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May 26, 2001


I really like this project to add lyrics to Airmech.

The new Black Asteroid album is out with lots of interesting guests including FLA, ACTORS, Louisahh, Blush Response and Ian Astbury who I'd love to see more crossover with. Bryan has such a distinctive sound I love seeing it brought out more and more with other artists.


Prop Wash
Jun 12, 2010

I just saw Night Club live and it was an excellent show. I suppose you could call them cliched but they do what they do extremely well and their songwriting skills are top notch. Plenty of people have tried the formula but most of them end up like Alien Vampires instead.

Danger - Octopus!
Apr 20, 2008

Nap Ghost

Prop Wash posted:

I just saw Night Club live and it was an excellent show. I suppose you could call them cliched but they do what they do extremely well and their songwriting skills are top notch. Plenty of people have tried the formula but most of them end up like Alien Vampires instead.

I am super excited to see them later this summer. Like they're silly as hell but I'm totally down for their commitment to and delivery of the bit

Danger - Octopus!
Apr 20, 2008

Nap Ghost
Went to see Kontravoid on Monday night. Seen him before but man, he puts on such a great show. Just absolutely slays.

Apr 20, 2010

I should have went to the verboden festival here last year, doesn't look like he's coming back for this year's festival. :negative:

Apr 1, 2005

Don't press play
edit, deleted, wrong thread

Future Days
Oct 25, 2013

The Taurus didn't offer much for drivers craving the sport sedan experience. That changed with the 1989 debut of the Ford Taurus SHO (for Super High Output), a Q-ship of the finest order that offered up a high-revving Yamaha-designed V-6 engine and a tight sport suspension.
Ministry playing With Sympathy and Twitch songs after +40 years sounds way better than I expected. Like others in this thread said before, I just expected the usual Ministry stuff from the last 20 years, but I'm pleasantly surprised to see Al singing with clean vocals, a violin and a cello player (!), and the band being just a bunch of goth dudes having fun. It definitely feels like the send-off Ministry deserves :unsmith:

Future Days fucked around with this message at 04:37 on May 13, 2024

Oct 21, 2010

Future Days posted:

Ministry playing With Sympathy and Twitch songs after +40 years sounds way better than I expected. Like others in this thread said before, I just expected the usual Ministry stuff from the last 20 years, but I'm pleasantly surprised to see Al singing with clean vocals, a violin and a cello player (!), and the band being just a bunch of goth dudes having fun. It definitely feels like the send-off Ministry deserves :unsmith:

This rules

Apr 6, 2009

Not just any cello player, they picked up Tina Guo afaik

Feb 7, 2002
It's not the first time he's done a With Sympathy song, he did Revenge for sure. This is the biggest production I've seen though.

Even more awesome is the whole Twitch set too. That would have been great to see live, I would have went nuts. I'm not sure that crowd knows what a treat they got. Al even got the fake accent perfect after so long.

He didn't play any in St. Pete :(

Sep 26, 2022

Future Days posted:

Ministry playing With Sympathy and Twitch songs after +40 years sounds way better than I expected. Like others in this thread said before, I just expected the usual Ministry stuff from the last 20 years, but I'm pleasantly surprised to see Al singing with clean vocals, a violin and a cello player (!), and the band being just a bunch of goth dudes having fun. It definitely feels like the send-off Ministry deserves :unsmith:

Twitch is a phenomenal album and these songs sound great.

Still hoping for a go around the UK before they hang it up, though.

Oct 8, 2003

Catjaw is a hero of the people
Just got back from seeing Orgy. Last time I saw Orgy, over a decade ago, they were terrible. I'm glad I gave them a second chance, because they put on a drat good show.

Jun 24, 2015

pissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssss sssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssss

Gravy Boat 2k

SacrificialGoat posted:

Just got back from seeing Orgy. Last time I saw Orgy, over a decade ago, they were terrible. I'm glad I gave them a second chance, because they put on a drat good show.

Would have been sizably better if their drummer didn't try to ruin the show

Oct 8, 2003

Catjaw is a hero of the people

2DCAT posted:

Would have been sizably better if their drummer didn't try to ruin the show

Yeah what the hell was up with that? I heard mr. vocals guy claim he had a fever. I take it that was bullshit? I just took it at face value.

SacrificialGoat fucked around with this message at 20:32 on May 21, 2024

Jun 24, 2015

pissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssss sssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssss

Gravy Boat 2k

SacrificialGoat posted:

Yeah what the hell was up with that? I heard mr. vocals guy claim he had a fever. I take it that was bullshit? I just took it at face value.

