Just finished the Mistborn books ( at the ending of Hero) and got sent here from the Bad Thread. I grabbed a copy of Way of Kings a while ago, and I'll be reading it after I finish House of Leaves. After what he did with just a trilogy, I'm psyched for the kinds of things he can set up with a ten-book series.
# ¿ Jan 29, 2011 02:41 |
# ¿ Sep 16, 2024 10:27 |
treeboy posted:some of us only started 10 years ago Some of us only started 1 year ago
# ¿ Jan 31, 2011 03:05 |
IRQ posted:You read all 13 books or whatever in a year? Nonononono haha. I finished book 7 this month. I read that one in four days, but that's because it was a library book and I had to go back to school so I read like a madman. It would be pretty difficult for me to read all of them in one year, especially since I often want to take a break and read other books.
# ¿ Jan 31, 2011 06:36 |
senae posted:Everything after Velius' post is about Mistborn. Yeah, that would be good; I would love to talk about Mistborn, but I haven't read Way of Kings yet so I didn't mouse over any of those spoilers.
# ¿ Feb 5, 2011 04:00 |
thecallahan posted:Well I've read the series already so I don't need to worry about spoilers. And IRQ, I can't quite 100% agree with your statement but it's close! Who do you think doesn't get cooler in Hero?
# ¿ Feb 9, 2011 06:01 |
Jorenko posted:(HoA)Sazed gets better right at the end of course, but he's a tedious, repetitious bore of ridiculous depression for 90% of the book. True enough. However, his ascending to godhood at the end and using all of those religions to remake the world totally made up for it for me.
# ¿ Feb 9, 2011 20:33 |
Cartoon Man posted:I had that as my desktop background till Alloy of Law got posted last week. It's definitely still my background.
# ¿ Mar 22, 2011 17:48 |
Well, there's certainly no rush to get through ASoIaF--GRRM is the polar opposite of Sanderson in that he seems to hate writing and consequently will never finish the series.
# ¿ Mar 24, 2011 17:48 |
senae posted:I missedSazed being the Hero of Ages. I didn't quite catch it, but I towards the end I noticed that the chapter bumps from Hero were pretty similar to Sazed's speaking style.
# ¿ Apr 4, 2011 03:33 |
How are the audiobook versions of the books?
# ¿ Apr 4, 2011 04:37 |
Lzn64 posted:I enjoyed them quite a bit. Michael Kramer did a great job and I loved his voices for pretty much all the characters. Even though he sort of did give Elend Kelsier's voice. it's not like Kelsier was going to be needing it anymore by the time Elend becomes a major character Haha, true. I might grab them at some point for when I have a long drive--my favorite environment for audiobooks, since you can sometimes just listen to them straight through, depending on the length of the book.
# ¿ Apr 4, 2011 04:43 |
Yay posted:I've always thought the UK/European covers were much better. Way of Kings being the same style was a bit jarring, though. The American cover art for Way of Kings is amazing, though. Also, I was browsing German editions of some books that I like, and they also get some cool covers. The Way of Kings one is actually pretty thematically similar to the American covers, though a bit darker and less vibrant.
# ¿ Apr 6, 2011 18:08 |
Lzn64 posted:Yeah same, and the worst/best scene for this is undoubtedly when Vin (book 2) comes flying out of the loving sky to cut Straff and his horse in half out of nowhere. There are a few other moments (most battle scenes) but that one in particular is what I always think of when people make "Mistborn is an anime" comments. Is that an anime thing? I thought that was just awesome and I don't watch anime at all.
# ¿ Apr 8, 2011 02:53 |
IRQ posted:Being awesome and being anime are mutually exclusive, so no. Sarcasm? (serious question)
# ¿ Apr 8, 2011 02:56 |
BananaNutkins posted:Vin picking up a giant Koloss sword and swinging it around like it weighs less than a butterknife is pretty anime. Over the top violence performed by a scrawny hero/heroine is an anime staple. Ah. Well, considering pewter's effects, that is kind of inevitable with Vin.
# ¿ Apr 8, 2011 17:01 |
Lzn64 posted:It's just something that would not be out of place in a generic fight anime. I still enjoyed it in the book, but then again, I have literally no opinion on the "IS ANIME GOOD" debate goons are always having. Yeah, same. And I definitely agree with the buildup thing. If every fight in Mistborn were just like that, it would lose the intensity.
# ¿ Apr 9, 2011 03:08 |
I loved Mistborn and Way of Kings. His prose isn't quite as good as Martin's (I haven't read Erikson yet)--though he seems to be improving a lot, especially while finishing WoT--but his stories are fantastic and the worlds and magic are really well-developed. He's also written a couple of standalones--Elantris and Warbreaker--that I haven't gotten around to reading yet. Edit: And yeah, I totally get the feeling of not wanting to read an in-progress series. However, I couldn't resist, read WoK, and now I'm craving more. Sadly, he's finishing WoT first, and the next one won't be out until early next year at best.
# ¿ Apr 15, 2011 18:23 |
Dickeye posted:See, I really liked the flashbacks. A nice pause in the action to take a breather, and it helps flesh out the main character? What's not to like! Yeah, I agree with this completely. The best thing is that they serve as breaks from the action but don't drag.
# ¿ Apr 27, 2011 04:22 |
BananaNutkins posted:But Shallan did have one of the coolest scene in the book Three hearbeats I think you're forgetting the scene where Kaladin realizes the First Ideal of the Knights Radiant. I was all kinds of flipping out.
# ¿ Apr 27, 2011 18:09 |
CyberLord XP posted:Who are Jon Snow's parents? Rhaegar and Lyanna. Duh. Although that hasn't been explicitly revealed, it's just pretty obvious since we've had six years to think about it since the last book. Edit: Wait you have a Wild Cards tag. You know that.
