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Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance

KKKLIP ART posted:

I'm actually really excited about Sandy Bridge. I don't do overclocking, and the current i5 stuff seems beastly, and this just an improvement on top of that. My C2D Wolfdale chip is still doing what I want it to do, but I'd like to retire it to server duty and get one of these when they drop.

Same here. I have an E8400@3.6 which is still good enough for now but I'm lusting after one of those i5-2500K chips. Any word on pricing and when in Q1 2011 will these drop?


Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
Same here. I hope they release them in January but that's just wishful thinking. Which CPU got that 5GHz overclock on air cooling with a minor voltage increase? I'm hoping it was the i5-2500K because I want one of those so bad.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance

spanko posted:

Here's a video of UEFI, from Asus, in action.

I had a pretty hardcore nerd moment while watching it. I've been building/fixing PC's since I was in high school and this looks so amazing compared to bios.

drat it, when are these coming out again? I want something to upgrade from my E8400. I want a i5-2500K chip and a UEFI motherboard so bad I can't stand it.:f5:

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
Any word yet on pricing? An i5-2500K for ~$200 would be nice.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
Put me in the group of people upgrading to Sandy Bridge from a Core 2 Duo (Wolfdale E8400). Unfortunately, I got one of those C0 Wolfdale chips so I only managed to squeeze out a 400MHz overclock that is stable. I'm hoping that doesn't happen with Sandy Bridge because I plan on getting one with the unlocked multiplier, probably the i5-2500K.

When they are launched presumably in January, what will the supply be? Will they only trickle out a little at a time or will a bunch of them be dumped on the market and therefore be widely available?

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
Are these going to be the prices in the US as well or will they be cheaper? I'm thinking they would be cheaper because we don't have a VAT over here. I'm still hoping against hope for a i5-2500K for ~$200.

I also have a question about the K edition processors. You can only overclock them by increasing the multiplier right? If that's the case wouldn't you run into a bottleneck at the base clock since that cannot be increased at all? I just figured a 4 or 5GHz overclock would have a bottleneck at the unchanged base clock speed or am I getting mixed up with the older Core 2 chips and their external FSB?

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
I understand it now I think, thanks for clearing that up. $250 would be acceptable if I can get a 5GHz overclock on air cooling.:pcgaming:

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
Is hyperthreading really necessary for games? If not, I'll be getting the 2500K if is indeed $216.

Edit: grammar

spasticColon fucked around with this message at 19:13 on Nov 27, 2010

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
Is a special motherboard going to be required to utilize the K edition processors? A mid-range board for around $100 would be nice and I don't need SLI, Crossfire, RAID, or USB 3.0 just the ability to utilize the unlocked multiplier. And two accessible PCI slots for my wireless card and sound card which probably means a full ATX board since my video card has a two-slot cooler. One more question, will that Cooler Master Hyper 212P work with the new socket 1155?

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
I have a question regarding Sandy Bridge VS Lynnfield. Will a i5-2500 be that much faster than say an i5-760? The i5-760 is slower in clockspeed but it has 2MB more in L3 cache than a i5-2500. And I can easily overclock a 760 to the speed of a i5-2500. I'm looking at this from the perspective of gaming and getting the best bang for the buck. Or would I be shooting myself in the foot for not waiting and paying extra for the latest greatest?

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
So 3-4 weeks after Sandy Bridge launches the prices will come down to the same price as Lynnfield including the motherboards? I find that hard to believe. I know the 2500K will be $216 unless e-retailers price gouge but the motherboards will be more expensive even the mid-range ones. I would like to keep my upgrade under $500 and yet drop a Hyper 212P Cooler and 8GB RAM(2x4GB)into it so I have twice the amount that's in my current system. The first gaming system I built I skimped on the RAM and it bit me in the rear end and I don't want that happening to me again so I tend to go overkill on the RAM. I already know the Heatsink, CPU and RAM prices but I need to know the mid-range motherboard prices. I need to know how much it's going to cost altogether because I'm on a fixed budget.:f5:

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance

Alereon posted:

It's 10% faster with 10% lower power usage.

This is my biggest gripe with Sandy Bridge itself. Only 10 percent faster clock-for-clock? Even Lynnfield was 30-40 percent faster clock-for-clock over Core 2 Duo/Quad. Yes I know the K edition chips will overclock to obscene levels but the motherboards are going to be more expensive. I'll go ahead and wait for the launch so I can see benchmarks and prices but if I can't upgrade for under $500 then I'll be upgrading to a Lynnfield platform. And can any games even the ones that benefit from quad-core actually max out a Lynnfield quad-core?

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
What will the availability be like at launch? Will there be plenty of them to go around or will it be slim pickings?

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance

movax posted:

It's definitely a hard launch, but rest assured, Newegg and co. will gouge for a few weeks before prices settle. I'd be a little more worried about mobo availability, once the first few AnandTech/similar reviews come out recommending a certain board(s) at a certain pricepoint, they sell out reaaaaly fast.

