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eke out
Feb 24, 2013

pik_d posted:

This version of the prologue doesn't point out that Chana is a redhead anymore.

lol i missed this. i guess he's worried he's giving away the twist too soon if he reminds us how much she looks like Shallan in the prologue


Dec 13, 2006

Vroom vroom, BEEP BEEP!
Nap Ghost
(SA5 prologue) Was the Stormfather's text changing from italics to SMALL CAPS present originally? I'm curious about the speculation that engendered; was it Ishar imitating the Stormfather, only to get a burst of sanity? Was it the Stormfather reversing the Bond Ishar was using to assert control? Was it the true Stormfather all along, but something about the events changed him to his now-familiar form? Perhaps the Oathpact breaking released some bond that had been distorting him, much the way Honor himself seemed to be going insane by the burden of the Pact?

I think Sanderson's original intent was that it was Ishar, but I wonder now if he might've changed things after so many people guessed it

Feb 24, 2006

follow the white dove

TRP Post of the Month October 2021

DarkHorse posted:

(SA5 prologue) Was the Stormfather's text changing from italics to SMALL CAPS present originally? I'm curious about the speculation that engendered; was it Ishar imitating the Stormfather, only to get a burst of sanity? Was it the Stormfather reversing the Bond Ishar was using to assert control? Was it the true Stormfather all along, but something about the events changed him to his now-familiar form? Perhaps the Oathpact breaking released some bond that had been distorting him, much the way Honor himself seemed to be going insane by the burden of the Pact?

I think Sanderson's original intent was that it was Ishar, but I wonder now if he might've changed things after so many people guessed it

It did yeah, you can find the original version here:

I don't think Brandon would change it based on everyone guessing it, if we're right about it.

Subvisual Haze
Nov 22, 2003

The building was on fire and it wasn't my fault.
The reverse is more likely in my opinion. Too many beta readers may have jumped on the same wacky unintended theory so he made some tweaks.

Apr 27, 2013

Prologue spoilers: The Stormfather using Champion instead of Herald is a big deal. That makes him far less ambiguously evil, which is a good thing. Because spren per our understanding simply aren't capable of duplicity of this kind. So either our understanding of spren was wrong, or somebody was impersonating the Stormfather. But that had several problems, too.

And I think this fits the Stormfather much better. Who is no angel anyway, Dalinar routinely chides the Stormfather for his callousness.

Oct 3, 2005

My blade is unBENDING!

Where is the new prologue posted?

Feb 24, 2006

follow the white dove

TRP Post of the Month October 2021

mastajake posted:

Where is the new prologue posted?

Here you go

Feb 27, 2004

Some teeth long for ripping, gleaming wet from black dog gums. So you keep your eyes closed at the end. You don't want to see such a mouth up close. before the bite, before its oblivion in the goring of your soft parts, the speckled lips will curl back in a whinny of excitement. You just know it.
Why is it being posted at reactormag (whatever that is) instead of tor?

Oct 3, 2005

My blade is unBENDING!


Apr 22, 2008

CapnAndy posted:

Why is it being posted at reactormag (whatever that is) instead of tor?

Reactor is tor's rebrand of their site

Oct 3, 2005

My blade is unBENDING!

drat, (mild Wind and Truth prologue spoilers) the line “The sun could love the stars. But never as an equal.” is just a perfect line. The stars are in fact equals to the sun, and the only way the sun wouldn’t/doesn’t realize it is if it keeps all the other stars at a distance and is blinded by its own brilliance.

Feb 27, 2004

Some teeth long for ripping, gleaming wet from black dog gums. So you keep your eyes closed at the end. You don't want to see such a mouth up close. before the bite, before its oblivion in the goring of your soft parts, the speckled lips will curl back in a whinny of excitement. You just know it.

NinjaDebugger posted:

Reactor is tor's rebrand of their site
Ah. Weird choice, reactors are a youtube scourge.

RC Cola
Aug 1, 2011

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

mastajake posted:

drat, (mild Wind and Truth prologue spoilers) the line “The sun could love the stars. But never as an equal.” is just a perfect line. The stars are in fact equals to the sun, and the only way the sun wouldn’t/doesn’t realize it is if it keeps all the other stars at a distance and is blinded by its own brilliance.

Dec 13, 2006

Vroom vroom, BEEP BEEP!
Nap Ghost

mastajake posted:

drat, (mild Wind and Truth prologue spoilers) the line “The sun could love the stars. But never as an equal.” is just a perfect line. The stars are in fact equals to the sun, and the only way the sun wouldn’t/doesn’t realize it is if it keeps all the other stars at a distance and is blinded by its own brilliance.

I thought the same thing

Apr 27, 2013


CapnAndy posted:

Ah. Weird choice, reactors are a youtube scourge.

Considering a large part of the content was the blog equivalent to youtube reactions (read and re-reads like for Sanderdon's books, re-watches like the current Babylon 5 rewatch), the name change makes a lot of sense imho.