# ¿ Apr 27, 2011 19:14 |
subx posted:Note I'm not saying they are bad books - I love the series, I just am not as attached to it as WoT. It helps that WoT has more books than ASoIaF when it was only a third of the way complete.
# ¿ Apr 27, 2011 19:31 |
Dickeye posted:I forget what that is now, reminder? "I will protect those who cannot protect themselves." Syl prompts him to say it near the end when he defends his bridgemen.
# ¿ Apr 27, 2011 23:00 |
Bantaras posted:I just finished The Way of Kings. To be fair, if I could raise one eyebrow I would all the time.
# ¿ May 3, 2011 19:57 |
wellwhoopdedooo posted:You might think that's hyperbole, but I can and I do. I'm jealous. Whenever I try (and fail), one of my friends with dextrous eyebrows alternates raising either one really quickly and then I feel bad, haha.
# ¿ May 3, 2011 22:32 |
Cartoon Man posted:Hopefully it won't have the same problems that the WOT paperbacks had. What problems were those? (apart from the unbelievably lovely cover art)
# ¿ May 18, 2011 16:34 |
Ah. I'm using my brother's copies of the books, most of which are hardbacks. Now I'm pretty glad for that.
# ¿ May 19, 2011 03:34 |
It's a satisfying book, but it definitely leaves you craving the next one. Though I actually liked Shallan's chapters (there's not much about Way of Kings that I didn't like), I think she'll be better in future books when she's less detached from the rest of the story.
# ¿ Jun 8, 2011 05:12 |
Haraksha posted:I really liked the one-off chapters that fleshed out the rest of the world. They felt like good breaks from the rest of the narrative and kept me from burning out on the story. Yeah. I especially liked the guy who was trying to research new types of spren. I actually wish he had been a recurring character (though I suppose he could well be in future books). Edit: loving autocorrect.
# ¿ Jun 8, 2011 23:48 |
Haraksha posted:I'm trying to imagine Sanderson writing something like the "Raped her, killed her, murdered her children" sequence from Feast For Crows. That scene only works because of the dialog. The action is nice, but it's all in what the characters say. In Sanderson's version, I imagine The Mountain would crack a witty one liner rather than hitting back with brutal and disturbing honesty. It's in Storm of Swords, actually. I agree. But then, Sanderson's characters aren't nearly as personally brutal as Martin's. The Inquisitors and Lord Ruler murder people, sure, but even that is mitigated by their being partially (or in the third book, completely) controlled by Ruin.
# ¿ Jun 10, 2011 03:46 |
Not to derail too hard, but this is making me excited to reread ASoIaF. I get my copies of the books back from a friend tomorrow and I'm pumped to read them again just in time for ADwD. To get back on topic: I also need to finish Wheel of Time, but that should be a lot faster once I finish book 10. I get to read Sanderson's parts soon!
# ¿ Jun 10, 2011 04:35 |
Sorry, my completionist nature won't allow it. I'm about 3/4 through, though, so I'll be done soon enough.
# ¿ Jun 10, 2011 05:48 |
But there was literally a full page describing in minute detail how to wash silk, sooooo.
# ¿ Jun 10, 2011 06:24 |
Maytag posted:What's more annoying than nothing happening in book 10 is this same exact conversation coming up every single time it's mentioned. Yeah well shut up, I'm reading it and it sucks. The problem is that until the last few chapters, it all felt like an introduction and the real meat of the story hadn't started yet. Because, you know, it hadn't. It's starting to pick up with Egwene dealing with the Hall, though. Also she's not an intensely annoying character, unlike Perrin, Faile, and Elayne. Does Sanderson develop the female characters any better than Jordan did? Because they, excepting Egwene, are by far the weak points of these books apart from the pacing slump in the past couple.
# ¿ Jun 10, 2011 17:32 |
Man, Egwene already owns. One of the best parts of Path of Daggers was when she tricked the Hall into legally having to obey any order she gives with regards to the war with Elaida.
# ¿ Jun 10, 2011 19:27 |
Not quite there yet. Right now the White Tower still thinks that the (do I need to spoiler WoT? I will to be safe) cleansing of the male half of the source was a weapon of the Forsaken and they're going to try to get the Black Tower to help them make circles larger than 13 channelers.
# ¿ Jun 11, 2011 03:02 |
Apart from her cleverness with the Hall, I like Egwene because she's one of the few Aes Sedai who isn't hopelessly self-centered. Also her cleverness with the Hall again.
# ¿ Jun 11, 2011 04:43 |
I like how Wax has his steel in whiskey.
# ¿ Jun 16, 2011 00:44 |
Do you make no exceptions to that, IRQ? Because I'm no fan of anime, but Miyazaki films are loving awesome.
# ¿ Jun 16, 2011 05:19 |
Haraksha posted:Like I said, you strip out the world building and that's what you're left with. Well, that's a little strong, I think. The serious dialogue isn't bad, it's just when he has characters who are supposed to be funny but, well, aren't. It reminds me of Studio 60, where everyone said what comic geniuses the in-show showrunners are, but whenever we see a sketch or something they wrote it's really lame.
# ¿ Jun 17, 2011 20:27 |
# ¿ Sep 16, 2024 10:27 |
Yeroc2 posted:I never got the feeling Wit was supposed to really be funny. He's just supposed to be blunt, and mostly annoying to everyone else because he can be. The joke is on everyone else, not in what he says. I was talking more about Shallan. I didn't mind Wit.
# ¿ Jun 18, 2011 04:20 |