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Apr 3, 2009
I have the whole series on DVD and never saw the whole show through. I know I know - but I have seen MOST of it. This thread may just give my motivation to finish. As far as seinfeld being "uncool" some people just do it because they want to try and be different - hoping it makes them look smart.


The Infamous Shane
Dec 19, 2007
Call me Shane Mcloon, Super Goon.
Poor Lily.

Oct 22, 2004

(Thinking about them
fish delites...)


I keep waiting for one of my friends to call me in a completely frantic state with a long, drawn out tale of woe so I can calmly respond "Who is this?" with a poo poo-eating grin on my face.

Apr 15, 2006

It's a long story

haljordan posted:

I keep waiting for one of my friends to call me in a completely frantic state with a long, drawn out tale of woe so I can calmly respond "Who is this?" with a poo poo-eating grin on my face.

The best part of that is how he starts banging the phone on the wall.

I've always loved how George always tries to tell one little lie to get out of doing something and it will end up snowballing into this giant thing that he has to try and hide. If only he could ever admit the first lie.

Also I've heard there's a superman joke in every single show. I knows there's a lot but is there really that many?

Oct 22, 2004

(Thinking about them
fish delites...)


Dr_Amazing posted:

The best part of that is how he starts banging the phone on the wall.

I've always loved how George always tries to tell one little lie to get out of doing something and it will end up snowballing into this giant thing that he has to try and hide. If only he could ever admit the first lie.

Also I've heard there's a superman joke in every single show. I knows there's a lot but is there really that many?

His epic fake house in the Hamptons. "ALRIGHT, YOU WANNA GET NUTS?! LET'S GET NUTS!!!!"

Jul 17, 2000


Stare-Out posted:

"That's a shame."

haljordan posted:

I keep waiting for one of my friends to call me in a completely frantic state with a long, drawn out tale of woe so I can calmly respond "Who is this?" with a poo poo-eating grin on my face.
Beat you both! :hehe:

Dr_Amazing posted:

The best part of that is how he starts banging the phone on the wall.
This actually happens 3 times total throughout the series. One of my favorite physical gags.

The Finn
Aug 27, 2004

إنه أصلع في الأسفل، كما تعلم
My favorites rare moments are when Elaine physically threatens George

Jan 16, 2005

Tiny Fistpump posted:

My favorites rare moments are when Elaine physically threatens George

Also when George gets comeuppance on Elaine. I can only recall this happening explicitly once, when Elaine becomes George and George becomes successful, but it had to happen some other time?

Books On Tape
Dec 26, 2003

Future of the franchise
I always thought there should have been a spinoff series of George and Jerry's parents living in Del Boca Bisto Del Vista Boca Bel Vista Boca... gently caress.

Oct 9, 2008

Oh, yeah. Loud and clear. Emphasis on LOUD!
~ David Lee Roth

Dr_Amazing posted:

Also I've heard there's a superman joke in every single show. I knows there's a lot but is there really that many?

It's not necessarily a joke; just a reference.

Hell, sometimes it's just a shot of a Superman statue on Jerry's shelf.

The Infamous Shane
Dec 19, 2007
Call me Shane Mcloon, Super Goon.

Hoover Dam
Jun 17, 2003

red white and blue forever

Tiny Fistpump posted:

sometimes when people ask me stuff I say "yeah that's right" in a monotone while squinting. I don't care if they get it, it entertains me and that's all that counts.

I married Puddy. My life is the Face Painter episode.

Jul 17, 2000


McSpanky posted:

Also when George gets comeuppance on Elaine. I can only recall this happening explicitly once, when Elaine becomes George and George becomes successful, but it had to happen some other time?
You're very probably thinking of "The Opposite" in S5, which is one of my all-time favorite episodes. A variation of this same theme occurs in "The Abstinence" in S8 as well, where George finds a sexual dryspell greatly increases his intellect while the same circumstance has the inverse effect on Elaine.

fat mike eats it
Nov 19, 2004

hall n oates mom posted:

You're very probably thinking of "The Opposite" in S5, which is one of my all-time favorite episodes. A variation of this same theme occurs in "The Abstinence" in S8 as well, where George finds a sexual dryspell greatly increases his intellect while the same circumstance has the inverse effect on Elaine.

