Zyklon B Zombie posted:At least futurepop artists could branch out to make more synthpop or new wave or electroclashy sounding stuff. Where does a terror EBM band like Suicide Commando or Combichrist evolve to? Well obviously to nowhere listening to some random newer stuff by them. That stuff drove me out of listening to industrial too. Suicide Commando get louder. I'm not going to hate on them though, I still love the poo poo out of them. It's thier sound they can do what they like. As far Combichrist, it's pretty funny how much they're going back to sounding more and more like Icon Of Coil every release. Now there's a band I want back. I will agree that the huge number of artists popping up that sound identical is driving me crazy. Oh well, there's always everything on the Hands label to listen to!
# ? May 13, 2011 17:42 |
# ? Jan 14, 2025 23:42 |
Furret Basket posted:Oh well, there's always everything on the Hands label to listen to! Maschinenkrieger KR52 vs Disraptor are great, if you aren't into them already. They sound a bit like MS Gentur and are pretty loving brutal.
# ? May 13, 2011 20:05 |
This is why I like Angelspit; they haven't stuck to the typical genre-cliches. To me, they have a sound that is comparatively unique when contrasted with all the garbage that is vocoders over a 4/4. I know they are a love or hate band, but at least they're doing something different.
# ? May 13, 2011 20:24 |
Godmachine posted:This is why I like Angelspit; they haven't stuck to the typical genre-cliches. To me, they have a sound that is comparatively unique when contrasted with all the garbage that is vocoders over a 4/4. I know they are a love or hate band, but at least they're doing something different. Yeah their sound doesn't really do it for me but I can appreciate what they do, and they put on a great live show.
# ? May 13, 2011 21:41 |
This is only tangentially related to this thread, but I don't know where else people might possibly appreciate this. It appears the Toronto indie scene has discovered synthpop: Austra - The Beat and the Pulse: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xgxeyq_austra-beat-and-the-pulse_music (not work safe) (there's a censored version on YouTube but it's probably still not work safe) I happen to think this is pretty awesome, but her other single does nothing for me. I hate the vocals on Lose It: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LJtMrhb558 "Austra" is Katie Stelmanis, who I gather used to release ethereal indie pop/rock. All I know is my girlfriend loved her and I didn't give a crap about her. I can get behind this new iteration though.
# ? May 15, 2011 02:01 |
Oh I can't even touch the compilations. I seriously can't weed through the same song 18 times in a row. I am curious if people can recommend some different new artists that could still be considered a branch of industrial? And by different I do not mean "They kinda sound like Combichrist only more intense". For the love of God.
# ? May 15, 2011 06:25 |
The Cleaner posted:Oh I can't even touch the compilations. I seriously can't weed through the same song 18 times in a row. Your wish is my command.
# ? May 15, 2011 07:17 |
how about white car or the other neubm that are showing up all over the place? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bepypIZlYRk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEAgsch379E
# ? May 15, 2011 18:54 |
Jose Mengelez posted:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C4RP9TJ408 If you don't pay attention to the fact that it is Necro Facility, then this song is pretty good for what it is.
# ? May 16, 2011 11:39 |
I hadn't listened to I.E.D. yet, but I thought I'd better before Kinetik so I'm not totally confused by what they're playing. Opinion seems to vary on the album, but I thought it was about good enough to be mentioned in the same sentence as Artificial Soldier, and Angriff is definitely one of my favorite FLA songs now. The Jourgensen song is kind of eh, but it doesn't make me think of Ministry so much as "huh, this is just like 'Beers, Steers, and Queers'". If nothing else, the album has some good songs for when I go running, since my pace is just enough faster than the tempo that like 90% of the genre uses for it to not work at all. (side note: if you see a guy with a pin on in Montreal for the next week, it's presumably me)
# ? May 16, 2011 19:13 |
I think IED is literally the worst thing they've ever made. Yeah that's right. I think Epitaph is better. The fact that the only really listenable thing on the album is the extra ambient thing is bizarre. The Ministry track (don't kid yourself, that's all it is) has absolutely no business being on the CD at all. The rest of it is drony jugga jugga jugga, I strain to hear the electronic part it's just a loving metal album. I'm not bitter, not at all.
# ? May 16, 2011 21:52 |
Furret Basket posted:I think Epitaph is better. Epitaph, for me, is their best album. That was a major album for the summer that I bought it.
# ? May 16, 2011 21:57 |
I always find it interesting how wildly tastes diverge even within such a narrow category, such as "people who like FLA." I kinda like everything up to and including FLAvour of the Weak, and then thought it was all poopcrap after that. Although I keep buying each new album and will usually find at least one jam that I dig.
