I remain a big fan of Combi and Grendel in spite of the anger/misogyny. I'm a chick and I'm not a hateful person, I just like angry music. Less angry: I:Scintilla Kidneytheives One of my all-time favorite bands is/was (their band existence is in limbo) Orgy. Punk Statik Paranoia wasn't a good album but I still play Candyass and Vapor Transmission regularly. (edit) One more decidedly less angry band: Pop Will Eat Itself 13Pandora13 fucked around with this message at 01:02 on Mar 2, 2011 |
# ¿ Mar 2, 2011 00:51 |
# ¿ Sep 19, 2024 19:39 |
gently caress I can't believe I forgot Deathboy (who are so awesome they have their entire catalog available for free online). Their albums (like physical CDs) are obscenely cheap even to ship to the US and they sent me a bunch of extra stuff too. Very cool guys, I'd love to see them gain a bigger following Stateside.
# ¿ Mar 3, 2011 01:12 |
Pope Guilty posted:Do you like Julien-K? It's a hit or miss (I like Technical Difficulties, but I can live without Kick the Bass). A lot of why I love Orgy is Jay's voice.
# ¿ Mar 4, 2011 14:55 |
The first one was overwhelmingly "Resident Evil" for me. That font just has too strong of connotations for people (be it Matrix or RE or whatever). I like the last one.
# ¿ Jun 25, 2011 15:32 |
Halloween Jack posted:Serious question: Do I need new speakers, or is there way too much loving distortion in what's coming out these days? I was just sitting and listening to a bunch of promos from Promo Fabrik, and wumpscut and Skold's new albums, and it's like the artists decided that there needs to be an inch of wool between their music and the listener. What Kind of headphones/speakers do you have? My Sennheiser earbuds have no problem with either of those albums and I have the bass on "I don't want to have any hearing left when I'm 60" levels.
# ¿ Jul 7, 2011 02:59 |
hatelull posted:I thought for a few minutes this morning while sipping coffee here at work about including The Downward Spiral. I remember when it came out, and it was very much one of those records that we just never stopped playing in the dorm rooms. However, he already has his own thread and it was possibly a more obvious choice than the other stuff I listed so I deferred. However, I absolutely agree with your assessment. For better or for worse, that album put a huge footprint in the genre. I was going to say this but hesitated for fear of being laughed out of the thread. When The Downward Spiral came out when I was in elementary school it completely changed my musical life and I've never looked back from industrial since. I also agree that PWEI's Dos Dedos Mis Amigos is a intensely solid album. I must have listened to Everything's Cool like 600 times on repeat and driven my mom insane.
# ¿ Sep 12, 2011 20:26 |
polpotpotpotpotpot posted:I-know-I'm-not-gonna-win-any-agreement-with-this-but... Music For a Slaughtering Tribe Wreath of Barbs has more mass appeal in the industrial realm, but I agree with you for what it's worth.
# ¿ Sep 12, 2011 20:47 |
boo_radley posted:Continuing Id's love of industrial soundtracks, Maynard James Keenan is doing Rage's music: http://www.giantbomb.com/rage-wants-you-to-hibernate-until-its-release/17-4888/ Is he actually doing the soundtrack? Because that song is off of eMOTIVE.
# ¿ Sep 15, 2011 19:59 |
Lord Krangdar posted:Can anybody recommend me more bands like Mechanical Moth? I'm just getting into industrial and I want more bands with female vocals. Not dead-on like Mechanical Moth but Kidneytheives, Collide, and Angelspit all have female vocalists and are worth checking out.
# ¿ Sep 17, 2011 05:56 |
Unlike everyone else here apparently, I love Combichrist. Check out Icon of Coil (Andy's other band http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvWiULDbfaA), old Orgy (candyass and vapor transmission, forget punk statik paranoia) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu07ZOdvHh8, Rotersand http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOqn8FxuyFs, System Syn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uGmRaInspo, Wumpscut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dur2HTGrU-0, and Clinical Torment http://www.clinicaltorment.tk/.
# ¿ Oct 4, 2011 18:24 |
Pope Guilty posted:It gets into his lyrics, as in "Fuckmachine" and "Give Head If You Got It". "Joy to the World" is pretty great though. All three of those songs are great.
# ¿ Oct 5, 2011 00:03 |
I feel like taste in industrial is entirely subjective. I think most of the stuff you guys like is way too whiny goth kid for my tastes but I don't think the bands I like are musically superior. I just like them better. Everything in industrial is a stereotype. You take yourselves way too seriously.
# ¿ Oct 5, 2011 16:55 |
Pope Guilty posted:I hate spending that much time on Facebook, though. If you join Pollstar (it's free) you can set email alerts for as many bands as you want and it sends you a notification whenever a tour date is announced within a mile radius of your selection.
