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Oct 14, 2006

What I cannot create, I do not understand
Fun Shoe

movax posted:

Question though, since I've just been sleeping through the Nehalem lifecycle: do the Xeons simply have the GPU portion disabled, or unconnected? I'd think it'd be kind of pointless for a 4-way Xeon machine to have 3 unused GPUs that the end-user still has to pay for.

As I understand it, the high end desktop and workstation processors (socket 2011 or whatever the replacement for socket 1366 is) won't have the GPU portion on the die at all.

Fats fucked around with this message at 18:43 on Sep 14, 2010


Oct 14, 2006

What I cannot create, I do not understand
Fun Shoe

El Bandit posted:

As someone said above, the mind blowing days of going from a P60 to P266 seem to be over.

I went from a Pentium 4 to an i7 920, that was pretty incredible.

Oct 14, 2006

What I cannot create, I do not understand
Fun Shoe

Alereon posted:

They're for multi-socket servers and high-end workstations, so not something you'd be considering for your system. That's what the LGA-1155 is for.

Depends on the pricing, but I don't regret going LGA-1366, and I imagine LGA-2011 will be similar.

Oct 14, 2006

What I cannot create, I do not understand
Fun Shoe

Alereon posted:

and the platform is more efficient overall.

Wait, what makes it more efficient? The overclocking benchmarks I've seen, with both chips at the same speed, generally put the X58 ahead (there are also the SLI/Crossfire benefits with X58, but that's for crazy people so it doesn't really count).

Oct 14, 2006

What I cannot create, I do not understand
Fun Shoe

Alereon posted:

It has an on-die PCI-E controller and the memory controller supports higher clockspeeds.

I guess, though I wonder what the practical differences between having the PCIe controller on the die versus on the QPI are. QPI seems insanely quick. Anyway, I digress.

Oct 14, 2006

What I cannot create, I do not understand
Fun Shoe

incoherent posted:

How are we regressing with reguards to PCIE slots :psyduck:

Good question. I'm pretty sure this X58 board has 40 lanes, I imagined the Sandy Bridge stuff would have at least 32.

Oct 14, 2006

What I cannot create, I do not understand
Fun Shoe

Straker posted:

C2Ds are pretty lovely, I had something overclocked to 3.2GHz that could barely transcode video in realtime, now with a 2500K I can transcode video and play bf4 or whatever at the same time no problem. Nothing out now is much better than a 2500K though, kinda sad.

I've had the same i7-920 for 5(!) years now, and I've yet to feel like I needed more. Considering it's been running at 4GHz since I got it, I imagine it'll die a terrible electrical death before it's really obsolete.

Oct 14, 2006

What I cannot create, I do not understand
Fun Shoe

Rastor posted:

For reasons I cannot possibly guess at, Intel has decided to start the hype train on their 8th Generation Core i7-8000 Series:


I'm happy with my i7 920 -> 7700K jump, but that doesn't make me feel great about buying the drat thing.

Oct 14, 2006

What I cannot create, I do not understand
Fun Shoe

Some Goon posted:

Ifn you got the dosh you can't go wrong with a big ol' Noctua.

Yep, just get a D15 if it'll fit in your case. Nice thing about the Noctuas is that they usually have adapters for future sockets, too, so you can pull it out 5 years later and put it in your next machine. And their fans are the best color.


Oct 14, 2006

What I cannot create, I do not understand
Fun Shoe

Kazinsal posted:

So not much point in stepping up from my 8700K then, unless I want to spend $wtf on an 11900KF. Kinda disappointing.

This CPU is the Lake era equivalent of the 2600K, isn’t it?

I'm one behind with the 7700K, but even then, I haven't found a game that made me feel like I needed to upgrade. Worst case is that it dies from running at 5GHz for years.

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