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take the moon
Feb 12, 2011

by sebmojo
Nario's new ep is totally sweet and it's name your price:


Quodio Stotes
Aug 8, 2010

by angerbot
What are some good starscream tracks to get into? I saw a piece on them on the news somewhere and it showed them playing in a studio and the song was awesome, I cant find it though. for the record I like "Future and it Doesn´t work" a lot

Jan 21, 2005

A USS Enterprise appears.
USS Enterprise uses 'Phaser Barrage'.
Its super effective.
I always thought that Danger was a good chip tuney artist or at least a lot of his stuff sounds in that vain.

A link to 4h30

Which also had this cool Megadrive style streets of rage title screen teaser

Also I'm haven't seen anyone mention Sabrepulse which are a fav of mine


Agamembar fucked around with this message at 07:32 on Sep 9, 2011

Count Thrashula
Jun 1, 2003

Death is nothing compared to vindication.

A friend of mine turned me on to some almost jazz-fusion inspired chip songs, but I can't remember any of them now. One of the artists started with a Z and I can't for the life of me remember it. drat it.

Any ideas? Any artists that start with Z?

edit-- AH, found it. Zinger. It was Zinger.

This song is so great

Count Thrashula fucked around with this message at 19:39 on Sep 15, 2011

Aug 11, 2008

Not so much a chip tunes "band" but a chip tunes track by Venetian Snares.

Disco Pope
Dec 6, 2004

Top Class!

ExplodingSquid posted:

Not so much a chip tunes "band" but a chip tunes track by Venetian Snares.

This is fun.

The blog Datathrash ( is a good source for harder edged chip based stuff too.

Fors Yard
Feb 15, 2008

Aside from getting shot in the head, David, what have you done with yourself?
I just recently found out about these guys, and was surprised to not see their name in this thread The Depreciation Guild. chiptune shoegaze, essentially. Great mix of real and chip instrumentation. Only have two albums. Both of these are from their first:

Das Butterbrot
Dec 2, 2005
A chiptune thread without bitshifter? Impossible!

take the moon
Feb 12, 2011

by sebmojo

Das Butterbrot posted:

A chiptune thread without bitshifter? Impossible!

I really like this song. :)

I noticed that nobody's posted any psilodump yet. I think his memory loss ep owns though.

Nov 22, 2007
Oh, it's certainly been a while since I listened to chiptunes now. :3: This brings back memories, and while it seems the thread isn't being all purist in regards to just how many bits the different songs are, I'll share a few as well.
Most of this is either Norwegian or Swedish.

Slagsmålsklubben - Rakade Ögonbryn Ska Det Vara
Binärpilot - aXXo
Rymdreglage - 8-bit trip
The Last Ninja - Giant Pigsquid From The Abyss

There's lots more as well, but I'm afraid I'm getting too close to just posting bitpop here. Let me know if that's cool too :)

take the moon
Feb 12, 2011

by sebmojo
please go ahead, those songs were great :)

Nov 22, 2007
Right, I'll keep adding to the Scandinavian music, then, as it seems the American scene is pretty covered already :)

Ninjaspark - Skolavslutning 90
Dunderpatrullen - Taekwondo Princess
Rymdkraft - Mustachvapnet
Ninjamoped / Rymdreglage - Raise your little hand (sick music video)

I've just hand picked a song by each artist. They are worth looking further into. Slagsmålsklubben is probably the most known group of these, resulting in making their music almost mainstream in Norway and Sweden.

Oct 10, 2004

Does's album R.E.T.R.O. fit here? Because it is amazing and wikipedia says "R.E.T.R.O. pays homage to the days of computer gaming on 8-bit computers, with some remixes of classic game soundtracks as well as songs themed around 8-bit computing. All the tracks feature synth sounds styled after the sound capabilities of the Commodore 64 home computer and other machines of its day."

Have a track: Lightforce

Sep 6, 2007

Weed smokin', joint tokin', fake Jew of the Weed thread

here's an 8-bit rendition of a converge song. so dope!

