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Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

pixaal posted:

...fall into the I want a new computer each year that has more cores category.

This is not a bad thing IMO. These people will spread their wacky logic to others in their circle of friends and family and hopefully game developers won't be so shy to actually leverage their engines against more cores. Its a catch-22 which needs these people to push things forward.


Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

Factory Factory posted:

Thing is, quad-core CPUs are by no means universal: link. About as many Steam users are still using dual-core CPUs as are using quad-cores. Folks with 8-core BD CPUs will be long, long, long in waiting for their market segment to have enough representation for 4 vs. 8 threads to be worth a programmer's time.

Its still progress IMO. You'll always have these guys leading the pack. If having one 8+ core zealot means 3 dual core buddies upgrade to quad or above, then I think they are doing everyone a service.

Again, its a catch 22. No developer is going to optimize for quad core if no one has them and not many gamers are going to upgrade unless they can get something out of it.

Shaocaholica fucked around with this message at 16:34 on Nov 25, 2011

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

movax posted:

Not to derail too much, but this is why I left HTPCs behind. I know a lot of people have them running successfully and love them to death, but I just had so much trouble with them I went back to dedicated set-top media boxes. Sacrifice in broader software compatibility, but much less painful. It didn't help that my target display was connected via 1080i component, which means a fun battle against overscan.

That said, maybe some AMD hardware will be finding its way into aforementioned boxes, but they've got stiff competition from the existing players in the field.

I really don't get the point of HTPCs with the new Sigma based set top boxes unless you want a full web experience or game on it. For video, its much easier to setup and the output quality is typically better.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

Factory Factory posted:

It would actually be more of a pain in the rear end to convert everything over to STB-playable stuff...

I got my STB because it supported all the formats I had in my library without converting. Which formats are you thinking of that STBs don't support?

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
So is BD AMDs Netburst? Or is it better/worse than that analogy?

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

Jabor posted:

A miscommunication at some point seems likely.

For example, someone in marketing asks an engineer how many transistors there are, he says "one point two billion", but at that exact moment a train goes past and the marketing guy doesn't hear the "one point" part.

Thats a possibility but if it were the case, it makes them all look incompetent because thats what incompetent marketing would do.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
So newegg has the '4 module' BD listed as 'Eight-core'. Isn't that a bit misleading since it doesn't have 8 FPUs? The 4C/8T Intel chips are still listed as 'four-core'. For FPU intensive work, does the extra hardware in BD really add any performance? How does it fare for something like folding at home?

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
Is there a nicely formatted wikipedia article listing all the GPU families and the hosed up re-naming? I would think that would be one of the best forms of information against the practice.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

Civil posted:

Once Tom's updates their graphics card heirarchy, that's probably one of the best places.,3067-7.html

That list is still a bit hard to read. Maybe I should make my own on wikipedia.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

dud root posted:

Does this MS patch for Bulldozers scheduling differ from the one AMD released?

edit: post now with link technology

If this was going to be a problem, why didn't AMD get MS to push this out -before- the cpu launched?

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

Fuzzy Mammal posted:

I'm not the biggest fan of tomshardware but the results of the latest system builder guide are just so depressing...,3098.html

Err, I'd rather have that than whatever you think would be 'not depressing'.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
Oh, the 'Sept. 2011' system is the older system? I thought it was the newer one. Thats pretty lame.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
Are Intel's server parts always this far behind? My entire workplace uses Xeons for workstations and servers and I guess even though my Z800 is new its still using last gen CPUs.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
They could have used log scale.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

Longinus00 posted:

Why would they do that?

It was a joke.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
As far as consoles go, I'm more interested in seeing how much memory the developers are asking for and how much they actually get. Working with 512mb for both graphics and data is really outdated. I would love to see next gen consoles go 64bit just so developers can port over to x86-64 and ditch 32bit builds altogether.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
^^^ I would think devs are using 32bit pointers somehow to save space since neither the 360 or PS3 needs the additional addressing bits even if their CPUs are 64bit.

JawnV6 posted:

What? I think the gap between PPC and x86 is a tad bigger than 32/64. And if you're not addressing more than 4GB of dram/mmio why do you want 64 bit?

I think you misread. I'm hoping next gen consoles have more than 4GB of memory so all builds will have to be 64bit to use it all.

Also, do you really think game developers for PPC and x86 are all programming in assembly? Game devs are constantly porting from 360/PS3 to x86. I would think it would be easier to go from a native 64bit source to another 64bit build.

Shaocaholica fucked around with this message at 22:06 on Dec 21, 2011

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

movax posted:

but I don't see why they'd need in excess of 4GB. Even our PC GPUs are fine pushing 1080p with 1GB VRAM, and I don't think most titles in the PC environment eat more than 1GB or so of system memory.

Well its a catch-22. Devs won't make a game that eats 4GB of memory if they know >50% of their user base won't have that available.

Also, you have to remember that not all game data is stuff for the GPU. I think Rockstar and their open world titles will most definitely use >4GB if you gave it to them.

Again, this isn't about what devs 'need' right now. Its about moving forward and pushing through barriers. Remember these consoles have to last a while. If they are just 'ok' for what devs need on launch day the faster they will feel obsolete as the months and years roll by.

Shaocaholica fucked around with this message at 00:06 on Dec 22, 2011

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
I'm just hoping that the next round of consoles from MS/Sony have 4GB+ of memory so we can finally ween off 32bit game builds for PC/Mac.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
Paging anyone with an FX-8 series CPU who would care to run this benchmark in the overclocking thread?

