Awesome, I knew there had to be a chip music thread somewhere! I have a lot of friends in this type of music, I'll post some of them for your listening pleasure. http://glenntai.bandcamp.com/ First album, not bad at all. I have been privy to some of the stuff coming up on his new release, and he has improved drastically. http://brightprimate.tk/ Chiptune mixed with vocals. These guys are the founders of Boston8Bit and sort of run the entire Boston Chip scene. http://listen.activeknowledgemusic.com/ http://dapantz.bandcamp.com http://cheesenbeer.com/dapantz http://rainbowdragoneyes.ragenotrave.com/ Gameboy Europop metal. Kinda. He's awesome. Any Boston-area chip fans? Love meeting new people.
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# ? Feb 15, 2025 04:27 |
Never thought I'd hear chiptune dubstep, but well, here's Cheapshot.
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I keep forgetting to post in this thread because I only ever read NMD when I'm at work (and the firewall stops me from posting). So here's a bunch of stuff that rules and you should listen to it because it rules: He was mentioned before, but here's a link to Computer Savvy by The J. Arthur Keenes Band (free). One of the few times where I really dig the combination of chips and vocals. cTrix has what might be the best live recordings I've found. His set from RRR Radio in Melbourne is still one of my favourites (the interview ends and the music starts at about 7:30). It's a pain to find his stuff, as it's all scattered around the net in various places (and half of it is gone since 8-bit collective decided to die). Here's another cTrix performance, Blipfest 2011. The stuff he plays on the gAtari, in particular, really gets me going. Electric Children is pretty good, too. His new album just came out, and I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but his last one YOU ARE was a compilation of his singles, many of them tweaked a bit (not always for the better, imo). Highlights include the remix of IYAD's "When I Sleep, My Heart Speaks" and "Car-jack". Did I mention yet how loving amazing Smiletron is at making chiptunes? Because he's loving amazing at making chiptunes, and he likes to release all his stuff for free. "Delta", in particular, is a very chill EP/Album/Whatever that I like to listen to when I'm stuck in traffic. And to finish off, because I didn't see him mentioned at all and it's a loving crime: Henry Homesweet - Lo-Bit Bassment 1 Henry Homesweet - Lo-Bit Bassment 2 Henry Homesweet - Lo-Bit Bassment 3 Henry Homesweet - Lo-Bit Bassment 4 Henry Homesweet - Lo-Bit Bassment 5 (my favourite) Henry Homesweet - Lo-Bit Bassment 6 Henry Homesweet - Lo-Bit Bassment 7 Henry Homesweet - Lo-Bit Bassment 8 I'm also going to be a huge knob and point out that I "host" a lovely little chiptune power hour on Ghettoradio.us on Monday nights (9PM eastern). All I do is surf around and find EPs / Albums and play them, and occasionally dig into my archives when I'm in the mood. Nothing spectacular, but it gives me a good excuse to find new chiptunes on a weekly basis.
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Net-label Ubiktune put together a bundle of seven chiptune-ish albums, and they're selling it for the princely sum of $1. You can grab it for the next couple of days here. Danimal Cannon and Shnabubula, mentioned earlier in this thread, both have albums in the bundle. For free stuff, I was recently reminded of some cool old compilations over at archive.org. Best of AHX and AHX To Excess both feature stuff based on/made with the Amiga's soundchip and lots of tracks by someone named Geir Tjelta. Slippery42 fucked around with this message at 06:26 on Sep 24, 2012 |
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I absolutely can't stop listening to this recent track from the game Super Hexagon, while technically it's game music it's actually from a chiptune artist called Chipzel, I think entirely made in lsdj (gameboy tracker): http://chipzelmusic.bandcamp.com/track/courtesy Be sure to check the rest of her work as well! I'll be sure to keep my eye on this thread as I've been dying for some good chiptunes lately.
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I like this album by Weird Bananas, maybe someone else will too!
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Thornes posted:I like this album by Weird Bananas, maybe someone else will too! Half of it I could see being a Phoenix Wright soundtrack, I think I know why this is, but I'm not certain. Regardless, it's a good laid back set of bleep bloop songs, and I do like it.
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So does anyone know what happened to 8BC? Will it ever come back?
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It went down at the beginning of the year, and their twitter feed hasn't been updated since May. I'd love if it came back, but I'm not holding my breath. Between 8BC going away and Blipfest being cancelled after the Tokyo show, it's getting harder to find a central source for chiptunes.
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Doctor Fatty posted:It went down at the beginning of the year, and their twitter feed hasn't been updated since May. Well that's a shame. Maybe something will come up in the new year.