# ¿ Mar 21, 2012 15:29 |
Pope Guilty posted:Combichrist's best IMO is "What The gently caress Is Wrong With You People?", but be warned that it seems like at least one song on every album is pretty misogynist. Making Monsters, despite being panned by a lot of hardcore Combi fans, has a few really great tracks too. Quirk posted:Skold 101: I like Skold's music a lot but I've always been under the impression that the "flack" he gets is more due to his supposed interest in much, much, creepily younger women.
# ¿ Apr 10, 2012 19:38 |
Armor-Piercing posted:Can I get some recommendations of (good) bands with female vocalists? At the moment I think I've only got The Birthday Massacre and Chiasm, not counting bands with occasional/backup female vocalists like Blutengel. I'm not looking for any particular subgenre at the moment, though I generally favor poppy stuff. If you like Collide, definitely check out Kidneytheives. Seconding Ariya and Angelspit as well. Devilicious by Angelspit is so excellent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyF4XXs3cuE Whoever suggested Pakt, thank you, I was in need of something new and I'm really enjoying them. I'm more excited for Orgy being back on tour than anyone has a right to be, but when Candyass hit in 1998 and I was in middle school I thought it was the best thing ever and they're a huge part of my musical introduction to industrial.
# ¿ Feb 21, 2013 21:42 |
OneEightHundred posted:Apparently Psyclon Nine's drummer and guitarist have both quit. My birthday week was going so fuckin' cool until this was announced. Goddamn it Nero. gently caress opiates. unpacked robinhood posted:I know combichrist isn't a thread favorite but his last album came out recently. I don't have an opinion yet. Don't feel bad dude I love them and lovely aggrotech in general. I can't help it and judge myself accordingly.
# ¿ Mar 29, 2014 02:49 |
The modification to Psyclon Nine's website in response to Nero's continued fuckery/drug use is a combination of sad (addiction is lovely, people who sponsored their kickstarter got screwed) and brilliant.
# ¿ Apr 14, 2014 03:39 |
teethgrinder posted:Combichrist is niche and profitable on a really fine line. LaPlegua isn't a stupid man. Their last tour New Years Day was opener 1 and they were a lot of fun, but the second guy, William Control, was loving awful. He pretended to smoke the whole time and bitched about the lights being too hot while refusing to take off his lovely gothy coat. There was an unusually high volume of teen girls there who all left after WC's set was done.
# ¿ Jul 27, 2014 17:46 |
IronLawnmower posted:I've been listening to Dioxyde a lot lately. http://youtu.be/J4vFcPnIHl0 Anyone know of similar artists? I'm super new to industrial music but I dig the gently caress out of it. I dig this hard and Puntification's recs are spot on. Also check out Psyclon Nine.
# ¿ Sep 7, 2014 00:53 |
CAT rear end now!!! posted:Has there ever been an actually good-looking CGI music video? I mean that Click Click video looks "alright-ish", but it's still kind of crappy. Track owns though, I guess I'll need to look into Click Click. Same kind of vein as All is Full of Love, the Andy Huang video for Illusion by VNV nation: http://vimeo.com/2332054
# ¿ Sep 10, 2014 02:17 |
Puntification posted:2D or stop-motion. Definitely don't do CG of people unless you have the bux for a proper job, but yeah if it was something abstract it would probably work out alright. It's more hilarious than good, but Faderhead's Fistful of gently caress You video integrates 2D and actual filming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajlCLQqhiOg
# ¿ Sep 14, 2014 18:06 |
Agonoize keeps teasering new tour dates on their facebook and I know none of them are going to be US but I still keep getting my hopes up.
# ¿ Oct 19, 2014 19:11 |
On the front page right now: http://www.somethingawful.com/news/kmfdm-megalomaniacal-sonic/
# ¿ Jan 3, 2015 00:50 |
Portable Staplefrog posted:I like this genre, but don't have a good source of news on it, so I occasionally return to this thread to find bands I didn't already know about. I had never heard of Assemblage 23 until yesterday (here) and they are good! I think my favorite Industrial-ish thing is still Kidneythieves, who haven't been doing much lately. Can anyone suggest something similar that is? In addition to I:Scintilla and Angelspit, check out Collide, Pzychobitch, and Ayria.
# ¿ Feb 22, 2015 20:24 |
elektroboot posted:so Orgy is rolling through my town next week, and I have to admit that is some extremely nostalgic poo poo for me. are they worth seeing at all anymore? Yes. They will play a ton of poo poo off of Candyass and Vapor Transmission.
