was on the phone) and said, “r- acist“, and he said, “Oh. I thought you meant Republican.” Those wacky LA Times editors! Oh, and it was Tony Pierce. :) )

* I got Wonkette to stop using my cartoons, after weeks of the most vicious, vile, sexist comments there, in the usual spewing Gawker way. Also, their hotlinking is not cool, and is theft of bandwidth. Actually, I notice Wonkette hardly links to anyone. Great, non-2.0, selfish policy you got there, people.

oh my word no totally not raci-

also from the same entry


* I gained 5 pounds this year, which is most decidedly NOT good, and I know it’s because of the stress of adding on political cartoons, and Slate. But I’ve lost one of those pounds, and hope I’m on the way down now.


Saint Sputnik fucked around with this message at 18:19 on Jul 22, 2010

grading essays nude
Oct 24, 2009

so why dont we
put him into a canan
and shoot him into the trolls base where
ever it is and let him kill all of them. its
so perfect that it can't go wrong.

i think its the best plan i
have ever heard in my life

No X In Nixon posted:

this is one of the best kellys

No X In Nixon
Jul 4, 2008

Feinne posted:

The angles in that are just all wrong, it's like H.P. Lovecraft's Laptops in the Witch House.

Barstow on perspective:

Barstow posted:

For Illustration Friday, subject: Perspective.

When I first started cartooning I realized that I knew nothing about perspective. I looked at other cartoonists’ work and was amazed at how they had several things in the drawing, all the proper size!

I bought (easy) books, asked people, but most of all I practiced, and studied how other cartoonists did it.

Eventually, I realized that it. doesn’t. matter. But that took years! It’s okay to ad lib, and even better to be spontaneous.

I know there are some artists who naturally think in 3 dimensions. Sculptors, maybe painters, those types of people. But not me. Two dimensions all the way. You could call me Flat Donna, and take me with you wherever you go, and I’d be happy.

I think it was Mick Stevens who drew an amazing desk in one cartoon, all trapezoid, where you could see the whole surface and it was extended all the way towards the bottom.

I’m still trying to draw that desk. This was a good try.

an AOL joke in 2010, let that sink in.

change my name
Aug 27, 2007

Legends die but anime is forever.

RIP The Lost Otakus.

You could call me Flat Donna

Dec 7, 2002

kind of into it, really

Saint Sputnik posted:

donna barstow is a woman who googles herself obsessively

oh my word no totally not raci-

also from the same entry


I'm not sure if it's an upgrade or a downgrade for this place to be called a Liberal Hate Website.

Jul 13, 2000
You're already dead

No X In Nixon posted:

an AOL joke in 2010, let that sink in.
More likely that it's a Facebook / general social networking joke with poor word choice

No X In Nixon
Jul 4, 2008

wow, what a loving hypocrite

I'm putting the Hate in Liberal Hate Website

No X In Nixon fucked around with this message at 18:48 on Jul 22, 2010

Nov 27, 2005

Grave $avings posted:

what's with the head covering drawn on him, it looks like one of the pac-man ghosts

Saint Sputnik
Apr 1, 2007

Tyrannosaurs in P-51 Volkswagens!

her oil cartoons article posted:

Dana Summer’s cartoon of the little Mermaid drowned in oil made me laugh! So much more amusing than dead pelicans, which are WAY overdone, guys, and also very sad.

Sep 11, 2008

Anytime I need to see your face I just close my eyes
And I am taken to a place
Where your crystal minds and magenta feelings
Take up shelter in the base of my spine
Sweet like a chica cherry cola

-Cheap Trick

Nap Ghost


I also picked this one by Michael Ramirez, the last fulltime opinion cartoonist for the Times. He actually lives here in SoCal. Did anything happen with Israel this week in the news? I don’t know. I don’t know that much about middle east issues. But I assume Michael does. Sometimes cartoons are used to instruct, or point something out to us, and the Times deserves an international cartoon. I like the design and rhythm in this.

throw to first DAMN IT
Apr 10, 2007
This whole thread has been raging at the people who don't want Saracen invasion to their homes

Perhaps you too should be more accepting of their cultures

Fish-O posted:


Can someone explain to me what this cartoon is about?
Usually Dees' cartoons are kinda easy to understand but what the gently caress is this about?
What is that hyena doing there?
Why is there vulture on top of that carrier?
Where are the chemtrails?

Apr 24, 2008
i dont care how much probation i get capital letters are for squares hehe im so laid back an nice please read my low effort shitposts about the arab spring


Fish-O posted:


fukken love dat vulture

Saint Sputnik
Apr 1, 2007

Tyrannosaurs in P-51 Volkswagens!

Toffile posted:


but I assume Michael does

was just about to post that.


(boo, hiss, even though I don’t have all the environmental facts yet. Just because I don’t trust Obama.)


Since I’m editor here, I shan’t go into my personal stuff – like my car accident, dealing with 2 insurance companies, aftereffects of the accident, a new problem in the car, which wouldn’t start, and now is in the shop for a possible VERY expensive bill, which may or may not be connected to the accident, my dentist as a result of the accident, and the fact that malware infected my computer for 4 days, and completely disabled my internet connection as well as my Task Manager, which I finally eradicated through an antivirus program with the regrettable name of SuperAntiSpyware Free Edition. But it worked. Most of the others wouldn’t.


I do think (Ted Rall is) super smart and educated, and does some clever cartoons. However, he has the same (only?) flaw as I do: sometimes he tries to make too many points at the same time, kind of jumping around, and not everyone gets convoluted cartoons!. (I’ve seen Ted a few times lately in the LA Times, and even though I live here, I’ve only understood one cartoon out of 4.)


I also see from these intrepid and hard-working cartoonists that Helen Thomas may have spoken thoughtlessly. I had to look up what the White House Press Corps is – just the reporters who apparently write down every golden word in all the conferences. I didn’t know it was an elite group. Anyway, she said some mean things, and now she’s gone

Wall Balls
Jun 3, 2007

Spanish Castle Magic

donna barstow, i'm gonna loving kill your canary

axolotl farmer
May 17, 2007

ᛗᚹᛊᛇᛖᛁᛃ loves you!

SA Support Robot posted:

This person sent us a nasty email demanding we remove her stolen works from this forum thread. I'll maybe post more details later... I want to see where this goes first after I reply.

:toot: and :woop:

Political Cartoon Extravaganza, 2010 edition: Liberal Hate Website

Saint Sputnik
Apr 1, 2007

Tyrannosaurs in P-51 Volkswagens!


I didn’t know the games were in Africa until I saw this

axolotl farmer
May 17, 2007

ᛗᚹᛊᛇᛖᛁᛃ loves you!
Just chillin' at the bottom of the ocean, farting unempoyment.


grading essays nude
Oct 24, 2009

so why dont we
put him into a canan
and shoot him into the trolls base where
ever it is and let him kill all of them. its
so perfect that it can't go wrong.

i think its the best plan i
have ever heard in my life

axolotl farmer posted:

Just chillin' at the bottom of the ocean, farting unempoyment.

this suggests that if he doesnt sit on the thing unemployment will be even worse, what the hell, do these guys even think about these metaphors for half a second before they draw them