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I recently played the last Blipfest in Tokyo. Acutally, I was the "last" act in the 2nd day before the secret guest set with Hip Tanaka. Yeah, it's kinda sad to see it put into indefinite haitus (it's ironic that it ended in Tokyo too, since Blip originally was conceived due to a dozen Japanese chiptune performers wanting to do a US tour). Fortunately for Asia / Australia, Square Sounds Festival will be around as Blip's spiritual successor. It's still undetermined if it will ever come to US, but it at least has the recommendation and support from the Blip crew. Nana-C fucked around with this message at 21:49 on Nov 2, 2012 |
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If this hasn't been linked already, CVGM is a pretty big catalogue of chip music, and streams constantly. Some of the stuff played is hit and miss for me, but it's helped me find more stuff by artists beyond what's shown in the Pause catalogue (which is also really good.)
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Nana-C posted:I recently played the last Blipfest in Tokyo. Acutally, I was the "last" act in the 2nd day before the secret guest set with Hip Tanaka. Yeah, it's kinda sad to see it put into indefinite haitus (it's ironic that it ended in Tokyo too, since Blip originally was conceived due to a dozen Japanese chiptune performers wanting to do a US tour). Well for the US there's still Magfest coming up in January http://magfest.org/performers which has some chip/visualist people performing.
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Inverse Phase is blowing up the Internet today with "Pretty Eight Machine." http://inversephase.bandcamp.com/album/pretty-eight-machine Is it a coincidence that this came out days after Trent Reznor said his first computer-based compositions were made with a c64? Mom always said "Head Like a Hole" got me rocking out in my car seat when it came on the radio. We saw NIN with A Perfect Circle as the opener in 2000. ![]()
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Gotta check out jonwayne, his album Bowser is a reimagining, in a loose sense, of Super Mario 1 music. It's not entirely 8-bit but it has strong elements. Time Trials: http://youtu.be/96Qrr-pj74g Dreamland: http://youtu.be/Jb8gj-TH8G8
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I really enjoy Slime Girls: http://slimegirls.bandcamp.com/ Soo nostalgic.
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http://triceratopolis.com/ pop punk chiptune with vocals I'm getting into chiptune again, and I found this and love it. on a side note, is there a thread for modding old consoles for chiptune? I just found my old gameboy and ordered some stuff to make chiptune with it and wanted to see if this is the best place to post my attempt at putting it all together.
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http://chipcon.org/schedule Smiletron just posted this link for some four day webcast of chipmusic starting next week, featuring a wide variety of producers. Whether this is like a live stream of performances or just streaming music I'm not sure, but it might be something to check out.
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Hey guys, here's a list of (mostly) Seattle chiptune artists that I've seen/know/work with. Hope you enjoy! Abducted By Sharks - http://abductedbysharks.com NickelPUNK - https://www.nickelpunk.com (Maine, but I think he's coming up to Seattle) Orbital Strike - https://soundcloud.com/orbital-strike Electric Children - https://soundcloud.com/electric_children GDiffuser - https://soundcloud.com/gdiffuser Dire Hit - https://soundcloud.com/possibly-a-fake-link A_Rival - https://soundcloud.com/arival (I think he's from Cali) Live Animals - https://soundcloud.com/liveanimals Turtlesaur - http://soundcloud.com/turtlesaur Awesomecat - https://soundcloud.com/awesomecat Boaconstructor - https://soundcloud.com/boaconstructorbeats Sorry for a shotgun blast full of links.
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thedenverpope posted:Hey guys, here's a list of (mostly) Seattle chiptune artists that I've seen/know/work with. Hope you enjoy! A Rival is from California he is also a super nice dude.
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Ubiktune is my go-to place for chiptune. Instead of the pop, dancy type of music that's commonly associated with chiptunes, Ubiktune showcases progressive/jazz/fusion. Take a listen to coda's Tracer" album to see.
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Anamanaguchi has a new album coming out and they are doing a Kickstarter with some really reasonably priced and pretty great rewards: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dreamhax/anamanaguchi-make-endless-fantasy-more-than-album I got guest list spots to one of their San Francisco shows and I'm crazy excited!
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If anyone is in Scotland, the Ultrachip festival is on RIGHT THE gently caress NOW and also tomorrow and has a killer line up: http://www.ultrachip.co.uk/2012/11/u2013-030512-040512.html
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dantheman650 posted:Anamanaguchi has a new album coming out and they are doing a Kickstarter with some really reasonably priced and pretty great rewards: D'oh, in the time it took me to checkout, the Austin spots got taken. At least I know when they're coming now. Edit: Sweet, hey just msg'd me saying that it's ok. Now I'll get to see them play a normal set at Red 7 since last time it was just them DJing (which was really fun). duz fucked around with this message at 00:44 on May 4, 2013 |
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFXIGHOElrE&t=120s If anyone's still paying attention to this thread, is there any more music like this (specifically the bit around 2m with the distorted square/whatever)? Dubmood's other stuff is less... "driving", and I need driving music like this for actual driving.