# ¿ Jan 16, 2016 02:22 |
Desmodus rotundus posted:Electro industrial is what I used to listen to exclusively when I was in my late teems and early 20s. I've had a long break and help me find some stuff worth getting so I'm not wasting cash. I'm also looking into doing a radio show at the University here that would be focused on these genres with a smattering of goth/death rock/horror pu k as well. Maybe not exactly what you're looking for but this soundcloud playlist (titled "True Cyberpunk") has been most enjoyable for me and I generally lean more towards Aggrotech and metal industrial: https://soundcloud.com/jeffrey-campbell/sets/true-cyberpunk
# ¿ May 6, 2016 03:55 |
Failed Nihilist posted:So I loving hated Combichrist's latest album. It seems like they're trying to dip into the Hot Topic metalcore crowd. Can anyone recommend some good metal-ish aggrotech in lieu of them? I've found Nitronoise to be pretty similar. Agonoize, Shiv-R, Psyclon Nine, older Angelspit, Distractor, Dioxyde, Hocico, Exemia, Tactical Sekt, Velvet Acid Christ, older DeathBoy, Amduscia, some Limnus, some Dacaboya
# ¿ Sep 20, 2016 00:23 |
Failed Nihilist posted:So what really got me into industrial was aggrotech like Combichrist, Grendel, Suicide Commando, etc. Any recommendations based on that? It can split into other subgenres. 13Pandora13 posted:Agonoize, Shiv-R, Psyclon Nine, older Angelspit, Distractor, Dioxyde, Hocico, Exemia, Tactical Sekt, Velvet Acid Christ, older DeathBoy, Amduscia, some Limnus, some Dacaboya
# ¿ Sep 29, 2016 02:17 |
Failed Nihilist posted:Does Velvet Acid Christ get much love here? I love most of his music, but his FB posting makes him sound sort of whiny. He said he left Metropolis because they weren't promoting him enough. Any truth to that? Love VAC, and I'm completely not sure what to make of his facebook. On one hand I feel bad an artist I like is struggling on the other hand he threatens to quit every other week. I get that industrial probably isn't the best playing gig but goddamn, get your poo poo together.
# ¿ Nov 16, 2016 02:37 |
Pope Guilty posted:Has anybody seen this Lord of the Lost band that's playing with KMFDM and Ohgr in October? I've never seen them live but I really like them, I like a lot of Aggrotech trash though so take that as you will. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UMgw1vkd-A
# ¿ Aug 10, 2017 00:45 |
BrutalistMcDonalds posted:Going to see Covenant, Grendel and ... Aesthetic Perfection eh in April. Same. Of all the tours to come to Richmond, wtf/excited/grateful.
# ¿ Feb 13, 2018 02:07 |
Suicide Commando is touring again and is also actually coming to Richmond. Between that and Grendel coming here my tiny mechanical heart is all aflutter.
# ¿ Mar 22, 2018 02:40 |
Yeah Industrial is huge in Central and South America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UCO9egps4s&t=105s Like you couldn't do that in the US, your friend's family would throw your the gently caress out instead of being like "yes, my son's friends and dancing were so important to him." It's simultaneously ultracringe and endearing. And a lot of great music is coming from Mexico and other Latin American countries as well. Hocico, Los Macuanos, Amduscia, etc. etc.
# ¿ May 5, 2018 01:05 |
So...Psyclon Nine has a tour date in NYC in August. Did rehab finally take with Nero, or...?
# ¿ May 19, 2018 01:27 |
Richmond Pig show canceled due to the hurricane. Thanks Florence
# ¿ Sep 12, 2018 02:05 |
I:Scintilla in May and Aesthetic Perfection in September. Fleshgod Apocalypse is next month (but idk who else on this side of NMD listens to symphonic death metal). Not bad for RVA! Amelia Arsenic was supposed to be with Aesthetic Perfection but isn't anymore.
# ¿ Feb 2, 2019 02:04 |
Eh, the Gothsicles cover was better, but it's fine. It's not even the best Falco song.
# ¿ Feb 8, 2019 03:42 |
Kamrat posted:https://icelandmusicnews.com/songvakeppnin/ I feel like this will be the exact opposite of true. Lordi was definitely a boon for Finland, maybe not long term but short-term for sure https://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/07/world/europe/07iht-letter.2410132.html
# ¿ Feb 10, 2019 20:04 |
Is anyone going to the Mechanismus festival? https://www.mechanismus.net I am not/cannot take off a whole loving week to jet off to Seattle but I would like to live vicariously through you. Really curious who the day 5 mystery band is.
# ¿ Apr 19, 2019 20:25 |
# ¿ Sep 19, 2024 19:39 |
hatelull posted:Set phasers to scoff? This list sees to have been compiled by someone who really wants you to be impressed by how much they know about the history of industrial/influential roots. Danger - Octopus! posted:I agree that most of that stuff is/was hella influential (though some is just typically Pitchfork or because they just watched the wax trax doc) but that doesn't mean it still stands up in some cases. This. It reads like someone making a best of rock list 90% comprised by digging up all the old albums of black artists white 70s rockers ripped off like, "what, you didn't know that song came from Big Joe Turner? " Sure, some of it is top tier but mostly you're just trying to brag, and just because it deserves to be recognized as first, influential, and likely underrated doesn't mean it's best.
# ¿ Jun 18, 2019 02:34 |