Indeed bullshit, which was a bit of a shame given what was planned over the next few songs.

Oct 8, 2003

Catjaw is a hero of the people

2DCAT posted:

Indeed bullshit, which was a bit of a shame given what was planned over the next few songs.

Ooh, that's mysterious. Elaborate?

Jun 7, 2005

hot to trot
Laibach kicked rear end like usual.

a cyborg mug
Mar 8, 2010

thotsky posted:

Laibach kicked rear end like usual.

Saw the show in Helsinki. Absolutely incredible, Laibach is peerless, especially in its old-school industrial mode, which this tour was almost entirely. My favorite band and maybe live act ever.

Opus Dei tour was probably the #2 tour I’ve seen from them, #1 would be the astounding Also sprach Zarathustra show. Also holy poo poo that cover of Strange Fruit

Jun 7, 2005

hot to trot
Yeah, that was a powerful end to the show. One of the less ambigious statements from Laibach, like they did with The Whistleblowers.

Laibach is my favorite band too. The Nietzsche tour/album is possibly my least favorite, although I remember the sceneography as being really good. I was happy to see some of the Revisited stuff again in the first half of the show, but now that I've seen all my favorite tracks live I am excited for some new poo poo!

Feb 7, 2002
I've only ever seen them in a little art studio outside of Detroit during the Jesus Christ Superstar tour but I liked it a lot.

Nov 14, 2005

DNA Ts. Rednum or F. Raf
My partner walked up behind me a few days ago while I was watching Solar Fake's newest video for "Not So Important"
We took a moment to coo over the kitties and bunnies.

Over coffee this morning:
me: New Solar Fake album is out today!
them: Oh, the kitties?
me: :confused: Oh? Yeah, those guys!
them: Is the album all about kitties?
me: Most of the songs are apparently about people doing things even though they know they shouldn't. It's called "Don't Push This Button"
them: Haha, so it's about kitties!
me: ...I think you're actually right...

Haven't listened yet, but the two singles from it are more of the same stuff I love. Hopefully you find the exchange charming.

Apr 6, 2009

xov posted:

My partner walked up behind me a few days ago while I was watching Solar Fake's newest video for "Not So Important"
We took a moment to coo over the kitties and bunnies.

Over coffee this morning:
me: New Solar Fake album is out today!
them: Oh, the kitties?
me: :confused: Oh? Yeah, those guys!
them: Is the album all about kitties?
me: Most of the songs are apparently about people doing things even though they know they shouldn't. It's called "Don't Push This Button"
them: Haha, so it's about kitties!
me: ...I think you're actually right...

Haven't listened yet, but the two singles from it are more of the same stuff I love. Hopefully you find the exchange charming.

that's the good stuff for a friday morning.

Oct 9, 2002

Holy crap, SITD is playing Toronto June 23. Been a desert here besides VNV Nation.

Also thanks for the Solar Fake tip, had been unfamiliar.

Apr 20, 2010

You think the most populous city in Canada is a desert for live events? :nallears:

Oct 9, 2002

It is in the context of this thread. But sure, I go to at least four shows a month. Just very few electro-industrial acts these days.

Feb 7, 2002
I miss living close to Chicago. Tampa Bay isn't exactly a desert, but nothing compared to Chicago. It's definitely better here in the winter for musical acts - I can't blame anyone for not wanting to come here in the summer.

Oct 9, 2002

I flew to Chicago just to see PWEI. Filter was a surprise bonus at that Cold Waves, didn't expect to enjoy them so much live. I think that might also be where I discovered Bootblacks, but it was such an amazing line up.

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Sep 21, 2004

Grimey Drawer

2DCAT posted:

Indeed bullshit, which was a bit of a shame given what was planned over the next few songs.

Still waiting for the full story, edging hard over here.

Oct 9, 2002

Geezus, SP's Weapon came out May 28, 2013. Yadda yadda can't believe it's been so long.

May 26, 2001


teethgrinder posted:

Geezus, SP's Weapon came out May 28, 2013. Yadda yadda can't believe it's been so long.

Them doing that free stream really helped. I was so down on new SP after Mythmaker, got a text from a friend that hey this new album is out, streamed it and loved it.

Leaether Strip's cover of Illisit is really really good too.

Feb 7, 2002
Mythmaker and HanDover were pretty bad. I enjoyed Greater Wrong as it was a pretty good 'comeback' album and the tour was a lot of fun. I saw them twice on that tour. Weapon was good for it's 'back to roots' approach.

I enjoy pretty much any OhGr album over those two.

