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Nov 4, 2009

sethsez posted:

I wish we'd get another one of these on the PC, even as an indie game.

Well...there are some things out there banging along that include: Solo though, but the dev appears to be putting forth effort. Beta version currently out there that got a big update recently. Incredibly long in the making, but almost done as far as "expansions that essentially redo the source and then some with much content". Probably one of the things I'm most looking forward to in this regard assuming it can make the October release date.


homeless snail
Mar 14, 2007

ExiledTinkerer posted: Incredibly long in the making, but almost done as far as "expansions that essentially redo the source and then some with much content". Probably one of the things I'm most looking forward to in this regard assuming it can make the October release date.
The original release of Demise was fun, but a hilariously buggy pile of VB. One of the few Wizardry ripoffs with online MP too.

If they iron out the bugs and make the MP slightly less retarded, it could be the best RPG ever.

Mar 8, 2010

Dr_Amazing posted:

What are some more games that are in the style of the first two fallouts and Arcanum?

Although unreleased, you might enjoy Age of Decadence

Currently, only a combat demo is available but the full release is immanent. Age of Decadence has the best turn based combat system I've ever played with.

Jul 14, 2006

He's soooo dreamy...

ExiledTinkerer posted:

Well...there are some things out there banging along that include: Solo though, but the dev appears to be putting forth effort. Beta version currently out there that got a big update recently. Incredibly long in the making, but almost done as far as "expansions that essentially redo the source and then some with much content". Probably one of the things I'm most looking forward to in this regard assuming it can make the October release date.

Demise is decent, even though it's rear end-ugly and might just be the single buggiest piece of software to exist. The other one doesn't really capture my interest, though.

Honestly what I'd like is something closer to the Might and Magic series or Wizardry VII. All the throwbacks seem to want to recreate the first few Wizardry games. And even then, all the good ones are on handheld systems. Nothing against Demise, but it's definitely amateur in a lot of ways.

casual poster
Jun 29, 2009

So casual.
Just picked up the limited edition of Altier Rorana, will check back in once I get a good impression of it.
The reviews for it have been great however.

Nov 4, 2009

homeless snail posted:

The original release of Demise was fun, but a hilariously buggy pile of VB. One of the few Wizardry ripoffs with online MP too.

If they iron out the bugs and make the MP slightly less retarded, it could be the best RPG ever.

Well, the Decklin chap and his posse seems to be trying and supposedly they've been knocking out classic bugs that have persisted for years and whatnot inching at this Ascension release. I think there was some bits of art overhaul as well on top of fixes and new content but it has been awhile since I've lurked their forums.

sethsez: Have you already torn apart any of the mod-doings for the M&M games? Or I guess maybe hope this one livens back up again...

I have to agree about all the throwbacks, Japan and otherwise, with the likes of Dark Spire, Etrian, Class of Heroes, etc---all chasing after something akin to early Wizardry or Bard's Tale then slowly working their way up in lieu of other latter stuff to springboard from. I...don't really get it either and hope it turns around from year to year.

Lately, my hope is on GoG releasing more old stuff along these lines, Wizardry 8, and so forth so as to, perhaps, garner a fresh new audience that missed it the first time around that will take to modding things up beyond what has slowly percolated over the years.

Ever try that Wizard & Warriors game that, as I understand it, is supposed to play something somewhat like Wiz 8 or so?

Edit: Ah, what about Underworld as a looong shot given some "old" tendencies?

ExiledTinkerer fucked around with this message at 23:50 on Oct 2, 2010

Jun 9, 2007

Demise is pretty cool but only if you hack in enough stat potions/manuals to start character(s) that can multiclass reasonably. Just pure leveling up in a dungeon zen if you do that.

Apr 4, 2002

I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.

Has no meaning posted:

That game had a good library of music shamelessly ripped from a variety of sources (such as The Musashi Legend, which it puts to very good use :black101) I make it a point to copy the intro midi from Episode 1 to the custom track slot for Episode 6's tournament sidequest, it just feels right. Pity the plot fell apart at the very end :lost:.

Yeah it's a drat shame because the plot had really kept me intrigued up till the very end. I did like the reveal about the world, though. The Way being circular and all.


While it's a simple fact that you can't win a single plunge in Episode 1 because your stats are so bad and the opponents are veterans, it is possible to win Episode 2's tournament if you're lucky.

I beat the tournament in episode 2 because I was reading a guide so I knew it was possible, and refused to lose in a single other plunge after episode 1. Didn't take too long. I think the plunge system is a great microcosm of the entire series. It's an interesting little idea that is alternately awfully and artfully executed throughout the games.