If that's the case I might just wait until my birthday and upgrade in April. I would hope the price gouging and motherboard scarcity will end by then.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance

freeforumuser posted:

I'm waiting to score some cheap i5 quads when SB hits. You guys can have the SB chips and let cheapskates like me clear away the (not-so) outdated trash, thanks.

I'll be surprised if there is a big price drop on current i5-750/760 chips after SB drops. The E8400 I bought on newegg for my system almost 3 years ago for $200 is still $170 today on newegg. So only a $30 price drop in about 3 years when for $25 more you can get a i5-750. I have a feeling the i-750 will only drop to $190, $200 for the 760, but the i5-2500 and 2500K will probably be around $210 and $220 after the initial price gouging ends. I just wished a decent mid-range SB motherboard wouldn't cost $200, that's loving ridiculous. I just can't see native USB 3.0 and SATA 6Gb support justifying the price premium when there is no PCI-E 3.0 support.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance

Dr. Gaius Baltar posted:

Wait, $200 for a midrange sandy bridge motherboard? That poo poo is bananas! Whatever happened to midrange motherboards costing around $130-150 like this one? Is there a gas surcharge or something? Did silicon hit $150/barrel? What the gently caress?

Gigabyte GA-P67A-UD3 motherboard - $127.99 shipped
Gigabyte GA-P67A-UD3P - $161.25 shipped
Gigabyte GA-P67A-UD4 - $190.99 shipped

Okay I'll give that one but I'm still irked because my current mid-range board was only $90(P35-DS3L) and that $190 board on your list was linked on this thread a few days ago so I kinda knee-jerked over that. That GA-P67A-UD3 is raising my interest because it actually fits my budget but I'll wait until the reviews are out along with ASUS board reviews and prices. Who is actually grabbing a board now for their SB chip? I want my i5-2500K ASAP too but I don't want a buggy mobo.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
One thing I forgot to ask about the K edition SB chips is do they just unlock random processors for overclocking or do they cherry-pick the processors like they do with the extreme edition chips?

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
That's what I thought but that means there might be a great difference in overclocking ability from one chip to the next. Like ones that will hit 5GHz without breaking a sweat on air cooling but with other ones it may be a struggle to get it past 4GHz. But if I can get 4GHz out of a i5-2500K on air cooling I'll be happy. I want to see the benchmarks and overclocking of these K chips so bad.:f5:

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
After seeing those leaked benchmarks is it possible that AMD will close the gap with Bulldozer? And those leaked benches were kinda disappointing but then again they didn't overclock. We probably won't see another dramatic increase in performance until Haswell drops in 2013 unless BD is a game changer later this year but I doubt it.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
Hopefully in the upcoming reviews they'll reveal how far you can overclock the K chips on air cooling. Wasn't there a rumor floating around that they overclocked an engineering sample to 4.9GHz on air cooling?

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance


Yea this guy got a engineering sample. He posts at XS all the time and got his sample to a little over 5Ghz. Intel also demoed a overclocked system at 4.9Ghz with a stock heatsink running Cinebench before him though. Supposedly you don't need high volts to OC them either, but we'll have to wait and see because all we have right now are ES screens on random sites to go by.

If you run stuff at stock and already have a Core i3/5/7 SB really isn't worth upgrading for performance wise. If you overclock and/or have an older system it should be quite an upgrade though.

That's crazy they got that high an overclock out out of those chips but I have a feeling they were cherry-picked. As for upgrading, I would be coming from an overclocked C2D E8400 so I would be joining the quad-core club but at this point I'm going to wait until the final verdict on the 5th to see if these are worth upgrading to or not. I use my system primarily for games and internet so I don't need something absurdly powerful. But I'm seeing more games recommend and take advantage of quad-core and the Intel quads are better at the moment.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance

Combat Pretzel posted:

Gigabyte is to be avoided like the plague. I found various previews of their new boards and they do indeed still have regular old BIOSes.

Then which motherboard maker is going to have UEFI on their SB boards? And is UEFI needed yet other than allowing the boot drive to be larger than 2TB? I would like to get a board with UEFI but I don't want to pay a premium for it. If they cost significantly more than BIOS boards then I'm sticking with a BIOS board.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
Heh, it still won't run Crysis though.:smug:

But seriously, who the hell needs 4 to 8 video cards? I guess it would be handy for scientific calculations but I can't think of anything else. And is there even a power supply that could run all of that?

I wish we could get some idea what prices are going to be at launch. The i5-2500K is supposed to retail for $216 but if there are going to be plenty of them to go around what gives them the excuse to price gouge? I don't recall the Wolfdale chips being gouged when I got one right after they dropped and they were slim pickings for a few weeks too. I had a staring contest with newegg for half a day to get an E8400.:f5:

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance

fuseshock posted:

If anyone hasn't seen these yet and wanted to start scoping out the new P67 motherboards, here are a few links:

ASUS / Choose Socket 1155

Will have to google around for price estimates though.

This was posted in the System Building, Upgrading, and Parts Picking Megathread. Just sharing it with this thread. I really hope those prices on ASUS boards on google is just a case of price-gouging.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
I read on Wikipedia that the Ivy Bridge chips will be backwards compatible with Sandy Bridge motherboards. Is this true?