Feb 27, 2004

Some teeth long for ripping, gleaming wet from black dog gums. So you keep your eyes closed at the end. You don't want to see such a mouth up close. before the bite, before its oblivion in the goring of your soft parts, the speckled lips will curl back in a whinny of excitement. You just know it.
Article about the Stormlight RPG has interesting information: the first adventure reveals canonical information that'll come up in Wind and Truth: it's about tracking down Taln's Honorblade and learning what happened to it, and along the way you learn how Nightblood originally came to Roshar.

Also, bonus Sanderson being an endearing dork quote:


“When we were teens playing [West End Games’ Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game], our first campaign was about how we accidentally killed Luke Skywalker and then had to save the galaxy with no Luke Skywalker,” Sanderson said. “We did other campaigns where we said, OK, the canon movies happened. We’re not going to interfere with those. We’re just there on the Death Star when it’s about to blow up and we need to get off. I like the GM having the capacity to do both and anything in between. I wouldn’t release an RPG if I didn’t want players to mess with my canon.”

Apr 27, 2013

That's quite interesting. And yeah, that was a mystery basically after Way of Kings, and definitely after Words of Radiance, that just kind of dropped off the radar. It certainly slipped my mind. Cool to know that it gets tackled in Wind and Truth.

We got a pixelated teaser of the Wind and Truth US cover. I figured we'd get a cover reveal with the start of the chapter previews, but it turns out that the US cover hasn't been finalized yet, per Sanderson.

Apparently, there will also be a kind of read-along by the usual (reac)tor posters of the previews, every Monday (while the chapters will be released every Friday). These posters are also among his beta readers, and so if you haven't had the time to reread the other SA books before now, you can read that recap I posted earlier, and the read-along where they will likely bring up relevant stuff from the previous books that you might have missed.

It's an exciting time to be a Sanderson fan, and I recently saw a video of Jacksepticeye about how he's a Stormlight Archive fan.

Feb 22, 2007

A secret room... always my favourite room in a house.
Preview chapters have started? Hell yes.

May 15, 2012

From fb


I have now completed the proofread of all 1344 pages of Wind and Truth, book 5 of the Stormlight Archive. Thank you as always to the marvelous team of gamma readers, as well as (for the first time on a Stormlight book) my entire editorial team: Kristy S Gilbert, Karen Stay Ahlstrom, Jennie Stevens, Betsey Ahlstrom, and Emily Shaw-Higham.

Feb 12, 2011

My mustache makes me sexy, not the hat

SA5 Prologue talk

Did anyone else feel like this was a step forward writing wise with the tone/dialogue from Gavilar/others? Maybe it's from all the build up and other POVs of this event we've had so far, maybe it's my meds making my mood swing around. The way he talked and schemed with everyone just seemed like a huge tonal shift to me. Even the way the Heralds were written in the scene seemed different and more impactful.

Feb 27, 2004

Some teeth long for ripping, gleaming wet from black dog gums. So you keep your eyes closed at the end. You don't want to see such a mouth up close. before the bite, before its oblivion in the goring of your soft parts, the speckled lips will curl back in a whinny of excitement. You just know it.
Played the RPG. It was fun, I was a Windrunner and I flew around and killed poo poo. I bought dice. Good game, more details and pictures if you want them tonight or probably tomorrow.

Nov 7, 2003

I crawled the earth, but now I'm higher
2010, watch it go to fire

Langolas posted:

SA5 Prologue talk

Did anyone else feel like this was a step forward writing wise with the tone/dialogue from Gavilar/others? Maybe it's from all the build up and other POVs of this event we've had so far, maybe it's my meds making my mood swing around. The way he talked and schemed with everyone just seemed like a huge tonal shift to me. Even the way the Heralds were written in the scene seemed different and more impactful.

Re-reading WoK now, and I’ll agree. it’s a big jump forward from The Szeth version of those events

RC Cola
Aug 1, 2011

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

CapnAndy posted:

Played the RPG. It was fun, I was a Windrunner and I flew around and killed poo poo. I bought dice. Good game, more details and pictures if you want them tonight or probably tomorrow.


Feb 24, 2006

follow the white dove

TRP Post of the Month October 2021
Chapters 1 and 2 today. We even get some art!

RC Cola
Aug 1, 2011

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

hot drat, those were good

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!
I've been working through Part 1 of Rhythm of War and am about 60% done with part 1 (part 1 of this book is so much longer, than prior books. I think Oathbringer was like 8-10 audiobook hours, this one is like 13-14 hours).

Two thoughts so far -

Kaladin - The Kaladin chapter of him being demoted (A Single Casualty) might be my favorite Kaladin chapter in this entire series. For the first time in this series, I felt like I really understood his emotions and heartbreak. It was a perfect goddamn chapter.

Honor & Odium - There was an aspect of the Honor and Odium history that... is murky to me. This is probably a very RAFO though, but I had to mention it. We know that Humans are the alien colonizers and Singers are the indigenous population. Currently, it is believed that Honor was the god of the Singers while Odium was the god of the humans. But if that is the case... why did it swap? Why is Odium leading the Singers while Honor was last championing the Humans/Radiants against the Singers. That doesn't make sense at all! And when something doesn't make sense, it means I am lacking critical information. I look forward to the rug pull that explains why this switch happened.

