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Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
I'm really enjoying the new Skinny Puppy as well. I feel like it has taken most of the good parts of TGWOTR and Mythmaker. Although my introduction into the band was a combination of Rabies and TGWOTR so maybe I have a slightly different perspective to the other fans.


Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

Seriously, well done with that. You've picked a great way to start an important conversation, and executed it perfectly.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

Twiin posted:

For those following the literal hellstorm of controversy of rivethead dudes arguing about if sexism is bad or not, ID:UD interviewed a few women to ask them how they feel about the whole thing.

Thanks for the link.

As someone who doesn't know anything about the industrial scene, what is the general makeup of the scene? Demographically speaking. Have there just not been any dissenting opinions to this stuff because there is no diversity?

After thinking about this since you posted your video I really started to wonder why it has taken so long to have this conversation. I've never really listened to the bands used as an example, so after having a look around in the weeks since your video I'm amazed this hasn't really come up yet.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

hatelull posted:

They are still capable of plastering skulls to the ceiling live, so I am perfectly OK with whatever sound they have on this record. I figure it will be a natural progression from Handover, so I'm ok with cEVIN's hyperactive keyboards and nu-style vocals from Ogre.

I never saw Ogre's first solo tour, but I cannot imagine it being a superior live experience to the Devils in my Details tour. That was a really great thing. What do you guys specifically not like about the albums after Welt?

I actually thought that Devils in my Details was their strongest album to date. It creates an atmosphere and tension that I still can't quite describe but is totally compelling each time I listen to it. So much variety from track to track while never sounding out of place with the whole of the album.

SunnyPsyOp was the opposite for me though, very jarring differences between the good and the bad.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
By Legend you mean these guys right?

They really are great, that first album was excellent.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

Omi-Polari posted:

So I'm hooked on the new Distorted Memory. It's techno :black101:

I heard about it on ID:YD, because obviously.

Holy cow that's great. Thanks for the link.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
I only really found out Project Pitchfork two years ago, and Human Crossing is one of my favourite songs of all time now. Actually all of ¡Chakra:Red! is really great.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
Ha, I've listened to that album about five times in the last fortnight and had no idea about the re issue either!

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

teethgrinder posted:

Directly after Dos Dedos Mis Amigos. Found at Nothing Records. Was recorded in a proper studio owned by PWEI.

Holy cow. That's amazing. Looks like I'm going to have to make an order.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

teethgrinder posted:

Hah, a goon does work there, but I don't think so. It was really random, and loud at the bar, took me a while to make sure I wasn't crazy. I'm not even sure it was Seabound now, but definitely Spinnath's voice. I'm pretty sure it wasn't even a regular album track as I should have easily recognised it. I was excited because I've literally never heard anything remotely electro-industrial outside a club or my own home.

In other news, I really like their song on Dependence 2013:

Man, that song is great. Why isn't Speak in storms out yet? I swear it was supposed to be out last year.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

Omi-Polari posted:

Anyways, since I shat up this thread with that discussion here's something awesome you should listen to:

Man, that's pretty great.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

boo_radley posted:

Oh, and from the "I remember releases from the start of the year" category:

Ever since you posted this I have not been able to stop listening to it. It's the most fun I've had with an album in years.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
Pursuit was one of the best music videos of last year and the album is absolutely stellar.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
Just got back from seeing Gary Numan. Possibly one of the best shows I've seen in my life.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

boo_radley posted:

Things I didn't realize I need:

Ahahaha, that's amazing.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
I first heard Perturbator on the soundtrack for Hotline Miami and they are indeed awesome.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

mennoknight posted:

everyone buy this who is going to the concert and wear it to the concert and yell "YOU'RE OLD"

Please do this people.

(And then ask them to come to Australia)

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
Behind Glass is an amazing song and Statiqbloom are incredible.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

The Cleaner posted:

In my lame opinion, Seeming was easily the most intelligent and well thought out album released this year, probably the past 5-10 years. Maybe that's not enough for most folks, but Christ almighty the thought and intelligence put into 99% of industrial lyrics now are "You are my diseeeasse" + distortion pedal + dance beat. And no, it wasn't always that way. It used to be thought-provoking. experimental and unpredictable. Anyway I don't share the exact same tastes as ID:UD myself but I can definitely see why they picked that album.

I think it was actually what I was hoping for from Speak in Storms. So yeah, great album.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
Yeah, 3teeth put out a hell of an album recently. It's the best example of that chainsaw guitar driven industrial that I've heard in ages.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
Edgar Froese died today.

I saw him live score Sorcerer a couple of months ago, and it was a hell of an experience. Tangerine Dream were an amazing band that probably had a lot of influence on most of the stuff in this thread.

DWIFH posted this earlier and it seemed about right.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

Sigma_Bark posted:

Anyone see Gary Numan on his Splinter tour? If you did, lets discuss about how other-worldly amazing it was. Saw him at his home coming show at Hammersmith last november, still cant get over how great it was!

