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Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.

The last Electro-Industrial thread spanned 27 pages and wasn't extensively long, but the OP was perma-banned and the first post wasn't very informative. I'm here to rectify this though I thoroughly believe that user Twiin should be doing this. The old thread is located here.

Danger - Octopus! posted:

"Industrial music is dead. This is a thread about EBM. Wait, no, that just leads to arguments about Front 242 and how there's been no real EBM since about 1994. Terror EBM? No, that sounds silly. Synthpop? No, that makes me think of the Pet Shop Boys. Electropop? Same thing but with tighter trousers and more girls. Futurepop? That just sounds silly. Aggrotech? I don't even know what the gently caress. Post-industrial? As if half the fans of this stuff these days have even HEARD of real old-school industrial bands. Rhythmic noise? We can't call it that, because all the atonal noise fans who like Merzbow and whatever get grumpy. Okay, it's electro-industrial and to hell with any more specific genre names than that."


The short answer that I like to reply with is "Give heavy metal a dance beat."

But the term Electro-Industrial refers to two genres of music that are closely correlated in style and encompasses a much broader scope of sub-genres. Generally speaking, Industrial music was a synthesis of heavy metal-inspired music that used electronic overtones. The beats are often harsh, loud, and angry. To quote the wiki, industrial music is a "most abrasive and aggressive fusion of rock and electronic music."

Electro is the other end of the spectrum which relies more on synthesizers and music programming. This is the side that produces more club inspired dance tracks. Use of actual instruments is minimal and in most cases Mac laptops are in abundance. A lot of Electro is difficult to distinguish from normal techno and D&B. The most simple way of telling the difference is that Electro has heavier beats and, if lyrics are present, they tend to be a bit dark and melancholy. Naturally, like all other forms of music, it's difficult to apply one definition to all bands of that genre.

As for the music itself...

Entropist posted:

I like the Mirrorshades stream:
It's still up and running even though the person who maintained it died, apparently... Basically it's a playlist on shuffle, but there's lots of good stuff in it.


Here are some music videos of better known Electro-Industrial acts:


Electro-Industrial culture is just as complex as other sub-cultures. Most followers of the lifestyle use the term "Rivethead" for someone who like Electro-Industrial. A spectrum of where it would lie would look something like a triangle featuring Ravers, Goths, and Metal Heads on the points and Rivetheads somewhere in the middle. Industrial clubs feature a motley crew of attendees from para-military inspired bug stompers to neon light, glowstick twirling go-go girls. It's very dark and vibrantly colorful all at once. Much of the fashion can be seen in the various bands, for example...

THIS poo poo WILL gently caress YOU UP!

Godmachine fucked around with this message at 21:40 on May 2, 2011


Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
I just wanted to avoid making an OP that was a giant list of bands.

I think the early to mid 00's was stagnant for industrial. A few gems but not in the quantity that has been seen in the past few years. I'd like to think that the genre is on a nice upswing.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
And One is the single greatest electro band ever. If Military Fashion Show was not the THE greatest song in the last decade then Panzermensch certainly was.

If you curious about Ashbury Heights or are a fan who simple hasn't heard the song, Dark Cloud Over Vanity Fair (can't find a Youtube of it) is a masterpiece.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
I have to plug FGFC820. These guys are pretty drat rad. YOU DON'T loving BELIEVE ME!?

FGFC820 - Society

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.

Quirk posted:

Some stuff about his music.

drat. This is pretty good.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.

molotoveverything posted:

Speaking of And One, has anyone listened to their newest album, Tanzomat, yet? I gave it a brief listen on youtube and it pretty much sounded like old-school EBM, take what you will from this, but personally I wasn't exactly impressed. Maybe I need to give it a more fair listen though.

To put it simply: I'm a big fan of And One and I didn't enjoy it. It's incredibly repetitive and doesn't bring anything new to the table. Hell, there aren't even good dance tracks on it.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
I'm going to check out Mesh and De/Vision this Saturday in Chicago. Should prove to be a badass time.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
I saw Iris, Mesh, and De Vision last night in Chicago.