Is "The Opposite" the same episode as Jerry = Even Steven?

Jan 23, 2004

We're normal now.
We love your family.
I find that "We're trying to have a society here!" is my default mantra when I see some jackass run a red light/jaywalk at an intersection/cut in line etc. It's such a simple way to sum up that kind of frustration.

Searching for that quote in Google I found a big list of all the references to society and civilization in Seinfeld, every one of them a gem. It really highlights how every character managed to turn a perceived slight or minor annoyance into a thesis on how it was detrimental to the human condition, and they always made a compelling argument. Everybody was selfish and petty, but in a pretty reasonable way that they could make a case for.

Oct 22, 2004

(Thinking about them
fish delites...)


Tiny Fistpump posted:

My favorites rare moments are when Elaine physically threatens George

Like in "The Little Kicks" where George is out on a date with Anna. I love seeing him retract in fear when Elaine moves towards him.

Oct 8, 2007
GEORGE: Ah you have no idea of the magnitude of this thing. If she is allowed to infiltrate this world, then George Costanza as you know him, Ceases to Exist! You see, right now, I have Relationship George, but there is also Independent George. That's the George you know, the George you grew up with -- Movie George, Coffee shop George, Liar George, Bawdy George.

JERRY: I, I love that George.

GEORGE: Me Too! And he's Dying Jerry! If Relationship George walks through this door, he will Kill Independent George! A George, divided against itself, Cannot Stand!

(Elaine enters)

GEORGE: You're Killing Independent George! You know that, don't you?

This is possibly my favorite scene ever. The worlds collide theory is the best theory ever.

Oct 22, 2004

(Thinking about them
fish delites...)


hall n oates mom posted:

You're very probably thinking of "The Opposite" in S5, which is one of my all-time favorite episodes. A variation of this same theme occurs in "The Abstinence" in S8 as well, where George finds a sexual dryspell greatly increases his intellect while the same circumstance has the inverse effect on Elaine.

I haven't had sex for a week and I don't know no Portugese.

syscall girl
Nov 7, 2009

by FactsAreUseless
Fun Shoe

Stare-Out posted:

Julia Louis-Dreyfus is the biggest offender when it comes to losing it during takes, but I honestly can't blame her. There are several episodes where you can tell she's been laughing or is struggling to keep it together.

I believe she said that she actively disliked the character of Elaine, not so much that she hated playing the role (or the fat cash in the later seasons) just that if she knew an actual person like that she would despise her.

e: favorite moments/episodes would be the one in the underground garage where they're perpetually trying to find the car and Jerry and Kramer (or was it George) end up getting hauled off by security for public urination and the one where Kramer and Jerry end up stuck in traffic in a beer truck.

The story arc where George ends up accidentally killing his fiancee (big sighs of relief) with cheap envelopes was pretty dark, as well as exposing her father's gay affair with Norman Mailer.

So much good stuff in that show.

syscall girl fucked around with this message at 23:20 on Apr 22, 2010

Dan a man
Dec 27, 2004

If there's really so many people in the world, there had to be someone who wasn't ordinary, someone who was living an interesting life. But why wasn't I that ChuChu?
When I was younger, I'd be watching TV in the living room, and I would hear my father laughing really loudly at the TV in the kitchen. By the time I was in middle school, I got curious and decided to see what was so funny. Turns out it was Seinfeld and I instantly fell in love with the show. I only got to see the last few seasons during the original run, but thanks to reruns and DVDs I know pretty much every episode by heart now.

It sounds stupid, but I always liked the way the clips in the clip shows were grouped by content instead of just chronologically.

Oct 22, 2004

(Thinking about them
fish delites...)