# ? May 16, 2011 22:28 |
Gashed Senses & Crossfire, Caustic Grip and Tactical Neural Implant. That's all the FLA that I need. Although to be honest, I could just listen to Provision over and over - I love that track.
# ? May 16, 2011 22:32 |
TNI and Hard Wired for me. But I also did love Fallout for some reason and a couple of tracks from Implode are incredible.
# ? May 16, 2011 22:47 |
I like a few tracks each on Caustic Grip and Tactical Neural Implant, and I like a lot of Implode, but for the most part I find the sound to be so same-y that I can't distinguish the good from the bad. It's all just a big, bland FLA mush to me after a while... Bleeb found his style early on and even if he does slap some other sounds on top of it once in a while (metal guitars, drum n bass, etc), he still never deviates from his core style.
# ? May 17, 2011 00:07 |
Wikipedia Brown posted:I always find it interesting how wildly tastes diverge even within such a narrow category, such as "people who like FLA." I kinda like everything up to and including FLAvour of the Weak, and then thought it was all poopcrap after that. Although I keep buying each new album and will usually find at least one jam that I dig. I just pretend every album is from a different band. That said I loved Epitaph too.
# ? May 17, 2011 01:29 |
teethgrinder posted:Not exactly the same, but Aesthetic Perfection releasing a futurepop album as "Necessary Response" was pretty awesome. Bands can always rebrand. Everything Goes Cold just got done with a tour with that band. What do you all think of EGC?
# ? May 17, 2011 07:38 |
I'm really digging The Blood Of Heroes right now. Thank you.
# ? May 17, 2011 11:20 |
Love the new Necro Facility. It's really poppy but who gives a poo poo. And in retrospect it's relly obvious that Lightbringer was very much a Necro Facility song.
# ? May 17, 2011 12:59 |
Floodixor posted:Everything Goes Cold just got done with a tour with that band. What do you all think of EGC? I heart EGC. I've done a few remixes of their stuff just because I want to hear more EGC than there has been released so far. Edit: So who else is going to Kinetik? (I'm gonna be secretly performing briefly on Thursday and DJing on Sunday, if anyone wants to say hi.)
# ? May 17, 2011 13:58 |
Twiin posted:Edit: So who else is going to Kinetik? (I'm gonna be secretly performing briefly on Thursday and DJing on Sunday, if anyone wants to say hi.) That's awesome, I'm so loving excited for Thursday. Funker Vogt put on a great show the last time I saw them, looking forward to Iszoloscope too. Oh, Thursday's FLA too, they'd better be awesome after I missed them in the New York fiasco back in '06.
# ? May 17, 2011 18:51 |
Notgothic posted:That's awesome, I'm so loving excited for Thursday. Funker Vogt put on a great show the last time I saw them, looking forward to Iszoloscope too. I'll be the guy doing a track with Yann at the start of the Iszoloscope set, come say hi after!
# ? May 17, 2011 20:32 |
I'm actually really liking the new ohGr album. It's actually got a lot of tracks I really like, which is more than I can say about the last one, or the last couple of Skinny Puppy albums for that matter. I think my favorite track so far is Hollow. I'd love to see ohGr live again to see some of this performed.
# ? May 19, 2011 10:36 |
Hollow definitely sounds the most 'classic' in the minimalist analog sense. Pissage is my favorite on the album though. His voice in that song is great.
# ? May 19, 2011 11:34 |
Really digging Blame. All this talk of Project Pitchfork, ohgr, and Skinny Puppy though, I don't know where to start. Up until I found this thread I basically just went for internet radios to get my industrial fix.
# ? May 19, 2011 13:47 |
Zyklon B Zombie posted:I'd love to see ohGr live again to see some of this performed. Hopefully he tours again and brings the Mr. Brownstone persona for maximum spectacle. Justin Bennet does some solid drum work, so he's always at treat to watch whether he's with puppy or ohGr. I find the new record incredibly addicting. However, as with a lot of albums that have intros and segues, I find myself wanting to listen to it in a complete sitting. Also, and take this for what it's worth, I really only enjoy it on headphones or played Loud on a decent stereo. If I listen to it at work on my rubbish Altec-Lansing PC speakers it comes off as flat. Musically, I think there's a very interesting but definite turn in the sound after the supremely creepy "Typer." It seems like he steps away from the weirdness and dives straight into full on pop mode. "Comedown" is probably my favorite, but "pissage" I'd place toe-to-toe with any of the latter Skinny Puppy tracks. "the smell of death from the medicine ball" ... Kills me every single time.
