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Vulture Culture
Jul 14, 2003

I was never enjoying it. I only eat it for the nutrients.

adorai posted:

Does anyone really care about "typical" single threaded workloads any more? More and more apps are being written with multithreading in mind, and even desktop computing seems to be moving towards virtualization (see: XP mode).
see: Virtual Desktop Infrastructure.


Vulture Culture
Jul 14, 2003

I was never enjoying it. I only eat it for the nutrients.

Ryokurin posted:

Well, when you think about it, it's pretty easy to shine in a sea of poo poo. VIA was having some problems somewhere with every chipset from the KT400 on (AGP or overclocking stability) SiS chipsets were hit or miss, but were mostly like the early ATI chipsets and suffered from various performance issues. nVidia chipsets had their own problems that people admitted later on but they were clearly the best at the time.
Even the KT133 was absolutely awful. It barely ran at its rated bus speed.

Vulture Culture
Jul 14, 2003

I was never enjoying it. I only eat it for the nutrients.
My HD4850 plays Skyrim just fine at 1900x1200 and I don't have any plans to upgrade anytime soon. If there's no official Windows 8 support, I may as well switch loyalties to a vendor that won't gently caress me over the next time.

Vulture Culture
Jul 14, 2003

I was never enjoying it. I only eat it for the nutrients.

evil_bunnY posted:

This, basically. I don't understand what's so hard about understanding that when you have this kind of support history people aren't going to trust/buy your stuff.
I used to be a Linux user and I was a longtime nVidia guy because of all the poo poo ATI used to pull with drivers on that platform. I'm really not looking forward to mystery-meat driver hell again on the Windows side, but I'm probably overreacting and the stuff will probably work fine. I've had enough problems with the 12.x series Catalyst drivers tanking my system that I won't be upgrading from 11.x for months/years anyway.

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