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
That's cool because I thought even with my retail copy of Win7 I would have to at least do a repair install and hope for the best. I would probably have to still reinstall my wireless card and sound card though because when I moved my wireless card to a higher PCI slot to install my sound card a few weeks ago I had to reinstall the wireless card.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
Are the K chips still going to be price-gouged the first few weeks?

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
I have a P35-DS3L that I got with my E8400 and it has worked very good for me I just can't overclock my E8400 past 3.4GHz because it is a gimped C0 chip or is it because my motherboard is junk? Unfortunately, I'm going to have to wait until my birthday in April to upgrade at this point because I've run into a budget crunch and now only have $250 to spare. I'll now be forced to watch the Sandy Bridge launch from the sidelines just like every other CPU launch before it. Perhaps I should wait until Ivy Bridge at this point?

Have fun with your 4GHz quad-core chips you jerks guys.:(

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance

Alereon posted:

Reduce the CPU multiplier and keep pushing the FSB up. If it won't go any further, the motherboard is the limiting factor. That wouldn't be too surprising, since the stock FSB is the maximum supported by the chipset, whereas usually when overclocking you use a board with margin to push the FSB up before it hits its limits. For example, on my X48 board you'd just change it from 9*333 to 7.5*400 and bump the multiplier back up one step at a time until the CPU hits its limit or you're up to 3.6Ghz.
I tried that but in order to get 3.6 stable I have to overvolt the piss out of the CPU to dangerous levels for it to be stable and I don't think its worth it. I'm running at 400x8.5 right now by the way but when I try to put the multiplier back to 9 the CPU destabilizes until I overvolt it to ~1.38V and that's getting kinda high for a Wolfdale chip. Which is really loving weird because at 3.4(400x8.5) its stable at stock voltages even after 24 hours of prime95. I don't mind overclocking but overvolting that much makes me nervous. I also read online that C0 revision Wolfdale chips like mine are lovely overclockers. And after reading all the anecdotal evidence I'm really worried about my Gigabyte motherboard. Please don't crap out on me before the end of April. :ohdear: Should I disable my current overclock to play it safe?

Edit:^^^^Mine runs at about 60-62C under load. Warm but within limits. But when I overvolt the piss out of it to be stable at 3.6 it would get over 70C and that's unacceptable.

spasticColon fucked around with this message at 07:21 on Jan 5, 2011

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance

movax posted:

e2: I don't even remember how to take the motherboard tray out of my Lian-Li :ohdear:

Is your case a PC-K7B? If so, what's up PC-K7B buddy? :buddy:

Is the only motherboard worth getting for overclocking the P8P67 Pro? And it looks like only the motherboards are getting price-gouged not the processors. Please tell me prices will come down a bit by April.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
Has anyone hit the holy grail that is 5GHz yet? I'm actually kinda glad I have to wait until April at the earliest to upgrade because hopefully they'll work the bugs out of the platform by then and 8GB RAM will be even cheaper and more reliable.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
Didn't someone on here (I think it was Sebrenica Surprise) mentioned that new platform launches come with motherboard and bios glitches and quirks? This is more than just a "quirk" so now I don't feel so bad not upgrading to Sandy Bridge and upgraded my defunct video card instead.

A friend of mine ordered parts for a Sandy Bridge system a week ago or so but hasn't built it yet because he's waiting on a P183 case so should he wait to see if he can get a replacement for his motherboard? I believe he ordered the ASUS P8P67 Pro ATX board but I'm not sure.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
Are prices on SB and the motherboards going to drop at all this Spring? Because by then my E8400/P35 platform will be 3 years old and I want to move on to quad-core at that point.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
About how much will the P8P67 cost?

Edit: In USD of course.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance

movax posted:

Apparently I paid $179.99 for my P8P67 Pro on 1/9/11, so I'd assume the non-PRO would be around $150? (you should get the Pro)

Why get the Pro model? I would only be using the system primarily for gaming and internet anyway.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
But I won't have enough money to upgrade to Sandy Bridge until April if I'm lucky. I may just wait until Ivy Bridge comes out at the end of the year.

Comedy option: wait until Haswell before upgrading.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
Since I'm just using my system for gaming and my E8400 is still going strong, am I better off waiting for Ivy Bridge at the end of the year or for Bulldozer in June?

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance

movax posted:

If you don't need to upgrade now, then go ahead and wait. Socket won't change for Ivy Bridge I'm pretty sure, so those CPUs should run in your current 1155 mobo with a BIOS update, if you decide to buy now.

At this point, I'm only going to upgrade if a game forces me to upgrade meaning it requires a quad-core to run the game. Which is why I will probably wait until Ivy Bridge comes out unless Bulldozer is a game changer but I doubt it.

Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
On the subject of the thread title change, is Ivy Bridge still coming out at the end of the year? And I keep reading we might get mainstream eight-core chips on socket 1155 with Ivy Bridge.


Sep 22, 2004

In loving memory of Donald Pleasance
Is Ivy Bridge still coming this year or has it been pushed back to next year and will it be backwards compatible with Sandy Bridge motherboards?

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