Mordiceius fucked around with this message at 18:37 on Aug 5, 2024

Subvisual Haze
Nov 22, 2003

The building was on fire and it wasn't my fault.

"Kaladin felt good."

Can already tell I'm going to like this one more than RoW!

Aug 30, 2003


Palestinian genocide this, American complicity that... but have you considered the myriad crimes of the barbarous Celestial?

Mordiceius posted:

I've been working through Part 1 of Rhythm of War and am about 60% done with part 1 (part 1 of this book is so much longer, than prior books. I think Oathbringer was like 8-10 audiobook hours, this one is like 13-14 hours).

Two thoughts so far -

Kaladin - The Kaladin chapter of him being demoted (A Single Casualty) might be my favorite Kaladin chapter in this entire series. For the first time in this series, I felt like I really understood his emotions and heartbreak. It was a perfect goddamn chapter.

Honor & Odium - There was an aspect of the Honor and Odium history that... is murky to me. This is probably a very RAFO though, but I had to mention it. We know that Humans are the alien colonizers and Singers are the indigenous population. Currently, it is believed that Honor was the god of the Singers while Odium was the god of the humans. But if that is the case... why did it swap? Why is Odium leading the Singers while Honor was last championing the Humans/Radiants against the Singers. That doesn't make sense at all! And when something doesn't make sense, it means I am lacking critical information. I look forward to the rug pull that explains why this switch happened.

Your second point no spoilers beyond what you've read there doesn't seem to be a singular answer given but it seems that Odium liked how much easier it was to control the singers directly via the fused and their gem hearts. Honor and spren "betrayed" the singers because humans wear their emotional more openly and thus are easier to bond and feed off of. There's surely more to all this though.

Half of Dracula
Oct 24, 2008

Perhaps the same could be

Mordiceius posted:

I've been working through Part 1 of Rhythm of War and am about 60% done with part 1 (part 1 of this book is so much longer, than prior books. I think Oathbringer was like 8-10 audiobook hours, this one is like 13-14 hours).

Two thoughts so far -

Kaladin - The Kaladin chapter of him being demoted (A Single Casualty) might be my favorite Kaladin chapter in this entire series. For the first time in this series, I felt like I really understood his emotions and heartbreak. It was a perfect goddamn chapter.

Honor & Odium - There was an aspect of the Honor and Odium history that... is murky to me. This is probably a very RAFO though, but I had to mention it. We know that Humans are the alien colonizers and Singers are the indigenous population. Currently, it is believed that Honor was the god of the Singers while Odium was the god of the humans. But if that is the case... why did it swap? Why is Odium leading the Singers while Honor was last championing the Humans/Radiants against the Singers. That doesn't make sense at all! And when something doesn't make sense, it means I am lacking critical information. I look forward to the rug pull that explains why this switch happened.

I've been re-reading through early RoW myself. They really put my boy Kal through the ringer in this one. He cannot catch a break.

Feb 22, 2007

A secret room... always my favourite room in a house.

Subvisual Haze posted:

"Kaladin felt good."

Can already tell I'm going to like this one more than RoW!

drat the second I saw that I was worried. He's gonna die isn't he?

Also the depiction of Syl as 'more mature' is worrying me that Sanderson is actually going to do the Kal x Syl ship which I would not be a fan of.

Sep 5, 2011

Guess where this lollipop's going?


Nov 7, 2003

I crawled the earth, but now I'm higher
2010, watch it go to fire

insider posted:

drat the second I saw that I was worried. He's gonna die isn't he?

Also the depiction of Syl as 'more mature' is worrying me that Sanderson is actually going to do the Kal x Syl ship which I would not be a fan of.

Confident neither of those will happen

Well, maybe just really hoping they don’t

Oct 16, 2012

Roose is loose.

Book 5 speculation I'm figuring some big event happens before the timeskip that leaves a big impact, but I have no idea who I would even guess for most likely characters to die. Maybe Szeth since he gets his focus this book?

Potato Salad
Oct 23, 2014

nobody cares

Shallan is actually Rosebud.

May 13, 2006

One song / Glory
One song before I go / Glory
One song to leave behind

No other road
No other way
No day but today

insider posted:

Also the depiction of Syl as 'more mature' is worrying me that Sanderson is actually going to do the Kal x Syl ship which I would not be a fan of.

Don’t forget about Ishar experimenting with spren getting physical bodies at the end of RoW!

I mean, I’m not keen for the direction you mentioned either except as a red herring for something else.

Apr 27, 2013

I cannot imagine Brandon Sanderson of all people to go this route.

Feb 24, 2006

follow the white dove

TRP Post of the Month October 2021
The Stormlight Cosmere RPG is out and it's already at 4x the goal

RC Cola
Aug 1, 2011

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

pik_d posted:

The Stormlight Cosmere RPG is out and it's already at 4x the goal

Do I get the collector version because I want more dice and minis, or the game master route when I know that inevitably no one will ever play with me

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!
I want the game master version so much but I also have no one to play with, so it would collect dust like my big Gloomhaven box.


May 15, 2012

apparently it will adapt teh whole cosmere, which is neat

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