Factory Factory asked an interesting question on how well the AMD arch would do given what we know about the algorithm.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
All your AMD bashing makes me eager to see how the console Jaguar part(s) will compare to desktop CPUs. I don't really care either way. Although I guess I would be a bit disappointed if it were really really under powered compared to really cheap desktop parts.

Shaocaholica fucked around with this message at 01:22 on May 28, 2013

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
The AMD setups in the new consoles won't have unified memory right?

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

Factory Factory posted:

We know this already. CPU-wise, they use two A4-5000 APUs sitting next to each other. AnandTech has performance reviews up. Per-thread performance is abysmal compared to desktop chips but solid compared to Atom and last-gen's Bobcat, and perfect 8-core scaling will be somewhat but not far above an Ivy Bridge Core i3.

So if you're a game dev and you're going to port over your mostly single threaded last gen game engine then you're pretty much shooting yourself in the foot?

Also a big FU to smaller/indie devs who have a lot of creative talent but very little coding talent?

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

Install Gentoo posted:

Mostly single threaded game engines didn't do too well on the triple-core PowerPC Xbox 360 or the horrid abomination but quite core heavy Cell PS3 either.

People who don't have much coding talent shouldn't be programming their own engines and such, they should be working with any of a number of pre-made engines out there.

Thats true. I guess there's always the middle of the road devs who don't want to license an engine but also do a horrible job of coding their own. Whatever, life goes on.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
All they have to do is put a disclaimer on the box right? Didn't read the fine print and tried to use a $5 cooler? CPU is still fine, just throttling. Your fault.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

Agreed posted:

If only Bulldozer had came out and ruled instead of gone over like a turd in a punchbowl, maybe we'd have another renaissance in cooling technology out of necessity.

What about closed loop stuff? I think thats a generational shift from heatpipes.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

Agreed posted:

God drat it, I hate when an effortpost is last on the page. Nobody is going to read that.

So here's some bad news for y'all vapochill enthusiasts to make us all feel bad!

I don't quite get that. They could just slather goo all over the socket unless they mean under the IHS which would be a bitch for SNB because of the solder.

Aren't people still rolling their own phase change rigs these days? Or is that scene dead?

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
Historical question!

Did Dell or any other big OEM make Athlon XP (32bit) desktops? I can only find desktops using Athlon64. I recall vaguely that 32bit Athlons weren't very popular with OEMs and where mostly an enthusiast chip but I'm sure some OEMs picked it up towards the end of its life.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
edit: found one:

Nothing to write home about but it does have a 32bit XP proc.


Say I wanted to build an Athlon XP system for 'historical' reasons, what motherboard was baller back then?

Shaocaholica fucked around with this message at 18:59 on Jun 8, 2015

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

Angry Fish posted:

Maximum PC archives on Google Books would be your best source for that sort of question. Look up their Dream Machines for that era.

What year? 2005 was different from 2006 which was really different from 2007 which was different from 2008 which was a whole 'nother year behind 2009...

Thanks I'll dig around. Mostly around the tail end of the 32bit era. Whatever was the best of SocketA/32bit-AthlonXP which I'm assuming was at the end of its life.

edit: dark horse Nvidia motherboard option? :getin:

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

Nintendo Kid posted:

In reality though the tail end of the 32 bit era was dudes running Windows 2000/Windows XP 32 bit even though they'd just gotten the early generations of 64 bit chips.

People still run 32bit Win7/8 and now to be 10 on pretty modern 64bit hardware like Nehalem. It's horrible. At least with a 32bit only CPU you have an excuse.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

Paul MaudDib posted:

You'll be finding old XP installs in Grandma's living room and niche industrial setups for decades to come.

As long as grandma is still living :(

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
Goodwill also has their own auction site. People have been all over that for a few years now that they tend to list stuff way below market value.

Like $1 starting price on granddads old Rolex that a goodwill employee may know gently caress all about. But that's an extreme case. Most like Granddads Leica M6.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
AMD CPU and Platform Discussion: Revelling in the before time of the long long ago

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
Seriously though, does anyone have a dust riddled Nforce2 system I could have for a song?

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

Ozz81 posted:

...early 2011 before setting up a C2Q 9400 based PC....

Haha nice. I'm still rocking a 2006 C2Q system that's still my main 'boring-but-has-to-work' machine. Its always had 8GB max ram since being built but I just recently did the Xeon hack and dropped in a pretty beefy Yorkfield(?) X5470 Xeon(3.6OC 12MB).

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

pienipple posted:

I might, I think I have most of a socket A system I was using as a media box for a while in the basement. I'll have to double check what's actually in it.

Edit: Yup, it's an A7N8X-E, it worked last time I used it, and it doesn't have bad cap smell or anything visibly leaking/bulging. I'm not sure what processor is installed, and there's not currently any RAM in it but I might have some random DDR dimms lying around. There's an AGP video card installed too. PM me if you're interested.

PM sent.

3200+ CPUs can be had for cheaps. Its the drat heatsinks for these things that are mostly trashed. Athough I think I have one (heatsink only) in storage.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E

Ozz81 posted:

E: Pictures of the parts for your perusing pleasure, heatsink is pretty beefy so if you decide to OC a little it'll stay plenty cool. Also confirmed KV4E is the Barton core

Boss. I'll take it all!

edit: I totally forgot about barton vs third. I'll have to re-read about that one.

Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
BIOS OC settings should be stored in non volatile memory right? The little battery is just for the clock?


Oct 29, 2002

Fig. 5E
This also brings back memories of unlocking 9800SEs for Doom3. Mine was fine but a buddy of mine had horrible checkerboard artifacts after unlocking.

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