Simply an amazing show for such a small venue. The crowd was a bit standoffish at first, but warmed up quickly. I'm not a fan of Mesh and I hadn't heard Iris before. De Vision did a great job on stage, despite being part of the "2 guys and a computer" setup. Music was fantastically paced and many in the crowd in were actually dancing. All in all, the ticket price wasn't absurdly low for the amount of entertainment to be had. Of course, afterwards, I danced my rear end off at Neo then drove an hour and half while trying not to pass out.

If you haven't heard of them and you like synthpop, Iris is amazing!

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.

Exi7wound posted:

Your hands on my skin
Flavour of the week

By far the best part of the night. The crowd was totally electric.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.

moss piglet posted:

Are there any bands that sound like Angelspit or Dawn of Ashes that don't have a case of Edgy 15 Year Old Lyricist Syndrome?

Sorry of those two bands arn't Electro-Industrial, I don't know much about this kind of music.

I happen to enjoy FGFC820, who I believe do not suffer from this affliction.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
While Chicago gets plenty of decent acts passing through, I think I'll have more access to better shows when I move to the San Francisco Bay Area.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
To touch on a previous conversation...

There seems to be an abundance of acts in this series of genres that are too repetitive. Beats on 1/4ths and vocoders, etc. Sometimes the more mainstream acts offer a nice break from the uber-ground bands. I mentioned in the last thread a band called "William Control" that I happen to like despite it not being too industrial, which is a good example of what I mean by breaking the monotony but staying in familiar territory. And for more mainstream acts that are always catchy, I also enjoy Blaqk Audio. If it sounds good, I won't apologize for liking it.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
I also added the Mirrorshades radio station to the OP because it's pretty rad.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
This is why I like Angelspit; they haven't stuck to the typical genre-cliches. To me, they have a sound that is comparatively unique when contrasted with all the garbage that is vocoders over a 4/4. I know they are a love or hate band, but at least they're doing something different.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.

Furret Basket posted:

I think Epitaph is better.

Epitaph, for me, is their best album. That was a major album for the summer that I bought it.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
I've been a fan of all of Quirk's stuff.

Except his trolling for boobs on forums.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
I hate that Quirk makes me rape Youtube with constant playing.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
Having just moved out to the Bay Area, I'm loving the night life out here. I finally live close enough to decent clubs to go out every/other weekend. It's mostly places that play your typical VNV-type stuff (which I'm fond of), but some of the classic nights reminded me of my roots. I nearly flipped poo poo when I heard OMD - Electricity being played in a club. It had been about 4 years since I heard that in a club, which was back in San Antonio.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
B Bits, man. 8 Bits.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
That Volt 9000 band that one of you scumbags posted (or is in) is drat awesome. Been rocking that poo poo hardcore lately.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
Any of you stompy types out in the Bay Area? I need more introduction to the local scene.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.

Twiin posted:

Shameless self-promo: I'm gonna be hitting the road with iVardensphere, WASTE, and ESA this summer, there's a FB page for interested parties.

Looks like I have a date with Twiin on the 20th of June.

After reading about some of the local scenes/clubs a few pages back, I'm glad I moved to the Bay Area. My hometown had 0 in terms of rivetheads aside from me and only a small pocket of inter-squabbling goths. Chicago and Madison weren't far, but still too far to be a regular. But the Bay? I love this place. SF is far to cliquey for my taste but the scene is MASSIVE.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.

Floodixor posted:

it's decent - Everything Goes Cold is a local band here who just put out an album. DJ Accucrack does a remix on there for them, they have lots of ties with a lot of very good industrial bands and just recently got signed to Metropolis. DNA Lounge is certainly the place to be for that scene if you're new here.

DNA Lounge/Death Guild is a pain in the rear end. Primarily because it's on Monday nights and I work a 730-430 job. Also because the crowd is excessively elitist. Not a bad place but I prefer Cat Club. However, I usually end up in San Jose at the Blank Club because the people are way more laid back.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.

Phoenixan posted:

Never heard any of your stuff before, so your older Retrogenesis album was an instant purchase for me as well. Definitely quality music.