Nathilus fucked around with this message at 06:14 on Oct 3, 2010

May 15, 2004

Just one more thing!
I started playing Barkley's Shut Up and Jam Gaiden because of this thread. It is amazing. I think what makes it so drat funny is it takes a ridiculous and stupid premise and just plays it completely straight the whole time and takes itself over-the-top levels of seriously.

7c Nickel
Apr 27, 2008
I'd like to put in a good word for the genesis version of Shadowrun. Very true to the rules and feel of the PnP version. It's kind of structured GTA style where there are storyline missions, optional side quests, randomly generated runs to go on and lots of stuff to screw around with. You might end up spending half your time playing the cyberspace portion like a roguelike. Dialing up random systems and hacking them for tasty data files to sell is quite addictive. Definitely one of my favorite genesis games.

Chef Boyardee
Oct 25, 2007


SomeChump posted:

Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden: One of the best freeware RPGs around in terms of game mechanics and production values, it would still be an entertaining game with a vanilla plot. What makes this special though is the consistently excellent humour. Set in the Post-Cyberpocalypse caused by the incredibly destructive b-ball technique the 'chaos dunk' which destroyed the city of New York, it follows former b-ball star Charles Barkley and his son Hoopz in his quest for redemption and protect his son from the fascist state forces led by collaborator Michael Jordan. It is absolutely ruthless in its parodies of jRPG conventions and internet culture including an underground village of furries, a plastic surgery full of anime cosplayers, unexplained allusions to Christian mythology, save points which rant about the superiority of Japanese videogames (all real, copied from forums) and all presented completely straight faced. It's the best freeware game I've played outside of Cave Story.

I know this is really lame, but could you change the link in your post to one of the two links below? That link killed my dropbox bandwidth for the month and it's only the 2nd. Really sorry man, I appreciate it.

Oct 25, 2004
I recently started playing Wizardry 8 and holy crap it's awesome. It's pretty repetitive but pretty much every fight is at least somewhat challenging. Character improvements/levelling actually feel significant, too. PCs just don't seem to scale in newer games like they used to.

Jan 1, 2010

Samurai Sanders posted:

Well, I should have said that I am a pussy and have yet to play an ACTUAL Wizardry game, just games that are like that.

Back in the day Might and Magic: World of Xeen and Anvil of Dawn were my favorites.

Wiz 8 going 3d took away a lot of the Wizardry feel and if you are after a Xeen style game then Wiz 7 is probably going to be more something you'll enjoy. Personally I preferred Wiz 6 but lack of in-game mapping and the seriously dated UI make this something I'm not sure I would recommend to any but the most devoted. Wiz 7 has automapping, divergent plot lines and plays differently to an extent since NPCs are also competing with you in the main mission. The trading/fighting as you come into contact with these competitors was a nice touch but can lead to frustration.

Wiz 8 is still a decent game but the initial road section after the tutorial is really vicious. The devs' stated intention was to make this part demonstrate that you should be avoiding encounters and taking advantage of the fact that scenery blocks LoS and the like. Unfortunately the net effect was to discourage a ton of players.

I'd really love a continuation turn-based game along the lines of Wiz 7 but can see that the lack of in your face action is not exactly popular as a mass-market seller at least in Western markets. I can hope that as the games market ages we'll see more turn-based games simply because arthritis and slowing reflexes will increase the market. Something like Dragonage would be in many ways better in full turn-based mode by elimiating the collisions and such that cause some fights to become complete abominations.

Jan 24, 2010

Absolutely. If we put little wheels on the bottoms of our shoes, we could just roll around everywhere...

13/f/cali posted:

I started playing Barkley's Shut Up and Jam Gaiden because of this thread. It is amazing. I think what makes it so drat funny is it takes a ridiculous and stupid premise and just plays it completely straight the whole time and takes itself over-the-top levels of seriously.

Me too. Thinking of doing an LP of it.

Jan 7, 2007

Miketopus posted:

Me too. Thinking of doing an LP of it.

Good someone needs to. This game is pure awesome. If you've ever enjoyed any jrpg get your grubby mits on this game now.
Persona 3 portable is also an amazing game, combining a dating sim with combat where you shoot yourself in the head to summon satan to blast your enemies with fire never gets old.

Dog Fat Man Chaser
Jan 13, 2009

maybe being miserable
is not unpredictable
maybe that's
the problem
with me

Anani Masu posted:

I'd like to put in a good word for the genesis version of Shadowrun. Very true to the rules and feel of the PnP version. It's kind of structured GTA style where there are storyline missions, optional side quests, randomly generated runs to go on and lots of stuff to screw around with. You might end up spending half your time playing the cyberspace portion like a roguelike. Dialing up random systems and hacking them for tasty data files to sell is quite addictive. Definitely one of my favorite genesis games.

