Aeka 2.0 posted:I jumped ship from AMD long ago, is this something that is going to compare with whatever Intel has coming around the corner? AMD's new mobile platform looks pretty sweet -- the fusion core thing with integrated graphics. That poo poo will definitely give Intel a run for its money when compared against Atom. Sandy Bridge beats Bulldozer, but Bulldozer will likely be cheaper and most people don't even need the power of a Core2Duo, let alone Sandy Bridge.
# ¿ Jan 17, 2011 01:28 |
# ¿ Sep 20, 2024 02:13 |
AMD done everything but come straight out and say that they aren't interested in an arms race with Intel. The Fusion APU is where they are going to be successful (if they are at all), not with Bulldozer.
# ¿ Jun 30, 2011 21:55 |
Yea, ouch. The Anandtech review just doesn't paint a pretty picture, unless you're encoding lots of video or running N-Queens benchmarks
# ¿ Oct 12, 2011 15:17 |