After Jerry pretend-smothers George in the hospital after his "heart attack"...."Elaine....what are YOU doing here?"

Haha and George calls him a jerkoff.

Dec 19, 2004

He just put the kibosh on me, do you know what the kibosh means, it's a kibosh!
Big Stein wants an eggplant calzone!

Oct 22, 2004

(Thinking about them
fish delites...)


HateTheInternet posted:

Big Stein wants an eggplant calzone!

I'd like to think that real-life Big Stein was even more insane in his prime than Larry David's version.

Arturo Ui
Apr 14, 2005

Forums Bosch Expert

DoYouHasaRabbit posted:

GEORGE: Ah you have no idea of the magnitude of this thing. If she is allowed to infiltrate this world, then George Costanza as you know him, Ceases to Exist! You see, right now, I have Relationship George, but there is also Independent George. That's the George you know, the George you grew up with -- Movie George, Coffee shop George, Liar George, Bawdy George.

JERRY: I, I love that George.

GEORGE: Me Too! And he's Dying Jerry! If Relationship George walks through this door, he will Kill Independent George! A George, divided against itself, Cannot Stand!

(Elaine enters)

GEORGE: You're Killing Independent George! You know that, don't you?

This is possibly my favorite scene ever. The worlds collide theory is the best theory ever.

That was awesome but I love the other scene from this episode even better...when George walks into Monk's and Jerry, Elaine, Kramer and Susan are sitting in the booth.

"1...2...3....4. Ha-ho! ::walks out::"

Apr 15, 2006

It's a long story
I don't even remember the context of the clip but I can't stop laughing at it.

This was a weird show growing up because pretty much 100% of any names dropped were people I had never heard of. There's a lot of stuff that's much funnier when I rewatch it.

Oct 22, 2004

(Thinking about them
fish delites...)


Dr_Amazing posted:

I don't even remember the context of the clip but I can't stop laughing at it.

This was a weird show growing up because pretty much 100% of any names dropped were people I had never heard of. There's a lot of stuff that's much funnier when I rewatch it.

That's the episode where he was trying to avoid his girlfriend so she couldn't break up with him. Then Kramer ends up doing it for her at some fancy restaurant.

Jul 17, 2000


Dr_Amazing posted:

I don't even remember the context of the clip but I can't stop laughing at it.
'The Susie' - Another favorite. To anyone who doesn't watch too closely; the death of an imaginary person created by Elaine is a heavy load to bear in exactly the same way as Susan's death was to George. She closes out the episode with a spinning dolly shot and an anguished scream of "SUUUUUSE", just like George did the same with "KHAAAAAAN" in 'The Foundation'.

Oct 22, 2004

(Thinking about them
fish delites...)


hall n oates mom posted:

'The Susie' - Another favorite. To anyone who doesn't watch too closely; the death of an imaginary person created by Elaine is a heavy load to bear in exactly the same way as Susan's death was to George. She closes out the episode with a spinning dolly shot and an anguished scream of "SUUUUUSE", just like George did the same with "KHAAAAAAN" in 'The Foundation'.

"Not only that, but I broke his thumbs!"

Apr 29, 2003

Go, man, go!

JustFrakkingDoIt posted:

the one where Kramer and Jerry end up stuck in traffic in a beer truck.

I want to say that's an episode of the Drew Carey show...

Jul 17, 2000


GigaPeon posted:

I want to say that's an episode of the Drew Carey show...
I'm pretty sure that's a deadpan troll because he gets literally every detail wrong.

Jan 23, 2004

We're normal now.
We love your family.

hall n oates mom posted:

She closes out the episode with a spinning dolly shot and an anguished scream of "SUUUUUSE", just like George did the same with "KHAAAAAAN" in 'The Foundation'.

Don't forget George's far more anguished "TWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX!" It's the only candy with the cookie crunch!

GigaPeon posted:

I want to say that's an episode of the Drew Carey show...