# ? May 19, 2011 14:51 |
hatelull posted:Also, and take this for what it's worth, I really only enjoy it on headphones or played Loud on a decent stereo. If I listen to it at work on my rubbish Altec-Lansing PC speakers it comes off as flat. I wish I had a better handle on audio jargon so I could describe this better, but even on a good system, there's something about the mixing of the album that lacks... something. I think even cheating by adding a tiny bit of distortion on the high end and cranking the bass a tad would help. It's like... compressed... or something. This is all a bit technical. I dig the music, but the lack of sonic... texture... is not pleasing my ears.
# ? May 19, 2011 15:22 |
Compression is the loving devil in modern music production, so yeah, I think you nailed it.
# ? May 19, 2011 16:04 |
Doctor Zero posted:Compression is the loving devil in modern music production, so yeah, I think you nailed it. And it all comes full circle back to FLA. (Whomever mastered Artificial Soldier needs to be shot.)
# ? May 19, 2011 17:06 |
Furret Basket posted:And it all comes full circle back to FLA. (Whomever mastered Artificial Soldier needs to be shot.) Best example of worst mastering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRHn-iNfRAE
# ? May 19, 2011 21:27 |
spider_ross.avi posted:Best example of worst mastering: Left!!! FUCKINNNN A!!!!
# ? May 19, 2011 22:47 |
spider_ross.avi posted:Best example of worst mastering: Wow, does it actually sound like that on the album? That is horrible to listen to. I like how the quiet intro part is exactly as loud as the part where the guitars bust in and start clipping to hell and back.
# ? May 20, 2011 01:32 |
Zyklon B Zombie posted:Wow, does it actually sound like that on the album? That is horrible to listen to. I like how the quiet intro part is exactly as loud as the part where the guitars bust in and start clipping to hell and back. You need a pair of reaaaaaaaally good speakers for it to sound even remotely acceptable even on the CD. Any kind of lossy compression utterly destroys it. It's loving pathetic.
# ? May 20, 2011 03:47 |
Does Scott Sturgis/Converter/Pain Station do anything these days? There used to be an awesome experimental electronic night here on Saturdays sometime pre-2004 (man I miss the Cobalt Lounge) where he did a free show one night. Haven't really heard much from him after that. One of the best shows I've ever been to. Zaiquiri posted:Just got back from 16Volt's album release party and live show here in Portland. I've never heard 16Volt in my life and they were pretty good, great show. Also loved Dead When I Found Her. My buddy and I bought them drinks, they were some pretty cool dudes. Apparently there's a huge industrial scene in Portland I've never gotten in touch with, and this concert really helped me make those connections. Check out https://www.pdxindgoth.com if you haven't yet (you probably have). They keep an up to date schedule of events but are otherwise dead. Either I'm out of touch, or it's a tiny scene compared to the early 00's. Then again all the really oldschool people say that was tiny compared to the late '90s. Also, talk to Derek at Corrosion Records. He is (or was) the main concert promoter in town and usually can let you know when the good shows are coming. Dickbutt Ouroboros fucked around with this message at 07:40 on May 20, 2011 |
# ? May 20, 2011 07:23 |
Furret Basket posted:And it all comes full circle back to FLA. (Whomever mastered Artificial Soldier needs to be shot.) Apparently a gentleman called Brian Gardner, who's mastered about a trillion billion albums in his time. Funny, you'd think a guy who's been mastering for like fifty loving years would know his poo poo? Or maybe it was what FLA wanted?
# ? May 20, 2011 07:52 |
Leeb must be losing his hearing in his old age.
# ? May 20, 2011 08:08 |
There's gotta be something funny going on since he's mastered, for example, plenty of KMFDM albums which sound fine to me.
# ? May 20, 2011 08:12 |
I honestly feel like it was an experiment that the producer didn't want to waste on anything more "important". [edit] Going to Wendyhouse in Leeds tomorrow, never been before. How poo poo is it from a scale of Pop to Noise?
# ? May 20, 2011 08:58 |
# ? Jan 14, 2025 23:42 |
handbandit posted:Check out https://www.pdxindgoth.com if you haven't yet (you probably have). They keep an up to date schedule of events but are otherwise dead. Either I'm out of touch, or it's a tiny scene compared to the early 00's. Then again all the really oldschool people say that was tiny compared to the late '90s. hey thanks man. I may or may not have met Derek that night actually, I remember his name at least coming up. I was pretty drunk by the time I started just talking to people after the first band finished so I can't remember most of it. Apparently I met Unter Null and didn't know it? I dunno.
# ? May 20, 2011 10:45 |