It was surprising how well the tabletop rules translated to that game. It's far better of a Shadowrun game than any of the others, and is probably the RPG I've played more than any others. Gotta toss in my recommendation for this one.

Apr 15, 2006

It's a long story
You know I almost felt bad playing Barkley that I wasn't more interested in basket ball. I feel like I'm missing a lot of the jokes. I remember that Barkley uses the line "Hey I'm no role model" quite a few times in the game. Is that a reference to something he said in an interview?

Apr 30, 2010

by Ozma

Dr_Amazing posted:

You know I almost felt bad playing Barkley that I wasn't more interested in basket ball. I feel like I'm missing a lot of the jokes. I remember that Barkley uses the line "Hey I'm no role model" quite a few times in the game. Is that a reference to something he said in an interview?

Throughout his career he's maintained a firm stance that athletes should not be considered role models and that kids should look up to their parents and teachers instead.

Coffee Jones
Jul 4, 2004

. . . .
Are there any other flat 2D action RPGs like Odin Sphere?

I'm 2 hours in, and I'm wondering if the combat gets any deeper.

Jun 3, 2008

One Nation, Under God.

Coffee Jones posted:

Are there any other flat 2D action RPGs like Odin Sphere?

I'm 2 hours in, and I'm wondering if the combat gets any deeper.

The devs behind Odin Sphere made a much more action-y 2D RPG for Wii called Muramasa: The Demon Blade which might be more to your liking. I think a XBLA/PSN port just got announced?

some bust on that guy
Jan 21, 2006

This avatar was paid for by the Silent Majority.

Dr_Amazing posted:

You know I almost felt bad playing Barkley that I wasn't more interested in basket ball. I feel like I'm missing a lot of the jokes. I remember that Barkley uses the line "Hey I'm no role model" quite a few times in the game. Is that a reference to something he said in an interview?

Jan 24, 2010

Absolutely. If we put little wheels on the bottoms of our shoes, we could just roll around everywhere...

Madmarker posted:

Good someone needs to. This game is pure awesome. If you've ever enjoyed any jrpg get your grubby mits on this game now.

Someone started back in Feb, it looks like, but it's abandoned. I just have to beat Bard's Tale before I start another LP.

By the way don't play Bard's Tale.

homeless snail
Mar 14, 2007

PaletteSwappedNinja posted:

The devs behind Odin Sphere made a much more action-y 2D RPG for Wii called Muramasa: The Demon Blade which might be more to your liking. I think a XBLA/PSN port just got announced?
There's also Princess Crown on the Saturn by the same dudes, but Muramasa is definitely the best game they've done. Odin Sphere is pretty overrated imo, beautiful graphics but the combat is so unappealing.

May 24, 2007

Coffee Jones posted:

Are there any other flat 2D action RPGs like Odin Sphere?

I'm 2 hours in, and I'm wondering if the combat gets any deeper.

The combat does not. Princess Crown and Muramasa are both much better games from the same developer.

Console Parade
Aug 20, 2010
For those who miss games like Fallout and Arcanum, I highly recommend following two indy titles: Age of Decadence and Dead State. Both are in development.

Jul 22, 2009

Console Parade posted:

For those who miss games like Fallout and Arcanum, I highly recommend following two indy titles: Age of Decadence and Dead State. Both are in development.
I can't believe that someone, in good conscience, recommended following an in development indy-game. Do you know how many projects get abandoned daily? It's the express lane to disappointment.

Console Parade
Aug 20, 2010

Endorph posted:

I can't believe that someone, in good conscience, recommended following an in development indy-game. Do you know how many projects get abandoned daily? It's the express lane to disappointment.

I know where you're coming from. I'm confident that these games won't be vaporware. One has a playable combat demo and Dead State is the brainchild of Brian Mitsoda.

Meme Emulator
Oct 4, 2000

I mentioned it once already but nobody bit, has anyone played Atelier Rorona? I was considering starting a megathread for it but I really know nothing about the game.

Apr 26, 2005

Meme Emulator posted:

I mentioned it once already but nobody bit, has anyone played Atelier Rorona? I was considering starting a megathread for it but I really know nothing about the game.

I've got it preordered and I really know nothing about it. I'll give it a shot when it shows up I guess.

May 24, 2007

Meme Emulator posted:

I mentioned it once already but nobody bit, has anyone played Atelier Rorona? I was considering starting a megathread for it but I really know nothing about the game.