Yeah, Drew and his friends get caught up in a traffic jam in NYC after a spontaneous trip to catch an Indians away game. Very similar to the Puerto Rican Day Parade episode.

Your Proud Pal
Sep 4, 2006

JustFrakkingDoIt posted:

The story arc where George ends up accidentally killing his fiancee (big sighs of relief) with cheap envelopes was pretty dark, as well as exposing her father's gay affair with Norman Mailer.
I love Susan's family (especially her brother and aunt) and everything having to do with the Rosses so I have to correct you and say it was John Cheever.

"Dear Henry, last night with you was bliss. I fear my... orgasm has left me a cripple. I don't know how I shall ever get back to work. I love you madly,
P.S. Loved the cabin!"

e: This has me thinking that one of my favorite parts of the show has always been minor characters, especially one-offs, even moreso not one-off characters significant to a specific episode like the soup nazi or any of Jerry's girlfriends but just some of the random cityfolk. Like the shopkeeper who was spraying the sidewalk until Elaine complained to a cop so he had to use a broom and then George's car fire couldn't be put out.

ee: so the procession of people who wouldn't give the gang a ride in the parking garage was spectacular. Scientology jokes dating almost 20 years back

Your Proud Pal fucked around with this message at 04:50 on Apr 23, 2010

Jul 17, 2000


JethroMcB posted:

Don't forget George's far more anguished "TWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX!" It's the only candy with the cookie crunch!
I didn't, I mentioned earlier that 'The Dealership' is one of my choice eps. It doesn't actually link thematically to the other two, it's just hilarious.

syscall girl
Nov 7, 2009

by FactsAreUseless
Fun Shoe

GigaPeon posted:

I want to say that's an episode of the Drew Carey show...

poo poo, self, way to conflate. You're right. There are similar episodes in Seinfeld involving traffic jam mayhem, but yeah, it was Drew and probably Deidrich Bader?


hall n oates mom posted:

I'm pretty sure that's a deadpan troll because he gets literally every detail wrong.

I hate how right you are about this. Fohgiveness please, I haven't seen Seinfeld in years. Does it help that I think your avatar is pretty awesome, even though Riley Freeman is notorious for getting pretty much everything wrong (in his enthusiasm).

syscall girl fucked around with this message at 04:41 on Apr 23, 2010

Truther Vandross
Jun 17, 2008

I almost bought a maroon golf when I was looking at new cars a few years ago just because of Seinfeld.

Your Proud Pal
Sep 4, 2006

sportsgenius86 posted:

I almost bought a maroon golf when I was looking at new cars a few years ago just because of Seinfeld.

I love that one of my friends has an 89 LeBaron

Nov 3, 2007

I wish I could find that clip (maybe someone has a gif?) from "The Shower Head" when Mr Peterman is convinced that Elaine is an Opium addict, and Kramer comes with his flattened hair asking Elaine if if could use her shower and sounding like a junky. The comedic timing of Peterman throwing him out is some of the best slapstick I've ever seen on television.

Apr 2, 2010
My two favorite Episodes are by far The Pen and The Cheever Letters. Both of those episodes put the cast into a world that's so completely insane they make them look normal. In both stories the people involved are in worlds so isolated they don't even realize that the way they act is abnormal. Which is what Larry David's point was in the finale anyway, except this time about the main characters.

"When you come in the house, you wipe your wheels!!"

Kills me, every time.

Oct 22, 2004

(Thinking about them
fish delites...)


Bobfromsales posted:

My two favorite Episodes are by far The Pen and The Cheever Letters. Both of those episodes put the cast into a world that's so completely insane they make them look normal. In both stories the people involved are in worlds so isolated they don't even realize that the way they act is abnormal. Which is what Larry David's point was in the finale anyway, except this time about the main characters.

"When you come in the house, you wipe your wheels!!"

Kills me, every time.

"Who's John?! Who's John?!"


Your Proud Pal
Sep 4, 2006

I knew it!

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