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Aug 6, 2005

That is an awfully misleading graph. Granted, that seems to be par for the course with benchmarks.


Aug 6, 2005

JawnV6 posted:

Whoa. Wow. Manhattan Project level resources? Holy poo poo that's got to be huge.

Oh wait, that's less than the quarterly revenue of the top 5 companies in the industry. And less employees than the #2 alone.

Aside from your bizarre idea to try and nationalize this, as thebigcow noted, "which nation?" is the begged question there, if you're concerned about Manhattan Project level resources being committed they already are.

So your complaint is that saying it would need to be on the scale of the Manhattan project is understating the issue. How does that invalidate his point?

EDIT: And trying to use Samsung's employee count in this comparison is specious. Only 20% of their revenue comes from semiconductors. You might as well use Walmart's employee count.

ohgodwhat fucked around with this message at 20:04 on Nov 28, 2012

Aug 6, 2005

Is that public funding ~10 billion a year? Also, what's with all of the incredibly smug rhetorical questions?

Aug 6, 2005

evensevenone posted:

Well, technically, it defeats 35% of the point of fines. Assuming your corporation actually shows profits.

As if any bank has a 35% effective tax rate. :v:

Aug 6, 2005

Professor Science posted:

either that or Power stuff starts coming out. I think it's much more likely that the EU funds ARM enough to be a thing in servers rather than IBM somehow making money on Power to continue meaningful development, though.

Is Power dying too?

Aug 6, 2005

Combat Pretzel posted:

Uh, since when do games care about or "utilize" the amount of memory channels? Unless the game looks up system information, it's none the wiser about the memory layout.

Whenever they read things from memory?

Aug 6, 2005

Sorry, I really did misread you. I thought you were implying games had to be programmed specifically to use dual or quad channel memory to see any improvements above single channel memory.

Aug 6, 2005

apropos man posted:

Do AMD have the equivalent of Intel's microcode running on their CPU's?

With microcode being proprietary I'd expect that if AMD 'open sourced' their CPU code it'd add to the reasons for people to switch.

What would that actually do for anyone?

Aug 6, 2005

Phone posting or else I'd do it myself, but could someone make a plot of those scores vs the price?

Aug 6, 2005

Ryzen is currently the top user rated processor on pcpartpicker. lol.

Aug 6, 2005

Well it says they reject heat at a rate of 100-350 W/m^2, and you can't fold it up like a normal heatsink, so it sounds bad...

Edit: to be clear those would work, just poorly.

Aug 6, 2005

They lowered their prices by half?


Aug 6, 2005

Truga posted:

All the files are 100% "fragmented" all the time on every decent SSD due to internal wear balancing shenanigans. I don't buy it.

Not an expert on this by any means, but I think you're confusing two levels of fragmentation. SSDs have no issue with internally fragmented data, as you said, but there's another layer of fragmentation, at the OS/filesystem layer where reading one chunk of data can be represented either as one request of "give me this 1 MB contiguous block" or 1000 requests of "give me this 1 KB block"

That fragmentation can be detrimental to performance as there is overheard involved with creating, transmitting and servicing such requests, I imagine.

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