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I made a Spotify playlist is the playlist thread: http://open.spotify.com/user/adharkach/playlist/3lcnVKcZTrb3vAhcjrbpmz Feel free to contribute!
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sticklefifer posted:Never thought I'd hear chiptune dubstep, but well, here's Cheapshot. That's awesome! Is the old stuff from the 8/16 bit machines still welcome here as well? I recently came across a YouTube playlist with chiptunes of a friend of mine: Joris de Man (Scavenger). Fun story: he went on to work for the Bitmap Brothers and eventually made the music (and initially also sound effects) for the Killzone games, although the latter definitely weren't chiptunes!
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Totally the reverse of a chiptune, but holy gently caress: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKssGfAtTP4 Monty on the Run on a guitar.
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Doctor Fatty posted:And to finish off, because I didn't see him mentioned at all and it's a loving crime: Came to post these. Especially number 5. Very good esp. if you like electro.
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New J Arthur Keenes album incoming: two songs already available to listen (http://music.thejarthurkeenesband.com/). I'm constantly amazed at how many different directions this guy can go with his music.
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I'd like to take a moment to plug someone who makes some really great NSF stuff in Famitracker. https://soundcloud.com/patashu In my opinion, he's really deserving of some attention, and I wish he'd work on some more stuff.
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railroad terror posted:New J Arthur Keenes album incoming: two songs already available to listen (http://music.thejarthurkeenesband.com/). I'm constantly amazed at how many different directions this guy can go with his music. Came here to post this. I like most of the album quite a bit, but the last track especially is really something. It reminds me of Brian Wilson with a Game Boy. I went for the pre-order EP as well, and I really hope he does eventually release it again, because "Back To Bed" has been stuck in my head for days.
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Joker put out a set of tunes that fit this thread. Pretty sweet stuff: https://soundcloud.com/jokerkapsize/sets/sega-joker-drive
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I recently released this NES chiptune album -- mainly pastiches of a bunch of different EDM styles that I made specifically for my live sets over the years (and kind of my exercise on restrictive PSG sound design). The latter link was supposed to be included with the album, but I ran out of time before the deadline of pressing CDs for Square Sounds Tokyo: http://chibitech.bandcamp.com/album/moenes-vol-1-the-idol-composers-groove http://chibitech.bandcamp.com/track/moe-moe-kyunstep-lil-demonic-swallowtail-vip-mix (yes, this is just pure 2A03 + VRC6)
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^^^^ Great stuff. You killed it at 8static Festival!
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Oh great, I didn't think the last post was gonna be from chibi-tech, but hey, I just finished up my first chiptune album! I did it all in FamiTracker (2a03 + VRC6) and it's styled as a soundtrack to an Ys-ish adventure game. It actually releases on Tuesday, but I have it up for pre-order now with a preview track. http://honinmyoaudio.bandcamp.com/ Enjoy!
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Let's breathe some life into this thread. Check out this sweet tune: http://chipmusic.org/jayster/music/runnin-through-castles
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I first heard this track live at an Engadget meetup (Zen Albatross). Sadly, he only ever really released two tracks, this being one of them, but it got me into the genre and they're amazing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXbE821nR4I Sorry it's live, that's all there really is on youtube. Also, this stuff isn't actually chiptune, but rather metal with chip sounds slipped in. There's not a whole lot out there, but if you're into it here are some. I guess it's nintendocore, if we wanna get technical, but whatever. Monomate - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELvJpQKY4IA Ditto's Blood - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcRJ3OTdDJQ
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4mat and Super Multifaros are my current favorite chiptune artists. 4mat https://4mat.bandcamp.com/ SUPER MULTIFAROS https://multifaros.info.se this site is down/broke as I post this So I google-fu'd these https://archive.org/details/PTE002 https://archive.org/details/alces006 Honorable mentions; The J. Arthur Keenes Band http://thejarthurkeenesband.com/ Spamtron http://www.ptesquad.com/more/spamtron.html Oxygenstar http://www.oxygenstarpower.com/albums.html Quaint Quail Quilt fucked around with this message at 23:34 on Mar 10, 2014 |
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# ? Feb 15, 2025 04:27 |
Here's a (kind of) throwback from several years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu-n6GEwS3Y Disasterpeace - Death Satellite Evasion
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