I just purchased the first two albums as well.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
Quite some time ago, I posted a link to a William Control song. After more than a year of listening to his stuff, I have to say that it's still quite awesome in spite of being a bit angsty. He just released a new album that is up to par with his other releases. That's a good thing to me.

He totally gives off the vibe of someone who fucks 16 year old fans, though.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
Icon of Coil? In San Francisco!?

gently caress.


Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.

Phoenixan posted:

Holy poo poo.

I'm making plans to show up in SLC.

They're probably playing at Area 51. I miss that club. Or that venue down the street from Area.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
I get that people have always been up-in-arms about which bands are industrial and which aren't. The issue is that "industrial" in it's own has never had a definitive definition. Personally, I lump NIN into industrial, but what of it? Hell, look at the first quote of the very first port of this thread. Industrial as a music genre has always been plagued by people arguing what is industrial and what isn't.

Subjectively, when I'm at a club listening to some good tunes and I hear people disagreeing about what is and isn't industrial, I get the gently caress out of their vicinity and go back to dancing.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.

boo_radley posted:

Whoo, gonna see Covenant tonight at DNA Lounge! Anybody else in town?

Oh drat. I live in the Bay and I go to DNA all the time. I just now saw this.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
There isn't any other fitting thread for goth-electro.

I've been listening to Linea Aspera quite a bit lately. Maybe some of you folks would enjoy it. It has a bleak, old school goth feel to it with some electronic beats. I dig it.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.

Danger - Octopus! posted:

On a similar note to the above, Sixth June are really loving good

It took all of, literally, 2 seconds for me to realize this was amazing.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
Any Cold Cave fans here? I'm seeing them tomorrow night in Oakland. Been a while since I saw live music.

Cold Cave - A Little Death to Laugh

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
Das Bunker, Los Angeles' premier goth/industrial dance club, will be closing on January 31st.

I've been down that way a few times and thoroughly enjoyed it. Huge spaces, multiple dance floors, multiple genres, good atmosphere, and always packed. It's easily one of the largest clubs of its kind in the country. Sad news to hear.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.

Silhouette posted:

Sometimes the death of an institution is what a scene really needs to grow. Here in Philly, Nocturne was the big weekly goth/industrial dance party, and it ended last year. In its place, 4 or 5 new goth/industrial nights popped up and the scene is booming again.

Great point. Here in the San Francisco, the biggest club night is Death Guild at the DNA Lounge. It has three dance floors, 5 bars, vendors, and even an attached cafe/eatery. Problem is that they only played Aesthetic Perfect-esque music all night. I can't tell most of the music apart until they inevitably play "Space and Time." I don't mind going but it's easily my least favorite club in the area.

However, there are plenty of alternatives in the area. Every week, there's usually no fewer than 5 different events at various venues.

EDIT: Malediction! That's what it was called. I went twice and really enjoyed it despite the size.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.

Sloppy posted:

Been loving Sixth June ever since someone linked it in this thread a long time ago, any other similar bands you guys would recommend?

Sixth June for reference.

Not really industrial but one of my favorites. Check these bands out:
Linea Aspera -
She Past Away -
Lebanon Hanover -
Cold Cave -

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
Anyone check out Grausame Töchter yet? I just picked up on their music and it's badass.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
Anyone seen PIG on their current tour? I'm seeing them tonight in San Francisco and wanted to see if they still hold up.

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
What's the beef between VNV Nation and And One? I remember hearing about it but can't recall.

I saw them back in 2006 when And One opened for VNV. And One left the tour a few shows after, supposedly after some arguments with Ronin. Even when Steve mentions Ronin, it's always off-handed (he recently used Shrek as an image for Ronin, which was pretty funny).

Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
gently caress. And One canceled all tour dates for the US.


Sep 5, 2004

I am beyond God.
I am Human.
I'm in favor of making a new thread. I starting this thread 9 years ago when I was far more active on SA than I am now. I think the music has evolved considerably since then and the original post should reflect those changes. I'd volunteer but, sadly, my music taste falls more into "cold wave" stuff like Linea Aspera and Minuit Machine nowadays; I don't keep up with Industrial like I used to. Though I'm seeing Skold/3TEETH/Carnifex this weekend.

I'm starting to feel old, goons.

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