Saw a lot of amazing music last year and his show was somehow a level above all of it. I still get shivers down the neck thinking about some of it.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...


Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

W424 posted:

I'd have nothing against the guitars if they were played by persons cabable of more than drop tuned chugs on the lowest string. White noise would be about just as interesting. Other thing is if youre going to use distorted guitars you'll need to atleast doubletrack them and add a bass, otherwise it'll just sound weak/wrong. Doing so also takes a lot of the frequency content and you'll lose space for the interesting stuff.

I'm still mad at the 90's industrial rock garbage.

While I quite like the '90s industrial rock garbage, I've found myself drawn time and time again to Jaher off that Skinny Puppy album that everyone hates for that exact reason. A really interesting clean guitar lick that gives the rest of the track a chance to breath and have some real atmosphere.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
Alive, happy and healthy when I found her

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

CAT rear end now!!! posted:

it isn't

1997 ;)

But yes it's such a good album, one of my personal favorites from the band. Couple of weaker links there, like Temptation and Tower of Lust, but jesus christ that opening salvo of Human Crossing / 2069 AD / Malicious Delight is one of my all-time favorite opening trios of songs, then there's God Wrote (insane live track) and December Sadness and just a bunch of really really excellent stuff. Too bad the album has to end with that sub-par Vangelis cover, it just doesn't fit on the album at all. Celeste would be a perfectly fine ending.

It's an especially interesting album coming straight after Alpha Omega. It just sounds so organic and weird and, like you said, very much like its own thing. I know you love that album, but lol if you try tell me Eon:Eon has anything on the sound on Chakra:Red.

I can't believe you haven't seen them live, though, I thought you had? It's definitely worth it, Pitchfork is an incredible band live.

Human Crossing is one of my favourite songs of all time let alone the rest of that album.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
And John Oliver did a bit on Laibach as well. Fabulous.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
It's been a pretty great year to have both that Health album and the DWIFH releases. Some crazy good music.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
Just got back from Health and can't get over it. In the ballpark for best live show I've ever seen.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

teethgrinder posted:

Sounds like a modern PWEI show would still be more than worth attending:

I saw them a year or two ago. They were pretty great.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
Yeah, Dead When I Found Her is great.

I'd have a look at Encephalon's album from last year too - Psychogenesis. It's pretty rad.

Also, maybe a bit out of nowhere but Filter's latest album has some pretty interesting stuff on it.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

Prop Wash posted:

What would you say if I told you that FLA are making an Airmech follow up album and Comaduster is involved

Airmech and Echogenetic were both fantastic albums and this is very exciting to me.

But yeah, TNI for sure. Final impact is one of the best opening songs to an album I've ever heard.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

Zyklon B Zombie posted:

The problem is all these guys are old as gently caress now. I'm in my mid-30s and I'm almost completely disconnected with the pop and music zeitgeist, and most of the big industrial acts are a generation beyond me. You can tell they were really trying with The Greater Wrong of the Right and Welt with Ogre's chopped up rapping, but after the fan reaction to that they seemed to just go gently caress it and went to churning out some paint-by-the-numbers Skinny Puppy albums.

Frozen Sky was the best post-Process stuff Skinny Puppy does, and I think it killed everyone inside when they teased the reunion with that and then came out with break-dancing goths and TGWotR.

I really like both Frozen Sky and TGWotR. Also Weapon. And some things from Mythmaker. It's all good.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

spider_ross.avi posted:

Recently heard this record and it is so good I need to share it here. Raw, minimal, tribal, meditative, and other buzzwords. Strong Esplendor Geometrico vibes.

Also, who's catching the Cocks' Big-Sexy-Land-Is-30 tour?

That's fantastic.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
Interesting to see the new DWIFH is so much like Harm's Way. Some really good stuff in there too.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
A new album from Marc Heal (Cubanate) came out a couple of weeks ago. It's pretty great, there is some really good storytelling going on there.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
Yeah, it's fantastic. Particularly the first couple of tracks.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

Hedenius posted:

First track from Front Line Assembly's Warmech is out:

Really digging it. And just realized that Warmech was the last album Jeremy Inkel worked on. I hope he's producing slick beats in the big Vancouver in the sky. RIP.

And in related news Rhys Fulber will be releasing an ablum under his own name. The track I've heard sounds pretty sweet:

Can't see any other discussion on Warmech but it's been out on Spotify for a few weeks. It's fantastic. I probably don't love it as instantly as Airmech but it's still really good.

Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...
Avalost is indeed fantastic. I also really like Torch from Beyond Flatline.


Jul 10, 2002

Chin up Tiger, There is always next season...

Biomute posted:

It seems like a lot of people think it's their worst song ("we hate all music, and especially rap"), but for me it's among the top five FLA tracks.

Victim of a criminal is fantastic.

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