I think it's kind of an aquired taste and I think it's a bit mired down in holdover RPG mechanics. It may be because I played Recettear shortly beforehand that I came away feeling a bit 'meh' about it. I can see it being something you enjoy if you like wacky anime characters and synthesis stuff, even if the RPG combats are pretty meh. It's very much about the character interaction and synthesis stuff. The combat is so simplified I'm not sure why they bothered including it. I really hated the characters though, so it wasn't a very pleasant experience for me.

I feel really really bad for anyone playing it on a SD TV, as a side note.

ImpAtom fucked around with this message at 10:17 on Oct 3, 2010

Samurai Sanders
Nov 4, 2003


Meme Emulator posted:

I mentioned it once already but nobody bit, has anyone played Atelier Rorona? I was considering starting a megathread for it but I really know nothing about the game.
I've played quite a bit of Atelier Totori, which is the sequel. I heard they aren't much different, just a few enhancements here and there. I'm actually selling my copy though because as fun as it is, I've got months worth of other RPGs that I am enjoying more, not to mention Fallout: New Vegas soon.

edit: I thought Doom 2 RPG was going to be a more or less straight turn-based implementation of Doom. Then I got a holy water pistol and the ability to throw toilets.

Samurai Sanders fucked around with this message at 10:57 on Oct 3, 2010

Apr 15, 2006

It's a long story
Anyone ever play "Bahamut's Lagoon" on the SNES? You controlled a like 20 characters divided into several groups. The whole thing played more like FF tactics, but with each attack being one turn of a standard RPG battle. The really interesting part was that you controlled 5 dragons. Through you only controlled them in a very loose sense. They mostly do what they want, but if they like you they tend to be a lot more helpful in battle. You could feed them different things between missions to influence their stat growth and make them transform into new forms. Over all it was pretty deep with a lot of choice about who to bring into combat, where to assign them, what equipment to give them etc.

The only downside is that the story was pretty lame. I'm actually not even sure what it was the heroes were actually trying to do most of the time.

Dec 22, 2004


Jesto fucked around with this message at 17:32 on Jul 30, 2014

casual poster
Jun 29, 2009

So casual.

Meme Emulator posted:

I mentioned it once already but nobody bit, has anyone played Atelier Rorona? I was considering starting a megathread for it but I really know nothing about the game.

Just started playing it, about an hour into it. I would appreciate a megathread on it.

EDIT: I really have no idea whats going on in the game, the text is way to small on my 25' tv. Is there a walkthrough that could explain somethings to me? I still don't understand synthesis. I just throw somethings in the pot and see what happens.

casual poster fucked around with this message at 15:42 on Oct 3, 2010

Jun 3, 2008

One Nation, Under God.
Quick question: can anyone recommend me a JRPG without combat? (not Harvest Moon)

Apr 12, 2009

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Dark Knight

A Dating Simulator?

Sep 17, 2004
It's a shame most jRPGs lately are just character portraits bantering on and on in 15 minute conversations. :smith:

Apr 22, 2008

Anani Masu posted:

I'd like to put in a good word for the genesis version of Shadowrun. Very true to the rules and feel of the PnP version. It's kind of structured GTA style where there are storyline missions, optional side quests, randomly generated runs to go on and lots of stuff to screw around with. You might end up spending half your time playing the cyberspace portion like a roguelike. Dialing up random systems and hacking them for tasty data files to sell is quite addictive. Definitely one of my favorite genesis games.

God I love this game... right up to the hidden final server. Tar Pits? Thank you sir may I have another? :suicide:

I'd like to plug the SNES version of Shadowrun as well. It's nowhere near as rules-complete or flexible with character development as the Genesis version but I've always been a fan of its grungy artstyle and how it bridged both the magic and technological aspects of the PnP version. Shame the Matrix combat is infinitely more boring, though.

Jul 21, 2003

"Cuno can see you're trying to shit him, but Cuno's unshittable, so fuck does Cuno care?"

Hint: He doesn't care.

Vermain posted:

The Spirit Engine 2 ranks as one of my favorite RPGs out there, if solely for the combat system.

Last time there was a thread like this one, I ended up playing this game and it's awesome! No clichés, great gameplay, constant fun battles, some optional sidequests, no grinding, amazing visuals, you get to pick your party.. A really great game. I highly recommend it and that's coming from someone who hates the poo poo out of modern JRPGs.


May 3, 2005
I'm currently playing through Lost Odyssey on the Xbox360 and I was really digging it a lot until a bunch of little kids joined my party. I just reached the point where they sing a song to stop this girl with the glasses and cleavage from being possessed or something and my desire to continue playing this has greatly diminished. Does it get good again or should I just stop playing?

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