Pope Guilty
Nov 6, 2006

The human animal is a beautiful and terrible creature, capable of limitless compassion and unfathomable cruelty.
I'm pretty fond of Welle: Erdball.

Sep 15, 2011


those are the ones i listen to the most

take the moon
Feb 12, 2011

by sebmojo
cats and zan-zan-zawa-veia are super trippy

Nov 12, 2005

heeebrew posted:

here's an 8-bit rendition of a converge song. so dope!


Captain Invictus
Apr 5, 2005

Try reading some manga!

Clever Betty
I've recently purchased an excellent "chiptuney" debut album by the artist Big Giant Circles, someone I've seen making game remixes for a while now and just put out their first original album, inspired by games of old(and indeed a few tracks include snippets of old pac-man and mario themes, but most are completely original). It's called Imposter Nostalgia, and it is really god drat good.

Almost every single track is incredible, but in particular, my favorite is Katana Blaster. It's well worth the purchase, and you can get the whole thing on Bandcamp for four bucks!

Oct 18, 2004

Gnomebitten posted:

Other albums of theirs of note is Heart of Sawdust, a nice heavy sorta prog metal album with accordions and Ninja Gaiden 2 - The Dark Sword of Chaos which is about exactly what it sounds like. They've also done some VGM cover work under the alias Sprite Slowdown, which some of which is on

Their current project is great too, Cheap Dinosaurs. I love this track:

Captain Invictus
Apr 5, 2005

Try reading some manga!

Clever Betty
Would something like Robot Science count as Chiptune/8-bit? They're really, really good, and if you play Minecraft, I can say 100% that this album combined with the Yogbox mod pack makes it into an utterly engrossing experience. There's lots of whimsical stuff, but also some somewhat eerie-feeling tracks.

I believe the man who makes them is also a goon, too. At least, the place I first heard about it was a thread in GBS.

take the moon
Feb 12, 2011

by sebmojo
The chip music chronicle from the op just uploaded all of Magfest X, which I dont know that much about to be honest, but it features a live Disasterpeace set! Check it out, it is super sweet.

Sep 25, 2006

He will die without safety brief.

I'm not sure if Starship Amazing counts as chiptune in the strictest sense, but I've not seen them mentioned and they have a plethora of material out there.

If you click the Old Junk link, you can download their first few albums for no charge. I recommend checking out The Power of Science is Staggering, or if you're up for grabbing some of their new stuff, either Scoops the Robot or Gearheart Deckrion.

Sad Mammal
Feb 5, 2008

You see me laughin
Most chiptune I hear is hard rock or dance-style stuff. Are there any artists who make creepy, or more foreboding stuff?

Jul 3, 2004

emptyquote my posts or die
I used to make a lot of 8-bit music... here are what I'd consider my best tracks:

I have more stuff on bandcamp but it's hit-or-miss. Looking to get back into "real" music.

Jul 16, 2008
I started to really get into chiptune this past summer and have been slowly building up my collection since.

My absolute favorite album thus far is Danimal Cannon's "Roots" which is easily worth the $10 I spent when it was released last month:
(You might know Danimal from his other bands/projects Metroid Metal, Armcannon, and Weaponex. All pretty well known, especially among PAXers and MAGFest-goers)

A couple other favorites I haven't seen linked in this thread:
Shnabubula - Game Genie :
4mat - Surrender :

If anyone's interested I've tossed together some of my favorite artists (many of which were already named in this thread) into a Spotify playlist here:
Note that some of the albums in there I downloaded from bandcamp (almost all of those are free) and aren't in Spotify's database so they won't play unless you download them. But at least it shows the track title, artist, album name so you know what to track down.

dalaamprince fucked around with this message at 04:30 on Mar 12, 2012

Bonerland Hitman
Jun 29, 2003



1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Years and years ago I found a collection of .mod files and converted them to .mp3s so I could import them into Tribes 2's music folder. Tribes 2 had some awesome tunes in the first place but it was made infinitely better by Maktone's class cracktros/serial generator tunes:

I love this poo poo and I've always wondered how to make my own but couldn't figure out what the gently caress is used to make it. :(

Sep 15, 2011


Handen posted:

I love this poo poo and I've always wondered how to make my own but couldn't figure out what the gently caress is used to make it. :(

OpenMPT and MilkyTracker are the two most popular.