PinkoBastard posted:

My downer take: all of those albums are terrible and don’t even sound like SP, they should have stopped after The Process and just done occasional victory lap tours

I dunno, I'm not sure what SP is 'supposed' to sound like. Those two albums just didn't have good music. Weapon and Greater Wrong did. :shrug:

Kaddish fucked around with this message at 11:33 on Jun 1, 2024

Oct 2, 2010
My downer take: all of those albums are terrible and don’t even sound like SP, they should have stopped after The Process and just done occasional victory lap tours


Kaddish posted:

I dunno, I'm not sure what SP is 'supposed' to sound like. Those two albums just didn't have good music. Weapon and Greater Wrong did. :shrug:

It’s kinda like how Ministry has been putting out album after album that sound exactly like Ministry… except they just don’t. Kinda hard to explain. Definitely not gonna harp on it, I know these albums have fans!

PinkoBastard fucked around with this message at 11:40 on Jun 1, 2024

Oct 21, 2010

PinkoBastard posted:

My downer take: all of those albums are terrible and don’t even sound like SP, they should have stopped after The Process and just done occasional victory lap tours

May 27, 2004

Blessed be the tailors
The masks are cut to fit

Blessed be the woodworkers
The crosses and the gallows

Blessed be the forgers of iron
And the spikes and the barbwire

Blessed be the stone cutters
It took a quarry to bury the dreams
I’m kinda indifferent to all of Mark Walk’s stuff (Ruby was kinda meh to me, never was into Ohgr) so I never had any enthusiasm listening to post-Process Puppy. I also like the trippy weird stuff cEvin Key does and none of that seems to be into the Puppy I’ve heard with Walk (at least of that which I’ve heard), but to be fair back in the Puppy glory days, there were all sorts of substances going into the making of that music as well that, for good reason, were not used subsequently.

Oct 2, 2010
Can’t forget the huge influence Dwayne had on those recordings and I agree 100% - cevin key has always and will always rule

Rod Hoofhearted
Jun 18, 2000

PinkoBastard posted:

My downer take: all of those albums are terrible and don’t even sound like SP, they should have stopped after The Process and just done occasional victory lap tours

I’ve come around to this view over the past ten years. I don’t like the high-gloss, digital, glitchy sounds of the new era albums as much as the slimy, noisy, chaotic sound of the old era. It’s practically two different bands, and nuPuppy is a band I would’ve listened to throughout the 2000s before forgetting they existed by 2015.

It took me 40 years on earth before I realized that sometimes you get one good album from a band and that’s it and no one does anything like it ever again. We are blessed to have everything from Remission to Last Rights from Skinny Puppy, and if that’s what you’re in the mood for, it’s all there to listen to. I think capitalism has brain poisoned us into, “I want this thing I have, but NEWER!” patterns of thinking, and it’s good to break out of that instead of going down hopeless rabbit holes of trying to recreate experiences that you’ve already had. You only get to discover Skinny Puppy once, and that’s okay.

Apr 1, 2005

Don't press play
Gary Numan was good last night, playing tracks from the Pleasure Principle and Replicas albums for their joint 45th anniversary.

May 27, 2004

Blessed be the tailors
The masks are cut to fit

Blessed be the woodworkers
The crosses and the gallows

Blessed be the forgers of iron
And the spikes and the barbwire

Blessed be the stone cutters
It took a quarry to bury the dreams

PinkoBastard posted:

Can’t forget the huge influence Dwayne had on those recordings and I agree 100% - cevin key has always and will always rule

Completely, Dwayne elevated the band from pretty good to simply amazing.

My first Puppy album was Mind and it was one of the reasons (along with Front 242) that I started making this kind of music.

May 25, 2010

My opinion eventually ended up settling on the idea that 'Frozen Sky' was the closest they got to recapturing the old magic even though it's a cEvin Key track with guest vocals from Ogre. Why they never pursued that sound further is a mystery.

As far as the fact that they never released an album after Weapon, I can't help but feel like part of was probably the pledgemusic debacle with OhGr (They were owed six figures), and maybe some behind the scenes bad blood when Ogre announced he was going to work with Rave again. Some people say Rave really really really doesn't like cEvin.

TOOT BOOT fucked around with this message at 19:54 on Jun 1, 2024


Aug 4, 2004

You guys, I decided that my derivative bullshit wasn't controversial enough so I made an AI tool assisted Skinny Puppy cover album. So like, if you want to hear "Killing Game" in the style of Cat Stevens or "Dig It" in the style of a 1950s doo-wop group, then look no further

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