May 30, 2005
I hope its ok with you guys, I can edit out my post but I wanted to contribute my material. Some of it is kind of chiptunish, not strictly chiptune because I like to mix IDM and other influences into it (real guitar, drums, etc). Check it out you guys may like it!

Also i hope this is ok to post. Let me know if I'm breaking any rules here.

Robot Randy
Dec 31, 2011

by Lowtax
Sabrepulse is pretty good, and I don't think I've seen him mentioned anywhere in the thread.
While not strictly chiptune, that's a personal favorite of mine.

Another good one.

I had some more, but I can't seem to find them right now.

Oct 21, 2007

Favourite has gotta be Dubmood, he's got a style that scratches an itch I can't get from anywhere else. Been using his music to work to for years now.

Kenny the toffelskater
Botkyrka sidekickers
Mighty Pirate Sessions

Sad Mammal posted:

Most chiptune I hear is hard rock or dance-style stuff. Are there any artists who make creepy, or more foreboding stuff?

Couple of down beat numbers here and here from Dubmood.

May 20, 2012

Let's talk about tactics.
I have around 2500 module files on my computer and I was wondering if uploading them would be a good idea, should anyone be interested (I think there's already a link with them somewhere on the internet but I can't find it so heh) . They're mostly keygen songs extracted from the files back into their respective formats (.mod, .xm, etc). There's a few other songs which aren't from keygens too.

Also I was wondering if anyone would know a way to tag module files in a music player, it's kind of a clusterfuck if I mix them with my playlist since I can't modify their tags at all. I gave them their own playlist for now but it's almost impossible to find songs easily, as some of them don't even have titles showing up.

Oct 7, 2011
Does anyone know of anywhere you can get LSDJ pre loaded on a cart? I was at blipfest this year and I should have looked into it because they were in the drat basement selling it but I was too busy upstairs having fun.

Jun 18, 2009

Sometimes I eat in Jeff's car.

Don't tell him.

Shnabubula just released his new album, Starbound. It's not really chiptune like his other stuff, but it's rather good.

Virt (Jake Kaufman) also makes some great stuff, I like these:

FX4 (Actual .NSF tracks made with Famitracker!)

Mighty Switch Force OST (Some generic downloadble platformer for the 3DS, but man what a soundtrack)

Mar 7, 2006

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS


Does anyone know of anywhere you can get LSDJ pre loaded on a cart? I was at blipfest this year and I should have looked into it because they were in the drat basement selling it but I was too busy upstairs having fun.

You're better off tracking down a GB/GBC or GBA flash cart that has USB-connectivity on your own. Making a small donation to Johan Kotlinski gets you access to downloadable lsdj updates for life.

I bought a dedicated cartridge for my first copy of lsdj, and am regretting it years later. I have no (easy) way of backing up the files or updating the software.

My other copy is on a flashcart with USB, and I can backup files, update lsdj, or upload custom sample (although I have to use my Win7 partition to do so) with it.

on the computer
Jan 4, 2012

This is pretty weird, but I really dig the song that plays throughout this "Dilbert" video, which I'm sure a few of you would be familiar with.

Oct 25, 2011
Hey peeps!

My first chiptuney EP dropped a few days ago on

Everything is played on a dmg-01 with LSDJ and arranged in ableton live. Go and have a listen! :)

Apr 14, 2006

Don't you do cocaine at ME,
you son of a bitch!
What!? No mention of IAYD (I Am Your Destruction) yet? I guess it falls to me to do so, then.

His stuff kicks all kinds of rear end.

Mar 29, 2012

Cyborg Senator

Narqulie posted:

Hey peeps!

My first chiptuney EP dropped a few days ago on

Everything is played on a dmg-01 with LSDJ and arranged in ableton live. Go and have a listen! :)

I approve! :dance:


Mar 7, 2006

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
I recorded and cleaned up some of my lsdj tracks.

The ones from 2008 and 2009 are from before I started learning and applying music theory. :doh:

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